The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 26, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Our store will close
at twelve o'clock.
Wo have lots of nice fruits nnd vege
tables at attractively low prices.
yesterday 30 or 40 ladle boarded the
launch and enjoyed the Jaunt over the
buy. When the stpnrni'r Vanguard was
approaching her dock the Chief curne
atonic, Hint Mr. Ortit avers the. Van
guard nindc no effort to hold to her
Course, hut Instead heuded for the
Chief. The uleiimer missed the launch
leu t hit ti 11 foot. To the Indie Milliard
It seemed Impossible to avoid a col
lision ond for n few moments constern
ut ton reigned. Hud the Vanguard
at ruck The Chief the launch would have
been cut In two
easily huv,e avoided us, but instead held
steadily on her course. I marvel now
that we were not drowned under her
treat paddle..'' Heeretary Halderman
of the regatta committee wa also in
dignant when the matter wa reported
to him and will probably auk an ex
Local Brevities.
I.nNt A yellow Hcotih collie dog
with one blue mid one brown eye. A
reward will be paid for hi return to
V. W. IlldehalKh, Aatorlu. Ore.
the gun wa fired. The race wa run
over again, and thl time the Portland
hor.e showed It heel to th bunch.
Queen Helen ha expressed, through
Mr. 11. I'. I'niel. n desire to take In
the .(reel fair, and Chairman West
will make preparation for the of
her majesty, accompanying her on lhn
exploration Journey. The maid, will
iil.o accompany the queen, who will
ee the big .how at the Htadltim nnd
allth other attraction..
Captain McVlcur, who piloted the
Itrltl.h hlp Ilajore to ea. taled yes
terday that the big WUUhcr dipped
her flag. When .he wn lowed past
tlw- monitor Wyoming her color came
down and the .alute wa recognlxed.
However, the Itajore did not .ulute In
pu..lug the grand.tund, and It wa.
thl ttrcum.tame that tau.ed the ad
ver.e comment. , , -
. The I'ortland lucro... player. n
welt a the Victoria team, arrived In
the city lt night. The men are pre
pared for a hard struggle. The Vic
toria team la doped to win by vl.ltor.
who know the game. I not
unlike aoclnllon football, no far n.
the Idea la concerned. It hit never
been played here, but the crowd will
nut be long In uiidertaiidlng the game.
The hor.e race on A. lor .treet at
tracted much atentlon ye.terdny after
noon. There were five entrle. and the
talent doped n Portland borne to win.
The hor.e wa .ent down from the
livlugton track. After con.lderable de
lay the hor.e. were .turted and Charle
Wine's animal llnl.hed three length.
In the lead. It developed that the atari
wa. not a fair one, a Nome of the
Jockey were not In their .addle, when
The Portland llu.lne College, who.e
advcrtlemcnt appear in thl l.ue.
I well known to A.torlan, many
young bUNlne. men and women hav
ing received their commercial educa
tion In that lu.tltutlon. Prof. Arm
.Irong Im. achieved notable .ucce.. In
it..lMtlug aniblllou. young people In
lilting them.elve. for the .tern reall
tic of life.
The lineup of the Commercial Club
baeebull team, which play the Mult
nomah team at the field meet thl after
noon, I it follow: White, catcher;
Morton and Heed, pitcher; Thornburg,
(list bum; Uoxy Qruhuin, second base;
Harry Grahfim, third ba.e;, Regan,; Ktockton. left field; Fletcher,
center field; Morton and Heed, right
field. The team I the atronge.t which
ha ever played for Commercial and
can be relied upon to give a good ac
count of It.t'lf. i
The Altn, which ran Into the north
shore cannery of the Columbia River
Packer' A..oclatlon yesterday after
noon, wa manned by Dennett and
Wood of Portland and Abercromble
and Ho. of A.torla, It wa fortunate
for the men that they reached shore,
a the fog wa so thick they could
not ee where they were going. The
Ague., which alo put In at the can
nery, wa manned by Harrl., McKenxle.
Jenkln and d McCabe. She lost her
rudder," but wa Rteered a.hore with
an oar. All of the men are congrat
ulating them.elve that they did not
experience the mime trying experience
through which the crew of the Zephyr
Htrangler Htnlth ye.terday won the
wrestling match from lien William, a
Tueomu man. The match took place
at the corner of Keventh and A.tor
.treet., In the open air, Smith .cored
the flr.t fall, but the .econd went to
William. The third and fourth fall
went to the strangter. The two men
will wre.tle again tonight at the Lou
vre, preliminary to me Muner-iiuuer
go. Krnlth agree to tnrow wuiium
Ave time in an hour. Ye.terday
Smith received and accepted a chal
lenge from Jo.eph Nesetrll, a member
of the Thirty-third company of Fort
Columbia. The match will take place
at Chinook on the night of September
3. The men will wre.tle catch-as
catch-can, atrangle hold burred, beat
three full out of five.
Peter Grant, one of the regatta of
ficial., wa pretty angry for a time
yesterday afternoon. He I using the
launch Chief a hi dl.patch boat and
Hiiiixmxxixxxxmimiix xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhh
There Are Engines
Run well part of tbe time
Ran poorly all of the time
Won't worK any time
. N
I "
l N
. N
0000000S000J0)0 300(?0000i)0?0"
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Of All Kinds at
Svenson's Book Store
When the yucht Zephyr wn. report
ed ml..lng la.t evening friend, of the
men' aboard were greatly alarmed.
Even the member of the committee,
while a.MUrlng them that the yachts
men were .life, feared the crew had
been drowned. Because of the fog It
wa Impossible for the launches to
make ucce..ful eurch, and Becretary
Halderman telephoned to the com
manding officer at Fort Columbia, a.k
Ing him to operate hla searchlight and
Iren. The officer kindly volunteered
to do everything In hi power to as-
l.t In re.culng the huple.a mariner
and wa. very courteous to the com
mitteemen. To operate the light would
have required an hour' preparatory
work. Preparation were under way
when the crew waa brought to the
city, and the commander wa Immedi
ately apprl.ed of the afe return of
the men.
Queen Helen ye.terday vl.lted the
monitor Wyoming, with her court, Ad
miral Campbell and ataff and Lieuten
ant -General Fulton and ataff. Her
majesty, Ml.. France Thomas, the
maid of honor. Admiral Campbell and
Chief of Staff went out In the captain'
gig. while the other vl.ltor were taken
abourd by the Electro, The vl.ltor re
mained aboard a Captain Cottam'
gue.ta for more than an hour. They
were hown all over the ship and the
operutlon of the guns wa thoroughly
explained to them. The waa In
teresting, especially to her mnjesty.
Captain Votturn accompanied Queen
Helen when she returned to the flog
hlj. and with the other member of
the party went for a Jaunt over the bay.
The queen held an Informal reception
aboard the flagship, about 200 being
W. E. Muhoney and W, P.. Houl of
the Evening Telegram have been tak
ing In the A.torla regatta.
Mr. "und Mr.. M. Foard are enter
taining the Ml. He. Daley and ftertha
Hatefuhr and Mi.. F. H. Pf under of
Jack Grant hit. come down from
Portland to attend the regattu.
Bert Griffith of Portland I. .endlng
a week In A.torla.
Dr. and Mr.. Mentor Howard, who
have been at North llend recently, are
visiting In the city at pre.ent.
Jarne. TownHend of Oakland, Cal., la
a lute arrival In A.torla.
Ml. Hanna Elkhoff of Crook.ton
Minn.. I in the city, visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mr.. J. C. Utzlmjer.
MIks Elkhoff will remain during re
gatta week and will then leave for San
Francisco, where .ne will spend a few
week with friend, before returning
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harbour of Port-
lutrd are enjoying a short visit In the
city and are gue.t at the Cole hotel.
Mr. Harbour has been connected with
the U. H. Immigration service for a
number of year., at 8nn Francisco and
Portland, and 1. the Inspector In charge
of Oregon.
(id Gloves at Half Price
One lot of Gloves (slightly soiled) the $1.00
and $1.25 kinds go at 50; the $1.50 and $1.75
kind go at 75c. Size 6 to 8.
A full sized sheet, the size for donble beds
50c each
8 Toa can always bay them cheaper at
With the Crowd.
The bet evidence of superiority i
the verdict of the public, whose dictum
I generally correct The large and de
lighted crowd which dally and nightly
thfpng Hedrlck's handsome amusement
palace give their veTdiet unanimously
In favor of Hedrk-k'a. The jweetestl
singer that ever charmed an audience
In Astoria or In any other city here en
thrall their hearer. Here the fine art
of juggling has been brought to the
acme of perfection there is no su
perior to Neola, Those who like to
"laugh and grow fat," to enjoy the
lighter side of life, here experience that
hilarity which only the prince of com
edy and the masters of fun-making
can produce. In short, for only 10
cents you can enjoy a dollar's worth of
genuine refined fun and high-class en
tertainment such as nowhere else can
be crammed Into an hour's time or ob
tained for a like sum. Performances
every hour. Theater corner of Duane
and Twelfth streets.
One Hundred Patterns, new
nobby and distinct, they will
sell fast, so come in and make
your selection early. t?
Prices $2.35 and up
The public reception held last even
ing nt the home of Mr. arid Mr. V.
O. Wilkinson wa one of the most de-
llghtfdl soclul features of the regattu
Her majesty had expressed a desire to
meet as many of her subject a could
find It convenient to call at the palace.
ana nunareas availed themselves of
the opportunity to receive royal salu
tation. The beautiful home was fitting
ly decorated and presented a charming
appearance. The reception was en
tlrely in charge of the ladles' commit
tee, Mr.,H. P. Prael, Mrs. W. O. Wil
kinson and Mrs. C. W. Fulton. For
several hours Queen Helen received her
visitors and seemingly woa highly elat
ed to moke the acquaintance of many
who hud no other opportunity of meet
ing her majesty. The lovely home was
.thrown open to the public and nothing
was left undone to make visitors reallie
the genuine pleasure which their pre
sentation afforded the queen. During
the evening the palace was thronged.
Astoria's Leading House-furnishers
Yachtsmen complain bitterly of the
action of the master of the steamer T.
J. Potter in sailing under full head
of steam down the course yesterday
afternoon while the yachts were man
euvering for positions prior to the
start of the race. The Potter was
bound for Ilwaco and came along at a
high rate of speed. At the time the
course-was covered with boats of all
descriptions, which hastened out of the
way of the big slde-wheeler. Below the
stakeboat Manxanlta the Potter ran
down the yacht Oriole. The Oriole's
men declare the Potter made no effort
to avoid the yacht, and state that her
wheels were turning when she struck
the Oriole. The yacht's crew succeed
ed In keeping the boat away from the
slde-wheeler, but the wheelhouse car
ried away some of the Oriole's canvas.
"It wag the rawest case of carelessness!
I ever saw," said a member of the crew
of the Oriole. "The big steamer might I
Automobile and Horv.
New York, Aug. 2. Clyde Fitch, the
playwright, has been slightly Injured
in a collision between his automobile
and a horse. He was driving the ma
chine along a road near Greenwich.
Conn., and turned out to avoid a
farmer's wagen. An Italian leading a
horse stepped in the way. The horse
wsi knocked out of the road and the
automobile collided with a pile of
rocks, throwing the writer overboard.
His injuries wer? tonflned to bruises.
Withe to "Chileanify" Therri.
New York, Aug. 25. The chamber of
deputies In secret session hns passed
says a Herald dispatch from Valpar
aiso de Chile, several measures intended
for the "Chllenniflcatlon" of the Tacna
and Arlcu provisions, according to the
Ancon treaty under which the prov
inces were retained in Chile. The
measures contemplate irrigation and a
special Jury system to deal with pun
ishable offenses.
Cut the Can
and compare the quality of
with any of Its imitations.
Note the difference. See how I
I smooth and appetizing our J
product is, owing to Its
heavy consistence, which
keeps the butter fat equally j
oistnoutea, in contrast with ,
the cheap and thin Imlta- ,
Hons which allow the but-,
tor fat to rise and form
unsightly clods.
Corset Covers, lace trimmed,
Corset Covers, other kinds,
Night Gowns, fancy trimmed,
Night Gowns, embroider)', -Night
Gowns, Nainsook trimmed,
Drawers, plain hemstitched, -Drawers,
other kinds,
Skirts, very good,
Skirts, other kinds,
25c to 1.20
75c and 90c
11.00 and $1.50
35c to $1.00
75c to $4.00
Hinges from - '
Doors from
Nails, Portland prices
Building paper, Portland prices
Lunch goods for picnics
Cheese Canned Fruit3
Fresh and new
20c up
10c up
$1.30 up
$1.00 up
Crawford Peaches, big sellers at 75c per box, and all other
fruits in season.
ALR EASY" (Jr (. )
There's a lot of L $ml
satisfaction in a '
shoe which, after months
o V needs only polish to
Wherity, Ralston Company