ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. e Decorate for the Regatta If you have never decprated a show window or store front come in and look over our scrup look of designs.1 It may k-lp you; but don't wait DO IT NOW,' N. GRIFFIN J. L. H. HENNINGSEN CO, furniture, Stoves and Ranges, House Furnishinzs All klndaof niatresee inado to ordnr. Furniture repaired", upholstering. Absolutely th clifptt plr in town, heooud hand goods iwugbt and sold. :: :; S041BOND STREET, Ntxt Doof ioWslliFarfo Ex. Co. r PHONE, RED 2305 Drooks & Johnson, Proprietor., l'hone No. 831 THE WIGWAM CIS BROOKE. Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE IHt ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA r CIGARS In all Brands and Sim. We have them In stocK, The Trade sup plied at also lately bottom prices. TOBACCO We. linvo added a pipe repairing department. Best work in Upline. GOODS EXCEL, PRICES RIGHT WILL MADISON XM COMiWI'iltCIAL MT. 114 IJ.KYKNTH 8T. J J. P. MORGAN IS CALLED Millionaire Financier Wanted as a Witness in a Strange Ohio Search for Money. COAL DEALER HID FUNDS 1'HinUy Have Found $180,000 Mince 111" IX-atli and Are Try. lug- to Dim-over Other l)e. IomU of Currency. New York, Aug. In an effort to locate large sums of money supposed to have been on deposit with bank, to th credit of the late Junie Miller, counsel representing hie daughter and heir. Mr. Mury J. Miller of Columbus, O., hue aecured eubpoenae for i. P. Morgan and other well known finan cier commanding them to appear In the elate supreme court The petitioner seek to examine the book of the banker, because, upon the death of Miller, who was a wealthy coal dealer, much difficulty waa experi enced In finding hla money and secur ities About $120,000 has thus fur been found In various county auvlnga bank and It la supposed large Bums are still to be located where they were deposited hv the secretive coal merchant. It Is tatel by the lawyers that they have already learned there I r9 mW ac count on the book ot J. P. Morgan Company. visited the Isle of Man, Hall Cain was asked to drive with them In order to point out the objects of Interest. He appeared to think that the only people of the Islands were the characters In his novels and regaled their majes ties with something like this: "There Is the exact spot at which Glory Quuyh; Is first Introduced to the reader!" Again, "Donald MacHheaf passed through thut gateway as he encountered the trusty laird from Douglas." And at another place,' "Here the blacksmith shod the landlord's horse In "The Manxman." Thus the cicerone continued for two mortal hours. Their majesties were dreadfully bored. King Edward asked to be driven back to town and abandoned sightseeing. When Calne stepped from the carriage he dropped upon one knee. "Itlse. Mr. Culne!" commanded his majesty according to the etory. The author got on his feet, much chagrined. He had confidently expect ed. It Is suld at Douglastown, to hear the words that would create him knight, "Rfce. 8lr Hall!" Knighthoods had been liberally doled out, and Calne couldn't under stand why he failed to get one. Julius Chambers In Harper'a Weekly. MISS HOYT STILL MISSING, tttttstsnutsttattsstttt ttntitttttttttttsntttttt Some People Are Wise And aom ara otharwla.- Ot wit to the value of our Pr. aorlptlon Department when you want Pure, Clean Drug and Mediolnea aeourataly compounded. Anything In our atook at from our prescription counter, you ean depend upon aa being tha best. Gat It at n a tt a a a 4 it a and Commercial Street Hart's Drug Store : BBBBBaannnnRnn aaaannnaaaaaa a. a a a a a a a 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager J Hacks, CarriagesBaggage Chocked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. G1LLE7E SAFETY RAZORS Wafer Blades, No Stropping or Honing. Always Sharp. Sold Only By & & FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY PRAEluO COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. 4 r Draying and Expressing All goods shipped to our care will receive special attention. ; 709-715 Ccnsmer clal Streets ; TIME TABLE T. J. POTTER DATE 1904 Tuea.Ang.16 Wed. ,r17 Tuura. " 18 Friday " in Sat. " 20 Sun. " Leave POKTL- 9.00am 9.00 am 9.00ara 9.00 am 1.00 am P. M. Arrive! Leave Ast'rla 8.00 3.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 P.M. Aat'rlA 8.00 800 8.00 8.00 7.00 P. H Arrive llwnool Dock 4.15 4.15 4.1S 4.15 8.19 l.Hve jlwaoo Does; , P.M. 6.15 7.00 8.00 8.00 Arrive Astoria I r, m. 7.80 .15 9.15 9.15 Leave Astoria P.M. 7:30 8:15 9:15 9:15 Arrive Portland A. M, 2:30 8:15 4:15 4:15 G. W. ROBERTS, Agt., O. R. N. CO. w Lager 11 11 1C41: U O Beer. No Trao Yet Found of Taecma Qlrl Who Disappeared. Tacoma, Aug. 1!). The Strang dls appearance of Mlsa Norma Hoj't haa been placed In the hands of a private detective, and her description has been sent to the police of surrounding cities The mother (Irmly believe her daugh ter I the victim of designing persons. Owing to the prominence of the family In social circles, the case Is one of lively Interest While only 16 years old, Miss Norm la well developed for her age. Hhe Is a pronounced blonde with blue eyes. She had been staying with her aunt at a summer camp near Tacoma, and started for home, on the regular boat At 111 st it was thought she was drown ed, but the mother has received a let ter from her, exploding that theory. The letter has a Tacoma postmark, and wns evidently written In a greut hur ry. It axks the mother not to worry; that the writer has been made a good offer for making money, and that ev erythlng would come out all right. ITALIANS AID POLICE. Lend Authorities Hlp in Apprehend ing Blackmailer and Kidnaper. New York, Aug. 19. Italian business men here have taken steps toward tnii ting an end to the era of blackmailing and kidnaping of their countrymen by persons declared to be Sicilians and Neapolitan criminals. At a meeting of the executive com mlttee of the Itallnn Chamber of Com merce numbering among Its member ship the wealthiest Italians here, plans were made to end the matter If possl hie. Resolutions were adopted uphold lug the police and railing on all Ital Inns to lend the authorities every as slstance In apprehending the guilty persons. The Modest Manxman. Stories about Hall Calne, the Manx author, always show Interesting phases of his personality. The last time I saw Sir Gilbert Parker he said: 'I was hurrying along the boulevard lnFarlB onejlay when my progress was arrested by a dense crowd In from of an art shop. Evidently, thought I, there Is an extraordinary picture on ex hibition. The canvas was a remark able Idealization of the Savior a thin, strongly Hebraic face, with closely cropped red hair and beard. "Suddenly the crowd parted to ad mit a man who approached with bowed head. It was Hall Calne! He stood before the portrait with folded arms, gravely studying the face and pose of the figure on the canvas. The similarity of the portrait to the man standing before It waa very striking. "Calne turned to go, but seeing me came to my aide. "'1 eay, did you notice how the crowd parted to admit met" asked Calne. " 'I certainly did,' was my reply. '"And did you see how these people nuke way foe me a I go away?' "Assuredly." ' 1 "They think It I I, waa the calm, matter-of-fact explanation." When the king ul qee reteatly WatUrson and "Pendennis." Brooklyn Kagle: Henry Watterson, editor of the Louisville Courler-Jour-nul, Is utterly opposed to the yellow Journal habit of Indulging In slipshod English. Just before hi staff started for the St. Louts eenventlon he gave them these ptlhy directions: "Get the news, boys, and all the news, and write It In the English language. I want you all to Improve your style," fnd how can we improve It?" asked one of the reporters. "Read, read, study good books." "What books V wa asked "Well, there's a Thackeray, for In stance, Read 'Pendennis as a etarter." The first night the young men were In St. Louis there was some delay about sending their report, and Colonel Wat terton wired therrt: "What on earth are you boys dolr.g?" This was the reply: "Reading 'Pendennis,' " and the colonel laughed a loud a anybody who saw It. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE At Gaston's fd stable, on Landia harass machine, on 20-hora motor, on tartr box, 35 ft 8-inch leather belting, 30 ft 4 play 8-inch rubber belting, 1 pair butcher' wall cals, 1000 grain saok. WANTED A dishwashsr. Apply at 598. Commercial street FOUND Net containing about 7 paper twin. Owner ean hav sam by applying to Warrsn Packing Co. and proving property. FDR " RENT To man and wife, un furnishsd room for light housekeep ing; no children. No. 1661 Grand corner Thirty-fourth. SEE thoto new bathroom fixture at Montgomery', 425 Bond street Most improved tubs,- shower baths and anitary fixture of all kinds. Union hand-mad heating stove and tin war of all kind. Phono 1031. wood, wooa WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at !owt prices. Klly, th transfer man. 'Phon 2211 Black, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera nous. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable piano work a your local tuner, Th. Fredrickson. 2071 Bond street 'Phon Red 2074. L08T Net, about t2 papers twin, 9inch mash by 44 msha deep; Zi papers sewed together in th tenter. Buoy marked T. J. Loot on Deademona light, August 12. Re ward for ita return to Warren Pack ing Co. Upper Astoria Tha a place wher you ean get a fin glaaa of beer, aa good wines and liquors a you can find any plac in th city. HARRY Horth Baojfjo Brrry. Th Death Psnalty. A little thing sometimes results In death. Thus a mere scratch, Insignia cant cuts or puny bolls have paid the death penalty. It Is wise to have Bucklen'a Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores. Ulcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c, at Chos. Rogers' drug store. The beer that made Milwaukee fam ous Schllts Is always on draught at Th Grotto. Otto MIkkelson, proprie tor. . . He Guessed It Captain Eugene H. C. Leutze, V. S. N., commander of the battleship Maine, has German blood In his veins. and vast knowledge of detail about naval ordnance in his head. Before he was given the Maine and last went to sea he was superintendent of the gun factory at the Washington navy yard, and gained the reputation of being ft Strict taskmaster. Habitually an "early to bed early to rise" man. Captain Leutze found him self unable to sleep one night. He arose, dressed, left his (garters, and walked down to one of the gun shops. Although three shifts are needed to dispose of the great press of work flow on hand, there was little doing. Captain Leutze's sharp eye detected a mechanic sitting on the carriage of great lathe, which was slowly run ning to and fro, taking almost Infinite simal threads of steel from a twelve inch gun. He was dozing, obvious to all surroundings, when Captain Leutze reached his side and aroused him with: Well, what are you doing and what's your name? The craftsman looked up and quail ed. Then, with a resigned air, he re plied: "Well. 1 guess It's Dennis." He was not discharged. Kansas City Journal JAPANESE New stock of fanoy gooda Juat arrived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call "' th latest novelti from Japan. THREE partly furnished room rent in th Astorfan building. for Lump Coal Large Lump Ring up 8. Elmor aV Co, Main 1961, and or der a ton of Ladyamith ooat. They deliver it. Select lump coal. BEST 15-CENT MEAL. . You can alwaya find th bet 15-ent meal in th city at th Rising Sun restaurant, No. 612 Commercial street PLUMBING, steam heating, tjnniag, roofing, gaa ftting, repairing, te, etc promptly and aatiafactorily at tended to at reasonable prices by John A. Montgomery, 425. Bond tfft, Phono 1Q31, j First-ela meal tor lie; nio cake, eoff, pi, or doughnuts, 5o U. 8. restaurant, 434 Bond ftrtft lifts pmn Afeney, IU Hnome Street ten Francisco, California, where contracts for advertising can be made for it. UBnantJRnnt4 The Palace Cafe tt attaanaaanaonnanananon s Palace Catering Company I oaattaaaanaaaaaaunaactrnttitattttttttttaaaattg The Best Restaurant Ftfular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty Exrytblgf tne Market Affords ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHX FOX, Prte. and Supt r. I. BISHOP, Secretary A. L. FOX, Vice President ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Treal Designers and Manufacturers of P THE IATE8T IMPROVED . CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, - A3TQPIA, OREGON, COMPETENT JUDGES. Beaatr 'Deetera Eaaon HerateM. Women who mako a buatneaa of beau tifying other women com pretty sear knowing what will trlng about th best results. Her are letters from two, con cerning Herplclde: "I can recommend Newbro's "Herol- clde," aa It atopped my hair from falling out; and, aa a dressing it haa no super ior. "(Signed.) Bertha A. TruMnger, . "Complexion Specialist, W4 Morrlaon f.t. Portland, Ore." 'After uslnr one tattle of "Hernlclde my hair haa atopped faBIng out and my scalp la entirely free from dandruff. "(Signed.) Grace Dodge, "Beauty Doctor, "1 Blxth St, Portland. Ore." Sold by leadlnr drurrlst. Senff 10s. fa. stamps for aampi to To Borpleid Co Detroit, Mica. Eagle Drug Store Owl Drug Store 361-363 Bond St (4 Cora. St Astoria .Oregoa. T. P. LAURIN, Proprietor, dscta! Agoat HATS TRIMMED FREE A big reduction sale on hats. All kinds of ladies' and childrens' furnishing goods, hair switches and pompadours. :: :: MRS. R. 1NGLETON, - - Welch Block. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. t , , Having installed a Bnbber Tiring Maobina ot tha , J latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th. and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 Always Open,' Day or Night RUSSIAN, TURKISH or TUB. THE PALACE BATHS SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ASTORIAN