ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1!), 1904. PAGE THREE. We Cordially Invite To Come To ASTORIA'S GREAT REGATTA August 24-25-26 h r y i Si i . .'-L ' f I - Crowning of Queen Grand Regatta Ball Sculling Match Lacrosse Match Gasoline Boat Races Fish Boat Races Rowing Races Tub Races Sloop Races Bands of Music High Dive Warships GRAND STREET PARADE You need a vacation? why not come to Astoria where the invigorating breeze from the Pacific Ocean will fill your lungs with pure ozone and where you can take in the renowned "Regatta" at the-sameiime. You can also see the salmon can neries and take a dip in the ocean; several trips daily to and from the beach. :: Plenty of Accommodations And a Royal Good Time We Invite YOU to Come We want YOUR Company MEANS RACE SUPREMACY Speaker Suggests That if the Jap anese Succeed Anglo Saxons Will Lead the World. JAPAN WILL LEAD CHINA America and reit Krltaln Will Lead All Other Nation to a Condition of Higher Civilization. Orion, Midi., Aug. IS. In an address before the Mulligan Baptist assembly, the Rev. II. 8. McArthur him presented a novel Interpretation of the possible Japanese victory In the jrenent crisis, MR indicating an Anglo-Saxon world suprernac y. In regard to the present war, he said: "If Jul 'an win it will mark the first step toward Anglo-Haxon supremacy of the world. Japan will lead China, llrltaln will lead Japan and America will lead llrltaln. The reHt of Europe will follow eaHlly. Look at decadent Portugal, bigoted, poverty stricken Spain, volcanic France, Austria-Hungary, about to disintegrate, and so on. Put them all under the rule of two Ajiglo-Buxon iiatloiiK and the world will be for civilization, , peace and Christianity. The yellow peril la then the golden opportunity lor the world." PIONEERS AT CASTLE ROCK. Will Old Settler of Cowlitz County Hold Reunion. Kiilama, Wash., Aug. IS. An old net tlem' reunion of the pioneers of Cow lltx county will be held Saturday, Au gUHt 27, at Castle Rock. A most elab orate program ha been arranged, In cluding an old-fashioned barbecue, Much an they had in the good old days, w hen whole oxen and sheep were roast ed In pits and potatoes and squashes In the ashes. Congressman W. Francis Cushman and Stephen Judson, democratic can didate for lieutenant-governor, will give addresses, and James Smith and Judge Kalahan, both of Kalama, will tell how the old settlers "took hold" In early days. the days of his youth more vividly than would have the taste of one of his grandmother's pies, and our author was enjoying It as keenly as if he were at a country circus, stowing away page after page of the most delightful ma terial, and secretly hugging himself with the thought that he was getting a large amount of the most desirable copy from the very source to which he had looked most longingly, and for the acquisition of which he had been racking his brain In an effort to decide as to the best method of procedure. At the moment when he decided on beat ing a retreat, In order that his stenog rapher might take down the Interview while it was fresh in his mind, the pi lot left the wheel, and, turning to Mr. Clemens, calling him by name, said: 'Here, you take her and lie awhile you're handler at It than I am. Trying to play yourself for a stranger and an Innocent! Why, I knew you before you had spoken seven words, and I made up my mind to find out what was your little game. It was to draw me out. Well, I let you, didn't I? Now. take the wheel and finish the watch, and next time play fair and you won't have to work your passage.' " The results of this trip were Incorporated In the sec- ond half of "Life on the Mississippi." WORLD'S FAIR JURY CHOSEN National Committee for the Louis iana Purchase Exposition Se lects Judges of Awards. WORK WILL TAKE 20 DAYS More Than Two Hundred More or Less Prominent People Have Been Appointed Thus Far. MARKET LEAK FOUND. WANTS $200 FROM CHURCH. Architect Claims His Plans Were Used for Building. Forest Cirove, Ore.. Aug. 18. E. A. Jerome has put In a bill against the builders of the new Congregational church, which is now under construc tion here, for $200. Mr. Jerome, who Is an architect and a contractor, drew plans for this new church and put In a bid, but the church committee de cided his plans were too expensive and let the contract to a Mr. Starrett, who also drew plans. It is now claimed by Jerome that Mr. Starrett is using his floor plans, on which account he asks $:'00. SALMON CATCH OF SOUND. Telegraph Operator Caught Stealing Quotations. New York. Aug. 18. An agent of the Chicago Board of Trade has stopped a leak in the grain market quotations service in tlils city and caused the ar rest of a telegraph operator who was accused o supplying the service to bucket shops in Boston and Albany. The police raid caused by the Chicago an created much Interest on Upper Broadway, where It occurred. For several months agents of the Chicago Board of Trade have been searching for the source from wh'ch several large bucket shops In nearby cities were procuring quotations claim ed by the board as the exclusive prop erty of Its members. Suspicion finally alighted on a room joining the uptown branch of a consolidated stock ex change firm, which Is also a member of the Chicago board. Investigation showed that a small hole had been cut over a door which was sealed. Through this hole the quotations on the black board in the brokerage office were plainly visible. Having procured a key to the room the detective with several policemen burst in during exchange hours. They found an operator sitting on a chair placed upon a table. With his eye to the aperture over the door and one hand on a telegraph key he was sending out the quotations as fast as they appeared on the blackboard. Three or four leased wires and a telephone were found. The brokerage office was at once discontinued to prevent further leakage. Magistrate Ommen. after hearing the story of the raid, dismissed the charge made against the operator. PRESIDENT SIX YEARS. Pack of Sockeyes Will Aggregate More Than 100,000 Cases. Bellingham, Wash., Aug. 18. The sockeye salmon season of Puget Sound has practlcnlly closed and It Is esti mated that 100,700 cases have been packed. In addition the canneries have put up a large quantity of cheaper grades of salmon and will continue canning these varieties, the Japanese Russian war creating enormous de mand for these grades. SECRETARY SHAW COMING. Will Address Campaign Meetings at Spokane and Seattle. Seattle, Aug. 18. Chairman Palmer, of the republican state central commit teei-has-beeft-fwttfled by tele graph that Secretary of the Treasury Shaw will arrive at Spokane on the morning of August 26, remain there 24 hours. then go to Seattle, arriving here on the night of August 27. Campaign meet ings to be addresed by hlin will be held at each city. MARK TWAIN CAUGHT. On one of Mark Train's later trips down the Mississippi he made the Jour ney Incognito In order to gather ma terial for stories about Mississippi pilots, and the following story was told by a man who knew 'him well, of the way Twain was discovered: "The steamer was hardly under way when through the automatic action of the brain, the author instinctively wan dered to the pilot house, and essayed the role of the greenhorn. The pilot loaded him with the kind of river chaff and badinage that must have recalled National Federal League Would Amend the Constitution. Chicago, Aug. 18. The National Business League is pushing its move ment to amend the federal constitu tion so as to lengthen the presidential term to six years and making the pres ident Ineligible for re-election. The reasofl urged by the league for the change Is the constant danger of bus iness depression following the presl dential election. Indorsements of the plan have been received from business men and or ganizations throughout the country. Among those sn favoring the plan are the Natchez (Miss.) Cotton and Mer chants' Exchange, the Portland (Ore.) Chamber of Commerce, Governor A. J. Montague of Virginia and Governor John A. McCullough of Vermont. St. Louis, World's Fair Grounds, Aug. 18. The work of naming and listing the members of the Internation al Jury of awards for the world's fair will be completed this week. More than 200 names of jurors who will comprise the majority of foreign Jurors, were approved by the national committee. The number of Jurors accredited to each country making exhibits and which have been approved according to the rules and regulations governing the selection of jurors, which speci fies that one juror may be selected for each CO exhibits, are as follows: Venezuela, 2; Sweden, S; Slam, 9; Mexico, 14; Italy, 14; Hungary, t; Great Britain, 14; France, 100; Egypt, 1; Cuba, 7; China, 6; Ceylon, 4; Bel gium, 24; Austria, 14. The selection of Jurors for the do mestic exhibits, as well as the remain ing number of Jurors for the foreign countries not yet named will be an nounced within the next few days. The work of judging the exhibits will begin on September 1 and continue to September 20. A large number of the jurors will arrive in St. Louis next week. Among the jurors already se lected are the following: Slam, Clement Weaver, Philadelphia; Hon. D. E. Moore, assistant commis sioner of patents, Washington; Great Britain, Cyril Davenport, J. Craig An nan, General James Waterhouse, H. J. Helm, Walter F. Reid. L. F. Vernon, Harcourt, Gilbert R. Redgrave, F". Litchfield, J. O. Nicholson, A. Black- borne. Dr. Charles V. Drysdale, Fran cis E. Cummlng. H. J. Elwes. Prof. H. Beaurman; China, Wong Kal Kah, Francis A. Carl, D. Percebois, Emil Fischer, Prof. J. S. Collins, John Ford; Austria, Edwin Gilbert Cooley, super intendent schools, Chicago, ' Adolph Krause, Chicago; France, M. Cordier, Jacques Biderman, Elel Weil, Duke De Beronville, Jacques Holzschurch, George Kellner; Mabille. August Achille Pecard, M. Chatenay, Jules Welz, Jean de Perce, Paul Strauss. Cruisers at Vladivostok. Used Tobacco 92 Years. Chicago, Aug. 18. Isaac MIersof Neposet, 111.. Is dead at the age of 104 years. He had used tobacco since he was 12 years old. On Seme Farm 70 Years. Ann Arbor. Mich., Aug. 18. Herman H. Hicks, a well known farmer, Is dead at his home three miles from this city, aged 87. He had lived on the same farm for 70 years. Suicide Prevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discov ered will interest many. A run-down system, or despondency Invariably pre cedes suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self-destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also great Stomach, Liver and Kidney reg ulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guar anteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist St. Petersburg, Aug. 18, 11:30 a. m. It is learned from official sources by the Associated Press that the cruisers Gromobol and Rossla have reached Vladivostok after the battle with Ad miral Prlu's squadron off Tsu island. Both ships were considerably dam aged In addition to the loss of the cruiser Gurik, two officers were killed. There is no confirmation of the re port that the cruisers Pallada and Di ana have reached Vladivostok and the admiralty had no news this morning bearing on the whereabouts of the other vessels of the late Rear-Admlral Wlthoft's squadron. Puts an End to It All. A grievous wail oftlmes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver complaint and Constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to It all They are gentle, but thorough. Try them. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. "Neglected colds make (at grave yards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps meaand women-ta-t- happv. vigorous old ave. THE REAL TEST Of HerftcUe b la Glrta It Tkerw agk. Trial. There la only one test by which to judge of the efficiency of any article and that Is by Its ability to do that which it Is Intended to do. Many hair vigors may look nice and smell nice, but the point Is do they eradicate Dan druff and stop falling hair? No, they do not, but Herplctde does. because it goes to the root of the evil and kills the germ that attacks the papilla from whence the hair gets Us life. Letters from prominent people every where are dally proving1 that Newbro's Herplclde stands the "test of use." It Is a delightful dressing, clear, pure and free from oil or grease. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. AHcu. Eagle Drug Store Owl Drug Store 351-353 Bond St. 649 Com. St. Astoria .Oregon. T. F. LAURIN, Proprietor. Special Agent