PAGE SIX. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1904. "DirTITWTPQ 1r4c A large variety, actors, VAXJUew a ww CelebratI people, scenery and fancy colored panels matted on 6x12 inch Melton face board, really worth a quarter anytime. They are yours at this special price. "Our show windows will introduce you to them." J. N. GRIFFIN L. H. HENNINGSEN $ CO. Furniture, Stoves and Ranges, House Furnishings All kinds of matreese made to order. Furniture repaired, u npholsterirjg. Absolutely the cheapest plate in town. Second hand goods txmgbt and o!d. ;: :: :: :; S04 BOND STREET. Next Door to Weill -Fsrj Ex. Co. FHONE. RED 2303 Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors. Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM GIS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Artof thePaciflc Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE THE ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA r CIGARS The Trade sup plied at abso lutely bottom prices. "We have added a pipe repairing department. Best work in this line. GOODS EXCEL, PRICES RIGHT WILL MADISON 530 COMMERCIAL ST. 114 ELEYEST1I ST. Some People Are Wise And lomi are otherwise. Get wise to the value of our Pre scription Department when you want Pure, Clean Drugs and Medicines accurately compounded. Anything in our stock ot from our prescription counter, you can depend upon as being the best.. Get it at n n 8 4 n Corner of Fourteenth Unrt'o llriirr Qtm-n and Commercial Street Mul 8 JUlUUUlUUlCrtliUDUCCt iiui 1 J ui Uq viuiu a 8a 888888888888 8888888888888 ,000 BEST C O Free Delivery. Phone orders 433 Commercial Street Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture "Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. TIME TABLE Y. M. P. M. P. M ArrWei Leave Ast'riajAsi'ria Arrive 1W4 land Taes.Ang.16 9.00am Wed. " 17 9.00 am Tbure. " 18 9.00 am Friday " 19 9.00ara Sat. " 20 1.00 am Snn. " II who o Dock 3.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 7.00 3.00 300 3.00 3.00 7.00 4.15 4.15 4.15 4. 15 8. 15 G. W. ROBERTS, Agt., O. R. & N. CO. kf ca - V V WU II 1C41 In all Brands and Sizes. We have them in stock. TOBACCO a a a a a a a a a I 0 UlUg U1UIO TON: LUMP A I to No. 19C1. Elmore & CO. Phone Main 121 T. J. POTTER uSurn Arrive Leave Arrive rrk Aitoria Antoria Portland PTM. A-M- 6. 15 7.30 I 7:30 2:30 7.00 8.15 8:15 3:15 8.00 9 15 9:15 4:15 8.00 9.15 9:15 4:15 e e 4 9a Lager a Beer. CAMPAIGN TEXT BOOK Republican Manual for the Presi dential Year 1904 an Interest ing Political Document. OUTLINES PARTY'S POLICY Claims All IMedjreH Have lJoen Itcriectm'tl mill That Pros, perity Has Come to the Country. The republican oampalKii textbook of 1904 Is Just about to be Ixsued. A synopsis of the book prepared by the republican rampaiRii committee, ay the four great facts which Justified the republican party In asking the support of the public In 1900 were: First That Its pledges of 1896 had been redeemed. "Second That prosperity had come as a result. "Third That development since 1S96 had shown the fallacy of the prin ciples upon which the democracy then appealed for public support. "Fourth The condition which had come to other parts of the world and their people as a result of promises fulfilled by the republican party in the United States." , The book then goes on to say that these assertions made In the" text book of 1900 have been fully Justified by the added experiences of another four years. The pledges of 1896 and those made in 1900 have been re deemed. The protective tariff has been restored, the goiu sianuaru made permanent; Cuba freed and giv en Independence; the Panama canal assured under the sole ownership and control of the United States; a depart ment of commerce and labor estab lished; rural free delivery given to millions of the agricultural commun ity; the laws for the proper regula tion of trusts and great corporations strengthened and enforced; prosperity established; commerce developed: labor paid and given ample employ ment and reward; Intelligence, pros perity and good government estab lished In distant Islands and the flag of the United States made the emblem of honor In every part of the world. All of these great accomplishments, it la pointed out, have been the work of the republican party. In each of them It has met the discouragement the opposition and the hostility of the democracy. It is upon this additional evidence of the past four years, evi dence that the republican parly is the party of progress and the democ racy the party of Inaction, retard ment, fault-finding, that the party again confidently appeals for public support in the presidential elections of 1904. Every feature of the prospective campaign Is considered with fairness, and all available Information bearing upon the subjects is presented. The claim that the protective tariff in creases prices is met with facts and figures from the economic history of the United States and other countries which fully show the Inaccuracy of the charge, while the relative pros perity of countries having low and protective tariffs, respectively. Is also shown from official figures. The chapter on labor wages shows beyond a question, as a result of thorough official investigation, that the advance In wages during the past de cade has been greater than the ad vance In the cost of living, the figures being based upon retail prices, the prices which the public must pay for the articles consumed, while it Is also shown that the rate of wages now being paid In the United States Is higher than have ever been paid in this or any other country. The book also contains a sketch ot the life and work of President Roose velt and of Senator Fairbanks. NOTES ON OREGON CROP8. Data for th Week Ending August 16 Collected by Officials. -The following notes on climatic con ditions and crops In the state and es pecially In-the neighboring counties are compiled and extracted from the offi cial bulletin of yesterday: . Throughout the state In general the past week has been dry, warm and In some sections disagreeably smoky owing to the numerous forest fire. The grain harvest has proceeded unin terrupted, and in the Willamette val ley and the southern part of the state most of the fall grain has been thrash ed. Fall wheat yields east of the Cas cade continue excellent, but In the Willamette valley and southern Ore gon only an average crop ha been secured. Early seeded spring wheat made a good crop, and that seeded hue Is turning out better than expect ed, notwithstanding which much of It has already been cut for hay on ac count of the straw being too short to be harvested with binder. Oat are below the average In quantity, liar ley yields ure variable, but mostly good. The quality of all g''l year Is better than usual. Pasturage Is getting very short and the milk supply In the dairy districts Is diminishing. Hop bur are forming nicely and the vines continue free of lice. It Is expected that even with favorable weather from now on the hop crop will be smaller than last year, notwithstanding the increased acre age. I 'or n Is doing nicely, but It would be benefited by rain, while potatoes and gardens are actually suffering for moisture; late planted potatoes will, however, turn out well If good rains occur within the next two weeks. Kaiiy apples, Crawford peaches and blackberries are ripe and being mar keted. It. A. Abbott, of Warrenton, Clatsop county, reports as follows: The week has been warm and dry, with fog and smoke. Ruin Is needed. Oat hay Is about all cut and housed. Stock cattle are losing flesh and milk cows drying up, as the pastures on the uplands are very dry. Root crops where they have been well cultivated nre good. Sweet corn is about ready for the table. Evergreen blackberries are ripening and apples are better thun they have been for several years. In Tillamook county fogs and dew have been beneficial to fruits and veg etables. Prunes and plums are ylldlng better crops than expected earlier In the season. In Polk county gardens on the up lands are a practical failure this sea son. In Marlon county plums, pears, ap ples and prunes will yield abundantly. Coos county reports corn and vege tables in fine condition and fruits plentiful. A general survey of the state shows that while crop prospects are not us good as usual In Oregon, there will be plenty and to spare of almost every product grown. Suicid Prevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide haJ been discov ered will Interest many. A run-down system, or despondency Invariably pre cede (ulclde and something ha been found that will prevent that condition which make ulclde likely. At the first thought of self-destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney reg ulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guar anteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Evidence of Cleanliness. When the late ex-Speaker Thomas 11. Reed was In California, says the Youth's Companion, he visited the M k observatory on Mount Hamilton. It was a wonderful November day. full of gold and the bloom of flower. Mr. Reed looked down at the gorgf-mm landscape 4000 feet below, and, turn ing to one of his hosts, said: "Colonel, this looks too much like a special display got up In honor of the occasion. Tell me what typical win ter day In California Is really like." The Cullfornlan thought at once of a day In February, so warm that after a morning bath he had lain In a ham mock outdoors, smelled the roses on the trellis and listened to the trill of the meadowlark among the almond blooms. He began to describe It eloquently: "Thirteen year ago, on February Tl, I took a bath " He paused to arrange his account of the rose and the meadowlark. Mr. Reed broke the pause. "Well, Colonel, he said, In admira tion, "you do know something about cleanliness out here, don't you 7" You don't elos your tor for a day vry one In a whil but that would b as wis a to drop your newspaper advertising for a day now and then. A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Mart Have Luartaat ni Gl7 Ulr, No Matter What Color. Th finest contour of a female face, the weeteit smile of a female mouth, loses something If th head la crowned with cant hair. Scant and falling hair. It Is now known, Is caused by a parasite that burrows into the scalp to the root of the hair, where It ap the vitality. The lit tle white scales the germ throws up In burrowing are called dandruff. To cure dandruff permanently, then, and to stop fallng hair, that germ must be killed. Newbro's Herplclde, an entirely new re sult of the chemical laboratory, destroys the dandruff germ, and, of course, stops th falling hair, and prevent baldness. Sold by leading druggist. Send lOo. In tamp for sample to The Herplelde Co., tetroit, Mich. Eagle Drug Store Owl Drug Store 351-363 Bond St. 649 Com. gt. Astoria .Oregon. T. F. LAURIN, Proprietor Special Agent MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE At Gaston's fd stabls, en Landls hrnss machine, en 20-hori motor, en starter box, S3 ft 8-Inch lathr belting, 30 ft 4 play 8-Inch rubber baiting, 1 pair butchtr's wall so lei, 1000 grain sack. FOR 8ALE Four rooms, furnlshtd up to dtt good location. For sals on partial paymant. Apply to this of fice. O. F. Morton. WANTED A dishwashr. Apply t , S98 Commercial itrtft. FOUND A gill nt, near Fort Colum bia. Ltadi marked A. A. M., Ownir can hav sam by Inquiring at Oc cident Cannery of Erie Maunula. Upper Astoria baa a piaoe where you ean gt a fin glass of beer, at goad win and liquor as you ean find any plaee In th city. HARRY JONES. Opposite North Paoifie Brewery. JAPANESE GOODS. New atook of fancy goods just arrivsd at Yokohama Basaar. Call and as th latest novsltiea from Jspan. First-clats mal for 1bct nie eske, coffee, pie. or doughnut, So. U. S. restaurant, 434 Bond street. FOUND Net containing about 7 papers twin. Owner can have sam by applying to Warren Packing Co. and proving property. fWrent-To man and wife, un furnished rooms for light housekeep ing; no children. No. 1661 Grand corner Thirty-fourth. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH The Palace Cafe The u a a is a a n o n 8 attaanoaonMaHanttnoanocouaanaannnaaonu ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JuilN FOX. I'mana" fiiipk K. L. Illsiiol', fi-reiry P Designers and Manufacturers of V V TUB I.ATK8T IMNtOVKIl CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, .... ASTORIA, OREGON. HATS TRIMMED FREE A big reduction gale on lints. All kinds of ladies' and children' furnishing goods, hair switches ami pompadours. :: :: :: MRS. R. INOLETON, - - Welch Block. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH, Having Installed Rubber Tiring Machine of the latent pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in tbat line at reasonable prioes. Telephone, 291. CORNER TWELFTH The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 Always Open, Day or Night RUSSIAN, Tff A Tl :s.H.o:..oa4Ja THE PALACE BATHS LOST Nst, about e paper twin, 9a-ineh msh by 44 mshs deepr . 2' f paper sewed together In th center. Buoy marked T. J. Lost en Dssdemona light, August 12. Re ward for it return to Warren Pack Ing Co. SEE those- nw bathroom fixture at Montgomery's, 425 Bond street. Most improved "tubs, shower baths and sanitary fixtures ef all kinds. Union hand-made hting stoves and tin war of all kinds. Phone 1031. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, bo wood, any hind ef wood at lowest prices. Kelly, th transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black, Barn en Twelfth, opposite opera house. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable plane work ae your looal tuner, Th. Fredrlckson. 2071 Bond street 'Phon Red 2074. Lump Coal Larg Lump Ring up 8. Elmor A Co., Main 1961, and or der a ton of Ladysmlth eeal. They deliver it. Select lump coal. BEST 18-CENT MEAL You can alway find th best 18-eent meal in the city at the Rising Sun restaurant, No. 612 Commercial street PLUMBING, steam heating, tinning, roofing, gas fitting, repairing, etc., etc., promptly and satisfactorily at tended to at reasonable prices by John A. Montgomery, 425 Bond street. Phone 1031. THREE partly furnished rooms for rent in the Astorian building. u Best Restaurant etular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dinners Specialty , n Everything the Market Affords i: Palace Catering Company ;; A. I.. FX, Vic President A1UKIA MAMNUH HANK.Trrni AND DUANE STREETS. J-