PAGE TWO. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1004. at THE BATTLE NEAR TOWAN Japanese Won Victory Despite the Numerical Superiority of the Russians, SSGID TEST OF THEIR VALOR shipment of shoes from Interior points in New England outside of Boston to East St Louis. , i The explicit cause of complaint Is that, although the transportation com pany published a freight rate on boot and shoes front Interior points within a certain radius, w nu n s me same as that from Boston, some manufacturers have been refused through bills lading since June 1, 1902, and have bee put to expense of paying the freight to Boston in addition to what was for merly the through rate. FOREST FIRES CHECKED. Alter an All-Day Fight the Jap Infantry Charged and Drov Off the Superior Force of ltussian Troops. Loggers Stop Blaze That Rages Near Oak Point, Wash. Oregonlan: The fire demon struck I the wrong camp In the Bunker hill camp of the Benson Logging & Tim General Kurokl's Headquarters m the ber Company, eight miles back from iw via Seoul. Auk. l.-(Delayed In "'u"'" " ilnnlT..t.i.v'. tti. Hans Jensen, Roy Strong and Wesley the most imDortant which General "''" r k. ,.. trict, were In Portland yesterday tog the Talu. Many more Russians morning ana 101a a ia,e or nara nre- ngntmg m me green umoer. iney were engaged than in any former bat tle. They occupied an equally strong position, had much more artillery and were better acquainted with the coun try, having for a long time occupied backfired, cut wide paths in the wilder- ness and felled timber before the rag ing torrent of Are until they checked it If it had got away from them, the tie area ever which the Japanese "0" " " ' aa several tracts or timoer or over zu, maneuvered. The Japanese victory won on this occasion, if not more im Bortant than that on the Talu, was won against great odds and was conse quent!? a better test of the mettle of their troops and more creditable t0 count of the dampness of night. their valor. The result was that the Japanese gained 10 miles or more on their advance toward Liao Tang. How far the Russians have retreated nave ra,fed day and n,bt without C8 000 acres were directly in the path, Their tale ends in the controlling of the fire. This was done Sunday night, when the blaxe was less fierce on ac For tunately there was no wind or, aa in the fire of two years ago on the Lewis river back of this district it would la not known yet but only one strong strategic and defensive position inter sation. News from Cathlamet indi cates that all danger Is not over yet rents between General Kurokl'a army however' not on,y t0 th Benaon Cora and Uao Tang, that being ' situated eight miles south of that city. It is impossible to estimate the Rus- pany's timber but to that of the Weyer haeuser Company, aa well. But there have been 300 men fighting the flames aian casualties during the engagement wlth termination, and they have be- aad reports of losses on the Japanese aide were not rendered this morning. WnUe the Russians and Japanese on this front are stretched over a longi line of country, the Russians are known ! to have four divisions in the field be gun logging again. "Fires are not likely to be so disas trous any more," said a timber-cruiser yesterday, "because timber is so val uable that as soon as a pile of brush catches fire the whole camp turns out tween General Kuroki and Liao Yang t0 (,uench Thi bas on,y the art between that point and Mukden, case amm ine iasi Iew year na 20 a large proportion of the men beimr years ag0 was u"e lne reveree' iv.. . mv. v Then fires were allowed to burn fierce- the part of the battle witnessed by the ,y M long as they dld not affect 8ome correspondent of the Associated Press was a valley beginning three miles from the Tangse pass. This valley, which is about 10 miles long, not more than a Mile wide and running: from north to south is level, covered with high torn, giving the troops fine cover. In the morning the two armies were confronting each other across the val ley. The Japanese army was stationed body's fences. I have known the time when, in the dead of summer, with the whole country ready to kindle, men leaving an uninhabited part of the country would set a few fires to burn out a few thousand acres for a future hunting ground, where the deer could be seen easier. In those days the man who could bum the most timber was the best man. Now it is the reverse. Ail these fires that have been raging a ranees of hills fronting the nas &n. , r . land then checked during the past few wane the Russians had a higher range I west of the valley. An artillery en- S&gement began in the morning and listed until 5 p. m., during which aeither side appeared to gain any ad vantage so far as spectators could judge. The Russians now had bat teries in the high hills beyond the vil Jage of Towan commanding the Liao Tang, road which the Japanese shelled Sawfly all day from the front and left without silencing. The Japanese artillery was handi capped In action by soft roads, which forced them to bring up ammunition hy hand. The Russians used 24 guns from Mo Tien pass. The Japanese had two or more bat' Series In the hills and one or two bat teries In the valley on the plain with out any cover except the high corn, vhlch the Russians never discovered, Jocuslng all their Are on the batteries In the hills. A spectacular and daring feature of the day was the advance of the Jap. anese infantry across the valley, which feegan at 5 p. m., and resulted in the occupation of all of the Russian gun positions and their infantry entrench ments In the space of two hours. The Russians, as usual, could not with stand the charges of the Japanese In- iantry and fled through the hills. The appearance of the field this morning Indicates a complete rout, the Russians leaving much clothing and eamp paraphernalia behind them. As a battery stationed Just to the light of a tower In the village of To wan from which Lieutenant General Salharoff, commander of the First Si' kerian army corps, witnessed the en jagement, dashed down a hill In re treat one gun was overturned and left at the foot of the declivity where it days were all about ready to 'enter the green timber, and some were in it, but they have been conquered. Timber has become so valuable that it will pay the owners of land to expend almost any amount for men to fight the fires." Yesterday the atmosphere was clear er, all the fires within 50 miles of Portland being controlled. But still the forests are becoming drier dally, and the greatest precaution will have to be used in Immediately quenching every fire set. The greatest danger, the logging companies say, is from in cendiaries. A number of the big fires, threatened but checked id time, were undoubtedly of this origin. The Ben son Company has offered J500 reward for the man who set the fire on their tract at Oak Point The fire at Clat skanie was caused by a spark from an engine. .yons Dr. PERFECT i oot n rowaor AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century FRIPARIO IV "S!0 per cent' Miller, who is also un dergoing punishment, presented affida vits, through counsel yesterday, before Judge Newburirer lu general sessions. in an effort he is making for new trial, on the ground of the discovery of new evidence, say the New York Tribune. Three of the affidavits were of convicts, one being that of Amnion himself, another of Frank K. dim ming, and the lust of John Goodwin- Williams. The specific charge against Amnion was the larceny of J30.000, which had been deposited with the Wolls Fargo Express Company, and in relation to this money the petitioner wishes to present a copy of a letter, written to express. The wild duok Is traveling him by Miller under date of Decern-at the rate of 44 mile an hour while ber 7, 1899, In which he directed Am- the hunter is mimnlmr the contents of mon to take charge of the money on a repeating gun at It. The blackbird. deposit and invest It for him. Ammon I robin, dove and other small birds travel states that the original of the letter Lt a speed of 3$ miles an hour. The was lost on the train on the way to I humming bird can and does excel a Kingston, N. Y, by a lawyer to whompeed of a mile a minute. Murphy It had been Submitted by Ammon' Lays that a humming bee the other lawyer. Ammon further states that if May flew In and out of his cab window he has a new trial, he will go on the! while he was going at the rate of 3 stand, deny Miller's statements at the miles on hour. The performance lasted trial, and tell what he knows of the while the engine traveled a half mile. Franklin Syndicate, Cummings relates that he talked with I putt n End to It All. Miller while both were In the hos pital at Sing Sing, and that Miller told him that he turned the 130.500 over to Amnion for fear of its attachment. first National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital I'ahl In 1100.000. Snr-plm and Undivided Profits L'5.000 Transacts a general banking business. Interest paid on tlm deposits. J. Q. A. B0WLDY, O. I PETEKSO.V, FttAKK 1'ATTON, J. W. OAKNEIt, president ,o President Cashier. Asst. ChW 168 TENTH STREET, ASTORIA, ORE. A grievous wall oftlmes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dlxslness, Backache, Uver complaint and Constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to It all They are Try them. Only Chas. Rogers' drug store. Co, rl. Gsorge, Pnildtnt, J. E. tllfjliu, Cathitr, 0e. W. Wsrrtn, Vlu-Pmldtnt, & I rtlgglni, Aut Cuhltr. The Astoria National Bank ASTORIA, OREGON. DIRECTORS OEO.n.aEortoE. heo.w.warbex. w.h. barker, AUtt. SCHERNECKNAU, L MAXSUK. First National Rank VorMaud, Oroa. Continental NttUoiml Bank. Chicago. PHINCIPAI. CORRESPONDENTS.' Hunk of New York, y. B A., Kw York Crocker-Roulwurtu Nat, Dank, s). t. The Orotto handles nothing but no blended goods in Williams' affidavit is practically a du plicate of that of Cummings. Ammon states also that since Jan uary Miller has offered to make an nUe but thoroUfh . as i (4 aI J t it.. a. J I amuavic. revmjing me wrung- no "uu2Sc Guaranteed by done to Ammon. 'I sent back word to him that if he was willing to make a confession to the Rev. Frank Rees, cnapiain ox me prison, i woum xnen i .traJiht llauors be glad to have him make such an I house. affidavit, but until he did so, I would not talk with him," says Ammon, Whether Miller made any such confes slon the affidavit does not say. There is also a short affidavit from Mrs. Winifred F. Ammon, wife of Am' mon. She swears that there was such a letter as her husband describes, writ ten to him by Miller, directing her I Bookkeeping, arithmetic, commercial husband to take charge of the money. iaW( penmanship, letterwritlng, short hand, typewriting, lettering and auto- Pacific Luthern Business College sad School o! Stenography. ELEVENTH YEAR OPENS OCT. 4, 1W4. AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best la The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. Assistant District Attorney Nott op posed the motion for a new trial on the ground that the petitioner knew of the existence of the letter at the time of the last trial. He had then an op portunity to be heard said Mr. Nott, but did not choose to avail himself of the chance. This new move is slm ply to give him an opportunity to es cape from the rigors of Imprisonment, for he has nothing that Is new to of fer." Judge Newburger reserved decision. matlo work. Short terms. couses. It here. PACIFIC Students select their We can't tell you all about For catalogue address DEPARTMENT B, LUTHERAN ACADEMY. Parkland, Wash. PRAELOC00K TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goodsshipped toourcare will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. How Fast Do Birds FlyT (St. Joseph Xews.) William W. Murphy, a locomotive engineer on the Burlington's fast ex press between Hannibal and St Jo seph, has been making observations on the speed of various birds and Insects. Many birds, he says, make a practice of flying beside or In front of his en gine, and when the weather Is clear and there Is no wind he opens the throttle and races with them. He finds that a chicken hawk and a crow can make 25 miles an hour. A la Cdumbiav'S meroial and Grammar Grade Arrtr ros catalooci bourses. Boarding school for youg men and boys. BOX 339, UNIVERSITY PARK STATION Porthnd, . . . . Oregon. I i University anana aaaaaaaaaaoaa Some People Are Wise And seme are othtrwlse.- Get wise to the value of our Pre sorlptlon Department when you want Pure, Clssn Drugs and Medicines aeouratsly compounded. Anything In our stock of from our prescription eountsr. you oan depend upon as being the best.. 0t It at T. E. PEISER COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPER. Everything in the view line, exterior or interior. Flashlights of banauets. parties, etc.; developing and finishing for amateurs; portraits made at your a tt tt tt 4 tt tt tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttt BISK Hart's Drug Store : at tt ts tt n tt tt n n 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 own residence. turkey buzzard flies at the rate of 21 52514 Commercial Street, Room 8 (Over Peterson A, Brown's.) TO EXONERATE AMMON. The to Convict Says Miller Offered Rectify Wrong He Did. "Colonel" Robert A. Ammon, now serving a term of four years and eight months in Sing Sing for his connec tion with the Franklin syndicate and miles an hour. The pigeon Is one of the fastest birds in the United States It makes a speed of 46 miles an hour 1th ease. When chased by an eagle lt can beat the Burlington's St. Louis vdi D " it is always sunrise somewjiere in the world." Pears' Soap is sold all over the world. i Established 17S9. ."to. I ort Cut 17 1 Complain of Extra Rate, Boston, Aug. 9. An investigation has heen opened here by the interstate rommerce commission, represented by Commissoner Charles A. Prouty, on cmplaint of the committee on trans-1 jortatton of commerce of the New JiogTand Shoe & Leather Association, osrgtBff discrimination on the parti f the Merchants' and Mining Trans portation Company In the matter ofl If you want to enjoy vigorous health take They are a veritable short cut to lasting and perfect health Sold averywhera (n Boxes, 10c. and 25c Itll 1 ft X X. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8UKGEON Acting Awtntant Burgeon U.-8. Marine Hospital Hervloe. Office hours: 10 to 12 am. 1 to 4:30 p.m. 477 Commercial Street, 2nd Floor. Dr. RIIODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATIIIST ' Mansell Bldg. 573 Commercial 81 PHONE BLACK 2005, 0. W. BARR, DENTIST Muosell Building 573 Commercial Street, Astoria, Ore TELEPHONE BED 206L Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. 1 Dr. T. L. BALL Dr. P. I. Friedrich, DENTISTS 124 Commercial street. Astoria Ore. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST 678 Commercial St., Shanahan Building C. J. TRENCHARD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Paclflo Express Companies, Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND STS.I Sherman Transfer Co. HEXRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH, . . Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of tha latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telophone 291, CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 A Always Open, Day or Night RUSSIAN, ' -? TURKISH or M A h TUB........ JU it, THE PALACE BATIW SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AST0RIAN