The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 07, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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giv-::r7-fiPiSBgfi--'.. JL..intmijjMWpi .mil- m r I-l-!-SSi 1 1 " 1 iii , "
Special Monday lOc.
with glass 50c.
See the show window.
The smoKe of Peace and Ccmfort
Comes from bur Havana Leaf
8 Made by clean workmen. A single trial will pnl up good 6
J. V. BURNS, Manufacturer
g Givo tlicm a trial 474 Commercial Street
Furniture, Stoves and Ranges, House Furnishings
All kind of m stresses wade to order. Furcitnre repaired,
upholstering. .Absolutely the cheapest place in town.
HeooDd-hand goodi bought aud o!d. ;: :: :: :;
504 BONO STREET, Ntxt Door to Wellrio Ex. Co.
Brooks St Jonxsox, rropricton.
Phone No. 831
Great Palace of Artof the Pacific Coast
Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars
Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA
The Balloon in War
ELATERITE is Mineral Rubber. K'JSS;
climate. Then, npon a Jute can vasa ire build up a Are, water and aclo" proof roof
ing material, with a ground mica aurface and a vool Mt paper dry sheet or back
ing. ,
WE'LL Jay the gooda, or you can. If you kate to u-e a roof, we can tell
you aome mighty interesting thiogi. They will pretent your pocket book frcm
ahriveling up. Write ui.
The Elaferite Roofing Co.
10 Worcester Bldj.
Portland, Or.
000 TONS
Free Delivery. Phone orders to No. 1061. Elmore & CO.
In all Brands and
Sizes. We have
them in stocK.
The Trade sup-
lied at abso
utely bottom
"We have added a pipe repairing department Best
work in this line. GOODS EXCEL, PRICES RIGHT
G. W. Morton and John Fnhrman, Proprietors.
543 Commercial St. Phone Main 321.
Much speculation Is naturally excited
by the expiration laat Friday of a pro
hlbltlon placed upon a certain method
of conducting warfare by the Interna
tional peace conference at The Hague,
An agreement waa entered Into at that
time by more than a score of nation
to refrain from the use of projectile
which might be dropped from balloons,
of bombs which, upon explosion, would
diffuse suffocating gases, and of ex
plosive bullet.
To the second of these provisions the
United Htates and England withheld
their consent, but the others were adopt
ed unanimously. Again, regarding the
second and third there appears to have
been no time limit. A for the first
of them, It was expllctty agreed that
abstinence was to continue for five
years only. The conference adjourned
on July 29, 1899, and the prohibition
dated from that day.
Borne of the military possibilities of
the balloon were promptly perceived
Immediately after It was Invented. The
first notable ascent by the Montgolfler
brothers occurred In 1783. Within ten
years thereafter a regular school of
aerostation was established at Meudon,
under the auspices of the army, and
In 174 the head of it, Colonel CoutelU,
took up with him to a height of over
mile a general and adjutant to ob
serve the position and strength of
hostile force. This Incident occurred
on the eve or tne battle or rreurus,
and the reconnolssance gave the
French a distinct advantage over the
Austrlans. Telegraphy had not then
come Into use. Hence the Information
which waa secured was transmitted to
the commander only after the descent
of the balloon. Nevertheless, It con
trlbuted directly to the decisive victory
which followed. On that occasion the
airship was prevented from going as
tray by means of a rope and windless
an expedient which has been general
ly adopted ever since when balloons
have been employed for observation,
At Santiago In 1S9S there was, in ad
dition to the rope, a telegraph wire, by
means of which tho signal officer aloft
could communicate directly and in
stantaneously with headquarters.
Bulloons have been used In almost
every great war for a century. The
first Napoleon took a number of them
Into Egypt In order to Impress the
Arabs with the superiority of European
Ideas. In the siege of Paris, 1870-71,
the attempt was made to establish
postal communication by means of air
ships between the beleaguered city and
the national authorities as the carrier
pigeon service. After all, the principal
military use of the balloon hitherto
has been reconnoissance, and one of
ficer after another has testified to the
help thus received. Lord Wolseley has
assorted that he finished his campaign
In the Soudan far more quickly than
would otherwise have been possible be
cause of such aid.
An observer in a captive balloon is
exposed to great danger from the en
emy's guns. Even Coutelle, over a
century ago, was threatened by a can
non shot, and was obliged to let out
more rope to Insure safety. Today the
Mauser and other rifles carried by In
fantry soldiers have a range of three
miles or more. At Santiago showers
of well directed bullets flew around the
signal officers who were on duty and
whose elevation was at no time greater
than 1500 feet There were narrow
escapes from Instant death on thut ac
count, to say nothing of Injury from
premature descent had the balloon
been badly punctured. .
Such risks have furnished an Import
ant Incentive for experiments with air
ships which could be kept moving by
suitable machinery. In the United
States the war department has lent en
couragement to Professor Langley for
that reason, and several European pow
ers have pursued a similar policy for
at least twenty years. The prototype
of the Santos-Dumont machine was
developed by two French army officers,
Renard and Krebs. They used electric
power Instead of gasoline engines to
drive their screws, but they adopted
the cigar shaped gas bag, in order to
lessen the resistance encountered from
the atmosphere while flying horizon
tally. They are said to be the first
aeronauts who described a complete
circle In the air while aloft, thus dem
onstrating the feasibility or steering
and propelling craft of this kind. No
speeds have yet been developed which
exceed fifteen or sixteen miles an hour,
and no voyage has yet extended over
an hour and three-quarters. Little fur
ther improvement In these directions is
needed, though, to put In the hands of
military men an agent of luigely in
creased Bower. Not only will a good
flying machine, properly managed, be
able to keep out of the way of an
enemy wnlle engaged In reconnois
sance, but it should be able to assume
the aggressive and work fearful havoc.
The kind of service which now be
comes permissible has not hitherto
been attempted, for a variety of rea
sons. The agreement made at The
Hague five years ago has Interfered
temporarily. Before that prohibition
took effect there had been no Import
ant war for a considerable period. Be
sides, the airship had not reached its
present state of development. How
ever, both In America and Europe a
number of wide-awake men have con
sldered plans for making trouble for
an enemy In new ways. One scheme
Is to operate In the air a mechanism
akin to the Whitehead torpedo. The
latter propels and steers Itself after
being launched In the water. The
aerial torpedo, If designed for hori
zontal flight, could be liberated from a
captive balloon or an elevated station
on land, or from a self-propelled air
ship of the Santos-Dumon type. It
has also been proposed to drop tor
pedoes from craft of the latter kind, a
venlent position first being reached
above an army or a town, or even over
a ship at sea. Were these torpedoes
filled with dynamite or guncotton, they
might do much damage, though It Is
impossible to say how much. Santo
Oumont has pointed out that from one
of his airships It might be possible to
hit a submarine boat, even If the lat
ter waa submerged. The former, being
more nimble than the latter, could
probably maneuver better, and hence
would have the advantage in such a
contest. Inasmuch as the blow would
be delivered with a suitably weighted
torpedo, carrying its charge in its
nose, the one essential to success would
seem to be a good aim. Gravitation
would do the rest
The possibility of the adoption of this
kind of warfare by either Russia or
Japan during the present struggle de
pends upon a number of things. One
Is the duration of the contest Itself.
Another Is the degree of preparation
for It which the combatants may have
made in secret The generally back'
ward state of the Russian provision
for the war and the limited amount of
attention hitherto given to aerial navi
gation by the czar's army officers dls
courage the expectations that they
have anything "up their sleeve" which
can be produced on short notice. On
the other hand, it should not be for
gotten that the French, who have al
ways btk conspicuously devoted
mautlc venturer are friendly to
Russia and might co-operate with her,
had they anything new to offer. Again,
Japan, though wonderfully alert
modern methods of fighting, has given
no indications of a purpose to avail
herself of the privilege now open to
her. perhaps the world may be obliged
to wait until the next great war Is
fought before It witnesses a trial of the
aerial torpedo. Nevertheless, freedom
to use the latter will doubtless en
courage Inventors to present a number
of fresh ideas to tho military author
itles of the leading powers. That none
of these propositions may prove ac
ceptable and revolutionary cannot
safely be affirmed.
The disease which, lias brought more suffering, degra
dation and disgrace upon the human race is the same
to-day that it was centuries azo. It is called Contasrioua
Blood Poison, "The Bad Disease," and is given other '
names, but among all nations is regarded as the blackest -f V"
and vilest rf all tinman d!wau T- rna frnin k4 i C
- 'j uu.
worse ; the little sores that first appear are soon followed
pyomers; megianasoi me ... , , .
e-roina awell and itiflam a I elotd rlth blood tsoIon, end t be best
groins sweu ana inname, a doctors did me no rood, tboiurhi took thautraat
red eruption breaks OUt on the mant faithfully. Ia fact, I wsm4 to grow worn
hndv thm month and tfcrnat a the while. I waa disheartened, tot it seemed,
pouy, I lie mouta ana Utroat that I would navar b. cured. At the adrtoa of a
become ulcerated, the hair and fti&d I than took s. s. 8., and brn to improve.
eve-bmwa droo oat and nrrW I,ontlii4 the madioina, and it en rait ma oora
eye Prows crop oui, ana Ugly plasty, buildina; no iy faalth and Inoraaain (or
yellow blotches make their appetite. Although this was tan yarsr o.I lave
appearance, and if the disease ev"hd' iga o 'if diS re" . ,
ii not checked at this stage, 0285' S"aimil' 0fc w- EWSLaJ.
every bone, muscle, tissue and nerve in the body becomes infected with, the
poison, and from the roots of the hair to the soles of the feet there is not a
sound spot anywhere. To cure this awful contagion
the blood must first be purified, and nothing will do
this so quickly and surely as S. S. S., which has been
known for years as an antidote for the poisonous
virus of Contaarious Blood Poison. llercurv and cot-
ash may check it for a time, but it comes back in a still more aggravated
form. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and $i,ooo is offered for proof
that it contains a mineral ingredient. Write for our home-treatment book,
and learn all about Contagious Blood Poison and how to treat it No charge
to medical advice. TI!E 8W1FT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CJL
uttttttnuttnunnnu n tt tt tta a a a n tt n u ts
Some People Are Wise
And aome are otherwise. Get wis to tha value of our Pre
scription Department when you want Pure, Clean Drugs and
Madioinea accurately compounded.
Anything in our atock of from our prescription counter,
you can depend upon as being the best. Get it at
and Commercial Street Hart's Drug Store
3888888nn8S8 8888888888888
Fire in Louisville Hotel.
Louisville, Aug. 6. Fire broke out
In the basement of the Gait house, one
of the largest hostelrles In the city, at
an early hour this morning and for
time serious consequences were feared.
There were over 300 guests In the hotel,
all of whom were awakened and es
caped to the street. None of the guests
was injured so far as known. The
damage will amount to several thou
sand dollars.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that
preventive of suicide had been dlscov
ered will Interest many. A run-down
system, or despondency Invariably pre-
cedes suicide and something has been
found that will prevent that condition
which makes suicide likely. At the
first thought of self-destruction take
Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic
and nervine will strengthen the nerves
and build up the system. It's also a
great Stomach, Liver and Kidney reg
ulator. Only 60c. Satisfaction guar
anteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist
The beer that made Milwaukee tarn
eas Schllts is always on draught at
The Grotto. Otto MIkkelson, proprie
Hay Be a Stylish Oee, Bat It Makes
A man usually buya a hat that's "In
style," but the modern hat for men has
lota to answer for.
Baldheada are growing more numer
ous every day. Hats make excellent
breeding places for the parasitic germs
which sap the iue rrora toe roots oi tne
When your hair beeins to fall out and
your scalp is full of Dandruff it Is a
sure sign that these countless germs are
busily at work.
There Is but one way to overcome the
trouble and kill the germs that way Is
to apply Newbro's Herpicide to the
scalp It will kill the germs and healthy
Hair is sure to result.
Sold by leading druetrlsts. Send 10c. in
stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
433 Commercial Street
Fhone Main 121
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred- Trucks and
Furniture "Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
Having installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the
latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work
in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 29L
The TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best
of "Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991
Always Open, Day or Night
TUB. ......
A big reduction sale on hats. All kinds of
ladies' and childrens' furnishing goods, hair
switches and pompadours. :: :t ::
MRS. R. ENGLETON, - - Welch Block.
A First Class Concert Hall - . Finest Eesort In The Citv
Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA. Prop.
If you have rooms for rent daring Regetta fill this
'oat and send to Secretary Regatta Committee.
Hu for rent from to.
Rooms with Single Beds.
Rooms with..... Double Beds-
Rooms with Cots.