PAGE TWO. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1904. HER CREDIT UNCERTAIN Lffects of War Drain Already Be ginning to Be Fe!t Through out Russian Empire. GOVERNMENT USING PAPER rays for 3IIlitary Stores "With Bills in Frautic Effort to Slaintaiu Gold Reserve at Usual Level. Kew York, Aug. 5. The first effects vt the war in the far east are begin-1 Bins to be felt on Russian credit at some, which is already considerably shaken, says a Russian correspondent f the Times. , In the firstplace many important orders for military stores are not be ing paid for with ready money, but by Mis of two years date. Moreover, al though the amount of paper money is sued is stated only to be not more than 160,000,000, it is believed that the sum Is three or four times as large. Russian credit, both at home and abroad, is based entirely on the pres ence of a large gold reserve and the government ts sparing no effort to keep gold in the country. The moment It begins to How out the national credit will collapse. Already it is de clared to be doubtful whether the im perial bank will discount bills on the KlzhnI Novgorod fair this year, as it lias always done before, for everything ttk the business world is now very un certain and the bank wishes to run rinks. LEFT JEWELS IN FIREPLACE. Hotel Wireless Message Gavt Manager Name of Loser. New fork, Aug, 5. While engaged i. r!.?u Ing the fire grate of a bed tm f one of a suite of rooms re enu'jr occupied by a wealthy Amer ican, ba wife and daughter, a cham fcemiiid of the Savoy hotel, accord iri rr Herald dispatch from London, t ed in the ash pan a silk hand s'' tied up In the form of a bag " ' tonlalnea five" valuable dianionJ ntf-i he turquoise ring, one diamond us! I'.-irl necklace, a diamond tiara, j;fi!j pencil case and a gold watch, i r.ns' i containing $230 In bank of KnMi.-i noteB and $120 in bills. The aiarijisr of the hotel when informed of io ilnd, did not know to whom the vBhiab'es belonged, but he later re ivj the following telegram: "We Mt something in fireplace of room, plGrtsu hold till we return. Advise if ftur:i. In mid-Atlantic." The Amer ican's daughter, who secreted the Jew . ea in ho strange a hiding place, dis covered her loss, and a wireless mes sage was dispatched. Within an hour r so after its receipt, a reply was dispatched. . Trolley Dining Car, Chicago, Aug. 5. A trolley dining car is an innovation about to be establish ed by the Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Railway Company. Within 15 days the new car, which will rival a Pull anan In equipment, will be placed In commission. Although at first only available to special parties, the new dining car eventually will be placed in general service, making four runs daily between the Aurora and Elgin terminus and Chicago. No attempt will be made to equal the elaborate menu of a Pullman, the intention be ing to make the service more of the Hght buffet order. has Just solved the greatest enigma that ever perplexed mankind. The great Image has. fallen from its height of mighty mysterlousness, to be hovia by unassailable proof to be nothing but a colossal portrait of Harmachts, which, as o2 of th morn ing and conquerer 5f darkness, faces the rising sun. Colonel . whoue discovery has now made him world famous, has been for some time past making excavations around the Sphinx, but not until re cently did he succeed in finally uncov ering the foundations of the great statue and bringing to light many in teresting features which were previous ly unknown. The haunting secrecy which has en shrouded the Sphinx for centuries Colonel Ram has successfully pene trated, but not until men had given their lives to the attempt to unravel it, legends and stories had been bom In its shadow and had died, and books, works of a lifetime, had been completed and destroyed and other equally ponderous works raised on their ashes. Colonel Ram, while he was removing this fascinating veil, has supplied the Sphinx with a history the interest of which quite makes up for the loss of the mystery. Among the heretofore unknown fea tures of the stone figure which he has Just brought to light is the temple sur rounding the base, which was intended for the worship of Harmachjis, and sev eral chambers hewn in the rock which were the tombs of kings and priests devoted to his worship. Colonel Ram had already discovered a stone cap with a sacred asp carved on the forehead, which once covered the head of the Sphinx like a royal helmet, and must have added to its grandeur, particularly If it was gild ed, as the colonel believes. The Sphinx is not an Independent structure. The body and head are actually hewn out of the solid rock, but much sandstone masonry was built in to make the outlines perfect and cover defects in the material. This rein forcement of the original rock is ap parent now to a close observer, but originally they were concealed, for sci entists believe the entire image was once covered with enamel. Indeed, It Is yet possible to find fragments still adhering to the surface which resem- li 1 tA nmualalM t 1 da tnttnA Im rrti K. and the ruins of the ancient palaces. HARDSHIP ON THE BANKERS j. li m. S) B KM 5nKe Keducss Lear uives Promise of Demoralizing Rate of Interest. PACKERS PAYING OFF DEBTS Millions ot Dollars Piling Vp That Ordinarily Would He Loaned to Operators of Beef Plants. Chicago, Aug. 5. Chicago bankers complain that the packing house strike Is having a most serious effect on the local money market. Millions of dol laVs that under normal business con ditions would be used by the bankers are now piling up in Chicago banks and threaten to depress interest rates. The packers are heavy borrowers un der normal conditions, not alone In Chicago, but all over the world. They carry loans and notes amounting in the aggregate to nearly $100,000,000. Of this sum about $10,000,000 is carried by Chicago banks and since the be ginning of the strike business has con traeted so much that Instead of bor rowing, the packers are paying off loans and taking up notes. A prominent local banker estimates that the packing companies had paid off $1,000,000 of their loans in Chi cago since the beginning of the strike and that they were beginning to re tire their obligations at the rate of $4,000,000 a week. Early today, Celestear Chera, aged 22 years, a French Canadian employed at the. Armour plant, was badly beaten by three men at Fifty-fourth and Hal stead streets. LOGGERS WILL NOT QUIT. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results In death. Thus a mere scratch, Insignia cant cuts or puny bolls have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores, Ulcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c, at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Conflicting Interests Make Combina tion Utterly Impossible. It looks at this time as though the ; the house. attempt of the loggers of the Columbia river to agree on a curtailment of the output was to end in failure. Lead ing timbermen spoken to on the sub ject have no hopes of organizing, while the committee whose duty it is to call upon the loggers and obtain signatures has nothing to report. The Grotto handles nothing but straight liquors; no blended goods in Really Good Fishing. At the amateur Journalists conven tion in Baltimore a Phlladelphlan said of James 'M. Beck, who Is one of the association's members: "When we had our convention In Philadelphia, Mr. Beck was the life of In the meantime, the loggers are cut- It. He kept the table in a roar. In ting timber and dumping it Into the repartee It was imposlble to get the ARE LEAVING PORT ARTHUR. Refugees Arriving at Chefoo in Great Numbers Daily. Chefoo, Aug. 6, 10 a. m. Thirty more refugees arrived today on Junks from Port Arthur, which place they left August X. The departure of all civil ians from Port Arthur is said to be va-itxg to the exhaustive preparations ibr a final stand against the Japanese. Chefoo is being taxed to provide for the unusual Influx of travelers. The etrfy god hotel in the pity is assign ing three or four to a room and the verflow Is compelled to accept squalid ((Darters- elsewhere. SPHfNX MYSTERY CLEARED UP. Great Image Was Intended for Like ness of Harmachis. For 2000 years and more the be lief has prevailed all over the civil fced world that the marvelous figure the Sphinx was intended to repre sent a woman, but this theory is now Jbrever dispelled through the inquls Sfttveness of the well known American student of antiquity, Colonel Ram, who streams at a positive loss In many In stances, while very few admit that they are making anything by the operation in view of the price of labor and ma terial, and the value of the logs when they are delivered. "So this logging must go on until one after another of the logging com panies has touched bottom and quit," a well known timberman said. "There is no use in trying to combine, as there are too many conflicting Interests. "But It would be cheaper on the whole for them to let their timber stand. It will continue to grow in value, and they could make more money In the long run by permitting the trees to stand until they can get what the timber is worth. "Loggers hate to quit, as they have their outfits and railroads, and these deteriorate as fast when not In use as when they are in operation. I look for some loggers to go broke while waiting for this vexed question of cheap logs to settle Itself." better of him. "At one time he was talking about fishing. "The best day's sport I ever had, he said, 'was off the Florida coast. There were three of us, we each had three rods, and all day long we pulled In fish as fast as we could throw out our lines. I forgot," he added thought fully, 'what kind of fish they were.' '"Perhaps they were whales," some one suggested. N "Whales!' said Mr. Beck. 'Why man, we were baiting with whales.' " Puts an End to It All. A grievous wail oftlmes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver complaint and Constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gentle, but thorough. Try them. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug stce. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given, that up to the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 6th day ot August. 1904, the com mittee on Publlo Property ot the com mon council ot the City of Astoria, at the office of the Auditor and Pollee Judge therein, will receive sealed bids tor the construction ot a City Hall for the City ot Astoria according to the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the Auditor end Police Judge, and ordinance number 2953 of said city providing for the time and manner of constructing said City Hall. The bids must be accom panied with a certified check of the bidder payable to the Auditor and Po lice Judge or order, in five per cent ot the amount bid, to be forfeited to the City of Astoria In case the bid "shall be accepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into contract within three days from notice ot said acceptance. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. II. HANSEN, GEO. KABOTII, I LEBECK. Committee on Publlo Property ot the Common Council of the City of As- Office Constructing Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore., July 23, 1904: Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m August 27, 1904, and then opened for the construction and plumbing ot an addition to a frame guardhouse at Fort Stevens, Ore. United States re serves the right to reject any or all proposals. Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at this office. Envelopes should be marked "Pro posals for construction," and address ed. Captain Goodale, Quartermaster, Astoria, Oregon. Treasury Department,' U. 8. Life- Saving Service, Washington, D. G, July 28, 1904. Sealed proposals will be re celved at this office until 2:00 o'clock p. m., ot Friday, August 28, 1904, and then publicly opened, for the construe tlon of a floating boathouae for Grays Harbor (Washington) Llfe-SavIng Station. Specifications and drawings, forms of proposal, etc., can be obtained upon application to the Superintend ents of Construction of Life-Saving Stations, Pacific Coast, Room S3, New Appraisers' Stores, San Francisco, Cal.; to the Assistant Inspector of Life-Saving Stations, Coasts of Wash tngton and Oregon, 13th District, Ta- coma, Washington; or to this Office. Horace L. Piper, Acting General Su perlntendent You don't close your store for a day very once in a whilebut that would be as wise as to drop your newspaper advertising for a day now and then. Columbia Collegiate, Pre 'paratory, Com 1TnitrAcitr mrcial Bnc vraaarvAJAsj Grammar Grade apfly ros cataloous Courses. Boarding school for youg men and boys BOX 330, UNIVERSITY PARK STATION Portland, . . . . Orccon. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Acting Assistant Surgeon U.S. Marine Hoapital 8ervlee, Office hours: 10 to 12 am. 1 to 4:20 p.m. 477 Commercial Street, 2nd Floor. Dr. RIIODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATHIST Mansell Bldg. 673 Commercial Bt PHONE BLACK 2064, RHEUMATISM JOIHTSAKDHUSCIES SWOillH AHD STIFF A disease to painful and far-reaching in its effect! ttpon the human system as Rheumatism, must have a deeo J . : r, - -' . a . uu rrt.i-.aiu juunuauuQ. ai originates ana develops in the blood, and, like other diseases of the blood, is fre- V quently inherited. The poisonous acids with which th I blood is charged circulate through the system, breaking W. w a ucaiui, llalldung kuu iuusucb, sou causinz me . im iaia up in bad for l month., ua the :me pains peculiar rr. '"r n? g'1- They o hanged Ti- : " y?-- ... w.., una notnine Ut oresi im n.ucuiuum. unless me mea (O neln Be. Finftllv T lAfk Affk.f.marff bloat. sharp, cutting pains peculiar d mad' reseribed ment. i-.V.'l nd nothing the seemed to haln ma. vn t n . j . w m WU Iij blood is purified, joints and : 2,, B?n th" My knee and muscles become coated with Sn'oi?. the acrid matter and are ren- tt.l'1rased when I betas s. 8. b., but I saw it dered stiff and sore, and the wtanf xaa contliaud' nd W-J nouad, nerves completely wrecked. 1355 Mt. Vernon At. S. H. CHA7KAJT. Rheumatism, being a constitutional blood disease, requires internal treat wuimeaia, piasters ana suca tnings as are applied outwardly, give omy temporary relief. the recognized great est of all blood purifiers and tonics, and iu no disease does it act so promptly and beneficially as Rheuma tism, neutralizing the acids and restoring the blood to a pure, healthv condition and inviVoratintr anA toning up the nerves and all parts of the system. It is guaranteed strictly vegetable. Write us should you desire medical advice, which will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT spline COm ATLANTAf CAm 0. W. BARR, DENTIST Mansell Building 673 Commercial Street, Astoria, Ore TELEPHONE BED 200L Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. T. L. BALL Dr. F. I. Friedrich, DENTISTS 524 Commercial street Astoria Ore. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST 578 Commercial St., Shanahan Building ,C. J. TRENCHARD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. ' Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Paciflo Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND BTS. First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 18S6 Capital and Surplus $100,000 ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital 1'aldio 1100,000. Surplus and Undividod ProflU fifl.OOO V Transacts a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposit. J.Q. A. BOWLBY, O.I PETEKSON, .FHANK TATTON, J. W. GARNEK, President ' Vio President. Caabler. Asst. Cashier Y Ift8 TENTH STREET. ASTORIA. ORE. 0co. H. Georgt, President, J. C. Hi jjiru, Cashier, 0o. W. Wirrtn, Vkt-Prtsldtnt, C R. Hiljlns, Ant Cashier. The Astoria National Bank ASTORIA. OREGON. DIRECTORS GEO. H. GEORGE, fiEO. W. WARREN, W. H. BARKER. AUO. SCIIERNECKNAU. L. MANSUli ' PRINCIPAL COHRESPOWDENTt. n First National I'orMund, Orioti. Continental Nutluual BuUk.Clilcuy. HaiiIc of New York, N. H A., New York C'ruckor-IVouIworUi Nat, iiauk.t), K, AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Msobine of tha latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable price. Telephone 291, CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. it, The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Trices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Thono 1991 PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All gooilsahipped to our care will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. Luscious Flavors From prims tips fruit only ars what make our soda so highly prized by all drinkers, No harmful consequences lurk In the foaming fluid flowing from our fountain. The stream carries Its welcome freight of coolness and mois ture wherever It goes. Results and medical science mark our pure soda as the best antidote for thirst and dryness yet devised. EASTERN CANDY STORE. 606608 Commercial St., , Next Griffin's Book 8tore, 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager . Hacks, CarriagesBaggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. If you have rooms for rent daring Regetta All this out and send to Secretary Regatta Committee Hit for rent from , to. .190.... .Rooms with.. Single Btdi. .Rooms with Doubfe Beds. Rooms with.,.., ....Cots.