The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 06, 1904, Image 1

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Depositors In Stockyards Institu
tion Are Alarmed by Rumors
' and Make a Run That
Lasts All Day. ? ,
Bank Officials Meet Emergency
by Employing Help and Pay
ln All Their Money.
Montana Delegation Arrive to
Investigate CmiHe of Strlk,
and May Make Over,
tare for Peace.
Chicago. Aug. 5. The strike In th
packing house hud a counter attrac
tion today In the excitement attend
ltig the run on the Drovers' Trust &
Paving bank, which Ik In the stork
And other packing ('Filter, arrived today.
Mthl Mountain in Flm, Burning
for Two Day.
Taeonn, Aug. I. A big forest fire
I raging on the nouthern aid of the
Mashel mountain, In the Noutheatern
part of Pierce county. The fire la
along the line of the Tatwna Eastern
railroad, which skirt the foot of the
mountain. It broke out two days ago,
but It waa not until noon yesterday
that It gained aufflclent ' foothold to
threaten any great extent of territory,
The railroad atarted a force of men
at work fighting the fire, and many
settler volunteered. George 8. Long,
manager of the Weyerhaeuser timber
ayndlcate, who returned from the end
of the Tacoma Eastern line la at even
Ing, aald the men were milking little
progress, aa the fire had caught In the
top of the fire and cedar tree and
waa catching from one tree to another
In Ita path across the slope of the
mountain. Mr. Long believe that in
cane of a high wind, the fire would
wipe out conalderable forest
Mashel mountain I a high hill about
ten mile In length, lying between the
dig Mashel river and the Nlsqually
river. It la heavily timbered with fir,
cedar and hemlock. Many settlers live
In the south Hope.
The atlll condition of the atmoa
phere today favored the tighter, the
yard. The man of depositor to th
bank atarted early today because of anjflr making but Uttle headway. One
. . ... i. igresi umuuvaniage me men urt com
unfounded rumor that one of the park- " , ,
t , . , ., bating la the fact that the fire In
the top of the trees and drying up the
money iruin ill" iiiwuiuiioii mm irytim . . .
' . - , . foliage of adjoining tree before t, eaa
" , " 7 . , , i fly run from one tree to another with
companies aa an aojunci mi ("i"
employe who have taken the places
of th atrlker.
All day long hundred of depositor
atood In Una and withdrew their amall
deposit. When cloalng time came thl
afternoon thouaanda of person were
waiting. Th bank determined to meet
the emergency, called In extra teller
tict the place wa S 1, ' open until i
every depositor who pu -. !'d himself
, had been satisfied.
Rumor of another peace conference
between th packer and the striker
were occasioned by the preaence at the
llveitock exchange of John M. Board
man and M. E. M liner, president and
aecretary of the Montana Round-up
Association, an organisation of drov
er, which sends nearly 250,000 head
of cattle to the yarda each year. The
Montana men represent several mil
lion of dollars and announced that they
were in Chicago to Investigate the
cauae and conditions aurroundlng the
Government May Intervene.
That the federal government la pre
paring to take an active part in the
atockyard strike wn indicated today
when International Secretary Call, of
the Butcher Workmen, divulged the
fact that he has been in conference
with an emissary of the United States
bureau of commerce and labor. Who
this agent in, or what hi Immediate
plans are, Mr. Call refuaes to say, but
the strike leader made this significant
'In everything the packing trust Is
doing they are violating the law. Their
very business combination la in re
straint of trade and there Is none of
them that Is not amenable to the fed
eral law. A sample of their operatlona
came to my knowledge after atorle
had been printed in the newspapers
telling of the importation of emigrants
from foreign lands to take the place
of American working men who are on
strike. One of our pickets found In
the street an emigrant receipt showing
that the emigrant had been paid $58.70
for passage to Chicago. At the bottom
of the printed slip waa the aentence:
We hereby agree to rebate $58.70 on
presentation of thl receipt at our Chi
cngo office.' I showed this document to
en official of the United States bureau
'of commerce and labor and Inadvert
ently allowed him to keep it,"
Recording Secretary Shanahan, of
the Packing House Teamsters' Union,
announced today that orders would be
Issued Immediately to stop the remov
al of meats from the several cold stor
age warehouses in the city. The Al
lied Trades executive committee, he
said, would act upon the teamsters po
sition, and a report favoring sym
pathetic action by teamsters who have
been distributing meat from ware
houses would mean the Immediate is
suance of a strike order to those driv
ers. Prsldent Donnelly, th strike leader,
who has been on a trip to Kansas City
a noise like an approaching hurri
cane, Manager Long received word yester-
duy that a forest Are wus burning
around Issaquah, in King county. This
morning his ranger reported that the
fire waa doing no great amount of
damage, but that another fir had
broken out lit-. the foret adjacent to
North Hnd. Vhl fir wn also re
ported to be doing no Important dam
eg. These are the only fire of conse
quence at present in any section of the
state In which the syndicate has holding.
Have Trying Experience
Massachusetts Coast
Boston, Aug. 5. Four society girls
of Marblehead have been picked up
in their sailing dory off South Break
ers, Marblehead coast, after being
adrift In the fog for over 12 hours.
They had anchored off the breakers In
despair, after trying vainly to set a
course for home. (
All the girls are expert yachts
women and had entered the boat In
the Day class of the Corinthian Tacht
Club' mid-summer race. A dense fog
set In soon after the races started.
At the finish the girls' boat, waa not
to be found.
When the dory did not come by night
fall an alarm waa given and boats put
out in search. At 2 o'clock In the
morning one of these boats skirting
the south breaker found the girls, who
were not at all frightened by their ex
Declaration Officially Made That There
Will Be No Repetition of Knight Com
xnander and Thea Incidents.
Only in Cases of "Dire Necessity" Will Vessels Be Sunk by Rus
sian Warships Attitude of United States Regarded as
Effort to Prevent Any Unnecessary International
Complications and Is Gratifying.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 5. The Asso
ciated Press Is able to announce that
there will be no repetition of the
Knight Commander and Thea inci
dents, Russia has issued instructions
to naval commanders not to sink neu
tral merchantmen with contraband on
board in the future, except in cases of
dire necessity, but in case of emer
gency to haul the prise into neutral
ports. Here "dire necessity" may be
regarded us reservation of the right
which Russia does not formally relin
quish, but which. It Is safe to say, will
not again be exercised during the pres
ent war.
Russia concessions In this matter
may be looked upon as proof of her
el n ere desire to avoid fnterruttlonal
com plications, or the unnecessary irri
tation of neutrals.
Much Interest Is manifested In gov
ernment and diplomatic circles re
garding the dispatches from the United
Slates, which report that the Wash
ington government I sounding the
power a to their position concern
ing neutral commerce. Thl action of
the United States government i in
terpreted aa an indisposition to act
hastily,, and a indicating no 4lre to
precipitate an unnecessary Issue with
Russia. The attitude, of the United
State government Is gratifying to
Russian authorities.
Mirror say two Russian cruisers have
just left the Baltic sea and are chas
ing a steamer which left England July
30 for Canada, carrying ammunition
tor Yokohama by way of the Canadian
Pacific railway.
After British Steamer.
London, Aug. 6. The Illustrated
Japs Said to Have Been Beaten.
Mukden, Aug. 5. -It is reported that
the Japanese attacked the Russian po
sltion at Anshanshan, midway between
Halcheng and Llao Tang, August 2,
and were repulsed with heavy losses,
The Russian casualties are not known,
London Expect Soon to Hear of Fall
of Port Arthur.
Berlin, Aug. 6. The National Zel
tung prints a telegram from Toklo,
dated August S, In which it is aald
there are five Japanese division before
Port Arthur, part of them within
three and a half miles of the fortress,
and that there are altogether 40 divi
sion In Manchuria. The telegram
say that London Is expecting the fall
of Port Arthur and the capitulation, of
Kuropatkin on the same day. '
. . - ! . . -
. . ". ' . ... -.,. -.
. Keller1 Body at Liae Yang.
Llao Tang,, Aug. 5. Lieutenant -General
Count Keller' body arrived
here August 2, accompanied by his
son. Funeral services will be held
here and the body will then be sent
north by railway.
Highwaymen Secure Large Amount
From Lata Passenger.
Portland, Aug. 5. One of the Port
land Height car was held up at the
corner of Twentieth and Spring streets
tonight about midnight by two masked
highwaymen. For resisting one of the
men the motorman was fired upon
twice, but the shot went wide of the
mark. The men then went through the
car and robbed the conductor and eight
This is the third street car holdup
within a month. The amount secured
I thought to be considerable.
Damage by Forest Fir..
Olympla, Aug. 6. A forest Are on
Thompson creek, this county, burned
over large section of land, destroying
valuable timber, the county wagon
bridge and a farm house. The fire Is
now under control.
Today' Weather.
Portland, Aug. 6. Western Oregon
and western Washington, Saturday.
fair with nearly stationary tempera
ture. Eastern Oregon, eastern Wauh
ington and Idaho, fair, cooler Sunday.
Wave From Passing Steamboat Ois
concert Them and Only On of
th Party Reach Shore,
Alton, III., Aug. (.While bathing
In the Mississippi river tonight
Michael Riley, his daughter and six of
the latter' girl friends were drowned,
One child In the party was saved.
Riley lived near the river In the south
ern art of the city and was accus
tomed to bathe on the beach in front
of his home. Tonight Riley took his
little daughter and her seven girl
friends to bathe with him. When they
entered the water, Riley bade the chil
dren join hands, and they all waded
Into the river and walked along a sand
bar, when suddenly the whole party
disappeared beneath the water, having
In the darkness stepped from the sand
bar Into the deep channel.
Riley, who Is said to have been a
good swimmer, is thought to have been
made helpless by the girls clinging to
him and hampering his efforts to save
them. One child who was able to re
gain the sandbar was 8 years old and
unable to tell how she saved herself.
According to the child's account of the
accident, the drowning was caused by
the passage of a large river steamer.
The waah from the steamer created
considerable confusion among the girls
and in the darkness they lost their
bearings, and before they were aware
of their danger two or three of them
stepped off the sandbar Into the chan
nel, dragging the other with them.
Will Relieve Grant of Command of De
partment of Lakes.
Washington Aug. 5. The recent or
ders assigning General Funston to
command of the department of the
east were today modified, and he will
go to Chicago Instead, relieving Gen
eral Grant of the command of the de
partment of the lakes. Grant will go
to the department of the east, with
headquarters at Governor's Island.
General Williams was assigned to com
mand of the department of the Colum
Turkey's Ruler Ha Not Mad Satis
factory Reply a to Rights of
American Citizen.
Washington, Aug. 5. Minister Lelsh-
mann has notified the state department Constantinople that he ha failed
to received the expected satisfactory
reply from the sultan touching the
rights of American cltlxens in Turkey.
While the negotiations will continue, it
Is supposed that the American battle
ship fleet will be detained at Gibraltar
to strengthen the minister's hands In
the conduct of these negotiations.
lanta and Fisher river, Libby and be
tween Troy and Bonner's Ferry, Idaho.
The ranchers in these distr'cts are
losing their houses, barns, crops and
provisions, and their condition In many
Instances will be deplorable. The peo
pie living in the timbered sections are
all out fighting the fire, but are almost
powerless to check Its advance. From
reports thus far received of the burned
area, It is estimated that the timber
so far consumed amount to several
Relations With Turkey Discussed at
Washington Meeting.
Washington, Aug. 5. Secretary
Hay's return to the city from his sum
mer home was signalized by consider
ation at today's cabinet meeting of im
portant matters concerning America's
foreign relations. The secretary had
not completed his vacation, but re
turned to Washington at this time on
account of the developments in this
country's relations with Turkey. The
whole question was considered by the
president and his cabinet In the light
of information received by cable today
from Minister Lelshmann'at Constantinople.
This government has been pressing
the porte for an answer to our repre
sentations as to the rights of Ameri
cans to establish schools and other ed
ucational Institution in the Turkish
empire and one was promised. Such
right have been accorded other na
tions, but have been withheld from
America. After the meeting Secretary;
Hay declined to say what, if any, in
formation had been received.
Secretary Morton's replies to similar
Inquiries Indicated the probability of
Immediate action by his department
bearing on the Turkish question. It
is said that a proposition to hold the
American battleship squadron at Gib
raltar," Instead of having It return to
this country, has been made. The
president, Postmaster-General, Payne
and Mr. Cortelyou had a conference en
political matters.
Alton B. Parker Tenders His Res
ignation as Chief Justice of
the New York Court
of Appeals.
Goes Quietly to Albany and Un-'
expected Jy Steps Down From
Office Held So Long.
All of Business Section Laid Waste and
Many Residences, Loss Being
Estimated at 1200,0001
Issued Return Coupons to Passengers
" Which Had Been Used.
Chicago, August 5. St. Louis lines
have Just discovered that conductors
on various railroads and certain scalp
ers of Chicago and St. Louts have
been engaged in a conspiracy to de
fraud the railroads through the man
ipulation of exposition tickets. It Is
declared that instead of taking u) re
turn coupons and turning them Into
the company conductors have been
selling them to scalpers.
In many instances when tickets to
St Louis and return were presented,
conductors are suld 'to have taken uc
the whole ticket, giving the passen
ger a return coupon that already had
been used.
It Is estimated that In this manner
Chlcago-St. Louis roads have been, de
frauded out of $200,000.
Forest Fires Are Raging in Vicinity of
Butte, Aug. 6. A Kallspel (Mont.)
special to the Miner says:
'Forest fires are raging in the tim
ber lands in this part of the country,
and from reports received the damage
will amount to many thousands of dol
lars. The fires are not only consum
ing the forests surrounding this city,
but also the finest lumber sections In
northern Montana, Including the thick
ly wooded sections about Sterling, At-
A special to the
from Kendrick,
Spokane, Aug. 5.
Idaho, says:
Fire which broke out in the old Pa
clflc hotel at 10:30 this morning de
stroyed the whole business part of the
city and many residences. The loss Is
calculated at $250,000, with 50 per cent
The alarm was promptly turned in
and the department responded quick
ly, but the flames were soon beyond
control. In Ave minutes after the Are
was discovered it jumped across Main
street and Ignited the brick buildings
there. Several men were overcome by
the heat and fainted in the street, but
all were carried to places of safety.
About 36 business houses and 20 resi
dences were destroyed. Nearly all the
business men have already telegraphed
the wholesale houses for new stocks
and all are arranging to rebuild.
This is the fourth general fire here In
12 years. The origin of the flames Is
Attend Session of Court and.
Upon Adjournment Sends
Note to Secretary of
State O'Brien.
Albany, Aug. 6. Alton B. Parker
ceased to be chief justice of the court
of appeals of New York at 3:20 p. m.
today. Without any intimation of his
purpose, he came to Albany, took part
with five other judge In clearing up
all but three cases which had been
argued before the court, and, when hi
business a chief judge was completed,
he called on the newspaper men and
took them through court chambers,
private offices and consultation rooms.
In his own room, which he had occu
pied so long, he looked out of the win
dow to the distant hills across the
Hudson. HI voice trembled percep
tibly as he said:
This room, boys, was mine."
, Returning to the consultation room,
be took a long envelope from his
pocket, .and, turning to the official .
Prominent Hartford Man Victim
Wrath of Nenro Servant.
Hartford. Conn., Aug. 6. Henry Os
borne, former police commissioner and
leading business man, was murdered
today by his former valet, Joseph Wat
son. The negro was found tonight hid
ing under a bed In the basement of
the Osborne home. As Watson was
escorted down the steps to the patrol
wagon the air resounded with cries of
"Kill him!" "Lynch him!" from the
crowd which had gathered, but ho vio
lence was attempted. Watson did not
quail when face to face with the shout
ing crowd. ' '
"I had It In for Osborne, and I killed
him," he said. "I am not afraid to die.
and I am satisfied now that I have
killed him."
He killed Osborne out of revenge for
being discharged as valet July 15.
IWill you do a kindness for me?
Just take this down stairs and file U
with the secretary of state."
The document read:
"Hon. John F. O'Brien, Secretary of
State. Sir: I hereby respectfully re
sign my office as chief judge of the
court of appeals of the state of New
York, such resignation to take effect
(Signed) "ALTON B. PARKER."
Judge Parker spent the remainder of
the afternoon in conversation with his
former colleagues In court. He refused
to make any statement or comment In
connection with his resignation beyond
"It speaks for Itself."
His fellow judges were not so reti
cent, and each one had something to
say all. testifying the esteem in which
they held him as a Jurist and a man.
Forest Fire in Columbia County As
sumes Alarming Proportions.
Rainier, Aug. 5. The forest fire here
has burned over 2000 acres, though lit
tle timber has been destroyed as yet.
The McKinnon and Stennlcks camps
are destroyed) loss, $2000. One hun
dred men fought the blaze all night
to keep It from crossing the county
road, whence a north wind would
sweep It down the gulch Into town.
Mclntyre's camp was threatened last
night, endangering 2000 cords of wood,
besides much cut and standing tim
ber. There were several narrow es
capes of firefighters and sightseers.
who were nearly cut off from escape
by smoke and flames.
The fire Is of Incendiary origin. The
total loss to date will reach $3000, and
the danger not yet over. Several fam
ilies abandoned their homes, saving
clothing and small articles of value.
The blaae at noon today was a seeth
ing furnace, with a light wind blow
ing toward town.'
Fir Do Much Damage and Probably
Loss of Life.
Delmar Makes New Record.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 5. Major
Delmar broke the half-mile record at
the Hudson river driving park today,
going the distance in 594 seconds.
Belllngham, Aug. 6. Fire which is
supposed to have caught from a spark
today destroyed the logging camp of
McCush Bros, near Maple Falls. Three
logging locomotives, seven flat cars and
all the camp buildings were burned.
A man whose name can not be ascer
tained Is missing and Is supposed to
have been burned to death.