t PAGE EIGHT. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1904. Special IhisWee 1 Women's Vici Kid Oxford Ties, haad-turn soles, THIS season's best styles; Regular $3.00 values at 81.95 PETERSON 8 BROWN Astoria's Leading SkOA Dealers TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY Final Count of Votes in Regatta Queen Contest Will Be Made at 9 in the Evening. MISS TALLANT IN THE LEAD Jumps to First Place, Passing Mrs. Keuttner Candidates' Friends Are Hustling lor Votes. . At 9 o'clock tomorrow night the con test for queen of the Astoria 10th an nual regatta will come to a close. There will be another count of votes this afternoon, but the final result will not be announced until 10 o'clock to morrow night, when the commltee will make known the result of the ballot ing; At 9 o'clock the ballot boxes will be collected, and after that hour there can be no voting. Yesterday there was still further talk of a "dark horse." Members of the regatta committee heard the story, and it was whispered around that some fair lady, whose name has not yet ap peared in the list, would receive a big bunch of votes. This tory was going the rounds once before. "We don't know anything about it," said Chair man McBride. "There may be a dark horse, and there may not I have heard the story,' but could not vouch for it." j Yesterday Miss Harriet TallantJ Jumped to first place and Is now 135 votes ahead of Mrs. F. D. Keuttner. Mrs. W. W. Ridehalgh holds third place and Mrs. C. I Houston fourth place. The count yesterday afternoon showed the result to be as follows: Miss Harriet Tallant 4888 Mrs. P. D. Keuttner 4753 Mrs. W. W. Ridehalgh 4346 Mrs. C. Ib Houston 2591 Miss Harriet Rafter 2274 Miss Grace Stokes ..2092 Miss Llllle Lid well 1891 Miss Frances Norberg 1387 With but 3d hours in which to make their final rally, the friends of the vari ous aspirants will do some tall hust ling today and tomorrow. It is sal that Mrs. C. L. Houston is to be gen erously supported at the end of the contest, and that friends of Miss Tal lant, Mrs. Ridehalgh and Mrs. Keutt ner will also be liberal with their vot ing. The vote thus far cast does not tend to give a line on the strength of , the various candidates, and it is gen erally agreed that tomorrow's ballot ing will be spirited.' IRON AND STEEL MARKET. Several Big Sales Have Been Placed Quite Recently. New York, Aug. 4. Referring to the iron and steel market, the Iron Age In this week's Issue says: The principal event of the week has been the closing of contracts for 110,000 tons of standard bessemer pig for delivery over 10 months, beginning in September to the Pittsburg Steel Company. . There Is reported further the pur chase of 25,000 tons of bessemer pig iron by a Wheeling railway." The same concern which has first part of the order for the Pennsylvania castings in the market for 35,000 tons additional There seems still to be some uncer tainty concerning the second half of the second tunnel castings order and the pig Iron for it does not appear to have been covered. The Iron for the first half was given to one furnace In New Jersey and two In the , Lehigh valley. Aside from these larger transactions there has been a series of smaller sales at Pittsburg and there has been some activity In the Chicago market There have been some sales, including one lot of 12,000 tons of basic pig In the east The complaint is general, how ever, that these sales nearly all made by northern furnaces, have been made at low prices which In many cases are below the cost of production. Aside from the large transactions referred to, the buying for foundry purposes is done to cover only require ments for pressing needs or for the current quarter, the buyers apparent ly not having abandoned their waiting attitud From the finished iron and stee, " trkets come fair reports. There is a modest increase in the tonnage In the majority of Hnea but the railroads are still taking material conservative ly. As an indication of the amount of working going on, It may be noted that the July sales of the leading structural interest was over 30,000 tons, an un usually large proportion of it taken for builders and miscellaneous struc tures. The plate trade is reported to be showing some Improvement and the low prices of sheets appear to have attracted buyers. Bar Iron Is some what stronger particularly In the Chi cago market Changes Headquarters. Helena, Mont, Aug. 4. W. P. Shawk, superintendent of the Sixth district, Western division of the Postal Tele graph & Cable Company, will move his headquarters from Helena to Salt Lake City during the latter part of next month. He will have charge of all telegraph lines of the company from Rawlins, Wyo., to Spokane, Wash., taking In Wyoming west of Rawlins, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Washington as far west as Spokane. The change in the location of the su perintendent's office is made necessary that Mr. Hawk may be centrally locat ed in the new territory into which the company Is building. The company is now pushing work on the construction of copper wires from Cheyenne west to San Francisco and Helena, so that Montana points will have two out lets over the postal. Eye-strain is no imaginary ill, but one which effects the whole nervous system and if neglected will impair the general health No Charge for Examining the Eyes KATHERINE WADE, Graduate Optician At Owl Drug Str BOTH STATES CLAIM MONEY Oregon and Washington Officials Demand Licence Fees From Sand Island Seiners. r QUESTION OF JURISDICTION Idea Is Suggested That Matter Be Settled by Friendly Suit or Other, wise. A dispatch from Salem says: "The dispute over the ownership of what is known as Sand island, at the mouth of the Columbia river, a small strip of territory claimed by both Oregon and Washington, formed the chief topic by the state fish commission yester day afternoon, and it Is quite probable that the courts, either state or federal, or both, will be called uoon to deter- mine the matter. This strip of sand bar Is valuable as a seining and fish trapping ground, and because of Its lo cation In the center of the river, a dis pute has arisen over the location of the boundary line between the two states. "The fishermen on this island are making strenuous complaints, prin cipally on the ground that they are compelled to pay license In both states and taxes In two adjacent counties in Washington and Oregon. Just what course will be taken to adjust the dif ficulty has not yet been determined, but several methods were suggested by different members of the board. One was that the matter be taken be fore the equity department of the fed eral court; another that a friendly suit be brought between the two states, and a third that a state boundary commission be agreed upon to estab lish the line. 'Master Fish Warden Van Dusen was instructed by the board to send a letter stating the conditions to Attor-ney-General Crawford for an opinion. Another plan offered was to arrest some offending party in connection with the dispute and carry the case into court as a test." Belongs to Unele Sam. It is to be supposed that the ques tion discussed by the state board did not affect the ownership of Sand Island, which Is a government preserve, but rather that the commissioners wrestled with the question as to where Sand island fishermen should pay their li censes. The island was set aside as a government preserve many years ago, and neither Oregon nor Washington has any right there. It will be re called that United States troops once chased Washington state troops off the island during the height of the agita tion concerning the question of the jurisdiction of the two states. The seiners now operating there are priv ileged to do so by Major Langfitt It Is only reasonable to suppose that, as Oregon and Washington are now con ceded to have concurrent Jurisdiction over the waters of the Columbia, licenses collected on Sand Island should be equally divided. And, up to $3.00 for Bathing Suits, for Men, Women and Children P P P ? Bathing Trunks ten cents and tip C. H. COO PE R THE BIG STORE the Alaska station, and assigned to the Manning, at San Francisco. Chief Engineer F. W. H. Whltaker (retired) Is assigned to special duty as assistant Inspector of labor and ma terial for the machinery of the cutter Galveston. Second Assistant Engineer R. B. Adams Is ordered to report to the department for promotion. First Assistant Engineer H. F. Schoenborn Is granted 30 days' leave of absence; First Lieutenant J. M. Moore forty-five days' leave. CHANGE8 ARE ANNOUNCED. List of Revenue Cutter Officers Who Have Been Transferred. Washington, Aug. 1. (Special Cor respondencesThe following changes among the officers of the revenue cut ter service have been made by the treasury department: Captain C. C. Fengar has been re lieved from the command of the cut ter Rush on the Pacific, and assigned to th command of the cutter Manning, at San Francisco. Captain Francis Tuttle is detached from the command of the Manning, and &s soon as relieved by Captain Fengar will proceed to Ms home on waiting Driers. First Assistant Engineer F. C. Sny der is detached from the Cutter Bear, in Alaskan waters, end placed on waiting orders. Lieutenant G. M. Gabbltt is detached from the cutter Forward and assigned to duty aboard the cutter Wlndom, on the Baltimore station. Second Assistant Engineer Tt. M. Johnson is detached from duty aboard the cutter Bear, and Is assigned to duty on the cutter Manning. Second Assistant Engineer H. F. Schoenhorn is assigned to duty aboard the cutter Seminole, at Boston. Second Lieutenant W. G. Blasdel is detached from the cutter George S. Boutwell,' at Newbern, N. C, and as signed to the cutter Rush, on the Alas ka station. . , Second Lieutenant F. B. Harwood fin detached from the cutter Bear, on Brigadier-General Wlnt, command ing the department of Missouri, has Issued a circular for the encourage ment of athletic exercises in the army, In which he says: The forming of polo clubs and teams among officers, and of baseball and football teams among enlisted men should be encouraged at every post In the department. Polo should be es pecially encouraged at posts occupied by mounted troops. Under authority from the war department permission will be granted officers to visit other posts for the purpose of taking part in polo contests, and similar permis sion will be given officers and en listed men for baseball and football games." The state department Is pursuing Its study of the status of American com merce in American bottoms In the far east during the war, but has as yet made no announcement on the subject. The Russian view on this point is said to be disclosed in the "Rules of War," published In St Petersburg officially early In the present war. The Rus sian statement Is "the flag covers the cargo for a belligerent, excepting con traband of war," and the long list of articles declared contraband Includes "everything Intended for warfare on land or on sea; also rice, foodstuffs, horses, beasts of burden, and any other animals Intended for war purposes If they are sent at the enemy's cost or order." According to the common under Standing here of this last Important qualification, It must be shown that even the foodstuffs and other articles specified are clearly Intended for the enemy, meaning the enemy's gov ernment, and not the individual citi zens, before they can be regarded as contraband and so subject to seizure. An essential fact to be developed in connection with the American food cargoes In transit from the Pacific coast to Japan, therfore, Is the Iden tity of the consignee that Is, whether the Japanese government or Individ uals who do not contemplate allowing them to be applied for war uses. eral Oku with an army of 60,000 men Is on their front, while flanking them on the left is General Nodxu with his division of 60,000 men. It General Kuropatkln Is defeated In this battle lie must either move westward or surrender. The foreign military attaches are with the second army en route for the front to witness the battle. Japanese troopships are expected here tomorrow. The Russian troops at Port Arthur have been driven back to the lust line of their defenses. The Japanese attacking force has three hundred and fifty guns In action, CREDITORS GET LITTLE. Big Concern That Failed Can Pay but . Twenty-four Cents. San Francisco, Aug. 4. Porter Bros. Company, the big fruit buying and shipping concern which failed a little over a year ago with liabilities of about $1,900,000, has made a propo sition for a composition of Its debts with the creditors. According to the terms of the com position, the creditors will get 24 rents on the dollar after deducting about 1170,000 realised from the sale of se curities and throwing out 6200.000 of unproved claims. There remains an actual debt of 11,500,000. The com mittee of creditors has on hand 1300. 000 or thereabouts realised from the assets to pay a 20 per cent dividend. Nothing more In sight is seen by the creditors but the members of the firm agree to pay four per cent additional on so-called assets they think they can realise on If the composition I agreed to and the firm is left Intact The Ban Francisco and other Cal ifornia creditors who hold about $700, 000 of the indebtedness, favor the terms of the proposed composition, along with all or nearly all of the eastern creditors, so It Is likely to be effected. ASSASSIN'S FATHER HELD. Finland Aroused Over Innocent Man's Incarceration. New York, Aug. 4.' General Schu mann, father of the assassin of Gen eral Bobrlkoff, governor general of Finland, who was taken to St. Peters burg July 29, is Incarcerated In the dungeons of the St. Peter and St. Paul fortress, according to the Times' Hel slngfors' correspondent. There Is profound indignation In Finland at this cruel treatment of the Finn, whom nobody credits with com-' pllcity In his son's deed. BIG BATTLE IMMINENT. Kuroki, Oku and Nodzu Have 200,000 Men in Field. New Chwang, Aug. 4. The report that Halcheng has fallen Is premature. The Russian troops have only been driven back to their Inner entrench ments, which they now occupy with over 75,000 men. A detachment of 2000 Japanese with large supply trains is leaving here for Halcheng, where the greatest battle of the war is expected to open tomorrow. General Kuroki with 100,000 men is now behind the Russian forces. Gen- Can Not Use Union Label. ' .Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 4. Judge O. Wheeler of the superior court has granted an Injunction restraining C. H. Merrltt and .son of Danbury from us ing a label which Is alleged to be an Infringement upon the United Hatters of North America. The petition was brought In the case of Martin Lawler of Danbury, the United Hatters being an Incorporation. The decision Is sweeping In Its effects, the labor or ganization being given a standing be fore the court and every contention upheld. The matter of a contract be tween the unions and employers is held to be legal. One of the salient feat ures of the decision Is the statement that strikes and their concomitants are not as Injurious as some of the court decisions; the latter being per manent In their effect while the strike and disorder are ephemeral. THE ROOF COLLAPSED. SENATOR HOAR QUITE ILL. Massachusetts Statesman Afflicted Un expectedly at Worcester. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 4. Senator George F, Hoar, who la In his 79th year, has been taken suddenly 111 at his home In Oak avenue. His unex pected illness has greatly alarmed the household and his condition Is con sidered serious. The senator's daugh ter, Miss Mary Hoar, who has been at Pigeon Cove, was summoned home by wire. At the senator's home, Miss Hoar re fused to give out anything concerning her father further than the fact that he was holding his own. Sortie From Port Arthur.' Toklo, (Thursday) Aug. 4, 10 a. m. Twelve torpedo destroyers, four tor pedo boat destroyers and some gun boats emerged from the harbor at Port Arthur on the right of August 1, but were driven back again by the Jap anese warships on guard outside. BASEBALL Seven Persons Drowned. Halifax, N. S., Aug. 4. In trying to Paoifie Coast. At Portland Tacoma, 1; Portland, 2V At San Francisco Oakland, 4; San Francisco, 2. At Los Angeles Seattle, t; Los An geles, 1. Pacific National. At Butte Spokane, 4; Butte, 2. At Salt Lake Boise, 8; Salt Lake, 9! . American. At Chicago Washington, I; Chi cago, 10. At Detroit New York, 6; Detroit 1 At Cleveland Boston, 1; Cleveland, 11. National. At Brooklyn Pittsburg, 4; Brook lyn. 1. At Philadelphia First game;, Cincin nati, 1; Philadelphia, 2. Second game,. Cincinnati, 3: Philadelphia, ". At New York First Game, Chicago; 2; New York, 2. Second game, Chi cago, 0; New York, 8. At Boston First Game, St Louis, 1; Boston, 2. Second game, St. Louis, I; Boston, 0. Is reach shore In a small tender from stranded yacht this evening, seven of the eight persons In the boat were drowned through the capslilng of the little craft Many Persona Injured While Watohingi Unique Performance. Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 4. Forty-five persona have been Injured by the col lapse of a huge cattle shed at the ex hibition grounds while watching . a fight between a negro and a bull. The shed overlooks the bull ring where Normeus, the black bull fighter, nightly wrestles with the animal. A crowd of 150 climbed on the shed to watch the show without paying entrance fee. Without a moment's warning the roof broke through and precipitated half the crowd to the floor, a distance of about 25 feet In Its descent the roof turned over and fell on the people, causing more serious Injuries than would have otherwise resulted. About 14 were taken to the hospital In ambu lances, while several with minor In juries were able to walk away. Jamea gpeelman of Seattle, Wash., and a boy homed Sopher from Calgary, were fatally hurt Most of the Injuries w e re fract u res of the limbs. Loop-thC'Loop Performer Hurt. Tacoma, Aug. 4". Last nlgnt Fra vio la, the young woman who loops the loop In a ball, was dangerously, If not fatally Injured. After making the loop the ball shot down the decline at terrific force and missed' the net. The girl Is paralysed from the shoulder and suffers great pain. Senator Clark's Son Married. San Francisco, Aug. 4. Charles W Clark, son of Senator Clark, of Mon tana, was married today to Miss Ce cilia Tobln. The ceremony was private- CREFFIELD IS HELD. Portland, Aug. 4. Edmund Creffield,.. the erstwhile leader of the now dis banded "holy rollers," waa today held" to answer a charge of adultery under 12000 ball LOST Last night, 3 hours after high, water, at Blind Channel light beacon,. Vj ply forty, old and new cork line fishing net Return to Carl Hagon son, care Kinney Cannery j suitable) . reward. ' NOTICE. The voting contest for Regatta Queen will close Saturday, the 6th instant, at 9 p. m., Instead of Thursday, the 4th Instant, as previously announced. G. M. McBRIDE, Chairman. You will like MADAME.