ASTORIA; OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. OREGON SHORT LINE MUD ?0 hour from Portland to Chicago. No chang of cars. A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD. Leav 6 ( Fort Ian 7.00 p.m depot to t2.30p.tii mJ wi) PORTLAND Portland Union Arrlv Q. A. R. TO BOSTON. ) farAtoria 9.40 p.m way joints Lav ASTORIA Arrlvt 7.45 a'm J for Voriland aod ) 11.30 a.ra 0.10 p.m ( way points 10.30 pm TIMEH0HKDUU8 DeMrt from Arrlv POItnAKO ChlntfO IHwllaud Halt take, Denver, ft ... Kiwcltti Worth, Omaha, Kan- 34 p m els a.m. aaeCltj.MlUMils. via HuuW Chicago and Ui East In.ton , f Atlantis KiprtM Halt lake, Denver Ft p. in. Worth, Omaha, Kan. 7 stf m via limit- mi City. Ht Loula, iugtoii Cbtcta.oand tbegaat H.reui wail Wait, tawi. fait Mall ton, "poaane. Minna- 1 . in. p1u. hi i'ul, imluili lao p m vutfipo- Milwaukee, Chicago, kau and foul OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Atorl AU sailing dates subject to ehanf. For Bui Francisco tvory five days. Itally ei- Crpl Hllll any scram Columbia, River to I'urtlaiid and Way Undlni 4 am Daily ex cept Mou Direct Line to St. Louis World's Fair. Steamer Nahcotta leav. Aatorla on the Udt DAILT FOR ILW1CQ, connecting then with train, for Long Keach, Tioga and North Deach point. Returning arrive! at Astoria m venlng. . Through tlcketi to and from all prifr lpal European cttlM. ' O. W. ROBERTS, Aot, . Astoria, Or. SEASIDE DIVISION Lhi ASTORIA Arrlv llSOa.m for Wamnton. 10.a0a,m 11.85 a.m Hammond, r't ) 4.00 p.m 8.50 p.m Stevens, beasid 5.50 p.m 5 05 p.m j . I Lav SEASIDE Antra ai m tor Wuneoailfi M"i.m 9.40 a.m Btevena. 11am- 1130 p.m 2JJ0 p.m mond.Astorla 1.30 p. m 6.00 p.m Flavel 7.20 p.m Dally Saturday. I Saturday only. All train make cloaa connections at Gobi with all Northern Paclfie trains to and from tbs East and Sound point. J. C.UATO, General Freight and pangr Agent ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKET5 via H "Best by Test" A transcontinental trav eler aays: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North western limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Before iUttlni onatrlp-no matter where write r InUwuttlnf informa tion about comfortable traveling. H. L S1SLCR. General AjenL 133 Tlilrd 6t Portland, Oregon. T. W. TRABDALE, Oeneml FuMmgrr Agent, fctl. Faul, Minn, Ta Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chloago, St Louie, and all polnta aatt and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY A The Flyer sad The Fast Mail L SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip aorees the Ceeoade and Rooky Mountain. For ticket, rate folders and full In formation call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent 128 Third Street Portland, Or. S. O. YERKES, O. W. P. A.. 61S First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. If your ad doesn't pull, why not ap ply the corrective and get on that doest Jdt's Sulil-Pepsa Gipsulsi POSITIVE CUSS Vor Iaflunmalloa er Oaitfrh f tb Bladdnt aad Dmm4 Kldi7. i9 oare o aaja Carat qsteklf and reraa. BnaUr lb won eate tt inrrhaA and Wlaae, M Battref how loaf iUa4 tec. Abtolnlalr aale. Sold by dran lute, aa m sARTAi-rmia to. umMiaajwia by Chas. Rogers. 4St Cotnmrolal Sold TRAVEL IS GENUINE PLEASURE ON Baltimore. & Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN - Chicago and New York via WASHINGTON, D. C. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatial Coach es, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawiug Room Cars. The Finest Dining Car Service in the World. Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. BM, AUSTIN, General Pass. A$t- - Chicago, HI. TIME TABLE T. J. POTTER THTTC tve P. M. P. M. .-( t' tifo ArriTf . - Arrive Tues.Ang. 2 9.00am 3.00 8.00 4.15 6.00 7.15. 7:15 2:23 Wed. ,r 8 9.00am 8.00 8,00 4.15 6:45 ' 8.00 8:00 8:00 Thura. " 4 9.00 am 8.00 8.00 115 7:30 8:45 8:45 8:45 Friday " 6 8.00am 8.00 8.00 4.13 8:00 9:15 9:15 4:15 -Sat. " 6 1.00pm 7.00 7.00 8.15 Sun. " 7 8:00 9:15 ,9:15 4:15 G. W. ROBERTS. Arjt.. O. R. tL N. CO. Special tra'n leave Bt, Paul Satur day, Augut 13, for the national en campment over the official route for the Minnesota delegationthe North western line to Chicago. For full Information call on or write IL L. BIHLER, General Agent, 132 Third Street, Portland, Ore. $20.70 CHICAGO TO BOSTON, MASS, and return Via the Baltimore s Ohio Railroad. Tickets good leaving Chicago August 12, 13 and 14, valid for return until August SO, subject to extension to Sep tember SO on payment of a fee of 60 cent. Stopover at New York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D. C. For through rates apply to your ticket agent at your horn city. For fall particulars send for circular to Peter Harvey, Pacific Coast Agent, San FrancUco, CaL DON'T 00 TO ST. LOUIS 'Till you call at or writ to the Chi cago, Milwaukee k St Paul Railroad. Office 134 Thlrt street Portland, Ore. Low rates to all point east In connec tion with all transcontinental. H. S. ROWE, General Agent 80NO TO THE FAIR, What to Do If You Desir Praottoal Information. If you contemplate visiting the St Louis Exposition, to securo reliable in formation AS to railroad service, th lowest rates and ths best routes. Abo as to. the local conditions In St Loula, hotels, eta, etc. If you will writ the undersigned, atatlng what Information you dealre the .am will be promptly furnished. If w do not have It on band, wlD occur It for you If possible, and with out any expense to you. Address B. H. TRMBULL, Portland, Or. TREASURE IN A SACRED LAKE Search Being Mad in a Famou Body of Water in Colombia. Attempt to uncover a cant trwure mippoaed to be at the bottom of the aacred Lake of Guatavlta, in the repub lic of Colombia, have been In ateody progrea for som time, and It U thought that the bottom of the lake will be laid bare during the prevent month. In the course of the operation for draining Lake Kuatavita many curlou object In gold work and pot tery have been found on the margin formerly covered by water and about the shores. These objects are not only of great antiquity, but they appear to be imitations of the product of a still earlier age. Some of the vase and ornaments recovered are very like similar object found In the tombs of the Inca In Peru and Ecuador; other have a sug gestion of Egyptian craft or teaching. The finding of these empty vases, which are believed to have held treasures, leads the supposition that many treas ure seekers have been there already, but what ha been gotten can only have been by dredging. There are good reason far thinking that a rich store of emerald may be found In the Silt of the lake bottom. Th Indian were sun worshiper, and he emerald was YM?r?.tl , the em blem of the un, a these geiV'i &CTe plentiful, they would In all probability be Among the treasures which the na tives are said to have thrown Into the water to preserve them from the rapa cious Spanish Invaders. What Is not surely known Is whether th Indian themselves ever recovered any of the sunken treasure when the country became more pacified. The es timate of a French writer that the treasure will amount to over 25,000, 000,000 franc is, of course, Incredible, but It Is believed In Colombia that a large, If not the greater, portion must be still at the bottom of Lake Guata vlta, Th Northern PaclBo Railway Com pany will plac round trip ticket from Portland to St Lout and return on account of th world', fair on aala a follows: August 8th, 9th and 10th. Sept 6th, 6th and 7th. October 3rd, 4th and 5th. Th round trip rat to St Louis and return from Portland will be 187.60. Tickets will be good for return via any direct line. A round trip rat of 17150 will also be mad from Portland to Chicago and return. , If a passenger desires to tak In both Chicago and St Louis the round trip rat will be $76.00. All ticket wilt b good for SO days from date of sal. Ticket will be good going ten day from date of sale so that a limited stop-over can be had on th going trip and on th return trip passengers can stop at their pleas ure west of the Missouri liver or St Paul. These rates apply via direct lines, but If passenger wishes to re turn through California tickets can be sold accordingly, but at an Increased rat of $13.50 added to above, For any additional Information de sired, call or address A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent Uorthern Pacific Ry 255 Morrison street corner of 3rd, Portland, Or. A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all point, oast; Louis ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and J1 points outh. 8e that your ticket read via the Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod' rn train connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul ard Omaha,. If your frlenda are coming west let us know and w will quote them direct th specially low rate now In effect from all eastern point. Any Information a to rat, routes, to., cheerfullyglven on application. OB. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 111 Third street, Portland, Or. 3. C. LINDSET, T. F. ft P. A., 143 Third street Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, F. . P. A IT f 1 SJJBMPtjM jfeljMiiiil m r fim 5 Amu in, nl kese tiny Capsules are superior to Bais&m or lopaiDa, Cubebs or Injections and,. CURE IN 48 th same diseases with out Inconvenience. 5-.'.y y alt Souse of Pigs' Fet Put the desired number of well cleaned pig feet In a kettle, cover with boiling water and cook half an hour; remove the feet and plunge Into cold water; drain and return to the kettle; cover them with half water and half vinegar, adding to one gallon of the liquor a tablespoonful of salt two ta biespoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoon ful of whole peppers, one bay leaf, a teaspoonful of whole cloves, three blades of mace, a teaspoonful of thyme tied In a cloth and four large, fine cut onions; boll until the feet are very ten der, take out and pack In stone Jar; strain the liquor over the feet and when cold cover tightly and keep in a cool, dry place; this should be made a day or two before using, but It will keep for days. Suicide Prevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discov ered will interest many. A run-down system, or despondency Invariably pre cedes suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self-destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney reg ulator. Only 60c Satisfaction guar anteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist Th Worlf Fair Rout. Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to th Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantage offered by th Mlssurl Pacific Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the northwest take th Missouri Paclflo trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with th choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant HU1. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St Louis without change. carrying all classes of modern equip ment Including electric lighted obser vatlon parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily train between Kansas City and St. Louis. Writ or call on W. C. McBrtde, gen- era! agent 131 Tnird street, Portland, for detailed Information and Ulustrat ed literature. IslfaWlraititlljrH. If bf cannot iuppl? th X f e a a. a .,.:. vtn "V i ry Vler it bail Intemted nd nfcould know MARVEL Whirling Spray Htmtnul bwtum. -( mi... Li, JnlltiainBfll, ...ii ..i,n,Ll.r. .rul ritrwttimt 111. airarksiaw, aew i5;m. . 3.T. I . W y ESS lillillll tilrlffi I vni la mc la ferrl itln 8 aim if, I vial la (O ttrouli Firit W leraoieia m4 tack, 14 lik I wa Ik iU tf h I tfcmk 14 jft u mm 1 4o' an Iww I ( (ken, fheiM, Wot wlua I auk a rik II , mtttMt(. Lnit jeat w lir ali( tt rik. -J A aUa4 aftk rik," b, WalUc Irwl. Capyrifklcd ky CvUitt't WaeUr. rUUa4 kf asrauMua. 0Q7M To SI Louis end Return laa 16, it, it jaly f , a, ) AsHi t, 9, lot pumb J, 4,71 OOoiKt 1,4, J- Imn Bait, alaatf Uyt. The Rock Island System offers two routes to the World's Fair City via Scenic Colorado. No change of cars, V , fj Ogdcn to St. Louis and St. Paul to A 'I dt. AiOUll. Full inforaudoa oa rnjuest. CiH or wnle. A. H. McDokalb, General Aff't, M0 3rd Street, cor. Alder Street : Portland, Or. iteamer Steamer "SUE L jEUiGBTI Lmes Astoria Every Wednesday Returning Saturday The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever ou this route. Best of Table and State Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between ATSORIA Aivr TILfAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Ssmsel Elmsre & Co., Gea'I Aits., Asisria, Ore. OR TO A. & C. R. K. Portland, Oregon Pacific Jfavagation Company, Tillamook, Oregon O. R. x N. Company, Portland, Oregon Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City; to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee Railway St. Paul Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. H. S. ROWE. General AjcnL 134 Third Street, Portland HORTIIERH PACIFIC Time Card ol Trains ,. . - - - PORTLAND, Leevrea Antvaft fuget Sound Llmlted.T:3S am l:tt pm Kansas Clty-St Loul) Special U:lt am : pn North Coast Limited 3:1 p m t:J a m Tacoma aad Seattl Night Express 11:16 pm 1:05 9 m ' Tak Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray" Harbor point Take Puget Sound Limited for Otyn pla direct Tak Puget Sound Limited or ICaa eas Clty-St Louui SpMlal for polat. on South Bend branch. , Double daily train servio oa Gray Harbor braaca. Four train dally between Portland, Tacoma and Beeti f " t-,P Is , ELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT RIDE IZZY CRAGS PEEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY See nature In all he glorious beauty, and then the acme of man' handi work, Th first la found along the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, the latter at th St Loul World' Fair, Tour trip will bo on of pleas uremake ths most of It For Infor mation and illustrated literature write W. C McBlIDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Or. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ASTORIAN