PAGE SIX. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1901. Advertise the Regatta, Wear a Badge FLAG PINS 10c EACH HAT PINS 15c EACH If you are tin Astorian it is your duty; if not it will not hurt vou. :; :: :: :: Stories of Clergymen J. N. GRIFFIN 1 L () sssssss 8 Give The smoKe of Peace and Ccmfort i Comes from our Havana Leaf A IftlPlii At" CIGAR Made by clean workmen. A single trial will put up good argument for itself. SOLD BY EVERY DEALER IN TOWN J, V. BURN S, Manufacturer them a trial 474 Commercial Street The following I nut a nee shows how & clergyman, by saying th right thing In the right time, can convulse a church audience: One night, while a hushed audience waa listening to Dr. Wlllltts, a little yellow dog trotted up the middle alale, jumped upon the platform, looked lov ingly into the preacher'a face and wag supplied the pulpit. The young preach er was gifted, energetic and eloquent, and tried hard to gather the people Into the church. He even used the sympathetic city newspapers In ex tending a cordial Invitation to every one to come: "Come, without money and without price," One night several noted revivalists were secured, clrcu ged his tall. Of course the audience J lars were sent out, and when the night "1 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES L. H. HENNINGSEN $ CO. Furniture, Stoves and Ranges, House Furnishings All kinds of Distresses made to order. Furniture repaired, npholstereding. Absolutely the cheapest place in town. Second hand goods bought and told. ;: :: :: :; 504 BOND STREET, Next Door to Wells-f rjo Ex. Co. PHONE, RED 230S Broks & Johnson, Proprietors. Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM CIS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE THE. ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA ELATERITE is Mineral Rubber. climate. Then, upon a jute canvass we build up a fire, water and acid proof roof ing material, with a ground mica surface and a wool felt paper dry sheet or back ing. WE'LL lay the goods, or you can. If yon kave to me a roof, we can fell you tome mighty interesting things. They will present your pocket look from shriveling np. Write us. The Elaterite Roofing Co. 10 Worcester Bldg. Portland, Ore OO TON BEST LUMP Free Delivery. Phone orders to No. 1961. Elmore & CO. r CIGARS The Trade sup plied at abso lutely bottom prices. n In all Brands and Sizes. We have them in stocH. TOBACCO We have added a pipe repairing' department. Best work in this line. GOODS EXCEL, PRICES RIGHT WILL MADISO N 630 COMMEKCIAL ST. 114 ELEVENTH ST. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fnhrman, Proprietor!, CHOICEST FEES 3 AND SALT MEATS. - PROMPT DELIVER! 542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. was amazed and roady to go Into con vulslons. "Good evenlnjr, sir," said the doctor, bowing to the dog graciously. "Your face Is full of Christian love, and you make all thse Christians laugh with Joy." Then looking at the audience pleas antly, the doctor said: "Brothers and sisters, I asked a poor Dutchman once what he would take for his little dog. 'Oh, veil, parsons,' he. said, with tears In his eyes, 'I couldn't sell dot leetle dog: he loves me so. I know dat dog Is no good. He Is no good to hunt, and he la no good to vatch; but dere Is one t'ing about dat dog vat I vouldn't sell, and dat Is de vags of his tall. when I eums home." ' "Tou are a clergyman, ain't your asked a garrulous, old Pennsylvania agnostic of the venerable and sainted Dr. Wlllltts. "I am, sir," said the gray-haired min ister. "And you preach out of the Bible?" "Why, of course I do!" said the doc tor, smiling. "And you find a good many things in that book that you don't under stand r "Oh, yes, of course; some things do puzzle me a little." "What do you do then, doctorr "Oh, I do Just as I do when I am eating a luscious Delaware shad, and come to the bones; I quietly lay them aside and go on with the delicious shad, and let some old, foolish idiot choke himself with the bones." When our little Ethel went to Bos ton to visit her Aunt Belinda she be came deeply interested In her aunt's Sabbath school. When she returned to New Tork, before taking off her hat, she exclaimed enthusiastically: Oh, mamma, you ought to go to Aunt Belinda's Sunday school! It was Just splendid! Last Sunday the lesson was awful Interesting. It was all about Moses and he was just the nicest man! He loved all the litle children. and one day he led all the little chil dren of Israel out of the desert Into the promised land only Moses himself, he didn't get Into the promised land. but he went up on top of a high moun tain and Just looked over in, and then he died and there don't anybody know where Moses is burled or where he went to but God and Aunt Belinda, and she won't tell." Dr. Kobeit Collyer, contemporary with Chapin and Beecher, still delights to tell this merry story in his ripe old age: One day," said the genial father of preachers, "I sat in a seat on the train down in Kentucky with a fam ous Kentucky colored preacher whom they all called Uncle Rufus. We were talking about clergymen being called to preach. "'Uncle Rufus,' I said. 'I hear that you don't believe much in the idea that the Lord calls certain men to preach?" "'Wall, sah,' said Uncle Rufus thoughtfully, 'de Lawd mout call some negroes ter preach; but it sorter 'pears to me dat whar de Lawd calls one ole man, laziness calls er dozen. Nine negro preachers outer ten, Brother Collyer, Is de laziest pussons in de world, sah!' " How do you know that. Uncle Ru fus r "'Beca'se I'se a preacher myse'f, sah. " 'I tell yer what, Brudder Collyer,' j continued Uncle Rufus confidently, 'we preachers must wuck wld energy if we wuck er tall. Scrlptah Stt: "What somever yo' hastest fer to do you orter dust wld all yer hawt an' mine an' streh'th" an' above all things doan' prttnostlcrate.' '"Don't whlchtycrate, Uncle Rufus ': What do you mean?' I asked. "1 means, doan' prognosticate, Brudder Collyer. Doan' put oft till nex' week what yer orter done las' year. Time, Brudder Collyer, Is a mighty hand hoes to hab.' Tharfo' it behoofs you, as Scrlptah says, to ketch her by de fetlock ef yer wanter come under he wlah befo' he does. Tou heah me?'" A funny thing happened In the great memorial church built to the memory of Adoniram Judson, the famous Bap tist missionary. It Was built in the center of a poor district in New Tork where they are not famous for gener osity in supporting the church. The missionary's son, Dr. Edward Judson, arrived the church was crowded At the close of the service a collec tion for the poor was taken. After the treasurer had counted the contents of the collection box carefully he rose sadly and whispered to the clergyman that the collection amounted to two dollars and twenty-three cents. Then Dr. Judson held up his left hand, as If delivering a benediction, and closed wtth these feeling remarks: "My dear, beloved brethren I thank you for coming to oar religious feast. We have tried to reach the poor of New Tork and induce them to come to our church and break the bread of life. I Infer from the amount of the collection Just taken two dollars and twenty cents that they all have come. "Arise and sing: "Tm a sinner, poor and lowly, Striving for a Savior's love." I have heard of poor and sad con gregatlons, but the saddest preacher I ever knew went from Posey county, Indiana, to Pike county, Missouri (where John Hay discovered Little Breeches and Jim Bludao.) He was starving to death on donations of cat fish, possum and a hundred-dollar sal ary. Finally he made up his mind to go away. With wet eyes he stood up In the prayer meeting to bid good-by to his weeping congregation. "Brothers and sisters." he said, wlp ing his eyes on his red bandana hand kerchief, "I've called you together to night to .say farewell. The Lord has called me to another place. I don't think the Lord loves this people much; for none of you seem to die. He doesn't seem to want you. And you don't seem to love each other; for I've never married any of you. And I don't think you love me; for you don't pay me my salary and your donations are moldy fruits and wormy apples. "By their fruit ye shall know them.' "And now, brothers and sisters, I am going to a better place. I've been ap pointed chaplain to the penitentiary at Joliet. 'Where I go ye cannot come, but I go to prepare a place for you.'" Eli Perkins Jn New York Tribune. FOR SALE At Gaston's Peed and Salt Stable, ant Colfax Roller Feed Mill one 80-hortepowsr Motor and Starter lox 80-foot 4-ply Rubber Belt) ont pair Butchers' Wall Scales) also 800 good Sacks. found a pair or oyo glasses) owner can get same by applying at this ef flee and proving property and pay Ing for advertisement. WANTED Experienced girl for gen oral housework 1 must understand eooklng. Wages, $25 1 reference re quired. Address Mrs. M. 0. Hall, Seaside, Ore. WANTED Girl for general house work must be good cook. Wages, 30 1 refsrenee required. Address "8," ears The Morning Astorian. WANTED Olrl or middle aged woman for general housework. Enquire Bay View hotel. LADY bookkeeper wantsdi stata x psrlsnct and salary expected. Ad dress C. M., care of Astorian. Standard portable and adjustable shower bath, finest made, pries I1& Only two sorews to put In pise. JcS A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber, 429 Bond street. Phono 1031. Upper Astoria Tiao plsoo where ycu can got a fin gloss of boor, at goad t wlntt and llquort at you tan find ' any also In the tlty. HARRY JONES. Oppotltt North Paolflo Brewery. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, boa wood, any kind ef wood at lowest prloea. Kelly, the trantfsr man. 'Phone 2211 Black, Barn on Twelfth, apposite opera house. PIrst-elass meat tor 19c nlot take, sense, pie, or doughnuts, So. U. 8. restaurant, 434 Bond street. BEST 1S-CENT MEAL You ean always find tht best 15-oent meal In the city at tht Rising Sun rostaursnt, No. 812 Commsrolal street End of Bitter Fight "Two physicians had a long and stubborn fight with an abscess on my right lung," writes J. F. Hughes, of DuPont, Ga., "and gave me up. Every body thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The bene fit I received was striking and I was on my feet In a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It con quers all Coughs. Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. Price 50c and 11.00. Trial bottles free. Union made heating stoves, homo man ufactured and very ttovt perfect, at Montgomery's tin and plumbing store, 423 Bond street 'Phono 1031. Alderbrook Trsnsfor Company Bag gage transferred and wood fur nished. Orders reoelved at Oaston's stable. Phone Main 1671. E. L Geddes, Mgr. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable plant work see your local tuner, Th. Predrlekson. 2C71 Bond street 'Phone Red 2074. Lump Coal Largo Lumps Ring up 8. Elmore A Co., Main 1961, and or dor a ton of Ladysmlth ooat, The deliver it. Select lump teal. JAPANESE GOODS. New stack of fancy goods Just arrived at Yokohama Basaar. Call and see tht latsst novelties from Japan. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work in Oregon, representing large manufacturing company. Salary $50 to 90 per month, paid weekly) expensss ad vanced. Address wtth stamp, J. H. Moore, Astoria, Ore. a a 8 a a a a a a a a The Palace Cafe aaoanoaoaanaoanaoooaaan a n a a a a a a a a a The Best Restaurant lefolir Metis. 25 Ceati Sunday Dinners s Specialty EwylnlBf tec Market Affof it Palace Catering Company S 3ttCttaaoaaaattaaaaoaaaotJaaaaaanBaaaao2 "Neglected colds make fat grave yards." Dr. Woods Norway Pins Syrup helps men and women to t happy, vlgornud old The beer that made Milwaukee fam oas Schlltz Is always on draught at The Grotto. Otto Mlkkelson. proprietor. Do you know MADAME7 psltil Cut ths Can and compare the quality of Economy Brand Evaporated Groom with any of Its Imitations. Note tht difference. See how smooth and appetizing ourj product is, owing to Its heavy consistence, which I I keeps the butter fat equally distributed, in contrast with I the cheap and thin Imita tions which allow ths but- I ter fat to rise and form ' unsightly clods, ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHN OX, Prwi.and f uU r.L.UI9HUl,t.rttry A. I.. FOX. Vice PrwIdMit, AtflVKM HAVJNUB BANK, TlM Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Stret-t. ASTOUIA, OREGON. ToRe Point Restaurant Under New Management BOWERS t BEAUUEU. Propritton SPECIAL MERCHNTS LUNCH 25c OYSTERS ANY STYLE HOT TAMALES We Never Close 112 Eleventh St. 6IILEIE SAFOT RA1 Wafer Blades, No Stropping or Honing. Always Sharp, Sold Only By j? FISHER BROTHERS C0F.2PANY THE LOUVRE A First Class Concert Hall ; . Finest JResort In The City ADMISSION FREE ATTHACTIVE PKOGRAM CHANGE WEEKLY Seventh and Astor Streets- CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop. w einhard'i Beer.