ASTORIA, OEEOO.V, FRIDAY", AUGUST 5, 1DIM. PAGE FIVE. I It's Chase Sanborns Choice Blended Coffee Tut up in a milk can holding 5 pounds end eel! for 1.25 each, u :: :: ROSS, HIGGINS M CO. && bmTim mil local Brevities. A game of ball will be played at A F, C. park this afternoon between the Prides ot Astoria and a picked nine, a meeting of the Idun society was held last evening. It was decided to give walkout party Sunday night Membera of the society will visit the city reservoir park, and refreshment will be enjoyed under the trees. It was learned yesterday that the Are which destroyed the old ordnance building at Fort Stevens caused a loss of about $10,000. At the fort the opin ion is expressed that the blase re suited from spontaneous combustion A board of survey wilt convene to de termlne the cause, If posslhlo, and & the loss. s ; ., ', Robert Johnson, of Bkamokawa, Is In the custody of Jailer Anderson pending change in his mental condition. The man bad been at the hospital for some time and lately developed signs of In sanity. He was examined yesterday, but the board did not render a final decision In his case. Should he show Improvement during his confinement, he will be releassd. Lieutenant William H. Tobln. who Ji been stationed at Fort Stevens for the past two and a half years, left yesterday for Ban Diego, Cal He will hereafter be stationed at Fort Rose crans, Cal., having been transferred from the Thirty-fourth to the One Hundred and Fifteenth company, const artillery. Lieutenant Tobln'i family accompanies him. For two years he was post quartermaster at Stevens. He will be succeeded by Lieutenant L, 8. Ryan, '" ; John Snmpl, agreement of Carbonado, Wash, Is now out of St. Mary's hos pital, after a stay of live weeks. Snmpl was suffering from a peculiar disease of the leg, which resulted In mortifica tion. He treated with several Wash Ington doctors, but without relief, and ame to Astoria to consult Drs. Eske lln and Ahlqulst. The local doctors performed a dlffleult operation and the sjinrer Is now well on the way to re covery. He will return shortly to his home In Carbonado. Yesterday's session of the county court was devoted to consideration of road matters. The contract for re pairing 72 rods of the Bear creek road was awarded to Peter Olsen, at price of 17 per rod. The court Journed until August 16. the ad Victor Jansson, of 130 Lincoln street, Astoria, writes The Astorlan to learn whether or not the Fourth of July Is a legal holiday. The Fourth of July Is a legal holiday, having been pro vlded for by act of congress. .'. ; ' Voting for regatta queen will con tinue up to o'clock tomorrow night At 9 o'clock the committee will gather up the ballot boxes and taka them to regatta headquarters, where the re suit will bs announced. It was er roneously stated yesterday that the contest would end tonight. . ' Tha Vancouver Transportation Com pany has appealed to Washington for ft Anal ruling In the matter of the f 100 One Imposed by Collector Robb. The ftne was levied because of Captain Lar kins' failure to produce a certificate of Inspection. It is claimed by the com pany that at the time the Inspector bonrded the Lurllne the certificate was at the Portland customs bouse. of the fishermen who came In yester day reported that yesterday morning's fog had Interfered with them at lower harbor drifts, and those who suffered on this account made poor catches. Borne of the less fortunate fishermen reported with from 250 to 600 pounds. left because they could not get their produce to the city. jrhre r four ranchers are raising stock and those who are familiar with conditions say the stockraisers are making money. If there were a good road to the county line the farmers could get their stuff but generally the hauls were as great to town, where the market Is always as those of Wednesday. Yesterday the price of salmon was reduced to 6 cents flat. This was expected and the fl; ermen accepted the reduction without complaint so far as was learned. The packers have scoured the city for laborers, and at nearly all of the pack. Ing bouses large forces are employed It Is expected that the boats will be limited If the preaent heavy run con tlnues, although the packers and cold storage men will use their best efforts to care for all of the fish offered. The run shows no sign of decreasing. The following San Francisco dls patch will prove of local Interest: Ad vices received from Bristol bay state that all the vessels of ths Alaska sal mon fleet are safe. The season's pack has been closed with a total of 800,000 cases, against 1.200,000 cases for last season. The Alaska Packers' Assocla tlon put up 625.000 cases, 276,000 cases being packed by various other can neries. The British Columbia pack will not exceed 150,000 cases, against 475.- 000 for last year. The Puget Sound canneries' output to August 1 waa 29, oqo cases; for 1901 It was 465,000. The Columbia River pack to August 1 was 115.000 cases, against 230,000 cases fqr the same date last year. On the coast rivers many canneries are closed. The Sacramento river pack Is ths smallest known. Tha total Pacific coast pack will not exceed 2,250,000 cases, as against 3.600,000 cases In 1903 and 6, 100,000 In 1901. NIL M t ine run or saimon yesterday was quite as good aa that of the previous day, and receipts at all of the packing houses were heavy. With the single exception of J. O. Megler, all of the packers are taking the offerings of the fishermen. The cannerlea are handling fully one-third more fish than was cared ror last season, and the apacity of the cold storage plants Is fully one-third greater this year. Some Hmxixxraiiiixmmizxx xxxxxnjLUJULiiiijjjixxnx mm There Are Engines Run well part of the time Ran poorly all of the time Won t worK any time XShQ STANDARD GAS ENGINE RUNS WELL ALL THE TIME C. II. CARLSON & COMPANY, Affents J. . xzisimiimmnixirrn miiniinlnnnrmT The old Grimes hotel at Seaside was burned to the ground early yesterday morning. There were about 60 people In the hotel and all escaped, although one, J. W, Applegate, a Portland pho tographer, was quite badly hurt. The. fire was discovered about 3 o'clock. The local flre department turned out promptly, but the. ble had gained such, headway that It could not be controlled. The fire-fighters then turned their attention to the adjoining buildings and the bridge across the Necanlcum, and prevented further loaa. The fire started In the southeast part of the building, and It Is believed to have been of incendiary drlain. The hotel was built 25 years ago and cost $10,000, It was owned by Mrs. Sarah Grimes. Mr. Applegate was brought to Astoria yesterday and taken to St, Mary's hospital. When the flre broke out he was asleep and was froced to Jump from the window of his room. In striking the ground be dislocated his left shoulder and hip, and was also quite severely burned. When he reached the hospital yesterday he t unconscious, but responded readily to medical treatment The Seaside au thorises, while satisfied that the flre waa started by some one, are at a loss to account for the fiendish crime, and have no clew by which tha lncendiarlea might be Identified. good. With the Idea In view of for mulatlng some definite plan of action, county officials, Astoria newspaper men and good roads enthusiasts are planning a trip to be made about Sep tember 1 through the valley. The farmers will be got together and urged to adopt some plan to secure the neces sary road. All of the local business men realize the need for a road and the ranchers can figure upon hearty support. PILOTAGE EARNINGS SMALLER. Report of Board for Ysar Ended June 30 Filed at Salem. The board of pilot commissioners, composed oi J, E. Campbell, Sylvester Farrell and Qeorge Noland, has filed Its annual report with Governor Cham berlain, showing the tonnage engaged In the foreign and domestic trade at the port of Astoria for the year end ing June 30. For the purpose of com parison the corresponding flgurwj Jr last year are given: r t I Great Reductions I in Ladies' Shirt Waists. WaisU that in the height of the summer season sold for $5.00, f 4.75, 4.00 etc. now reduced to cost. Ladies' Pongee Suits, fashionable and cool for summer wear at a taking price $3.98. The latest from Gage Ero3.--Ladies outing ccps at 50c. : r ' z Remember you can buy cheaper at :r ;: V ITEM BEEHIYB Tons, 1904. 283.728 171,049 276,2 189.124 During the fog which settled over the river Wednesday night the gaso line launch Alexander, Jr., drifted out to sea. The launch Is engaged In car rying fish for the Warren Packing Company, and near Desdemona sands her wheel fouled a net Captain Muel ler waa unable to clear the wheel and the launch atarted to drift toward the bar. On account of the fog the cap tain was unable to signal for assist ance, and the launch was carried out to sea. Early In the morning, when the tide turned, the launch drifted back Into the river, but at daybreak Captain Mueller found himself dan gerously near the jetty. He man aged to signal the men at work there, and they notified Captain Wlcklund, of the Hammond live-saving crew. The lifeboat went to the Alexander's assistance and towed her to a place of safety. The Eclipse brought the launch up to the city. When the Alexander went over the bar she had about 18 tons of fish aboard, and to lighten the launch Captain Mueller found It necessary to throw overboard about six tons. The absence of the Alexander caused some concern Wed nesday night, and the steamer Volga was sent down to the lower harbor to look for her. The Volga grounded at the mouth of Warrenton creek, however, and the search ended unex pectedly. Tons, ' , . . 1903.' Entered domestic . .',224.689 Entered foreign 259,322 Cleared domestic... 257. 6S3 Cleared foreign...... 272,500 Pilotage charges for the year ending June 30, 1904, were: Inward bar pilot age, 17018.43; outward bar pilotage, $8408.48; total. $15,426.91. For the pre ceding year the charges were: Inward bar pilotage, 111,144.02; outward bar pilotage, 112,185.39; total, 823,329.41 The report says In part: "The board has made its usual regular semi annual tour of Inspection, and finds that the pilot service Is efficient and satisfactory. Any complaints or re quests coming before the board have been thoroughly Investigated and sat isfactorily adjusted. The state schooner San Jose and the bar pilots have been continually outside the bar pilotage grounds, af fording as good service as possible to the commerce of the river. The San Jose has been lately thoroughly over hauled and put In as good condition as possible and Is now doing duty outside. "The two bar tugs also carry pilots going outside, and never leave for out aide without one or mora pilots on board." The board reports 10 river pilots and seven bar pilots holding branches from the board and actively at work. The total tonnage of vessels enter ing the Columbia river over the bar was, for domestic vessels, 283,728 tons, representing 601 vessels, and 77 for elgn vessels of 171,049 tons. A total of 474 domestic cleared, representing 276,276 tons, and 98 foreign vessels, of 189,124 tons. This was a handsome In crease over the report of the previous year, only 399 domestic and 128 foreign vessels entering over the bar, the ton nage being 224,689 and 259,322 tons, re spectively. The number clearing was 382 domestic and 150 foreign, with 257, 693 and 272,500 tons, respectively. PERSONAL MENTION. 4 OtTl ethitiff ; for the Home "0 CLOTHES HAMPERS Made in cane and rattan WICKER ROCKERS Large and comfortable STEAMER CHAIRS For summer comfort A splendid assortment tnd Not high in price either CHAS. HEILBORW a SON Astoria's Leading Ilousc-furnishers J The Dally News, discussing the good roads problem, points out the benefits which will be derived if better rates can be secured to Astoria from eastern points, and Immigration thereby en couraged. This matter was discussed at considerable length at the recent meeting of the local delegations to the Oregon Development , League ; conven tion. Judge Bowlby seemed very anx ious for equal rates with Portland, but It was pointed out by other delegates that the rate problem was not of such great Importance as many believed. The eastern farmer who sells out to come to Oregon will not be deterred on account of the 82 additional fare from Portland to Astoria, and, while equal rates are desired, It is the gen eral Impression that the rate will not materially affect the Influx of new people. The greatest task before the commercial bodies Is to advertise the resources of , this county. If eastern farmers who slave 16 hours a day to eke out an existence could be made to understand that half the energy ex pended In Clatsop county would net them fortunes within a few years, the farming districts would soon be built up and the population of the county doubled within a short time. There Is now but one drawback to success ful farming here the lack of a good road south from the city. The Ne-! halem valley was once quite thickly settled, but many of the ranchers Have Mrs, C. H. Callender, of Knappton, I? In the city. J. A. Waddel, a Portland traveling man, Is In the city. Mrs. W. S. McGuIre, of Portland, is visiting In the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Meyer, of Port land, are In the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mallory, of Den ver, are visiting In the city. Hon, Sig Slchel, of Portland, is In Astoria, looking after his local Inter ests. J. H. Carver, of Kalama, was among the passengers arriving on last night's train. Mrs. Katherine Daly, of Portland, is visiting In the city with her niece, Mrs. E. Q. TrulUnger. Among the Porttanders In the city are W. S. Paige, E. Q. Rice, A. W. Whitmer, Fred D. Jack and Charles Krus. Mrs. J. W. French and Mlsa C. F. Bolton, of The Dalles, arrived in the city last evening on their way to the beach. Robert S. Boyns, northwest general manager of the Prudential Lfe Insur ance Company, witn headquarters at. Portland, Is in the city. James W. Welch, A. S. Tee, Judge Bowlby, A. S. Skyles and Dr. W. C. Barr have returned from Portland, where they attended the development league convention. Do you want a visit from MADAM Ef FISHERMEN TAKE NOTICE. The CMmooll Is here which means peace, prosperity and plenty for all You will need dishes for your plenty Come and see Our patterns A Glance Ata. iShoe That comes from our stock is suf ficient to show to you that our goods are well made. "We do not believe in carrying a cheap article. It would not pay us to sell it it would not pay you to buy it. Let us sell you a pair of our Viz St Dunn Line $2.50 THEY NEED HO BREAKING IN You can dispose of your surplus sal mon at Bay View Cannery. 8EABORQ PACKING CO. Wherity, Ralston Company THE LMDUIU SUUE DEALERS