The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 05, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Che morning flstorinn
By mail, per year $6 00
By mail, per month 50
By carriers, per pionth 60
By mail, per year, in advance .......... $1 00
The Postal Progress League has started a series of
mnntMv mpptincs in this city to advocate "the im
mediate advancement of the postoffice," says the
New York Commercial. Its secretary announces that
he has received letters from many prominent business
. men approving and praising its campaign to secure
the election of a congress pledged to postal reform.
The Central New York Farmers' Club recently
adopted resolutions demanding postal improvement
at once. In other states also the farmers, as well as
the town and city business communities, are begin
ning to show their interest in this subject. All these
things are so many hopeful signs that the improve
ment of the United States postoffice department is
bound to come. Public recognition of the insuffi
eiency of the department to meet existing needs is
more widespread than ever and an enlightened
public opinion in this country is ever the first great
step in the direction of reform.
There is no department of the public service today
so badly in need of betterment indeed, of thor
oughgoing reform as is the postoffice. A writer in
a recent number of The World's Work magazine said
that the scandals in the department, bad as they
have been, sink into insignificance beside the inad
equacy of the postal service. And that is perfectly
true. There has been no appreciable improvement
in the postoffice department in a dozen years. In
some respects, indeed, there has been a retrogression.
Its methods are in many things obsolete and out
worn, ine cnarges tor most Kinds or mail matter
are too high, and yet they are not high enough to
meet the enormous expense of maintaining the de
partmentwhich is today probably the biggest bank
rupt in the world. According to the postmaster
general's report for 1903, the excess of his expendi
tures over his total receipts from all sources was
$4,560,044.73. Still more startling is his statement
that this deficit shows an increase over that for 1902
of $1,622,394.92. But that is not all. Expenses of
the postoffice department charged to the treasury de
partment for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1903,
were $l,439,498.87-an.increase over 1902 of $385,
849.08. Thus the grand total loss to the govern
ment caused by the postoffice department last year
was $5,999,543.60, which was an increase of nearly
two millions ($1,978,244) over the loss of the pre
ceding year. And the United States is the only
large nation in the world whose postal service is con
ducted at a loss !
But despite the millions that it costs, the service
is grossly incompetent. In a city 'like New York
many possible modern facilities for quicker, safer,
better delivery are not availed of. Deliveries are
Blow. Congestion is frequent. Losses of letters or
valuable packages are of daily occurrence. Quarters
are for the most part too small and cramped. The
department goes lumbering along like its heavy, old
fashioned wagons drawn by poor, emaciated, old
nags that look about ready for the "bone-yard." One
ean oftentimes send a letter to Philadelphia more
quickly than from The Bronx to Wall street. And
this is the department at its best. In the country
at large there are said to be no less than 75,000
towns and villages without any postal service at all !1
The advocates of postal advancement urge that
the extension of the free delivery service is an im
perative need, and that the cost of the foreign mail
service should be reduced. Former Postmaster-General
Thomas L. James pointed out in 1885 that a
daily mail service was needed between London and
New York and that the rate of ocean postage should
be 2 cents a letter. If that was needed 19 years ago,
they say, it is more urgently demanded now. Then,
these men say, when these paramount reforms have
been secured let us have cheaper internal letter
postage the reduction of first-class matter to one
cent an ounce.
Portland Journal: Any observant person who
has lived long, or even not very long, in Oregon
ean see unmistakable signs of a new era for this
state, one of unprecedented development, of unpar
alleled advancement. This new era is already upon
us, is already begun, but only begun. The conven
tion of the new State Development League, now in
session here, is a consequence of this beginning, as
well, as we hope, a cause of or a large factor in the
future onward and upward movement Develop
ment of resources, lying all about us rawly, in many
million-fold volume and value, if worked on ami
with ; the men and money to do this work ; the way
and means to get it started and carry it on a little
it will then carry itself on these are the interest
ing questions in Oregon. They are "in the air.
They must not only be there, but clown on and in
the ground.
This development will come, is coming, has already
nicelv if so far feebly begun, in many ways. Here
are some of the things to be accomplished :
First, an open river, to secure which the portage
road, then the canal, must be constructed.
Second, making Oregon known throughout the
east, and inducing the right kind of immigration-
people with brawn, brains and cash.
Third, a general, urgent, influential pressure
brought upon large land-holders to break up their
tracts and sell them in small tracts at reasonabl
prices to homeseekers. Make them see that this
would benefit them; that one-quarter of their bi
tract would thus soon be made worth as much as
the whole is now, while they would have severa
thousand dollars to the good besides.
Fourth, electric roads. From Portland to Hills
boro and rorest Urove; to baiem, Albany ant
Eugene and from these points to others. Get mon
eyed men to look at the country, at the situation
at what has been done, is being done, can be done
We must "show them" first. We must do something
ourselves. We must "fly with our own wings." We
must prove our faith by our works. We must talk
in terms of cash. Unless this spirit prevails and it
is already aroused the work of the development
league will be largely in vain.
Fifth, development of mines, not only of gold but
of coal, and other minerals, of which there is a great
variety in Oregon; but particularly, the Nehalem
coal fields. The road has been built in talk and hot
air for many years. It is about time strenuous ef
forts were made to make a reality of it
Sixth, irrigation and water rights. These comprise
in themselves a very large and pregnant subject, and
in regard to the latter at least, the next legislature
has important work to do.
There are other plans and projects and needs to
be helped along, and made realities a railroad
through central Oregon, a railroad over to Coos
bay, closer water communication and commercial re
lations with coast points, particularly Coos bay and
Tillamook bay and other matters, quite enough to
engage the constant and earnest attention of a de
velopment league 100,000 strong for months and
years to come.
Let the slogan throughout all Oregon, from the
sinuous Snake to the mightily pulsing Pacific, from
the magnificent Columbia to the storm-breeding Sis
kiyous, be A Greater Oregon a twice, thrice, five
times, ten times Greater Oregon.
The new era is born, but an infant must be nour
ished. We must not abondon this one to be kept
punily alive in an incubator.
The whole number of members of the Japanese
diet is 379, and of them seven are Christians, in
cluding one Baptist, two Congregationalisms and four
Methodists. The Christian representation is thus in
a minority of 1 to 54, but it is influential beyond
that proportion. In the population at large there is,
roughly speaking, only one Christian in ten thou
sanda little leaven in a great mass, but its effect
is visible and recognized even by those who are not
nominally Christians. In old Japan Shintoism,
Buddhism and Confucianism all encouraged abso
lutism and feudalism, while constitutional govern
ment, representative institutions and local self-government
are fruits of Christian civilization. It is
favored by a good many who make no open profession
of it, and is particularly valued as an instrument of
social and moral reforms. It has a long road to
travel in that country before it satisfies the desires
of its propagandists, but the road is open, and there
is no opposition worth speaking of, but rather a
spirit of receptivity and encouragement.
Eight years ago the democratic candidate for
president declared that toiling humanity was crushed
under ' ' a cross of gold. ' ' Statistics show that ' ' toil
ing humanity" has piled up a little matter of $2,-
600,000,000 in gold money in the country's savings
We are now promised that the democrats party is
to be made a "compact, fighting organization," but
no victory was ever won by an army whose leaders
sulked in their tents or carried knives for use upon
each other.
"Hard to Die in Portland" is a headline which
appears in the Journal, which might have added
that it's also a hard place in which to live.
It is funny how an American workman loses his
hearing in the presence of calamity shouters as soon
as he opens a bank account.
To cur & weak stomach Is to take
Hostetter't Stomach Bitter at the very
first symptom. It does away with
starving and dieting yourself been use
It puts the stomach In proper condl
tlon to digest the food.'; In this way
It cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sonstl
pation, Biliousness, Heartburn, In
omnia, Headache, Cramp or Dlar
rhoea. .Nervous and sickly women also
And the Bitters unequuled as a regula
tor and tonic. We urge a fair trial.
New York Pays $16,000,000 to Philadal
phia Without Flurry.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The manner In which the recent loan
of 116,000,000, furnished by bunkers In
New York and Boston, whs placed on
deposit to the credit of the city tn some
60 bunking Institutions In Philadelphia,
without the transfer of $1 of actual
money, la an example of modern finun
claJ organisation beyond the ready un
derstundlna; of those whotte Ideua on
"the volume of currency" and other
elements of finance are still batted on
the experience of the country store.
There wan a time when the negotia
tion of a city loan Involved the bring
Ing to the city treasury, oi Its agent,
of large sums of cash, which had been
drawn out of bank or brought from
other cities for the purpose, and the
reconveyance of this cash to the same
or other banks, with all the dangers of
loss tn transit and tha Inconvenience
and disturbance resulting from the
temporary withdrawal of all this money
from other uses. Today the whole
business is performed by a few pieces
of paper and s, settlement on the books
of the clearing house.
Aside from the original due bill for
800,000, or 5 per cent on the amount
of the loan, which accompanied the
bid, the whole of this loan was paid to
the city treasurer in a clearing house
due bill of the Fourth Street National
bank. This he deposited In the bank
most convenient to him, which there
upon issued Its due bills to the vari
ous designated depositories, distribut
ing the amount among them in a pre
scribed proportion. The Fourth Street
National bank had In the meanwhile
received from various other banks
their bills of exchange on New York,
pproxlmatlna; the sum due from the
New York syndicate, which it for
warded to Its correspondent In New
York, to be entered to the credit of
0 0 0
Our great odds-and-ends sale of .Men's
Suits started eflf with a rush. Many of
the people came just to eeo what wo had,
and others who were Afraid it was a fako
sale looked at the goods, bought them
und loft the store fully satisfied that we
were doing just what we advertised, viz:
Closing out about 100 odd suits, sizes
34 to 40, worth up to $35.00 at ,
We emphasize the fact that wo do not
expect to makr any profit on this sale.
Our sole object is to mako room for our
new fall stock which will soon arrive.
Our reputation for reliability loaves no
chance fur doubt ns to tho genuineness
of this sale. :: :: :: ::
Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works
Ekssfactorers ef
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronte Costings.
General Foundryinen and Patternmakers.
Absolutely firstclass work. Trices lowest
Phccs 245ft Comer Eighteenth end Franklin
the Philadelphia banks against the
credits of the banks representing the
syndicate tn New York. The New
York clearing house adjusted these ac
counts, as the Philadelphia clearing
house had balanced the accounts of
the home banks, and thus the payment
of $16,000,000 from New York to Phil
adelphia was completed without the
physical disturbance of a single penny.
Pressed Chicken.
Binge, clean and disjoint a good sized
fowl, cover It with cold water and sim
mer slowly until the flesh drops from
the bones. When half done season
highly with salt, pepper, celery salt
and one small onion stuck with cloves.
When the chicken Is perfectly tender
remove all the skin and bone and shred
e meat Into good sized pieces. Boll
two or three eggs hard, cool and cut
thin slices. Remove all fat from the
chicken gravy and boll down to about
cupful. Moisten the meat with this,
then pack In layers In a well buttered
mold, arranging slices of egg on each
layer. Cover with a plate, set a weight
It and stand In a cold place until
the next day.
Special Excursions to 8t. Louis.
August 8, 9 and 10, September 5, 6
and 7, and October 3, 4 and 5 are the
remaining dates upon which tickets
will be, sold at the reduced rates to the
St. Louis Fair. These rates apply over
the Denver and Rio Grande and Mis
souri Pacific. For the patrons of these
roads special excursion cars will be
run ; through from Portland and St.
Louis without change.
See the many points of Interest about
the Mormon capital and take a ride
through Nature's picture gallery.
During the closing months travel to
the fair will be very heavy. K you
contemplate going write W. C. Mc
Brlde, general agent at Portland for
the Denver and Rio Grande, for partic
ulars of these excursions.
Grammar Grade
Amy ros catalog i' i Courses.
Boarding school for youg men and boys.
Portland, . .' . Oregon.
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on ehoH notice,
Best Of Goods At Prices That Are Right
727 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon
! Staple and Fancy Groceries
Supplies of All Kinds at Lowest Prices for Ftshsrmsn, Farmers H
and Loggers.
BrancbUniontown, Phones, 711, Uniontown, 713 H
Tenth and Commeroial Strsets. ASTORIA, OREGON.
ArtitHmt!trm ITHHZIIIIXlHimizmX
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest ;
aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaoaaaaaaaaa
Some People Are Wise
And some are othsrwlss.. Get wis to the value of our Pre
torlptlon Dspartmsnt when you want Purs, Clean Drug and
Medioines aeourately compounded.
Anything In our stook of from our prtiorlption counter,
you un depend upon as being the bit Get It at
and Commercial Street Hart's Drug Store :
eaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Works H:
We are thoroughly prepared (or making
estimate! and execrating order for
11 kind of electrical Installing and
repairing, Supplies in stock. W
tell the Celebrated 8HELBT LAMP.
Call nn Phone 1161.
. CYUD8.
Matter 42a BOND STREET