ASTORIA OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1904. PAGE TIIKEI We Cordially Invite To Come To ASTORIA'S GREAT REGATTA 26 1... v.... t -v. w V ., i v - t X , Crowning of Queen Grand Kegatta Ball Sculling Match Lacrosse Match Gasoline Boat Races Fish Boat Races Rowing Races Tub Races Sloop Races Bands of Music High Dive Warships GRAND STREET PARADE You need a vacation; why not come to Astoria where the invigorating breeze from the Pacific Ocean will fill your lungs with pure ozone and where you can take in the renowned Regatta" at the same time. You can also see the salmon can neries and take a dip in the ocean; several trips daily to and rrom the peach. :: Plenty of Accommodations And a Royal Good Time We Invite YOU to Gome We want YOUR Company EFFORTS FOR SETTLEMENT Powerful Influence! Trying to Ad just Difficulty Between Pack ers and Employes LABORING MEN ARE WILLING Union Men Hay Tliey Are Anx Jons to SI set Packer Half Way-Strike JJreak. , em ftluggeil. Chicago, August 4. According to the leaden of the packing houe strike. certain powerful Influence, have been brought to bear on the packer, and peace negotiation, will probably be re newed tomorrow afternoon between th .trlker. and their former employe.. The announcement wa. made by President Suchardt of the Federation of Labor and J. J. Keppler, business agent of the machinists' union. Neither Mr. Schardt nor Mr. Keppler would reveal the identity of the peacemak era, but Mid that the men who are about to Intercede were not identified with any of the other peace effort.. "1 am not at liberty to rive the name, of the parties who are trying to bring about another conference" said President Schardt. "Mr. Keppler and I conferred with several Influen tial men by appointment and at the solicitation of disinterested parties. Just what they are doing or how many of the packer, these gentlemen saw, ( do not know.' I am convinced that they are successful In a measure from the fact that I wa. asked If President Donnelly would return to the city soon, and If a conference for Friday after noon could be arranged satisfactorily." Mr. Keppler .aid that President Don nelly would return to the city today and the matter would be laid before him. "I believe the partle. who are try ing to bring about another conference mean business," he said. "The labor men will meet the packers more than half way." Today Robert Collin, and James Moore of Cleveland, who came here to secure work In the packing houses, were intercepted by pickets while on their way to the stockyards. Collins was badly beaten, robbed and left un conscious in the street where he was found by a milkman. Moore escaped by running. Frank Polaskl, who ad mits that he was doing picket duty in that locality, has been arrested on sus picion of connection with the assault. THE POWER OF MONEY. By Tristan Bernard. 4 When James Smith arrived at Gare St Laxare after a rather tiresome trip from Cherbourg, where he had landed from one of the North German Lloyd liners, he had Just 150 francs in his possession. He might have lived on this money for two month, until he should have been able to get a position a. valet for one of hi. numerous Amer ican countrymen in that city, but this thought never entered his mind. He wa. a man of far greater talents and had his face not been too familiar to the officer, of the great oceun grey hound, who warned his fellow passen ger, against playing cards with him. he would not now have been in this embarrassing position. As it was, he had, however, to make the best of It. His suit the only one he had, by the way was faultless, and for a few francs he bought an elegant second hand trunk covered with hotel labels from all parts of the world. This he filled with old paper to give it weight. hired a cab and told the driver to take him to the Hotel Tlbere, a small pri vate but elegantly appointed hotel fre quented .by wealthy and fashionable people. Here he hired a suite of rooms on the first floor and immediately gave the waiter a tip of SO francs out of the money he still had left.' His first visit was to Duval, the swell Canadian tailor, from whom he ordered 10 suits of clothes, choosing goods and cut with the fastidiousness which made a strong impression even on that haughty person. From Teminore he ordered shirts, collars, neckties and underwear with more care than if he had been King Edward, who wa otherwise the firm', most difficult cus tomer. At a cigar store he bought 10 postal card, which he Immediately addressed to himself In different handwriting, and mailed them so that he was sure he would be In when they arrived. Before his return they had, of course, all been carefully read by Mme. Tlbere. the proprietes. of the hotel, who was very much awed by their contents. One read: "My Dear Bir Your bid wa. the highest for the chauteau, with parks, farm building, and all stock and ap purtenances. Tour certified check for fifteen hundred thousands franc, was given In payment, and deed is now re corded In your name. Respectfully, "VINAIGRET, Notary." Another ran thus, In a clear, fine handwriting: "My Dear Boy What is the matter with you? I have not seen you for weeks. Come tomorrow sure, and dine with us. Faithfully yours, "HENRI D'ORLEAXS, ' "Duke of Aumale." A third wa. from a lady: "The diamond, are simply .uperb, Tou really spoil me, James. Expect you tonight, "ANNETTE tE BRUNEJAULT." One afternoon James appeared at his tailor's. M. Duval, do you happen to have a thousand francs in cash that you can let me have? That will save me the trouble of going to the bank, and I will return them at 6." M. Duval, who had seen no money for his 10 suits, at first did not know what to say, but then he thought that a. long as he was in the soup for 3000 francs another thousand would not make much difference, so he handed over the money with a sickly smile. James returned home and asked if there was any mall for him, received two letters with ducal coronets and pulled out his wallet, asking Mme. Tl bere to give him smaller bills for a thousand franc note. With the change In his pocket he went to Teminore, ordered a small change made in his order of neckties. and then asked the clerk to get him a thousand franc bill for a lot of change, which took up too much space In his pocket From here to his shoemaker, where he complained about the fit of his last patent leathers and had his thousand franc bill changed Into two bills of five hundred each. :, " ', In the restaurant he asked the cash ier to oblige him with one-hundred franc bills for his two five-hundred franc notes, and at 4:43 he handed his delighted tailor the 10 bills, which he almost had to force upon htm, as Mr. Duval assured him that he did not need them at all and that his customer might need it, as it was after banking hours. Having thus strengthened his credit, Mr. James treated himself to an extra bottle of champagne with his dinner, which was cheerfully charged to his account, and while eating he laid his plan, for a greater coup, which would give him money for a first class pas sage to New York. LONG TRIP ON WHEELS Family of Washington People Ar rive at Middleton, N.Y.. From Port Angeles HEAD OF FAMILY UNHEALTHY Beef or Veal Loaf. To each pound of chopped meat al low one egg, one-half cup of moistened bread crumbs and salt and pepper to taste; mix well and puck solid in a bar tin, well greased; pour over it a pint of boiling water and bake from two to three hours, according to siste; prepare the day before using; slice very thin. Pears Do you know the most luxurious bath in the world? Have you used Pears' Soap? Sold all over the world. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi cant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Bueklen's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores, Ulcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c, at Chas. Rogers' drug store. The Grotto handles nothing but straight liquors; no blended good, in the house. PuUIIueon Wheels and Make Journey of 15,000 Miles, VU. ttingr Many Parts of the Country. Middleton, N. Y, Aug. .4. An old, dilapidated house on wheels ha. reach ed this city from the state of Wash ington. The house is occupied by Mr. and Mrs, M. B. Lasiey and five chil dren, a son-ln-iaw and his two chil dren, two dog. and a cat On March 22, 1834, the party start ed from Port Angeles, .Wash-, on the trip to benefit Mr. Lasiey'. health. They proceeded as far a. Maine, Umsi back,, to Kansas City and afterward over various sections of the United States until they reached Orange county. The total distance traveled has been 15,000 miles and many spans of horse, have done service along the way. LINEMAN'S AWFUL FALL. Flipht Arrested by Hook Which Catche. Him In Jaw. Waterbury, Conn,, Aug. 4. Linemaa Truman Judson of the Southern New England Telephone Company fell while at work on a pole 40 feet high and was caught 20 feet from the ground by an lrm hook through hi. jaw. After hanging thus a short time, the flesh tore and he fell to the ground. Although he has concussion of the brain, a broken Jaw, a lacerated scalp and fractured ribs, the physicians say he will recover. A man on top of the pole saw his comrade impaled, fainted at the sight and iwas saved by the straps which held him to the cross bars. Tobacco in North Csrolina. New York, Aug. 4. W. P. Anderses, of Wilson, N. C, is staying at the Hoffman house. "Wilson has grows since' 1890," said Mr. Anderson, "from 1500 to 10,000 population. Its growls has been chiefly due to the develop ment of the tobacco growing industry, Wilson is second only to Winstoa sm a tobacco market and the annual bus iness has aggregated from 21,000.009 te 25,000,000 pounds. The ..crop marketed in 1902-i brought to the planters about 2,500,000, the average price being about 10 cents a pound. Since, however, the trust has come Into control ot th market the crop has been less profita ble, and the average for 1903-4 was CU cents. The acreage throughout the en tire tobacco growing section of the south has been greatly decreased, and In North Carolina it wllf be not more than 50 per cent as great as last year. and In South Carolina the decrease will be even greater. Of course, The "bind that Is withdrawn : from tobacco cul ture will be given to cotton,, and pos sibly there will be an equalizing compensation." THE POWER OF STEAM, Itaay May See Bat It Takes Gealaa re Realise. When James Watt saw the steam causing the kettle lid to Jump up and down he said "There must be power la that steam that It can lilt such. s weight." There was. Millions prior to him had seen the same phenomenon and regarded It as an unexplained mystery. Recent scientific research has wit Its finger on the "causa" of Dandruff, Fall ing Hair, and consequent Baldness, and has unearthed a tiny germ which eats the life from the roots cf human hair. weworos Herplclde destroys this germ and conseaunntlv rntnra th hatr to Its natural state. Bold D7 leadinr dnirvtRt Rend Ito fta tamps for sample to The Herplclde CSu Detroit Mich, Always Open, Day or Night RUSSIAN, m A fTT T7 iJf t II 111 TURKISH or TUB. . . THE PALACE BATHS HATS TRIMMED FREE A big reduction sale on hats. All kinds -of ladies' and childrens' furnishing goods, hair switches and pompadours, s. ' ::' v MRS. R. ENGLETON, - - Welch Block. Si