The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 04, 1904, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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, SI 11 ITT1 10 f A I
Decial liis We
Women's Vid Kid Oxford
Ties, hand-turn soles,
THIS season's best styles;
Regular $3.C0 values at
Astoria's Leading:
ShoA Dealers
Upper Clackamas River Hatchery
Turned Over to United States
Fisheries Bureau.
Denies Stories Published About
the Loan of Salmon at the
Dam on Rogue
Hatchery Fish Reach the Colum
bia and Fishermen are Mak
The report of Fish Warden Van
Dusen for the month of July was made
public yesterday. The report shows
that the receipts of the office for the
month aggregated $1784.25, of which
some impression upon the great piles J $1727.10 was collected In the First
of ton. I (Columbia river) district. The report.
Many of the gillnetters made re-1 after detailing the receipts, Is as fol-
markable hauls. Boats came In with Hows:
as hign as 6000 pounds of fish, hauls I Considerable complaint has been
of this quantity netting the two fisher-1 made of late about the salmon being
men $330 for their day's drift. Scores stopped In great numbers by the Ray
of deliveries of two tons were made! dam across the Rogue river, and artl
by fishermen, and few boats reported Idea have been published In some of
with less than 1200 pounds. Nearly lour papers to the effect that thousands
And up to $3.00 for Bathing
Suits, for Men, Women and
Children P P
Bathing Trunks
ten cents and up
intf Immense Hauls. aU of tne men made an ar'y morning of salmon were killing themselves In
: unlivery ana men reported again inimeir enorts to get over this dam.
In regard to this matter, I beg to
Some of the Boats Come in With
as Much as Three Tons and
Very Few Fall Below
1200 Pounds.
The long-looked-for hatchery run of
salmon has at last entered the river.
Yesterday receipts at the canneries
were so heavy that the offerings could
not be cared for. and. while the boats
were not limited during the day, the
packing houses were blocked. It was
a repetition of the conditions existing
last year at this time, and the spec
tacle gladdened the hearts of all As
torlans. A. big run of salmon was reported
to have entered the river on Saturday
night's flood, and receipts on Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday were gratifying.
However, the fish were not the hatch
ery run, but rather the advance guard.
Tuesday night the run Increased, and
' yesterday all of the receiving docks
were piled high- with great fish of un
equaled quality. Many of the boats
h made two deliveries during the day,
, and so far as could be learned all of
the offerings of salmon were accepted
at the various institutions.
. Nearly all of the packers paid the
original prices yesterday, 6 cents be
ing given for fish weighing over 27
pounds and 5 cents for fish under that
weight It was stated that the Tallant-
: Grant company had reduced the price
to 5 cents for all sizes of fish at 4
o'clock yesterday morning, but the
, other canneries paid 5 and 6 cents. At
the Kinney cannery late yesterday
afternoon 6 cents was paid for large
, fish, although the higher priced salmon
were canned and not sent to the cold I
storage plant The receipts at the cold
storage were too great to permit of any
cannery fish being sent there. It was
freely predicted last evening that all
of the packers would reduce the price
to 5 cents flat this morning.
Some Inspiring Scenes.
The scenes at the various packing
houses were indeed inspiring. From
all points of the compass heavily
laden Ashing boats were to be seen
making for the canneries. The boats
were loaded almost to the guards. Al
ready there were long lines of waiting
boats at the canneries, and the Incom
ing fishermen raced along Wore the
afternoon breeze In order to get a
good place In the line. The receiving
docks were stacked high with fine
salmon, and the cannery forces worked
the afternoon. A newspaper repre
sentative who talked with seven fisher-1 report: That while the salmon are be
men is nicy ueuvereu ineir nsn yes-img oioppea ana inierierea witn to a
terday afternoon was told by six that J considerable extent by this dam, very
they were compelled to haul in their! few are being injured In any way and
nets without removing half the flshlthey are passing up through the fish
from the meshes. These men had been J ways that have been provided and
drifting on the north shore and were are getting above the dum as fast as
forced to gather up their gear so as It Is possible for us to expect. Upon
to keep from swamping their boats, an investigation recently made I found
One boat was stamped during the that they were going up through the
morning near Point Ellis on account I flshways at the rate of 2000 or S000
of the Imense number of salmon se- a day, and that they have been going
cured in one drift Practically all of at this rate during the past two w.-eks.
the fish caught yesterday and the Two thousand a day Is a very con
previous night were taken on the servatlve estimate, and by a very care
Washington side of the river, and ful count made by State Water Bailiff
above the city. Williams, who Is there continuously
Boats Not Limited. to see that the flshways are kept clear
The packing houses have not yet and the fish are not molested In any
placed a limit on the boats. The men way, It appears that some days five
who came in yesterday with great lor ten thousand have passed over the
hauls were able to dispose of their en-1 dam.
tire catches. The packers seem dls- Also, from a letter received from
posed to accept as much glllnet fish as Mr. D. H. Miller of Medford. who fishes
possible, for the gillnetters are their a great deal with rod and line on the
mainstay during those weeks of the upper Rogue river, and who has been
season when fish are scarce. It was J very much interested In seeing that
predicted last night that all of the gill- the fish get above this dam, I learn:
net fish would be accepted today. The That he was down to the dam on the
effect of the additions to the various 25th and Inspected both of the fish
plants made during the past winter ways, and counted very carefully the
were apparent yesterday, and a much number going through, and he figures
greater quantity of fish was handled that they are going through both fish-
during the day than could have been ways at the rate of 250 an hour; he
handled in the same time last yean, was there In the middle of the day,
Fish of Fine Quality but from evening to morning he fig-
The fish now being taken are of ures that we could count on double
wonderfully fine quality, bearing out that number. If they were going
the statement of packers and fisher- through the flshways In such num
men that the season is backward, hers, and I have no reason to doubt
Seventy-five tons of fish were dellv-l't. It shows very clearly that during
ered yesterday at one of the canneries, that particular day from five to ten
and the tallyman who received this I thousand salmon and other fish passed
immense quantity of salmon stated I above the dam.
that he had seen but two or three tules Notwithstanding the fact that they
In the entire deliveries. The fish are are passing above the dam in such
firm and fat and of rich color, and so numbers, others are continually com-
closely resemble the July salmon that'nK up the river to take their places,
it is impossible to distinguish between I which keeps the pools below the dam
them. literally alive with salmon and other
Some Idea of the immense benefit I flsn eager to get by the obstruction.!
derived from the fishing industry can I which makes It appear to a casual ob
be gained from the statement that theserver that the same fish are there to
glllnet fishermen yesterday received day that were first stopped, and has
from $50 to $300 for the day's work.caused all this complaint
The proceeds of each of the boats are! With a massive structure, like this
divided between two men. In consld- Jdam, conditions will always be about
eratlon of this fact. It Is not surprls-thls same way; the fish ascending the
tng that fishermen yesterday wore I stream will be stopped, sometimes In
smiling countenances. I great numbers, and it will take them
a few days or a week before they will
with letter of Instructions submitted.
which reads as follows.
Washington. D. C, July SI, 1904.
Superintendent Fisheries Station, Or-
egon City, Oregon. Sir: Referring to
your letter of June 23 with reference
to Fish Warden H. O. Van Dusen's
proposition that the bureau take charge
of the Upper Clackamas hatchery of
the state filsh commission, you are ad
vised that Mr. Wlsner has Just re
ported on this subject, and as a result
you have been wired to take charge of
the Upper Clackamas station as per
the proposition of II. Q. Van Dusen,
with the understanding that the bu
reau has full control of the Clackamas
river In the future, and will not be In
terfered with by the state fish com
mission. It Is understood that the
state fish commission turn over their
Upper Clackamas hatchery, with all of
the equipment Inventoried by them.
a copy of which you sent to this of
flee with your letter of June 21 Tou
are to employ the force of men now
at the Upper Clackamas station under
the direction of one of your appointees,
provided all are needed and so long
as they are needed during the present
Trusting this arrangement will be
entirely satisfactory to Mr. Van Dusen
and the state fish commission, I am,
Acting Commlnsioner.
As the acting commissioner "fully ac
cepted the proposition submitted, I
met Mr. Wilson July 29, and formally
she came aboard at Southampton, fol
lowed by two men, each bearing case
of mineral water, She declared that
she was going to -the hot springs of
North Carolina, but had only $4 I
money, tier father, she said, was
James Hunter, a prominent chemist of
Aberdeen, Scotland, and her mother
was an American whose name was
Laura Price. She showed n letter
from Ikln and Crowther, solicitors of
Uncolnfield's Inn, London, which hud
evidently been written some time and
which declared that the woman had
an annuity of three thousand pounds
and that her debts would be cared for,
It Is said that the estate from which
the woman draws her Income Is now
In chancery and that she now draws
but 1000 annually. :
Girl Will Teach Nephews ef
Chinese Empress.
Bridgeport ConnH Aug. J. The Rev,
Dr. William Sallmon. president of
Charleton college, Northlleld, Minn
who is spending his vacation In this
city, has received notification that Miss
Mary Reynolds of Sibley, Iowa, has
been appointed by Imperial decree
tutor In the English language to the
nephews of the empress of China. Miss
Reynolds will sail la October to be
gin her duties.
Miss Reynolds will not reside at the
Imperial palace,' Her home will be In
Pekln with s missionary family there
turned the operation of the station over and she will go back and forth to the
zealously in a vain endeavor to make fall back on Anarshan,
London, Aug. 3. A dispatch to thel811 themselves sufficiently to enter
Central News from Halcheng under I8"'1 tn ladder fish way corstrlv
date of August 2, says that In conse-anc ln order to get above the ob-
quence of the desperate fighting df the t ruction.
last few days and the Japanese turh-l Turned Over to Government '
Ing movement the Russians have been Tn matter of turning the Upper
compelled to evacuate Halcheng and Clackamas river state hatchery over to In getting about 500,000 eggs,
to him to take charge of after July
31, 1904, and Immediately directed Su
perintendent John Straight to that ef
fect This stream should give the gov
ernment an excellent opportunity for
future work, for there Is no question
about it being one of the best salmon-breeding
streams that we have In
the state for the very early Chinook
salmon and by them taking It off bur
hands It will afford us the opportunity
of taking up work on the Wallowa
river, which Is also a very desirable
stream, and which should not be al
lowed to remain another year without
being worked.
Arrests and Prosecutions. I
Water Bailiff W. R. Williams re
ports that on June 28, 1904. he filed
complaint against Frank Smith of
Jackson county for foul-hooking sal
mon In the immediate vicinity of the
Ray dam on the Rogue river; that Mr,
Smith was arraigned before Justice of
the Peace A. S. Jacobs, of Central
Point, June 28, and, upon a plea of
"guilty." was fined $50 and costs
which were paid July 18.
Hatchery Operations.
The work of taking eggs at the Sal
mon river hatchery began July 20 and
up to the last reports received they
had taken 100,000 Chinook eggs.
From the Clackamas river hatchery
I learn: That the work of taking eggs
began about the same time (July 20),
and that they had already succeeded
palace dally. Her contract calls for
her to remain at her post for two
years with a possible extension of time
to a third year. During that time she
will be In rather Intimate contact with
certain members of the Imperial fam
ily. Miss Reynolds has been a student
at the college for the laxt six years
and graduated with honors last June.
6 J
Eye-strain is no imaginary ill, but one which effects the whole
nervous system and if neglected will impair the general health'
No Charge for Examining the Eyes
IIATHERINE WADE, Graduate Optician
At Owl Dm; Store
the United States bureau of fisheries
m I to operate In the future I took up with
the Hon. Oeorge M. Bowers, commls
sloner, June 21, In accordance with an
order to that effect passed at meet
ing held June 8.
Upon receipt of my letter Mr. J. N
Wlsner, United States field superin
tendent in charge of this division, was
commissioned to investigate the mat
ter and report, and on July 27. through
I. H. Wilson, superintendent In charge
of the station at Oregon City, I re
celved word that the United States
bureau would accept the proposition,
and would take the plant over to op
erate In accordance with the propo
sition submitted, with the understand
ing that the bureau was to "have full
control of the Clackamas river In the
future, and that they would not be In
terfered with ln any way on thaf
stream by the state fish commission;
that he had been directed to assume
charge of the station In ' accordance
At Ontario, Superintendent Brown
reports; That he has the rack In
across from the main uvnd to the Isl
and, and that he has his horses all set,
and expects to have the pickets on and
the rack completed across the Snake
river and all salmon stopped by August
5. This Is about 10 days earlier than
what he was last year.
English Girl Arrives at New York In
Her Ball Dress..
New York, Aug. 8. A young woman
who made the trip from Southampton
on the Red Star line steamer Kroon
land In a ball dress and without bag
gage is now being held on board that
vessel awaiting permission of the Im
migration authorities to land. She
gave 'her name as Mrs. Constance Phe
lan and her last address as Chelten
ham, England. The ship's officers
know nothing about her except that'
Startles Lenox Diplomstio Circles by
Talking About Bombs.
Pit Infield, Mass., Aug. 3. Lenox has
been much alarmed over the appear
ance of a derange man at the country
residence of the British ambassador,
Sir Mortimer Durnnd. The stranger
asked for money. He made a harangue
when refused and said he admired the
assassin of Minister von Plehve and
that some day he would throw a bomb
He was dissuaded from entering the
embassy and after a time went away
to reappear later at the residence of
Miss Adele Kneelund of New York
where he again demanded money.
A contractor who was on the ground
attempted to detain the fellow, but he
ran away. The police were notified
and searched the town for the man,
who made good his escape,- The In
cident stirred up the diplomatic cir
cles In Lenox.
Identified by Woman's Photograph.
New York, Aug. 8. By means of a
woman's photograph found upon htm
when he was arrested last Friday, the
man who Is alleged to have shot a
Mount Vernon detective a few days
before and who was captured after a
chase by an armed pese and a pack
of bloodhounds, has been Identified as'.
Henry Wllklns of Buffalo, a member
of the United States marine corps and
said to belong to a well known family.
George E. Waddy, the man who
made the Identification, says the pho
tograph found on the prisoner was that
of his wife, Mrs. Waddy.
Olreetoe. General Is Chosen to Plat
- Made Vaeant by Resignation of
Harvey W. Soott
Portland. Aug. 3. At a meeting of
the directors of the Lewis and Clark
corporation this afternoon, Henry W.
Qoode, director-general of the Lewi
and Clark fair, was elected president,
to succeed Hon. Harvey W. Scott
Mr. Scott was compelled to resign
from the presidency on account of a
pressure or private business about u.
month ago. For a long time he had
been desirous of relinquishing the of.
flee, but felt he could not consclen
tlously do so until the exposition was
an assured fact. To that end he devoN
ed nearly four months of his time to
securing government recognition.
When ho had accomplished this he felt
the fair had then been given suf
flclent start to carry It to a successful
conclusion without his further effort
President Qoode Is one of the keen
est business men and executives In this
city and Is abundantly qualified to fill
the office to which he has been elected.
Psolfio Coast
At Portland Tacotna, B; Portland, 4.
At San Francisco Oakland, 5; Ban
Francisco, 8.
At Los Angeles Seattle, 0; Lot An
geles, 8.
Pacific National.
At Salt Luke Holse. 8; St. Lake, 7.
At Butte Butte. 11: Spokane. 10.
At St. Louis Philadelphia, 10; gt.
Louis, 4.
At Chicago Washington, 2; Chi
cago, 3.
At Detroit New York, 5; Detroit, 2.
At Cleveland-Boston, 7; Cleveland,
At Philadelphia-first game, Cln.
clnnatl, 6; Philadelphia, 0. Becond
game, Cincinnati, 8; Philadelphia, 6.
At Boston First game, St Louis, 8;
Boston, 7. Second game, St Louis, ;
Boston, 3.
At Brooklyn Pittsburg, 8; Brook
lyn, 2.
At New York Chicago, 3; New
York, 4.
Cholera Epidemio In Persia.
New York. Aug. 8. The Presbyter
Ian board of foreign missions of the
Presbyterian church has received let
ters from the American missionaries;
In Persia regarding the cholera epi
demic which has come Into the coun
try from the south and southwest and
has extended as far north as the cap
ital In Teheran. In July there were
80 or 40 deaths per day at Teheran and
recent dispatches have reported a great
Increase. The missionaries have open
ed four centers of cholera relief at
Teheran, using both their hospital and
church and have sent notices for the-
guidance of the public during the epl-
demlc. Thero 'already great panic
and much need for relief.
Ill Health Causes 8uieide.
Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 3. Hamilton
White Swift of this city, a relative of
Andrew D. White, former ambassador
to Germany, shot himself with a rifle
at Lost lake In the Adirondacks yes
terday. Despondency and 111 health
were the causes. He was formerly.
engaged In newspaper work. He was
nearly 40 years old. : , .
Will Create Voting Trust.
New York, Aug. 3. Steps have been
taken toward the creation of a voting
trust for the National Steel & Wire-
Company. If this plan Is finally odopt
ed, the trustees will be H. A. Hunting
ton, Ogden Mills, and Henry W. Mun
roe. The trust will be created for
three years. This will be the first
voting trust to be created recently .
Stock favoring the centralization of
the administration will be deposited
with the Knickerbocker Trust Com
pany. The plant of the National Steel
& Wire Company is at New Haven.
Conn., and the company has a cap
italization of $2,577,800 of preferred
stock and $2,993,700 of common stock.
California, where eontrscu for advertl.ini
can oe waa lot It.