The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 04, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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(By Henry Clews.)
New York, July 80.-A reactionary
ton prevailed In the stock market
Curing tht greater ' portion of tht
weeltthe result of profit taking and
selling by traders on the short side.
As a consequence, the extremely optl
rnlstlc views held In eome quarters be.
tame somewhat modined and market
opinion was more evenly divided, There
Is, however, ft aubetratum of confi
dence baaed upon the splendid crop
situation that holds the market Jrn-
pervious to all serious attacks from
speculative sources. Another week or
excellent growing weather has been
experienced, Increasing Jhe promise
for cotton, corn, wheat, oats, hay, po
tatoes Yid other crops, and diminish
ing the chances of Injury, Only one
more month remains In which damage
can be done, Drouth I now the single
serious possibility; and It must be
admitted there Is little danger In that
respect because the soil has been so
well saturated by general rains and
the plants hvs made such strong
growth that they re In ft good con
dition to stand ft lack of moisture,
should that happen. Absence of rain
In August, the ripening month, Is much
Jess serious than In the previous grow-
Ing months. As for frost, the danger
from that source Is l" than usual,
since most of the crops, especially cot
ton, are early. Complaints of chinch
jlmg and other Injuries are unusually
rare; while the rapacious boll weevil,
which caused such ft loss of cotton last
year, and which may be counted on for
struggle in the cotton Industry. Be
tween 40 and' SO per cent of th spindles
in the United States are Idle because
of the unprofitable condition of cot
ton manufacturing, Buyers will not
take cotton goods freely at present
prices; manufacturers, therefore, can
not ftford present prices for cotton,
especially when northern mills, em
barrassed by legislative and labor re
strictions, sre unable to successfully
compete with the south. Unquestion
ably the cotton Industry is passing
through a. serious crisis, the solution
of which seems to demand reasonable
concessions on the part of labor, con
cessions which at present they seem
in no mood to consider. Still another
unfortunate circumstance Is the pack
ers strike In Chicago, where- force and
not reason holds sway. This abso
lutely unreasonable, unjust and defiant
attitude of labor is one of the most
unsettling features of the limes; but,
fortunately, public opinion Is awaken
ing to the real merits of the struggle
between capital and labor, to the rights
and wrongs of both, and this perhaps
Is the one bright feature In this quar
ter, Inasmuch as that Is the only prom
ise of a sutisfactory solution.
The probability of gold exports has
excited some concern. Sterling ex
change seems to have advanced partly
on account of operatlona connected with
tht Japanese and Cuban twins and
partly owing to short sales. No anx
iety Is neressary over gold exports,
We have a big and Increasing stork of
gold In the country which might easily
find beter employment in Europe, than
some damage this year, is exciting! here. A few millions can be spared
much less concern than a year-ago. without harm, although a number of
In short, It Is many years since the!n.rvous Individuals always drop Into
crop outlook was so favorable, andhlver at the mention of gold ship-
white after such ft long period of In-j menu. The only unsatisfactory feature
terrtipted progress some setback may; in the monetary situation is the con
be expected, still the assurances of ;tlnued high level at which loans stand
today are us much In favor of both and the large amount at trust fund
liberal and profitable clops to the;held by the bank on deposit, result
farmers as could be expected.
Ing from the latter paying 2 per cent
This Is the key to the situation, and, and over on trust company deposits.
this fact becomes more evident the During the past year the trust conv
confidence which It begets must , be
come more pronounced. The farmer,
pnnles havt Increased their cash In
banks over H millions. A firmer
Modesty and ft decided antipathy to
ward notoriety la prominent In every
movement of this young Napoleon of
the betting ling, He has accumulated
this vast sum without red fire or
brass band accompaniment. He has
gone obout his transactions In his
characteristic quiet way and has prob
ably escaped the public gaze that Is
sure to come to plungers by betting
In the name of Billy Connor, In whose
beek he Is employed.
Long shots are Nagle's specialty
and hardly ft winner this season at
better than 10 to 1 has escaped his
It was at Saratoga two summers ago
and, by the way, the same meeting
at which Whltey Langdon gathered
his roll that Pierre, by several suc
cessful plays on long-priced horses,
launched lalrly Into the racing game
as an owner. He oougni me jumper
Manllian and that once good horse,
Bluff. Manllian raced with consider
able success, but Nagle could never
get the McC'arren castoff to race to his
reputation. He recently disposed of
Manllian and has since confined his
attention to the ring.
The foundation for Nagle's hand
some fortune can be traced back to
the day that John E. Madden's Lallte
won at Washington, After a see-saw
winter, part of which was spent at New
Orleans, and the latter half at Los
Angeles, Nagle pulled up In Washing
ton with about $8000. This rather re
spec-table bunch faded gradually away
till the day of Lallte's race, when It
was stripped down to the lt $100.
Had Lullte finished worse than second
Nagle's only negotiable asset left was
a railroad ticket Into Washington. As
It was, Madden's filly was kind to him
to the extent of $600. Since that day
fortune has bestowed her sweetest
smile on him. the drain from the
layers' strong boxes to his bank be
Ing almost continual.
the merchant, the railroad manager. , money market resulting from Increased
the manufacturer and the banker each) crop and trade demands, or gold ex-
In turn Is Influenced by such consid
erations. Their first effect Is a more
hopeful sentiment. This sentiment
soon expresses Itself In action; then
deferred enterprises are taken up. or-
der art . placed and. the, whole muchln.
try of commerce and Industry Is set
In motion. At the same time there Is
absolutely nothing In the situation to
warrant extravagant hopes. We can
boast of nothing more than ft reason
able recovery from recent depression,
based chiefly on good crops. Pessimism
has had Its day, and the business pub
lic needs to get Itself Into a more hope
ful and better balanced atate of mind
than that In which it began 1904.
Drawbacks we have In plenty. The
Iron trade Is still inactive, compared
with normal times; orders are scarce,
and the last semi-annual report of the
United States Steel Corporation Is any
thing but satisfactory. But those facts
belong to the past; many deferred or
ders are now being placed, and there Is
every reason to believe that the last
quarter of the year will be a better
one than Its predecessor.
Another unpleasant feature Is the
ports, might result In a sharp drain
upon the banks and cause more or less
temporary disturbance In the money
and stock markets. This is not an
Immediate contingency, but one that
will bear..watchtoSE. ,.,,,.. '.,4;.. ;
As to the future of U stock mar
ket, It seems, hardly likely that the
bulls will readily relinquish their hold
so long as crop prospects continue so
brilliant. Strong leaders were at the
bottom of the recent rise, and do not
seem to have entirely withdrawn their
support, especially as stocks are not
sufficiently scattered to weaken the
technical situation. All indications
point, however, to ft fluctuating mar
ket. The labor and foreign situations
are disturbing, but Russia aeems both
Indisposed and unable to precipitate
serious International complications;
that Is, If her complete backdown be
fore Great Britain la any criterion.
The possibilities of war are proverbial
ly uncertain, and the assassination of
M, de Plehve Is significant as repre
senting Russia's Internal difficulties,
which must lessen Russian foreign war
Hew tht World's Fsir Pslsees Look
From a Greet Height.
St. Louis. Seeing the world's fair
at 8t. Louis from a balloon Is an In
teresting experience. From 1000 feet
up In the air ft birdseye view is ob
tained that enables one to see the ex
position at a glance.
Ascending a cantlve balloon Inside
the great aerial enclosure at the fair,
one reaches the height of 1000 feet al
most before realising It, so rapid and
smooth Is the ascent. Far below is ft
city of magnificent palaces and build
ings of every description, and masses
of people looking like but tiny mites
passing to and fro. Tht landscape is
beautiful beyond description, the hills
and dales showing to best advantage
from overhead, and the green swards,
flower-covered hillsides and massive
trees constitute a scene both grand and
From up In ft balloon the flags of all
nations, waving from towers and
spires, seem but little gaudy rags float
ing In the breexe. and the towers them
selves look like mere playhouses. The
curious Pike shows, filling ( street a
mile long, present an interesting view,
while the lagoons with ther launches
and gondolas have the appearance of
a splendid painting, the green banks
end magnificent exhibition palaces
along the lagoon providing a suitable
frame for the picture.
The beautiful view extends beyond
the world's fair grounds. The city of
St -Louis and surrounding country
opens ft charming view, extending for
miles in all directions, forming inter
esting lines for the marvelous picture
of the magic city the world's fair.
Story of Stable Boy Who Hss Won
1250.000 This Season.
In Is area of plunging It Is re
freshing to come across a character
who must be Included In the category
of big betters, but who has done his
work on tht race track sx quietly and
modestly as to almost escape notice.
What Is more of Interest Is the fact
that although ft big winner on the
season so far, this self -same plunger
retains a modest position with ft small
racing stable, galloping horses In the
morning with the same enthusiasm
that he displayed when the work meant
only a monthly wage to him.
. Pierre Nagle Is the name that the
stable boy subscribes to his bills and
bank checks; and those close to him
say that that name will be honored to
the extent of a quarter of ft million
dollars. While the turf writers have
strained Imagination and overworked
figures in a mad rush to chronicle the
doings of Teager, Langdon and Whee
lock, and other big operators of the
betting arena, Nagle, probably the
heaviest winner of the racing season,
has been overlooked.
His winning of the season have been
approximately placed by those who
know at $300,000. Nagle rejects this
figure as excessive, but those who
know him best insist that the real
amount of his winnings will not fall
short of ft quarter of a million.
Madame for August contains a clever
satirical poem by C. A- Dolson, entitled
"When Grace Goes to ft Mission Tea,"
which Is handsomely Illustrated by
George jlrelim, the rising young artist,
The verses represent the woes of the
tnan whose wife Is so much deVoted
to her mission tea that she leaves a
picked up lunch at home for him. It
is only one of the many good things
to be found In the current Issue of
Two Survivors of Ill-Fated Steam-
ship Arrive at Portland,
There to Reside.
Captain Jumped Into the Sea
Immediate!?, Preferring
Death to Scenes to
The Italian.
The Italian la gradually becoming
Independent of the padrone. He
atso beginning to learn the splendid
possibilities for Independent effort in
agricultural pursuits. ' That there is
a. great field for htm is shown by his
success wherever he has been led In
the right direction. To make the Ital
ian uniformly successful It Is only ne
cessary to lead him out Into the coun
try, away from the vitiated atmosphere
of the tenement and stum. No place Is
better fitted for him than our southern
states, and no Immigrant is better fit
ted for playing a part In the develop
ment of those states than the Italian.
He requires the pure air of the country
and the geniality of the southern win
ter and by his skill and industry In
Intensive farming he can make the
aandy soil of the pine land productive
or reclaim the swamps and lowlands.
which have lain fallow for years. He
can give the southern planter his re
liable thrifty labor to replace the er
ratic improvident negro, and can in
troduce and carry to perfection the vine
growing and wine making, which have
made southern California famous.
These are some of the possibilities of
the Italian immigrant, if , properly di
rected, but his mode of life In the great
cities, where the vast majority of Ital
ians lives, presents quite a different
picture. Hers we find the "Italian
quarter," which la responsible for most
of the prejudice against the Italian Im
migrant. In these colonies we see the
Italian at hla worst, physically and
morally, but, as has been pointed out,
he crowds the Italian quarter because
there Is no alternative for him, in his
ignorance of our language and cus
toms. Instead of being led into the
country, where the labor Is needed, he
Is Induced to stay, in the "quarter" by
his more fortunate countryman, pa
drone or banker, who expects to in
crease his profit thereby. Dr. Allan
McLaughlin In The Popular Science
Monthly. ;; ;
Suicide Prevented.
Tht startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov
ered will Interest many. A run-down
system, or despondency Invariably pre
cedes suicide and something has been
found that will prevent that condition
which makes suicide likely. At the
first thought of self-destruction take
Electrlo Bitters. It being a great tonic
and nervine will strengthen the nerves
and build up the system. It's also a
great Stomach, Liver and Kidney reg
ulator. Only BOc. Satisfaction guar
anteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist.
Portland Journal: There arrived In
Portland yesterday Sam and Joe Roch-
Ian, Russians, who were passengers on
the Danish steamship Norge, that went
down off the coast of Scotland. June
28, and caused the death of 700 pas
sengers. Tne two young Kusmans are
among the 100 survivors who escaped
the disaster. They lived in Chernigov,
Their story of the wrecking of the
ship differs widely from that published
In the newspapers at the time of the
accident. Rochlan declares that the
captain was the first to leave the ship
when she struck the rock, and dellb
erately cast himself Into the sea with
the Intention of drowning rather than
witness the catastrophe that he knew
must follow. As soon as the crash was
heard, Rochlan says, the captain rush
ed on deck with the ship's compass and
hurled himself Into the sea.
Saves Two Lives.
Sam Rochlan saved two persons who
would have perished but for his as
sistance, and his act almost cost his
life. He leaped from the deck for a
lifeboat that was crowded and had
started away from the vessel. He
missed the boat and fell Into the wa
ter. In falling, however, he seized a
line that was fastened to the boat
and attempted to draw himself In.
When he neared the side of the boat
Its occupants beat him off with oars
and pushed him back Into the water,
He continued his efforts In desperatlor
and, threatening to overturn the boat
by his frantic acts, at last succeeded
In gaining ft place In the boat.
"They beat me almost Into lnsensl
blllty." he said, "but I had hold of the
line and wouldn't have let go If they
had broken my arms with the oars.
There was a dance on board the
ship on the night before she ran on
the rock. There was revelry until late
In the morning, and many had not re
tired at 7 o'clock when the crash was
heard. Rochlan had not removed his
clothing, but all his other possessions
were lost.
Joe Rochlan, who is IS years of age,
climbed up the mast as he saw the
ship was going down. He refused to
descend and his elder brother was
compelled to climb after him and pull
him down. He threw the younger man
overboard Into a boat, and threw after
him another passenger, who had be
come wild with fear.
' Seven Days Adrift.
The lifeboat drifted at sea for seven
days. On the eighth day It was picked
up by a German ship bound for Phil
adelphia. The occupants had no food
whatever, and many were exhausted
when rescued. Two children died be
fore the boat was found, one of starva
tion and another of Injuries It had re
ceived from sailors who had attempted
Rochlan says, to throw It off the boat.
"But for the Intercession of an un-der-captaln,"
said Rochlan, "the sail
ors would have thrown us all overboard
n trying to save themselves. They
were frightened and feared that the
great number on board might cause
the overturning of the boat and their
own drowning." '
On the eighth day of their drifting at
the will of the wind and the waves they
sighted a ship. They made a flag of
a small red handkerchief, which they
raised on the end of an oar as a signal
ot distress. They were taken aboard
and fed and clothed.
Rochlan Is a boilermaker, and both
he and his brother will reside In this
city. They are now at the home of B.
Pollay. 832 Jackson street, to whom
they are related. Mr. Pollay la In the
employ of Stelnbach & Co.
The Norge left Copenhagen, bound
for NVw York, and struck the Isle of
Rockal. 290 miles off the coast of Scot
land. Over 700 lives were lost.
county In which he lives, In his own
paper, then Induce subscribers of the
paper to mall copies of the publication
to friends In other states.
The prime Idea In this plan Is to ex
ploit Oregon as a whole, and the
scheme will work to great advantage
In connection with the move to be
undertaken by the Oregon Develop
ment League, which is to be organised
next month In Portland. It Is as
sumed that the Lewis and Clark fair
will attract a large number of people
to Portland next year, and it Is de
sired to Induce thes visitors to scatter
over the whole state, thus assisting in
having them locate in all parts of the
"Permit me In this connection," says
Mr. Reed, "to suggest that your coun
ty take measures to get its share of the
105 travel." He sets forth that all
visitors will be anxious to know all
about the resources of the state, re
garding which the east at this time
knows comparatively nothing.
As ft means of doing this, Secretary
Reed In his letter suggests tht follow
ing method:
As a preliminary move, I would re
spectfully suggest that you give your
careful consideration to the Idea of ft
liberal write-up of your county by
yourself In your own newspaper. Then
encourage your home people to mall
marked copies of your paper to their
relatives and friends In the east, not
forgetting the publisher of the news
paper at the old home In the east
For best results a letter or postal card,
calling attention to the article on your
county, should be mailed simultan
eously with the newspaper. What will
follow In the way of publicity and In
terest for your community will exceed
all expectations. The possibilities
along this line of exploitation may be
Judged from the fact that fully 80
per cent of the inquiries receved by
the exposition management from the
east are for Information about Oregon.'
Notics to Contractors.
Bids will be received at the office
of the Clerk of School District No. t
179 Eleventh street, until Friday, Au
gust 6, 1904, at 2 p. ra. for the finish
ing of two rooms and the hall and con
structlng of stairway In the Taylor
school building In accordance with
plans and specifications that may be
seen at the office of the undersigned.
By order of the Board.
Von Plehve's Assassin Continues
to Maintain His Sphinx
Like Attitude.
Third Man Took Position on
Qua; to Kill Minister If II
Had Taken Boat tor
St Petersburg, Aug. 8. The assas
sin of Minister of the Interior von
Plehve is said to have made a partial
confession in which he declares that
at one time he was ft school teacher
In a rural district and was greatly In
terested In the Zemstvo, for the cur
tailment of whose powers he blamed
the dead minister. He still absolutely
refuses to disclose his name. A watch
Is kept on him day and night, not only
In order to prevent him doing hlmseff
bodily harm, but In the belief that he
may betray himself In his sleep. Thus
far, however, he has only muttered
two words In sleep endearing dimin
utives for Peter and Natalie, probably
the names of a comrade and sweet
The police have discovered that a
third accomplice was concerned In the
murder plot and that he was stationed
on a quay In the Veva, where one of
the imperial yachts was moored on
the chance that the minister might go
to Peterhof that day by boat
Panama Republic Putting Out Money
Paid by United States.
Secretary Reed Suggests Plsn to the
Newspspers of Oregon.
Secretary Henry E. Reed of the
Lewis and Clark fair has mailed to the
various newspapers throughout Ore
gon a letter in which is set forth the
idea of a plan for extensive and unique
exploitation of the state by counties.
The plan la to have the editor of each
paper publish a liberal write-up of the
The beer that made Milwaukee fam
tjs Schlits Is always on draught at
Tht Grotto, Otto Mlkkelaon. proprietor.
New York, Aug. J. The republic of
Panama has made another big loan n
real estate in this city. A loan of
$900,000 at 4V4 per cent was made by
the representatives of the republic on
a large Broadway building. This sum
is part of the $10,000,000 which the
Panama republic received from the
United States for the Isthmian canal
concession and its representatives have
already loaned out on mortgage nearly
$1,600,000 on real estate in this city. -The
republic's representative have on
hand $4,500,000 to Invest in mortgages
and as soon as this sum Is disposed
of they will procure the balance of the
concession money to dispose of In the
same manner.
11 1 11 "IS,
f ,1 h 1
Cancei'otis Ulceus
After the age of 45 or 50, when the vital powers are
naturally weaker, it is noticed that a hurt of any kind
heals slowly, and often a very insignificant scratch or
bruise becomes a bad nicer or sore. At this time of life
warty growths, moles and pimples that have been on the
body almost from birth begin to inflame and fester, and
before very long are large eating, sloshing ulcers.
Whenever a sore or ulcer is Dear slr,.T h9 BOt words ,t , fc H
Slow in healing then you may pralie yoar greet laedielne. I had a aoreoa si
be sure something is radical- fe
ly wrong With your blood, never heal. The doctors pronounced tt Ceaeer.
Some old taint or poison that AteI Ukl3 8: 8- S-fwhlle the aore bcn to dia-
, . , , ., , coarse, and when all the poisonous matter
has been slumbering there for paa.edoutit healed. X took la all ebomt thirty
years is beginning to assert bottle., t.kins it for iom time after It hadea
f ,.6 . t , , tireW healed. This wa about tea years a-, as
Itself, and breaks out and be- 1 hae seen nosin of tteinoe.
Comes a bad ulcer and per- Gant, Audrain County, Mo. JOS3EPHUS BIEQ.
haps the beginning of Cancer. These old sores are rooted in the blood, an!
while washes, soaps, salves, etc., keep tne surtacej
clean, they are not healing. A blood medicine to
purify and strengthen the polluted blood, and a tonic
to build up the general system is what is needed, and
c o r : .. t - 1 : .
o. O. O. la juai ucu a iciucuy. xo yuisun la sopow-
erful and no germ so deadly that this great vegetable blood remedy cannot
reach it, and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative,
properties. Medical advice or any information you may desire will be givem
by our physician without charge.
1 1 1 '
In all Brands and
Sizes. We have
them in stocK.
The Trade sup-
lied at absoi
utely bottom
"We have added a pipe repairing . department Best
work in this line. GOODS EXCEL, PRICES RIGHT