The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 04, 1904, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Premature Display Occurs at Cel
tbration by Society Given
in Brooklyn.
11 embers of Society Try to Mob
? Master of Ceremonies
but Police Inter,
fere la Time-
New York. Aug. S. Two men were
severely injured and the windows of
half a dozen houses smashed last night
in Brooklyn by the premature explo
sion of a lot of fireworks. The ar
rival of a squad of police reserves was
all that prevented a riot in the wake
of the explosion.
The St Alfonso Society was holding
a feast and celebration on a small plat
form and in the street was a big heap
f fireworks. The roman candles and
wheels and bombs were Just begin
ning to boom In fine shape when sud
denly there was an explosion which
scattered the crowd and knocked the
platform ta pieces. A fragment of a
bomb struck a policeman in the side
and knocked him down. Another man
was struck in the eye by a piece of a
tomb. The injured men were removed
to hospitals. After the explosion, the
members of the society were bent on
mobbing the master of ceremonies, but
the police took him in charge and he
was locked up on a charge of crim
inal negligence.
Held Injured Companion Onto Train
for Many Miles,
equipment for practice of any player
accepting Schaefer's challenge, but ac
ceptancea are extremely doubtful, ac
cording to the statements mad by
Slosson, Daly and others.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y Aug. . Aftir
aolding a struggling dying companion
en the roof of a freight car for many
miles over the New York Central,
Robert Buchanan, a New York boy, ap
peared in the freight yards here and
asked a brakeman to take the dying
man from the roof of the car.
The boy had worked for and lived
with an elder brother, but in conse
ouence of a disagreement with him
decided to leave .home.
.? He boarded a freight train in New
York to go to Albany, where he thought
he might get work. A little later
man climbed Into the car and asked
him for a chew to tobacco.
"I told him that I had no tobacco,'
said the young man, "and be then drew
a revolver, pointed at my head and
told me to throw up my hands. I did
so and he went through my pockets
and got 20 cents, all the money I had.
Then he passed on over the train.
"At Spuyten Duyvll the train stop
ped and a negro got into the car. We
talked together and when the train
stepped at Peekskill we walked over
the top of it toward the locomotive,
I remember going through two tun
nels. Then I was struck by the wires
that Indicate another tunnel and
dropped quickly. The negro, who was
ahead of me, was struck by the tunnel
arch and thrown back against me so
hard that he almost knocked me off.
"He was unconscious and his head
was terribly cut I laid him down on
the top of the car and held his head
on my arm. After awhile he became
conscious and tried to get on his feet
and I had to hold him down with all
my strength. It was -at least three
quarters of an hour before the train
stopped in the freight yards in this
A watchman called an ambulance
and took the negro to the hospital,
where he gave his name as John Miller.
His face and head were crushed and
one eye was gone. His injuries are se
severe that he cannot recover.
Modifies His Challenge for Champion
ship. Billiard Contest
New York, Aug. 3. Jacob Schaefer's
challenge for a billiard match has been
greatly modified since it was first
given out by him in Paris Friday, on
flie eve of his sailing for America. As
now stated. Schaefer will make a
match to take place either in Paris or
3iew York next December and will toss
for the choice of cushions. The orig
inal challenge provides that the first
game should be on a new cushion for
attaching his name to which Schaefer
is paid a salary and the winner should
select the cushion for the second. The
difference in wording the challenge Is
very material since Schaefer has been
vsiog the new cushion nearly a year,
white all other leading players who
might accept have been playing on an
other cushion. The inventor of the
new cushion says he will provide
English Monarchs Who Have Bsen En-
thusiaitio Patrons of the Sport
King James never missed a race it
he could possibly help It. On one oc
casion a match between the horses of
William Salvln and Master Maddocks
was put off nearly a fortnight to suit
his majesty's convenience; and again
we are told how James stayed so long
watching the races at Newmarket that
he was "forced to put in at an inn at
Whlchford bridge by reason of his
being indisposed, and came very late
in the night to Roysteon."
The "merry monarch" was never
happier than when he was on the race
course making merry, according to
Evelyn, "with Jolly blades, dancing,
feasting and revelling." On several oc
casions he acted as his own Jockey,
and won many cups, riding at the wel
terweight of 12 stone: and once, we
learn, on the way to Newmarket "the
king and duke of York had the mis
fortune to be overset at the king's
gate in Ho' borne, and the king all
dirty but unhurt" At Newmarket, too,
the house in which he was residing was
burnt down one March day in 16SJ.
with the result that Charles had to
leave Newmarket eight days earlier
than he had intended, thus defeating
the designs of the Rye house plotters.
who were not prepared for such an
early return to town.
George III was no great turf -lover.
and was content with an annual state
visit to Ascot; but Ms father, Fred
erick Prince of Wales, appears to have
been an ardent lover of races. Once
he was so carried away by his excite
ment that he threw a bottle at a win
ner Just as it was passing the post at
The fourth George was, as all the
world knows, an enthusiastic horse
lover, and there were few races at
which he was not a conspicuous fig'
ure. Sometimes he would travel to
the course In great state; but at others,
In his more Irresponsible days, he lov
ed nothing better than to put the royal
postillions in the coach, and mounting
the near-leader himself, with a boon
companion on the near-wheeler, drive
at breakneck speed, exchanging chaff
with every whip he passed on the
King William TV had at least one
unpleasant experience on a racecourse.
Greville, in his "Memoirs," writing un
der date June, 1832, says: "The event
of the races was the king having his
head knocked with a stone. It mad?
very little sensation on the spot, for
he was not hurt, and the fellow was
a miserable-looking ragamuffin. It.
however, produced a great burst of
loyalty in both houses, and their ma
Jestles were loudly cheered at Ascot'
Notice Is hereby given, that up to
the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. on Monday,
the 8th day of August 1904, the com
mtttee on Public Property of the com
mon council of the City of Astoria, at
the office of the Auditor and Police
Plan tmployed by Chicago Pack- Judge therein, will receive sealed bids
rt in fi FmnlovM lo Re- e construction of a City Hall
turn to Work.
The Dragon in America.
One of the grave questions that the
next congress wIJI have to meet Is the
new treaty arrangements with the Chi
nese government, as the period of the
exclusion act terminates in December.
The powerful Chinese Six Companies
is already at work in the Interests of
Its vastly lucrative traffic in Chinese
labor, and there Is every reason to be
lieve that the same lavish expenditure
of wealth will be made during the fall
that has marked the policy of this
powerful and dangerous body in past
years. In view of this fact, Dr. Charles
Frederick Holder's brilliant, exhaustive
and fascinating historical sketch of the
Chinese Six Companies, entitled "The
Dragon in America," which occupies
the place of honor in "The Arena" for
August will command general atten
tion, and to citizens of California, Or
egon and Washington it will occasion
particular satisfaction. Hitherto there
has been much heated controversy on
the Chinese question, but seldom if
ever has the true inwardness of this
issue been so ably and so Judicially
presented as has been done by Dr.
Holder in this remarkable paper. Cer
tainly never before has the un-Ameri
can character of the traffic in Chinese
labor been so clearly pointed out.
"The Arena" has again taken the
foremost place among the reviews of
opinion which discuss live questions
ably and in conformity with the prin
ciples of democratic Institutions. At
no time in its history has it been
stronger or more representative of the
best progressive and liberal thought of
the hour than at the present time.
for the City of Astoria according to
the plans and specifications therefor on
file In the office of the Auditor and
Police Judge, and ordinance number
LABORERS ARE VERY SCARCE 2955 of said city providing for the
time and manner of constructing said
City Hall. The bids must b accom-
One Biff Firm Vnable to Make panted with a certified check of the
County Delivery and Or tier bidder payable to tha Auditor and Po-
Goes to an Independent lice Judge or order, In five per cent
Company. of the amount bid, to be forfeited to
the City of Astoria In case the bid
hall be accepted and the bidder shall
Chicago, Aug. 3. Notwithstanding faU t9 enter into contract within three
th,e claim of the packing house man- jayt from notlco of said acceptance,
agera that they have no uimcuity in Tht right Is reserved to reject any
securing workmen, they are said to beUni jj bids.
making strong efforts to induce their I j( jt, HANSEN,
former employes to return to work.j GEO. KABOTH,
The latest move made in that line Is I l, LEBECK,
the distribution of cards among the committee on Public Froperty of the
wives of the strikers urging them to Common Council of the City of As-
Induce their husbands to return to the
pacKing p.ams ana mcnrweu 0fflce constructing Quartermaster,
pay. The firm of Schwarsschlld A,t0rla. Ore July 28. 1904:-Sealed
Sulxberger Company notified tne pr0p0gat8 , triplicate, will be received
county officials that it could not make at ma offlce unU, 10 0.clock fc w
me usuaj weea.y aeuvery oi meat Xugttit 27 1904 ftnd thm openM for
cording to contract and the superln- the con9tructlon ftntl piurablnf 0f ftn
lenaem oi puono serv.ce p.aceu n or- &ddltUm t0 a ft, guardhouse at
der for $4,000 worth of meat with an Fort steven8( 0rt Vnltt4 states re-
maepenueni arm. , gerv. rlht to .cl .ny or -u
proposals. Plane can be teen and
TO LOOK FOR STRANGE RACE, Li-,,..!. am,i.,i vi.
Envelopes should be marked "Pro
Chicago Professor to Hunt for White Lj, for con,tructlon," and address
reopie in nonnern wnina. f.nin floodnle. Quartermaster.
Astoria. Oregon.
Chicago, Aug. 3. In quest of a mys
terlous white race, which lives in the
mountains of northern China. Prof. offlce c- - Vancouver Barracks,
Frederick Starr, head of the depart-1 Wash., July 5. l04.-8ealed proposal!,
ment of anthrooology at the University ' triplicate, will be received here un
of Chicago, will leave next spring for tu " 'c,ock' Au,Mt toT
first National Bank of Astoria
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Capital 1'aid in $100,000. Surplus and Undivided rrofiti 5.000
Transact a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits.
President Vioa resident. Cashier. Ajat, Cashier
Geo. PI. Gtorge, Pmldtnt,
J. C Wjjliw, Caihitr,
0t e. W. Wtrrtn, Ylct-Prtildtnt,
r D Mljal.. 1 ...
v "as',wi vwnw.
The Astoria National Bank
First National Bunk, PorMati'1, OrotfOtt,
umuuenuti fittliutiul jutilc.Clikntfu.
llHitk of Nw York, N. B, A., Nw York
Crocker- a oolwortU Nat. tlsuk, . t.
a long stay In the orient After search
ing for the strange people In the moun
tains, Prof. Starr may spend the re
furnishing forage and bedding at posts
I In this department, for year ending
I June 80, 1905. Information furnished
malnder of his life among the Chinese. hw op by WWUmarttn at poets.
U. 8. reserves the right to reject or
occupy the center of tne "P or all proposals or any part
inereoL. envelopes containing propo
sals should be marked: "Proposals for
Forage and Bedding at M addressed
F. O. Hodgson, C Q. M.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results in
death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi
cant cuts or puny bolls have paid the
death penalty. It Is wise to have
Bucklen's Arnica Salve ever handy.
It's the best Salve on earth and will
prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores,
Ulcers and Plies threaten. Only 25c,
at Chan. Rogers' drug store.
for he declares that China, within three
years will
world's stage in commerce. His plans
were announced In his lecture to his
class in anthropology.
According to Dr. Starr, he will leave
the University of Chicago at the enj
of this year's work. His first stop I Treasury Department, U. 8. Life
after leaving America will be Japan, I Saving Service. Washington, D. C July
where he may remain for two years, 28, 1904. Sealed proposals will be re
living the lire of the Japanese peopi.. ceived at this offlce until 2:00 o'clock
After this he will make his long vWtlp. m 0f Friday, August 2. 1904, and
to China, which he designates as "thi then publicly opened, for the construe
coming nation. Itlon of a floating boathouso for Grays
His return, he says, will depend upon Harbor (Washington) Life-Saving
how well he likes Chinese life. Station. Soeclflcatlons and drawings.
forms of proposal, etc., can be obtained
TO REPORT ON BEEF INDUSTRY. upon application to the Superintend
ents of Construction of Life-Saving
Importers Now Collecting Information stations, Pacific Coast, Room 5, New
Demanded by Congress. Appraisers' Stores. San Francisco,
Cal.; to the Assistant Inspector of
Washington, Aug. 4. A description Life-Saving Stations, Coasts of Wash
or conditions in tne stock yaras at t-ni- lngrton and Oregon, 13th District, Ta
cago during the strike now in prog- coma, Washington; or to this Offlce
ress there is expected to form an in- Horace I Piper, Acting General Su
terestlng feature of the reports of the perlntendent,
beef Industry, which will be made by
the president to congress In response
toi the Martin resolution passed at the
last session. Fifteen or 20 inspectors
are in the field under the direction of
the department of commerce and labor,
collecting information required by the
terms of the resolution. Their labors
have taken them over a great portion
of the country and their Inquiries have
covered every branch of the beef In
dustry, This embraces the herding
and ranching of the cattle on the plains,
their slaughter and the shipment of
the dressed products. The inspectors,
have been engaged at this work since
early in April and reports from some
of them are daily expected at the de
partment. The inspection has been
conducted under the Immediate super
vision of James R. Garfield, the com
missioner of the bureau of corpora
tions of the department of commerce
and labor. Mr. Garfield has taken a
personal hand in some features of the
Investigation. Such portions of the
report as bear on the strike now in
progress at Chicago, it is said, are in-1
cldental to the general line of inquiry.
Acting Aastatant Burgeon
U.S. Marine Hospital Service.
Offlce hours: 10 to 11 am. 1 to 4:10 p.m
477 Commercial Street, 2nd Floor.
Mansell Bldg. S7I Commercial 8t
Mansell Building
673 Commercial Street, Astoria, Ore
Db. vaughan,
Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon,
You don't close your store for a day
every once in a while but that would
be ae wise as to drop your newspaper
advertising for a day now and then.
Dr. T. L. BALL
Dr. F. I. Friedrich,
S24 Commercial street. Astoria Ore.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why use gelatine and ifT.J.;., "1
spend hours soaUng.veJtVXrO.l
sweetening, flavoring l
ana coloring wnen
578 Commercial St., Sbanaban Building
produces better results in two minutes?
Everything in the package. Simply add hot
water and set to cool. It's perfection. Asur
prise to the housewife. No trouble, less ex.
pense. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Fla.
vorst Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Hasp,
berry. At grocers. 10c
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern
Pacific Express Companies.
Palo Bohemian Beer
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
Having installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the
latest pattern I am prepared to do all kindi o( work
in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 20L
TEe TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Dent
of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1901
Telephone 221.
Draying and Expressing
AH goods shipped toourcare will receive special attention.
700-715 Commercial Street.
Luscious Flavors
From prime ripe fruit only are what
make our soda so highly prized by
all drinkers, No harmful consequences
lurk In the foaming fluid flowing from
our fountain. The stream carries It.
welcome freight of coolness and mois
ture wherever It goes. Results and
medical science mark our pure soda
a the best antidote for thirst and
dryness yet devised.
e?A .Aa a. t s a. si i . a im k.
Next Griffin's Book Store.
433 Commercial Street
Phone Main 121
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, CarriagesBaggage Checked and Transferred Trucks andi
Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
If you have rooms for rent during Reg'etta fill this
oat and send to Secretary Regatta Committee.
Hu for rent from to.
.Roomi with Single Bedi,
. Rooms with Doubft Bcdi.
.Roomi with.,.. Coti.