( I J I J I SSs VVA .1 J ' r- " 29 . SWt v r Mm" VOLUME LVIII. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1904. NUMBER 259. CANDIDATE FAIRBANKS IS NOTIFIED Republican Nominee for Vice Pres ident Apprised of Conven tion's Action by , ' tlihuRoot ; - , ' . i ...... . . n ? 1 Exer -TaKe Place on the Ver- J4' falrbank'i Beautiful , .jme at Indianapolis. DISCUSSES PARTY ISSUES hay 8tre on OoUl StantlarU and Protective Turift Policy and Predict Hhcwm In November.' InillunupolU. Aug. 3.Chnii- W. Fairbanks. Rxfilor United Htt ?"' lor from Indiana, was today formally nnjiflpij of hi nomination for vice prlicnt of the United mte by th roiiublliimt tmtloilttl convention, ,s The never rendered a more Important ser vice to the country than when It es- tabllnh3 the g old , standard. Under It we have Increased our currency aup- pty sufficiently to m?t the normal re quirement of business. Jt in gratify ing that the convention made frank and explicit declaration of the Inflex ible purpose of the party to maintain the gold eundard. It la eental not only that the etendard. should,, be a rood aa the beat In the world, but that the people ahould have the asaurance that It will be ao maintained. "The enemies of sound money were powerful enough to auppreee mention of the gold atandard In the platform lately adopted by the democratic na tional convention. The leader of de mocracy In two great national cam paign haa declared alnce the adjourn ment of the convention that aa eoon s the election la over, he will under take to organise the force within the democratic party for the next national ctaietat, for the purpose of advancing the radical pollde for which hla ele ment of the party stand. He frankly aaya that the money question la for the ortsent In abeyance. In view of these palpable facta, It la not the part of wisdom to abandon our vigilance In iiffiniar.JlfiB the tnteirrliy of our money ytm. - We must have not only 'a president who I unalterably com mitted to the gold atandard, but both hmmra nf iiimri-M In entire accord with him upon the subject In congress and nt "with the pr repuWlcan . WMtwua. -v . m- to d,- notlflcatloii waa made by fclinu jiooi,' , , jernime ur mnir.j ... former secretary or war, i. I Though the chief executive ahould op pose the congren acting within lia Dorary chairman of the convention.) . . . . . ...it.. The mla,a war nwa on in, contltutional authority. veranda of Senator Kalrbanka 0r(hfow of change ful home, in im prewnce a maniu tlindtira. bera of the notincatlon committee, con- proteolvf aladng of one member from ch ,ei jurtMlction' In the In and lerruory. tne governor no M(IJtntnt of lh country atate omcera or ina.ana. ne rep..- E mml vfu1 NO MORE NEWS RECEIVED OF PROGRESS OF BATTLE IN LIAO YANG VICINITY Ington; J. Q. A. Eowlby, of Aatorla; secretary and treasurer, Tiwmaa Rich ardiion, of Portland. Ominous Silence Prevails and St, Pet ersburg Believes Situation Must Be Most Serious at Front. Report Comes of Sinking of Japanese Cruiser Kisuga, but it Is Not Verified Officers cf Vladivostok squadron Are Indignant Because of Criticism Which Has ,. Resulted From Recent Raid. . i dlana republican congreealonal deliga tlon, Indiana delegate and alternale to the national convention, the atate central commute, ana tne fP-JciB be tltMy ,ntriwj t0 the repub K.l'rlal Aaaoclatlon. All then bad! ........... ............ part of our Industrial ayaicm, and muat be maintained unimpaired. When altered condition make changea In achedule deelrable. their modification w n I!ljr' lnvltd. ' ' On the lawn aurroundlng three aldi-a f the reddence, and extending far on all aide beneath the great foreat treea, were acveral thouaand frlenda, neigh- .Ucan, rrv, tf be changed I by the eiumiie i.iv . . :n aJong free trade Inea, uncertainly would take the place of certainty, and a reaction would aurely follow to the injury of the wage bora and political aupporter of thej .ove, t!n,.rtalnty wxr, mine confidence and loa of confldenci afnlor aenator. Maaaed In a body were 1000 member of the Marlon Club, who had acted aa eacort for the dlatln gulxhed visitor. King were aeen everywhere. The houae waa eloborate ,ly decorated, and on one aide of the lawn two Wirge tent were topped by waving banner. The day wa one of the moat beautiful of the year. The epeclally Invited gueata were eerved with luncheon In large tenta on the lawn: the general public wa aerved with light refreehm'ent In the houae, and a photograph of the candi date and committee waa taken from the step of the veranda. The notification apeech waa delivered by Ellhu Root, and Mr. Fairbanks re aponded aa follow: Fairbanks' Acceptance. "Mr, Root and Gentlemen of the Com mittee: I thank you for the very gen erous term In which you have con .veyed the official notification of my nomination for vce president of the United Btatea. The unsolicited and unanimous nomination by th repub lican party la a call to duty wb.- h I am pleased to obey "I accept the commission which you bring with a profound sense of the dignity and responsibllltle of the ex alted poaltlon for which I have been nominated. My. utmost endeavor will be to discharge In full measure the trust, If the action of the convention shall meet the approval of the Amere lean people. "The platformadopted by the con vention I an explicit and emphatic declaration of the prlnclplea In entire harmony with those palicle of our party which have brought great honor ai nrosnerltv to our common coun try, and which, if continued, will bring u like blessing In the future. "The monetary and economic poli cies which have been so forcibly re announced, lie at the very foundation of our Industrial life, and are essen tial to the fullest development of our national strength. They give vitality to our manufactures and commerce, and if Impaired or overthrown, there would lnexitably ensue a period of In dustrial depress -m.'to the serious In Jury of the vast teresta of both labor and capital. j , "The republic! party since It pre served the Intei ty ot the republic and gave freedq jto the oppressed, f breeds confusion and dlstreaa In com merclal affair. "The convention wa wlae not only In lta enunciation of party policies but In tla nomnation of a candidate for the presidency. During the lut three yeare, Preeldent Roosevelt ha been confronted with large and aerlou questions. These he haa met and aolv ed with high wisdom and courage. The charges made against him In the dem ocratic platform find an Irrefutable answer In hla splendid administration. never surjuused In all the history of the republic and never equaled by the party who aeeka to discredit it. "The election of the president Is Imperatively demanded by those whose success depends upon the continuance of a Bafe, conservative and efficient ad ministration of public affair. We have an ample record of deeds done, of beneficent thing accomplish ed In the public Interest. The vast buslnes of the government haa been well administered. The lawa have been enforced fearlessly and Impartially The treasury ha been adequately sup plied with revenue, and the financial credit of the government waa never better. Our foreign tade balance con tinue to Increase our national wealth. We have adopted an irrigation policy which will build home In the arid re gion of the west. The Panama canal, the hope of centuries, i In course of construction under the sole protection ot the American flag., pi I , "W have peace and great prosperity at home and are upon term of good neighborhood to the entire world. These condition constitute the strong est possible assurance for the future. 'Later I ahall avail myself of a fa vorable opportunity to submit to you, and through you, to my fellow cltlaens, a fuller expression cf my view con cerning the question now in Issue. Permit me again to thank you and to express the belief that we may con fidently submit . our cause to the can did and patriotic Judgment of our countrymen." Fish Fall From Sky. Bt Peteraburg, Aug. 3, There haa been complete and ominous alienee re garding the event at the front since the receipt of Kuropatkln'a brief dia patch of August 2. There are neither official nor prea dispatches late to night to Indicate the progrts of the fighting around Llao Yang, where It la felt the moat serious situation muat exist. It la thought possible there may be a temporary lull. The terrible heat alone would be enough to demoralise the armlf. and It would not be eur prlnlng If. coupled with aeverul day of never fighting. It forced both aides to halt to recuperate. There 1 the gravest anxiety to lear whether or not Kuropatkln la seriously giving battle or le determinedly screen ing the withdrawal" of hla main force. There la a persistent atory admit that the Russian army haa been moving north for several daya, but this can not be confirmed. No Information can be obtained tonight regarding the re ported sinking of the Japanese armored crulaer Kaauga. OFFICERS ARE INDIGNANT. Vladivostok Squadron Commander Say He Acted Within Right. , Vladivostok, Aug. S. The reception to the cruisers Roasla, Gromobol and Rurik on their return from their lat est expedition waa enthusiastic. Aa a result of the cruise. naal offlcera be lieve, a check will be given British and American ahipownera carrying contra band of war. Officials of the aquad ron are Indignant over the criticism of the British and American newa- papera "over the lawless acta of the crulsera," asserting thai Admiral Jes sen displayed the greatest humanlty and acted within hla rights and in structions. Referring specially to the case of the Knight Commander, a high Russian officer Bald to the Associated Press correspondent: "The Irresponsible protest of the British newspapera In thia case are perhapa pardonable, but the protest of the British government, even before it was possible to know any of the clr- cumstancea aurroundlng the action of Admiral Jeaaen, waa certainly strange. The captain of the Knight Commander does not deny that his cargo was con traband of war." McCormlck ha cabled the stale de partment from St. Petersburg that In reply to Inquiries relative to the seiz ure of the Hamburg-American .line steamer Arabia the Russian minister for foreign afflra has said: "The Arabia was' taken to Vladivo stok and the cause of her seizure laid before the local authorities. Upon the decision of this court will reat the question aa to whether or not the Arabia will be released or treated aa a prise." . , Russian Gunboat Blown Up. London, Aug. 4. The Daily Mall this morning baa the following from New Chwang: "The Russian gunboat Slvoch haa been deserted and blown up near 8ancha, and the crew, with the vessel's guns, have started for Liao Tang." RUSSIANS LOST HEAVILY. Left Fifteen Hundred Dead on the Field of Tomucheng. STOCKMEN WANT FAIR PLAY. Westerners Ar Not Opposed to Pros- . orvation of the Forests. Denver, Aug. a. The conference be tween the western stockmen and the federal special land commission was called to order at the headquarters of the National Livestock Association at 10 o'clock this morning by President P. J. Hagenbarth, of Utah. Clifford Plnchot, chief forester of the govern ment; P. H. Newell, In charge of the reclamation service, and 100 delegate representing every western state and territory were present. The discussion today was on the bill Introduced In the last congress for re peal of the stone, timber and desert land act and the commutation clause of the homestead act The prevailing aentiment waa against the bilL Discussion of the forest reserve problem brought out the fact that the western stockmen are not opposed to preservation of the forests. Their grievance la that grazing and agrl cultural lands are often Included In the reserves, from which stock Is exclud ed. They also ask that the rules gov erning mese reserves oe moomea, so that Bheep may graze upon them as well aa cattle. TAGGART NAMES HIS MEN. THE CASE OF THE ARABIA. Disposition of Vessel Rests With Vladivostok Authorities. Washington, Aug, 8. Ambassador Toklo. Aug. S, 10 a. m. The Japanese defeated the Russians at Tomucheng (Slmoucheng) and drove them toward Haicheng In aaharjk Jlght which be gan last Saturday and ended on Sun day. ' The Russians left 1500 dead on the field and lost six guna. The Russians occupied a range ot high hills north of Tamucheng (Slmoucheng) which were Btrongly defended with covered trench es, fortresses and covered emplace ments which consumed months in con structing. The Japanese seized a range of heights to the southward on Sat urday. They began the attack at day light on Sunday. The Japanese left wing encountered a severe opposition, The Russlana were gradually reinforced and their artillery waa increased to 21 guns. The Japanese, who were also reinforced, renewed the attack at o'clock in the afternoon and drove the Russians northward. The Japanese right, exposed to a severe artillery fire, waa forced to halt. The Russians, who were reinforced, assumed the of fensive at 5:30 o'clock In the evening, but were repulsed with a heavy loss. The Russian artillery prevented the Japanese from pursuing and during theJ night the Russians withdrew toward Haicheng. The Japanese casualties were about 400. General Kurokl has telegraphed that in the two days' fighting at Yangzu Ling and Yushullntzu his losses were six officers killed. 16 officers wounded and 950 men killed and wounded. MILLION-DOLLAR COMPANY INCORPORATED AT EUGENE, Blalystok, Russia, Aug. J. During a downpour of. rain there wa a regular shower of Bmall fish here. Will Build Extensive System of Elso- trio Lin Out of County Seat of Fertile Lan. Eugene. Ore., Aug. S. The Wll lamette Valley Electric Railway Com nanr naa Deen incorporated, wun capitalisation of 11.000,000, by Con gressman J. P. Wilson, of Arizona; M. S. Taft, a capitalist of Btngnampton, N. Y., and director of the Blnghamp- ton Trust Company; W. T. WItsey, of Arizona, and others. The purpose of the Incorporators Is tp build lines radiating from Eugene Into the farming districts. Franchises will be asked for lines from Eugene to Cottage Grove, Corvallls on the west. Blue River on the east and Sa lem on the north. This latter line is intended to connect with the electric line which, It Is said, will connect Portland and Salem. Today's Weather. Oregon, . Washington and Idaho, Thursday, fair and continued warm. E. L. SMITH PRESIDENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE. Organization la Effected, Judge Bowl by, of Astoria, Being Selected as On of Vice-Presidents. Portland, Aug. 3. The Oregon De velopment League, which had been holding a convention In this city for the past two days, adjourned thia after noon after a very successful and en thusiastic meeting. Resolutions were adopted Indorsing the portage railway at the dalles of the Columbia, favoring deepening of the Columbia river and bar and advocating extension of Irrigation projects. The executive committee was em powered to raise the necessary funds for the expioltatlon of Oregon's re sources In whatever part of the coun try It Is deemed advisable, and take steps to secure Bettlers and induce cap ital to locate within the borders of the state. The following officers were elected: President, E. L. Smith, of Hood River; vice-presidents, F. J. Blakely, of Rose burg; J. G. Graham, of Salem; A. Ben nett, of Irrlgon; J. H. Atkin, of Hunt- Chooses National Executive Committee for Coming Campaign. Indianapolis. Aug. 3. Thomas Tag- gart, chairman of the national demo cratlc committee, tonight announced the following officers of the committee and the following members of the na tional executive committee: Vice-chairman, Delancey Nlcoll, " of New York; treasurer, George Foster Pea body, of New York; executive com mittee, w. K. Sheehan, chairman, of New York; August Belmont, of New York; John R. McLean, United States Senator Thomas S. Martin, of Vir ginia; J. M. Guffey, of Pennsylvania; former United States Senator James Smith, Jr.. of New Jersey; Timothy E. Ryan, of Wisconsin. Added to the announcements of ap pointment, Chairman Taggart made the following statement: "The campaign executive committee will have the advice of Senator Gor man'a Judgment and experience In the campaign, he agreeing to keep in close touch wth the management at all times. The executive committee will meet in the Hoffman house, New York city, August 8." BIG STRIKE SPREADING IN CHICAGO Ice Men Ordered to Join Union Men Who Have Left Their Places at the Pack ing Houses. If Order Can Be Inforced Many Will Be Compelled to Fore go Fresh Meat NEW SCHEME OF TEAMSTERS Order Drivers of Ice Wagons t Stop Deliveries to Retail Houses Which Have Been Unfair. Chicago, Aug. I. The threatened spread of the strike at the stockyard to outside industries came tonight, when an order was Issues Dy the team sters' union forbidding driver of Ice wagon to make any deliveries to re tail butchers who, since the packing house teamster went on strike, have been hauling meat from the packing houses in their own wagons. As the refrigerators in most markets do not hold enough ice to last longer than 48 hours, the order to cut ft the supply of ice, if it can be enforced, means that many persons will be compelled to forego fresh meat Outside the decision ot the striking unions to extend the strike to the ice men there was little change from yes terday in the situation at the stock yards. With their new employes an those who have deserted the unions, the packers managed to dispose of fultr 50 per cent a much work as Is car ried on under normal conditions. While admitting the packers are do ing considerable business, strike lead ers declare the employer are losing money on every animal slaughtered, aa unskilled worker waste the by products. It is on these waste products that the packers base their profits. MEAT TRUST BROKEN UP- On LAST ROBBER IS CAUGHT. Another cf Men Implicated in Bear mouth Holdup Is Jailed. St. Paul. Aug. 3. Northern Pacific secret service officers today arrested John Christie, at Hope, N. D. Christie was Implicated with George Hammond In the Bearmouth (Mont.) train rob bery. Christie, according to the officers, confessed his part in the holdup, and when captured had $700 or SS00 and some diamonds taken from the express messenger's safe. Christie was tracked rrom place to place over the moun-!part 0f their business and that fie tain ranges to Wallace and then to livestock dealers will do all that Is poa Spokane, and finally reached Hope. slble to assist In the defeat. Since the where he was captured. (strike the independent plants of Chi- The officers say they now have Effect of Strike, According to Union Secretary. Chicago, Aug. 3. Homer D. Call In ternational secretary of the butchers" organization, said today: "The greatest feature of the strike is that the meat trust has been brok en. Instead of tne pacKers disrupting1 the union, the disintegration of one of the greatest combinations the world. has ever seen has already set In. For ten years, from 1S90 to 1900, the con solidation of the meat companies was carried on, and from 1741 packing plants in this country the number was reduced to "60. Now the tide will set in the other way. Tne paeaers Know max xney have already lost control of a lorg" all cago, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indian- trie men concerned in the Bearmouth Japolls, Pittsburg and Springfield, Mass, roDDery. I have been workina niaht and day. This will never be regained by the BRYAN WILL BE LOYAL, Send Word to Park?r That H Will Assist the Party, Esopus, AugC 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward C. Wall, of Wisconsin, reached Rosemounth today, remained to lunch eon and spent the afternoon with Judge trade trust. "The public Is supporting the Inde pendent plants because of the damag ing evidence secured by the govern ment against the meat monopoly." Objeot to Increased Tariffs. Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 3. The cham- Parker. Wall brought a message direct ber of deputies having passed on its from William J. Bryan, assuring Park- flrgt reading a bill .raining the custom er that Bryan will place himself at the tariffs to a prohibitive rate without disposal of the national democratic 'consultina the budsret committee, the committee to do everything in his power to Insure the party's success this fall. FUSED WITH POPULISTS. Topeka, Kan., Aug. - 4. The state democratic convention adjourned at 2:30 this morning after nominating a set of Parker and Davis electors. Half the state ticket was chosen by the populists. The populists adjourned at 1 o'clock, having nominated Watson and Tibbets electors and half the state ticket. representatives here of the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Aus tria, Belgium, France and Italy have simultaneously approached the gov ernment asking it to use its Influence with congress for the maintenance of the old tariffs. Offer Reward for Robbers. El Paso, Aug. 3. The Rock Island railroad and the United States Express companies have offered a reward of $2000 for the capture of the robbers who held up the Rock Island train near Tucumcari on Saturday night. - ! S " - 1 1 t t -4 ,: I i I I i ' i