1 ASTORIA, OREGON, WKDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1904. T nt? TTfJTTT . - eclal This Week Women's Vid Kid Oxford Ties, hand-turn soles, THIS season's best styles; Regular $3.00 values at S1.95 PETERSON 8 BROWN Astoria's LeatUnf Shtwi Dealers f i 111 "" I RUN OF FISH IS IMPROVED Receipts of Salmon Yesterday Were Satisfactory to Packers and Fishermen Alike. QUALITY WAS NEVER BETTER Hatchery Run Has Xot Yet Put in an Appearance, but Is Expected to Arrive Shortly. There was a decided Improvement In the run of salmon yesterday, and receipts were gratifytngly heavy. The packing houses were not blocked, but the inside forces were kept busily en gaged during the day. The receipts were Just about great enough to justi fy uninterrupted operations, and pack ers and fishermen were highly pleased. Last evening hundreds of boats could be seen sailing In a northeasterly direction from the city. Looking In the direction of Grays river one could see many white sails, and some wonder was expressed that all the boats should be bound In that direction. Fishermen stated that the fish were all above the city, explaining the action of the fish ermen. The lower harbor receipts, heretofore excellent, fell off yesterday, and there was a corresponding increase from up-river points. Yesterday the seiners operating above the city made good hauls for the first time during the season. They had experienced a long streak of hard luck, but things are evidently coming their way at last Practically all of the fish received were sent down from points above Astoria, and the gillnetters like wise made their big hauls above. It was stated yesterday that "tules" had made their appearance in the river, and it was argued from this that the quality of fish would deteriorate from this time forward. A representative of The Astorlan visited several of the canneries and cold-storages and was unable to find a single "tule" In more than 100 tons of fish. Ail of the pack ers and cold-storage men assured him that they had not received any "tules" as yet. One of the best-posted cold storage men, discussing the fishing sit uation, said: "The absence of tules' is proof posi tive that a big run of fish Is coming. The tules' always come before the heavy run enters the river, and their absence thus far indicates that the present improved supply Is not the run for which we' have so anxiously been waiting. We have had no tules yet; the salmon are all fine chinooks." The fish which are being taken at present are wonderfully fine in quality. A sure sign of fine fish is the condition of the salmon's belly. When It is thin and soft, the fish is not of good qual ity, but when it Is thick and firm the quality is excellent. All of the fish delivered yesterday were thick-bellied, and a cold-storage man said he had never seen finer salmon. "The salmon will unquestionably be of first-class quality right up to the end of the season." said the dealer to whom the press representative talked. '"The muddy water kept the fish out- side! and the season has been generally ! backward. It Is my opinion that first- class fish will continue to run after August 15. It will be observed that the salmon are not yet ready to proceed to the spawning grounds. The eggs In the fish are far from developed, and In almost every respect the salmon re semble those usually taken in May and June. Ordinarily at this time 01 the year the spawn Is quite ripe,' but this season it Is not nearly developed, fills Is the very best indication that the quality of the fish will continue good until after the close of the sea son. Indeed, I believe the salmon will be first-class this year until Septem ber 10 or 15." If the present supply of salmon should hold out until the end of the season the gillnetters will fare very well. They have done much better thus far than the trapmen and seiners. but are, of course, behind In their earn ings as compared with those of last sear. A few weeks of good fishing will net them considerable money, how ever, and the outlook at present Is quite favorable. The seiners still have chance to catch up, after the very worst kind of luck. Every indication Justifies the predic tion that there is going to be a record rush at the end of the season. The hatchery run is bound to come within a short time, and It will last for two weeks or more. When it does make its appearance the canneries and cold storages will doubtless be blocked. There has been no decrease in the" price of fish thus far. Six cents a pound is being paid for the large fish and 5 cents for smaller fish. The salmon are unusually large and the higher price is being realized for the biggest portion of the catches of the gillnetters. RETURNS TO THE HARBOR Vladivostok Squadron That Made the Daring Kaid is Back in Port Again. VESSELS IN PtRFECT SHAPE During Cruise They Sunk Sev eral Steamers Sot Hereto fore Keported as Hav ing Been Lost. Vladivostok. Aug. 2. The Vladivos tok cruiser division returned to port at o'clock yesterday afternoon. The cruisers were in perfect condition. They captured during their cruise the steamer Arabia and destroyed some, schooners, a small Japanese steamer, one German steamer and one British steamer. The last mentioned two were carrying contraband material and had nearly reached their destination, Yo kohama, but were almost without coal and it was therefore impossible to send them to Vladivostok. This is the first intimation that any foreign steamer, other than the Knight Commander had been sunk. And up to $3.00 for Bathing Suits, for Men, Women and Children ? P ? Bathing Trunks ten cents and up C. H. CO O P E THB BIG STORE , . R BARBER LAW 18 NOT VOID. BASEBALL. Pacific Coast At Portland Tacoma, 4; Portland 3. (15 jnnings.) At Los Angeles Seattle, 2; Los An geles, 9. At San Francisco Oakland, 4; San Francisco, L American League. At Chicago Washington, 1; Chi cago, 5. At St. Louis Philadelphia, 9; St. Louis, 3. At Detroit New York, 2; Detroit, 1. At Cleveland Boston, 4; Cleveland, L Today's Weather. Portland, Aug. 2. Western Oregon and Western Washington, Wednesday, fair; slightly warmer, except near the coast. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash ington and Idaho fair and cooler. Eye-strain is no imaginary ill, but one which effects the whole nervous system and if neglected will impair the general health No Charge for Examining the Eyes liATHERINE WADE, Graduate Optician At Owl Drag: 8tor Supreme Court of Oregon Says Meas ure Is Constitutions!. The supreme court of Oregon has re versed the decision of Judge George of Multnomah county In what Is known as the famous barber case brought by the board of barber examiners against H. L. Brlggs, The defendant was con victed for conducting a barber shop in violation of the existing law regu lating the trade or calling of a barber, and providing for the licensing of per sons carrying on such a trade. Judgment was arrested by a trial court holding the act unconstitutional. The law Is held constitutional In the higher court, because "when it comes from the legislature a law must be complete, but there are many matters relating to methods of procedure which the legislature may have properly del egated to some ministerial board or officer and prescribing the qualifica tions of persons woh shall be licensed to follow or engage In the practice of a given trade or profession is one of them. "Therefore It Is held that power was not vested In the board to Issue and withhold licenses arbitrarily and at their pleasure, and that the legislature did not vest In another body the power to create or In any way change the law such as should be done by the law making body, except to create neces sary rules and by-laws, through an advertisement In a Lon don newspaper for the sum of 10 guineas weekly the writer Is being entertained by a dowager countess for the Goodwood and Cowea seasons. The arrangement Includes Introductions to titled people on condition that the writer avoids American clothes and American accent. He says he has nu merous similar offers from titled peo ple In response to his advertisement. The Dally Mall says It p","', documentary evidence of the genuine ness of the statements. HEAVENS! MOST OF US ARE CERTAINLY DEGENERATES HAD TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. SQUADRON TO GO ON CRUISE. Vessels in North Pacifio to Get To gether at Bay City. San Francisco, Aug. 2. Some time between August 15 and 20, the flag ship New Tork of the Pacific squadorn, accompanied by the Marblehead and the Bennington, will leave Bremerton, Wash., and come to San Francisco, where these vessels will spend several days and be Joined by the Boston. All four will then sail for an extended cruise to South America, meeting the Chicago, which Is about to sail from Boston for this coast. Rear Admiral C. F. Goodrich, the new commander- in-chief, will then transfer his flag to the Chicago and send the New Tork around to the Atlantic coast. CURLY BILL PASSES AWAY. Noted California 8tag Driver Dies at 8sn Francisco. 8an Francisco, Aug. 2. William Ger hardt, aged It, the famous pioneer stage driver, who received the nick name of "Curly B1H,' from Mark Twain during the palmy days of Vir ginia City, Nev has Just died from heart failure. In the palmy days of the Comstock when such men as John Mackay, James G. Fair and others were laying the foundations of their fortunes, there was no more widely known "whip" than "Curly BUI," Be fore the Central Pacific was built he drove stage coaches for the California Stage Company between Sacramento and Nevada City, CaL, Reno and Car son and Virginia City, Nev. He was a side partner of Hank Monk, another driver made- famous by Mark Twain and Horace Greely. New Jersey Young Man Travels Ten Miles Head Downward. Plalnneld, N. J.. Aug. 2. With one foot held firmly as If In a vise, George Hardle. 23 years old, of Elisabeth, N J., hung head downward between two coal cars, of a train on the Central Railroad of New Jersey while It trav eled a distance of 10 miles. He was struck repeatedly by projections ris ing above the track level, but was pow erless to extricate himself until the train reached Fanwood station. He was found there by a brakeman, his head torn and his chest cut In a doten places. After boarding the train at Elizabeth, Hardle was jolted from his seat and in falling caught his foot In the coupling which saved him from being ground to pieces. He will re cover. WILL DONATE HIS COLLECTION Chicago, Aug. 3. If one has a doxenl marks of degeneracy he might as well prepare for the lunatic asylum and If he has as many as 13 the chances are that he will spend the majority of his days behind prison burs, according to Professor Frederick Starr of the Uni versity of Chicago, professor Starr says that he never has found a per fect man, or a perfect woman either for that matter, and he declares that anyone who has as many as a dozen marks of degeneracy Is a hopeless case. The Chicago anthropologist was dis cussing marks of degeneracy to his class In elementary anthropology at the university when he gave out list of marks that should designate one as a degenerate. His list Included parting the hair In the middle or on the right side, bald ness, gray hairs before the age of 45, stub nose, bat ears, smalt lobes on the ears, receding chin, protruding lips, left handedness, cross eyes, fondness for Jewelry for hand year by men, red hair for most peP professor said that the Irish were entitled to the privilege of having red hair without being degenerates), blonde hair (ex cept with the Swedes), teeth wide apart, pigeon toes, knock knees and many similar blemishes which are booked by the Midway sage as marks of degeneracy. As to purling the hair on the right side of In the middle, the professor ex plained that parting n the middle wan effeminate and parting on the right side was unnatural. It Is more natural for a right handed person to part his hair on the left side, for It Is easier to comb. The most natural man and the most perfect type of man is right handed and not left handed, hence, nli though It Is easier for a left hniid4 man to part hi hair on the right side, he Is a degenerate because he is left handed, and the fact that he parts his hair on the right side for convenience snke Is no excuse, according to tho professor's rule. Gray hairs are signs of old age and to be found on young person are sure sign of excess In some form. If not of disease. The fact that a person's hab it tend to excess Is also put down a sure sign of degeneracy. Color of the hair Is peculiar to race, says Pro fessor Starr. For a man belonging to a dark race to have blonde hair 1 wrong and unnatural. Red hair Is pe culiar to a distinct cluss, of which the Irish are types. Professor Starr could not find a per fect student In his class. He says that he has yet to And the perfect man, and as the professor Is a confirmed bachelor the class took up his declaration to mean that he was still looking for thV perfect woman. Archer Huntington's Spsnish Works to Be Plsced at Public Dispossl. New York, Aug. 2. That students of ancient and modern Spanish literature may take advantage of his exhaustive collection of books and manuscripts on the subject. Archer Huntington, eon of the late Collls P. Huntington, will erect and endow an Institution for the purpose. Architects ore now working on the plans of the building, which Is to be erected In Audobon park, 155th and 156th streets. ' "I have been collecting Spanish books for many years," said Mr. Hunt ington, "and It Is my desire to make my collection available to all who are Interested In Spanish literature. With that end In view, I have planned to erect a suitable building and to re move to it my books and manuscrlptr fresh, relating to Spain and Portugal." the rainfall ha been generally ample for crop needs. Harvesting Is In progress In Oregon, with better yields than were expected. In Washington spring wheat Is rip ening somewhat too rapidly as the re sult of hot winds. Seedless Apples at the Fair. St. Louis. The seedless apple is a new feature and comes to share the honors with the horseless carriage, the wireless telegraph, the smokeless coal and the seedless orange. It Is a Col orado product and Is on exhibition In the horticultural building at the world's fair. It Is claimed for the seedless ap ple that It Is sufe from frost because It has no blossoms. Several bushels of seedless apples are kept In cold stor age and the supply Is constantly kept THE ENGLISH ARE FICKLE. , Entertain American Who Foregoes His Accent and Clothing. London, Aug. 2. The Dally Mall publishes an amusing letter signed "American Visitor," relating bow, JAPANESE PAPER AT THE FAIR m MBBSBSM Weekly Periodical Printed in the Pal ace of Liberal Arts. St. Louis. Among the many peri odicals published In the palace of lib eral arts at the world's fair Is on which exemplifies the progresslvenesr of the Japanese. Hajlme Hoshl, a Jap anese, Is publishing a souvenir edition of the Japanese-American Commercial Weekly, a paper of 16 pages, printed partly in English and partly In Jap anese. It contains many fine half tones and devotes much of it space to the description of the extensive Japanese exhibits at the world's fair. Besides the weekly Mr. Hoshl has published in English a neat little book, entitled "Handbook of Japan and Jap anese Exhibits at the World' Fair." This book contain 200 page and gives the reader a comprehensive Idea of the government, Industries, commerce and art of Japan, and also a complete de scription of the Japanese exhibits at the world's fair. The book Is In pa per and was set up, printed and bound In the complete plant exhibited In the palace of liberal arts. CROPS ARE FAVORABLE. Oregon Yislds Much Bstter Then Hsd Bsen Expected. Washington, Aug. 2. The weather bureau's weekly summary of crop con ditions says: Favorable temperature prevailed during the week ending August 1 in nearly all districts, and Refuses to 8ell Sysonby. Saratoga, N, Y., Aug. 2. It Is stated here that J. R. Keene has refused an offer of 1100,000 for his two-year-old colt Sysonby, the winner of the flash stakes, said to have been made by W. B. Leeds. Mr. Keene Is quoted as saying he never had any .Intention of selling Sysonby, although he had been told by a friend he could obtain f 100,. 000 for the colt If he would sell. Ministsrs Almost Drown. Chicago, Aug. 2. The Rev, R. W. Shaw and the Rev. Henry A. Dexter were rescued by life savers after they had clung nearly two hours to the keel of their capsized sail boat In the lake off the Elxty-elghth street pump ing station, Their boat was overturn ed by a audden squall and the minis ter were thrown Into the water. Big Fir at Nap. Napa, CaL, Aug. 2. The plant of the Napa Valley Packing Company at this place ha been destroyed by fire. The loss probably will amount to $150,000. The property was Insured for $76,000. How We Grow. (London Leader.) ' "What are the proportions of the ideal human body?" Thl vexed ques tion has never been answered con clusively. , A corollary of It Is this: "What are the proportions of the average healthy man or woman as we find them?" Nor even to thl has a reply been given. However, we are approaching it. Sci entist huve made myriads of meas urements of the stature of man, and some of them are quoted by Fleet Sur geon Williams In the annual report oik the health of the navy Just Issued. To begin with, the boy when born I about half an Inch taller than the girl. Thl difference I maintained until near the age of IS. when, In thl coun try and America, the average girl I taller and heavier than the boy. Thl halting, so to sptak, on the part of the mule Is speedily recovered, and ho aguln outruns the female In stse. At the period of full development the man's average height, compared with the woman's average Is ss 19 to IS. Both men and women maintain their maximum height until the age of 59 years, when they begin to grow shorter, until at 90 they have lost three Inches. The reason for this dwindling Is at tributed to the shrinking of the soft! part between the bone and to the stoop gradually acquired by old people. Mr, Flower seems determined to re alize his expressed purpose of making each Issue of "The Arena" superior to Its predecessor. The July number seemed to reach the high-water mark of excellence, but the August number will prove, we think, even more attrac tive to the general reader. Among the leading social, political and economlo questions discussed are the following: "An Open Letter to President Roose velt," "The Operation of the Inltatlve and Referendum In Oregon," "Why W Favor Japan In the Present War," "The Progress of the Negro: A Study In the Last Census," "The Political Situation) in the Australian Federal Parliament,"' "The Dragon In America," a discussion of the Chinese question. Among other Important essays In the body of the magazine are: "The Poetry of Poe,"' "Judaism and the American Spirit,"" and "A Golden Day 1n Boston's His tory." The latter paper Is handsomely Illustrated, carrying sixteen portraits of men and women who rendered "the last century In Boston forever memor able. Among the contributors are such well-known writer a Dr. Charles Frederick Holder, Edwin Markham, Professor Frank Parsons, Professor Edwin Maxey and Charles Malloy. If It Is worth while to do business t all it Is worth while to do a lot of it and this means, always, a propor tionate amount of. -newspaper tpso.