ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1901 PAGE SEVEN. $ Short line UNIONPACIHC V9 hours from Portland to Chicago. No chant of eara. TIMEHflirDULKa Depart Knm Arrive ' POUTI.AND Oilwuro l'orll.iid Halt Uk., Dl Mf, ft . Htwoial Worth, Omeba. Kan- 34 P m alia. m. nCU),MtLouU. vi Hunt-Ctiioai-o and tli. East tofton Atlsntlo kxpreM "lt Lake, Itoover H 18 u. m. Worth, Omaha, Kan- 7 lit a n via lluut- m Ulty, Hi Intuit, 1 114 to u Chicago and the ICast HL Paul Wall Walla, Lewi. t ant Malt ton, Hpokan., Minna- 4 lap. nt. spoils. Mifiul, Dulutli 100 pm vlafipo- Milwaukee, Chicago, &aae ' and Caul OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria All aaiilng date aubjtct to change. For Ban Franclaco vary Ova day. Dolly t it Hun day aCam columlila giver to t'ortiii! ana Way l4uidln(i 4 am Daily oeptMon Oirect Line lo St. Louis World's Fair. Steamer Nahcotta learas Astoria oa th tide DAILT FOR ILWACO, connecting Ultra with train for Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach point. Returning arrivas at Astoria aaroa evening. Through tlckata to and from an prin cipal Europaaa cittaa. O. W. ROBERTS, Aaent, Aatorla, Ora. " Best by Test" A transcontinental trav eler says: " I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast." It's 'The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Before itarllnt on a trlp-no matter where write ftir tntormtlnf informa tion about oomfbrtable traveling. H.L SISLER, General Aftnt 132 Third 8t Portland, Oregon. T. W. TKA8DALK, General Piunenitrr Agent, tit Paul, Minn. A. A C. R. R. TIME CARD. Laav 6.1)0 a.iu 7,00 p.m Laav 1 PORTLAND Portland Union depot for Astoria) and way point ) Arrlva 11.10. in 9.40 p.m 7,4la7tnl 6.10 p.m I ASTORIA Arrlv 7o7TortIaod and ) 11.80 a.m way point 10.30 p m t8J0p.m . SEASIDE DIVISION Lava ASTORIA Arrlva 8,15 a.m ( I 7.40 a.m 11.30 a.m for WarrntoD, 10JWa,m 11.35a,nv UamniODd. Ft 4,00 p.ra 6.60 p.m Steven, Mould 5.60 p.m f5 55 p.m j I Laav SEASIDE Arrlv 6.15 a. m 9.40 a.m 2.30 p.m 6.00 p.m for Warronton Ft Steven. Ham mond.Astoria Flavel 9 25 am 12.30 p.m 1.80 pjn 7.20 p,m to. oo p.m Dally scpt Saturday. I Saturday only. AU train mak cloa connection at Gobi with all Northern Padfla tralna to and from the Eaat and Sound point. J. C UATO, General Freight and paasenger Agent ASIC' THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VTA ., 20.70 CHICAGO TO BOSTON, MASS, and return Via the Baltimore aV Ohio Railroad. Ticket good leaving Chicago Auguat 12, 11 and 14, valid for return until Auguat 20, aubject to extenalon to Hep tember 20 on payment of a fee of SO cent. Stopover at New York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D. C. For through rate apply to your ticket agent at your home city. For full particulars tend for circular to Peter Harvey, Pacific Coast Agent, San Francisco, Cal. The World" Pair Rout. Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to tb Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantage offered by the Mlssurl Paciflo Railway, which, on account of It vartoua reutes and gate ways, ha been appropriately named "The World' Fair Route." paasenger from the northwest take the Missouri Paciflo tralna from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choic of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two train dally from Denver and Pueblo to St Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment. Including electrlo lighted obser vation parlor cat dining cars. Ten daily train between Kanaaa Clty'and St. Loul. Writ or call on W. C. McBrlda, gen eral agent, 124 Tmrd atreet, Porttind, for detailed Information and Illustrat ed literature. A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all point east; Loul villa, Memphis, New Or lean, and all point south. T Spokane, tt Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chleago, St Louis, and all point east and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY A The Flyer and The Fast Mail Z SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip aoross the Caeoad and Roeky Mountains, For tickets, rate folder and full In formation call on or addree IL DICKSON. City Ticket Agent 122 Third Street Portland, Or. S. Q. TERKES; O. W. P. A., 612 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. The Grotto handles nothing hut straight liquors; no blended gooda In tb house. Silt's Sitil-PepU Cap sis positive cuns Vr IbDmbbmUob er CUrrS of tb BUddnr m4 DUmm4 Xldasft. So tors pa VT vartt qnuuf ue rw aaUf Ik wen of W.aarrh and UiNt, Bo nettorof haw Ions Ub4 In. Ateolaul bumln Sold r SnffW irto,Sboniai.n, 'TIIS tlTll.e?M!tl M Sold by Cbas. Roger. 4CI Comtnarolal GOING EAST TRAVEL IS GENUINE PLEASURE ON Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN Chicago and New York . via WASHINGTON, D. C. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatial Coach es, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawiug Room Cars. The Finest Dining; Car Service In the World. Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. D,'K1, AUSTIN, General Pass. At- - Chicago, I!!. TIME TABLE T. J. POTTER DATE 1904 Tues.Ang. Thur. " Friday " 8at ' 8un. " Lflave l"ORTL. LAND 9.00am 9.00 am 9.00 am 8.00 am 1.00pm p. M Arrive Ait'rlal 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 P.M. Leave Aii'rlal 3.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 P. M. Arrl ve Ilwaoo Pock 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 8.15 Ilwaco Doak P.M. 6.00 6:45 7:30 8:00 see 8:00 Arrive Aatorla 7.15 '8.00 8:45 9:15 a 9:15 Leave Aatorla r. m. 7:15 8:00 8:45 9:15 9:io Arrive Portland A.M, 2:25 8:00 8:45 4:15 4:15 G. W. ROBERTA ArJt., O. R. Q N. CO. ALASI POOR TILLAMOOK. Predicament ef One - of the Garden 8 pots of Nature, Be that your Uckt read via th Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod are tralna connect with all tranacontl nental line at Bt. Paul and Omaha. If your Wends ar coming west let us know and w will Quote them direct th poelally low rate now In effect from all eastern point. Tillamook Independent: Astoria and Clatsop county will have 4 delegates in the convention at Portland next week to organize a state development league, where Tillamook county will be unrepresented. And yet Tillamoo.k county needs su h assistance as an Institution of that kind render more than any other county In the state. It ha more undeveloped country, greater natural resources, and with it all, 1 more Isolated, and less known, than any section of country on the Pacific coast It slence In undisturbed by th click of telegraphic Instruments os. tb whistle of a locomotive. The weekly visit of one lone little steamer and the rattle of a rickety stage as it slowly and wearily draws Us way to and from the poseoffic I alt that marks the march of time In Tillamook. Children are born, grow to old age and die, believing that the summit of the coast range mountains and the break ers of the Pacific are the limitations of the world. These may be extrava gant utterances, but the little effort put forth by the leading, men of the community Justifies them atL and more, ' With a territory equal In extent to some of the smaller states of the union, only about 7000 acres of 'land are shown on the assessment roll as being under cultivation. There are approx imately about 7000 people In the coun ty, and (again referring to the .assess ment roll) 'about 7000 cows In the dairy herds. There are about 20.000,000,000 feet of standing merchantable timber In the county more than Is In any other sub-dlvlslon of this or any other stat In the unloa There are two Uttle mills whacking away trying to cut It up. This condition, of affair can only be accounted for by the fact that our professional and business men are easily satisfied, are doing well and do not care for any more business than they have, and our farmers and dairy men are the best off of any people In the state; while the timber owners tare holding their property until such time a each acre will become a val uable as quarter sections were when they purchased. From these facts the advantage of progress and development In Tilla mook county Is easily understood, and every effort should be put forth by the citlsens for the betterment of con dltlons In our home county. Any Information a to rata, rout etc., cheerfully'glven on application. B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Or. 3. C. LINDSET, T. F. P. A., 142 Third trt, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, F. A. P. Ah nrffi mm.m . i n i Cv ill i rtml D ELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT RIDE IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Be nature In all he glorious beauty, and then th acme of man' handi work. Th first Is found along the line of th Denver A Rio Grande Railroad, th latter at th St Loul World' Fair. Tour trip wlU be on of pleas uremake th most of It For Infor mation and Illustrated literature write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Or. End of Bitter Fight "Two physicians had a long and stubborn fight with an abscess on my right lung," writes J. F. Hughes, of DuPont, Ga, "and gave me up. Every body thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The bene fit I received waa striking and I was on my feet In a few day. Now Tve entirely regained my health." It con quer all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug tore. Price 60c and 21.00. Trial bottle free. "Neglected colds make fat grave yards." Dr. Wood' Norway Pin Syrup help men and women to a happy, vigorous old age. The beer that made Milwaukee fam- da Schllts Is always on draught at The Grotto. Otto MIkkelson, proprie tor. NORTHERN PACIFIC lime Card ol Tralna PORTLAND LeavM Antral ruget Sound Llmitod.T:2S inlidpn Sanaa City-8t Loul Special U:M am 1:48 pa North Coast Limited 2:W p m T:Maa Tacoma and Seattle Night Express 11:46 pm 1:06 pm Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray Harbor point Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pia direct Take Puget Sound limited or Kaa- a City-St Louis Bpacial for patata on South Bend branch. Double dally train errloa oa Gray" Harbor branch. Four train dally between Fortlaaa, Tacoma and Seattl ETKIYnoyAL, PILLS X,V Origin.! Only (iIm ATE. rlM.. wl ll'ii." (M rHllHKSIb.K'K KNUUaU I. ltKO l 4M4 ;' Win, mM4 wlih tlx rtbboa. I tWHMtn g SvWtll.ilM. wmi lailt. tin... hJ of ftHar lruirit, m Mtt. 4. I. tun. hi P.rtls.lan, TwtlmnUi ul "R.llef for I. .!!., fetor, ? n. t.-aM.U. lO.intTuUMIU. 4M VaNha tk : uiim um FLuLA. , DON'T GO TO ST. LOUIS Till you call at or write to the Chi cago, Milwaukee ec su raui Kaiiroaa Office 134 Thtrt street, Portland, Ora Low ratea to all points east in conneo tlon with all transcontinental H. S. ROWE, General Agent STOP OVER. AT CHICAGO on your way to St Louts fair. Low rate and best service via North-West ern line. For fuU information, write H. L. Sisler, general agent No. 122 Third Btreet Portland, Or. THE FAIR ROUTE. via Chicago or New Orleans to St Louis, 1 on that give you th most for your money, and th fact that th ILLINOIS CENTRAL Offer unsurpas sed service via these points to th WORLD'S FAIR." and In this conneo tlon to all point beyond, make It to your advantage. In case you content plat a trip to any point east to write us before making final arrangements W can offer the choic of at least a doaen different routes, a. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 142 Third street Portland, Oregon. J. C LINDSET, T. F. A P. A. 142 Third Btreet Portland, Or. F. B. THOMPSON, F. A P. A. Room 1, Colman Bldg, Seattle, Wash I STEAMER SUE H. ELMORE The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Beat of Table and State Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between Astoria AND . , . . . Tillamook Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. General Agents. Astoria Or. OR TO A. CD. C. R. R. Co., Portland, Or. Pacific Navigation Co., Tillamook, Or. O. R. , N. Co., Portland, Or. Famous Trains 1 The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited Si, Paul to Chscago, run via 1 Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul Ri an Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. S. ROWE, General Agent 134 Third Street, Portland CONG TO THE FAIR. What to Do If You Desire Practical Information. If you contemplate visiting the St Loul Exposition, to secure reliable In formation a to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Also as to. th local condition In St Louis, hotels, eta, etc. If you wlU writ the undersigned, stating what information you desire the same will be promptly furnished. It we do not have it on hand, will secure tt for you if possible, and with out any expense to you. Address B. F. TRMBULL. Portland, Or. Th only direct rout to the St Louis world's fair and . the East la via the O. R. A N. and Union Pacific The folowing rates apply from As toria: To St Louis and return... J3S7.SO To Chicago and return 72.S0 To Chicago, returning from St Louis or vice versa 70.00 To Chicago, returning via St Louis or vice versa 72.50 Returning via California, $13.50 ad ditional ..: . , , , , . For further particulars, call on or address , .G. W. ROBERTS, Agent O. R. & N. Co, Astoria. Th Northern Paciflo Railway Com pany will place round trip tickets from Portland to St Louis and return on account of the world's fair on sale a follows: August 8th, 9th and 10th. Sept Sth, 6th and 7th. Ootober 3rd, 4th and 5th. The round trip rate to St Louis and return from Portland wlU be 1(7.50. Tickets will be good for return via any direct line. ' A round trip rate of $72.60 will also be made from Portland to Chicago and return. If a passenger desires to take In both Chicago and St 'Louis the round trip rate will be $76.00." All ticket will be good for 20 day from date of sale. Tickets wUl be good going ten days from date of sale so that a limited stop-over can be had on the going trip and on the return trip passengers can stop at their pleas ure west of the Missouri river or St PauL These ratea apply via direct lines, but if passenger wishes to re turn through California ticket can be sold accordingly, but at an increased rat of $13.60 added to above. For any additional information de sired, call or address A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger " Agent, Uorthern Paciflo Ry 253 Morrison street corner of 3rd. Portland, Ore, If your ad doesn't pull, why not 9 ply th corrective and get one that does?