The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 03, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe morning flstorian
By mail, per year $6 00
By mail, per month 50
By carriers, per mouth..... 60
By mail, per year, in advance $1 00
' The abandonment, at least for the present, of the
bill for the exclusion of undesirable immigrants
from Great Britain is a reminder that the alien
problem is not confined to America alone, says the
New York Tribune. "We are so accustomed here to
the coming of multitudes of strangers from the ends
of the earth that we might almost think America to
be the only land enjoying or suffering immigra
tion. That is not the case. The United Kingdom
yearly receives a large number of aliens. Most of
these probably do not stay. They visit Great Britain
on their way to America or Australia. But some do
stay, and, while these are few in number, they are
said to be particularly undesirable in quality. Per
haps not more than from 55,000 to 60,00 a year
settle in the United Kingdom. But if all, or nearly
all, of these are incapables, paupers or criminals,
their coming may well be regarded with disfavor.
They are said to settle chiefly in London, where
those of them who are able to work come into com
petition with British laborers, and the rest, the ma
jority, have to be dealt with by the police or by the
poor boards.
It may be that the United Kingdom will one day
have to take a leaf out of some colonial book. The
British colonies in Australia and South Africa have
long been struggling with the immigration problem,
and seem to be settling it to their own satisfaction.
In Australia the influx of Chinese began as early as
1848, and in 1855 it was thought necessary to adopt
a measure for excluding them, or at least for re
stricting their numbers. Despite restriction, how
ever, there continued to pour into the Australian
colonies a considerable stream of aliens, yellow,
brown and black. In -1888 there arose a veritable
panic upon this subject, and some extreme measures
were arbitrarily applied. At the present time the
tendency is to judge immigrants by quality rather
than by race, though the quality tests in some par
ticulars amount practically to a race test.
The laws now in force in Australia are chiefly
modifications of the law enacted in Natal in 1879.
That law mentioned no race or color. It provided
for the exclusion of paupers, idiots, lunatics, per
sons suffering from loathsome or contagious disease,
professionally immoral women, persons who had
within two years been convicted of a non-political
felony, and the most important point of all all
persons unable to write in some European language
an application for admission to the colony. The
last provision was, of course, intended to bar out
Asiatics, and it did so pretty effectively. The Natal
example has been followed in the Australian col
onies, though its terms have generally been relaxed
All the colonies retained in a European language.
One of them New South Wales was content with
that alone. Another West Australia adopted all
the Natal prohibitions, and even increased the penal
ties provided for their violation. It is interesting to
note-that the penalties are chiefly imposed upon the
owners and masters of the ships in which the unde
sirable immigrants are imported. I
It is, from some points of view, an unpleasant
thing to shut the doors of a nation against any who
seek its hospitality. Nevertheless, there is logical
ground for so doing, and there are practical reasons
for it, as more than one nation is finding out.
There is nothing particularly startling or signifi
cant in the circumstance that the government's ex
penditures for the past month heavily exceeded its
receipts. The deficit in the government's revenue for
July was about $21,000,000; and, of course, if ex
penditures were to continue . very long to outstrip
receipts at this rate, the day would not be far away
when the federal treasury would be totally barren
of available cash. '
But July is always a month when government dis
bursements are exceedingly large. It constitutes the
first month of a new fiscal year, and during it heavy
appropriations that have been made by congress be
come available, and larger and more numerous drafts
are made on the treasury than during any other
month of the year. In addition, July is a month
when interest payments are made on government
bonds. Last July, before the decline in customs be
came so marked as it has since, the government's ex
penditures exceeded its receipts nearly $7,000,000.
The treasury officials confidently believe that, with
the close of August at the latest, the government's
income will once more exceed its disbursoments and
that the amouut of available cash in the treasury wii
increase. In the meantime there is no likelihood that
the government will be .straightened in the near fu
ture for means to meet current obligations. While
the available cash in the treasury has now" reached
the extremely low point of $26,000,000, the govern
ment has to its credit in national banks over $120,'
At the same time nothing is to be gained by closing
one '8 eyes to tho fact that the tendency of customs
receipts is still downward and that, unless these re
ceipts take a sharp opposite turn in the next half
year or so, the next congress will probably be com
pelled to use the pruning knife unsparingly on ep
propriations or adopt measures of some sort for in
creasing the government's revenues.
The miners of the west are moving for a mining
officer in the cabinet a department of mines with
a secretary at its head, says the Call. It is doubte
whether congress will soon move in such a matter,
The addition of cabinet departments is a deliberate
ppicess, and a long time is apt to elapse between
events. The interior department was created about
1845, and Thomas Ewing was its first secretary
No addition was made to the cabinet after that unti
1889, when a secretary of agriculture was provided
and Mr. Coleman of St. Louis was appointed. Then
there was a skip until 1903, when Mr. Cortelyou be
came secretary of the new department of commerce.
We would advise the miners to be mindful of the
law of evolution as applied to the cabinet depart
ments. The interior department sprouted out of the
patent office. The department of agriculture sprang
from the bureau of agriculture in the interior de
partment. The department of commerce issued from
several strong bureaus that had risen under the aus
pices of the treasury. The miners should go on
talking about and urging a department of mines,
but they should see to it that a strong bureau of
mines is at once attached to the department of com
merce. The growth of such a bureau, if it grow, will
demonstrate the need of a department quicker than
all the speeches and petitions on the subject. The
west should organize now for such a bureau.
Russell Sage is out flat-footed against vaeat'ons;
but everybody laughs, because he is generally re
garded as an awful example of thrift and industry
gone mad. Still,1 are there not many young men who
profess serious intentions in the matter of success
and not mere flirtation who might profitably fsk
themselves, Can 1 afford to take a vacation ? says the
Saturday Evening Post.
To the young man whose thoughts are on vacation
all the year round this is of jio importance ; but to
the young man whose work is his main, his para
mount interest, a two weeks' break of the continuity
may be a hurtful set-back. The excitement about
vacations arises chiefly from the delusion that it is
work that impairs the health. The truth is, of coarse,
that work affects the health only of him who upends
most of his energy in some form of self-indnlgenee:
and if it weren't for the healthful regularity of work
he would break down altogether.
A great many very wise and long-lived men have
taken vacations in order that they might be free to
work harder than ever.
It is the pride of every American that this country
is today the leader in the world's civilization, prog
ress and power. It is worth while for the voter and
the student of politics to give a moment's thought
to what portion of this progress has been achieved
nnder democratic administrations.
The republican party found an empty treasury
and a financial discredited government in 1897.
These have given place to a larger accumulation of
gold than has been seen elsewhere in any age and
a financial standing that ranks first in t!ie world's
money markets. -
The Blue Mountain Eagle is a paper of which the
people of Canyon City should be proud. It would
do credit to almost any town of 5000 people. It is,
all in all, one of the best country weeklies published
in the coast. " ,
Edmund Creffield, the "holy roller" who is locked
up in jail at Portland, says God will take care of
him. It is our impression, however, the courts will
get the first rap at him.
Prices are again tending toward the normal level;
there is work for every man at good wages, with a
margin for saving, and prosperity for all legitimate
industries. Stand pat.
- Democrats all admit that the money question ''s
not paramount this year. But it is no fau)t of theirs
that it it' not.
0 0 0
Our great odds-and-end sale of Men's Suits
started off with a rush. Many people came just
to see what we had and others who were af
raid it was a fake sale looked at the goods,
bought them and left the store fully satisfied
that we were doing just what we advertised, vizs
Closing out about lOO odd suits, sizes 34 to40,
worth up to $3500 at tt , u tt it tt n
We emphasize the fact that we do not expect to
make any profit on this sale. Our sole object is
to make room for our new fall stock which will
soon arrive Our reputation for reliability
leaves no chance for doubt as to the genuineness
of this sale.
One Price to Everybody
To cure a weak stomach Is to take
Hostetter'a Stomach Bitter at the very
first symptom. It does away with
starving and dieting yourself because
it put's the stomach In proper condi
tion to digest the food. In this way
It cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, SonstU
pation, Biliousness, Heartburn, In
omnia, Headache, Cramps or Diar.
rho.a. .Nervous and sickly women also
And the Bitters uneiualed as a regula
tor and tonic. We urge a fair trial.
John D. Rockefeller Will Get His Else-
trio Lights From Company.
Tarrytown, N. Y., Aug. 2. After
spending $10,000 and considerable time
experimenting, John D. Rockefeller
has decided that, so far as he is con
cerned, the operation of a private elec
tric lighting plant Is a failure and he
signed the contract with the local
lighting company to light his estate
: Pocantlco Hills.
As soon as the new, service Is ber
gun the private plant will be for sale
a bargain price. : It requires about
800 large Incandescent lamps to light
the mansion grounds and private park
and they will be Installed at once. The
private plant was put in a year ago.
The dynamos were set up In the end
; the barn.' , , , r,,
After operating It a ahort time, Mr,
Rockefeller discovered that the - new
system was costing more than the elec
tricity formerly supplied by the light
ing company. There was also the
constant danger .of .burning the barns,
which cost about $200,000.
Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works
Manufacturers of
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings.
General Found rynien and Patternmakers.
Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest.
Ph ens 2431.
Comer Eighteenth mi Franklin.
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
Best Of Goods At Prices That Are Right
727 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon ;
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results in
death. Thus a mere scratch,, innlgnin
cant cuts or puny boils have paid the
death penalty. It ts wise to have
Bucklen's Arnica Salve ever handy.
It's the best Salve on earth and will
prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores,
Ulcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c,
at Chas. Rogers' drug store.
S Staple and fancy firorcrtfts
Supplies of All Kinds at Lowest Prion for Fishermen, Farmers
and Loggtrs.
BrancbUniontown, - Phones, 711, . Unlontown, 713
f:i-Aiy. aulen,
Tenth and Commoroial Streets. ASTORIA, OREGON.
8 888888888888 8888888888888
w 8
8 ,
Some People Are Wise
And soma are otherwise.. Get wise to the value of our Pre.
ecrlption Department when you want Pure, Clean Druga and
Medlolnes aeourately oompounded.
Anything In bur stock of from our presorlptlon oounter.
you can depend upon as being Ihe best. Get It at
; 8
, 8
Comer of Fourteenth II n Qt
8 and Commercial Street (WIS UMg OlOTB "
88 8888888 88888 888888 8 8 8 88 8 8