ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1904. PAGE THREE. r We Cordially Invite To Come To ASTORIA'S GREAT REGATTA r V '- . ' - '' ' " "... '' V i i 1 1 Crowning of Queen Grand Regatta Ball Sculling Match Lacrosse Match Gasoline Boat Races Fish Boat Races You need a vacation; why not come to Astoria where the invigorating breeze from the Pacific Ocean will fill your lungs with pure ozone and where you can take in the renowned "Regatta" at the same time. You can also see the salmon can neries and take a dip in the ocean; several trips i I f ills daily to ana rrom the beach. :: Plenty of Accommodations "i And a Royal Good Time We Invite YOU to Come We want YOU I Rowing Races Tub Races ' Sloop Races Bands of Music High Dive Warships YAh BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY-PURE Healthful cream of tartar, de rived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active principle of every pound of Royal Baking Powder. Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder produces food remarkable both in fine flavor and wholesomeness. ROYAL EAKJNO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. WOULD END BIO STRIKE Colorado Livestock Men of West to Hold Meeting and Con sider the Matter. vised immediately consultation of specialists. ACCIDENT TO MISS CLEMENS. Famous Writer's Daughter Almost Killed by Trolley Car. OFFICERS QUITE SANGUINE i R Company Hope to Hrliiff Packers and Em ployea Together in Con. ferenee at ait Early x Iate. Denver, Aug. 2. The News today says: A movement to Intervene In the great packer's' strike In the east will re sult from a meeting of livestock men from all over the west, which begins In this city tomorrow morning. Stock- growers from practically every state west of the Missouri river will be In Denver, and. as these men have suf fered as much as anyone from the strike, because of a lack of demand for their cattle, they will start a cam paign as the independent party, to se cure an Immediate settlement of the strike. Backed up as they will be by the presence of governors of at least six states' officers of the National Live stock Association and several officials of the federal government, they hope to bring both sides Into a conference, secure an agreement to restore condi tlons to their normal level in all the stockyards and meat centers of the nation. The stockmen have been called to meet federal officials and to discuss grazing. Lennox, Mass, Aug. 2. It has de veloped that "Miss Julia Langdon of New York," who was thrown from her horse and Injured by a trolley car In South Lee, is Miss Jane Clemens, daughter of Samuel L Clemens (Mark Twain) Her companion reported as being "Joseph Drake of New York," was Rodman Glider, son of Richard Watson Gilder. Miss Clemens had a narrow escape from death. Her horse became fright ened at tie headlight and bolted di rectly In front of the trolley, which was going at a slow rate of speed. The young woman was thrown out and suf fered a fracture of the right ankle be sides several bruises on her right side. The horse was so severely injured that he had to be shot. Miss Clemens has practically recovered from the shock and Is suffering now only from her ankle. Mr. Gilder said the reason his son gave out the fictitious names was to prevent Miss Clemens sister, Miss Clara Clemens, who Is In New York and other relatives from being unduly alarmed over newspaper reports. The name given by Miss Clemens was that of her mother, who died recently la Italy. 8ulcide Prevented. The startling announcement that a. preventive of suicide had been discov ered will interest many. A run-down system, or despondency Invariably pre cedes suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self-destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerve and build up the system. It's also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney reg ulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guar anteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist Notice to Contractors. Bids will be received at the ofSce of the Clerk of School District No. J. 179 Eleventh street, until Friday, Au gust 5, 1904, at 2 p. m. for the finish ing of two rooms and the hall and con structing of stairway -In the Taylor school building In accordance wl plans and soecifications that may be seen at the office of the undersigned. By order of the Board. E. Z. FERGUSON, Clerk. ' SUDDENLY STRUCK BLIND. Calamity Overtakes Girl Who Was Visiting at Aihbury Park. Asbury Park, N. Y., Aug. 2. Stricken suddenly blind while promenading on the beard walk here. Miss Bessie Lyn- dal of Gludwyne, Pa., 1ms been taken home unable even to distinguish sun light from darkness. It is feared that her loss of eyesight is permanent. A physician who was consulted can give no reason for the sudden attack. Miss Lyndal has enjoyed the best of health, both of body and mind. She was nctlve and engaged in sports. With her mother she came to Asbury Park and in the evening they went out on tbe ocean front for a stroll. Sud denly the girl stopped and screamed, Mother, mother, I can't see; I'm blind." A hack was called and the girl was hurried home. Mrs. Lyndal put the girl to bed In a darkened chamber and. thinking that the trouble was but a passing attack, neglected to call In a physician until morning. When the girl awoke In the day light she was unable to tell the dif ference. A doctor was called and ad- Always Openf Day or Night RUSSIAN, TURKISH or TUB. ... . . ITT THE PALACE BATHS r CIGARS In all Brands and Sizes. We have them in stocK. The Trade sup plied at abso lut e 1 y bottom prices. TOBACCO "We have added a pipe repairing department. Best work in this line. GOODS EXCEL, PRICES EIGHT WILL MADISON IKtO COMMEltCIAL ST. It4 ELEVENTH ST. J HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. Waea It Is Free) ef DaadrwO, It Grew. Lsxarlaatly. Eatr preparations and dandruff cures, as a rule, are sticky or irritating; affairs that do no earthly rood. Hair, when not diseased, grows naturally, luxuriantly. Dandruff Is the cause of nine-tenths of all hair trouble, and dandruff is caused by a germ. The only way to cure dand ruff, la to kill the germ; and, so far, the only hair preparation that will positively destroy the rerni Is Nowbro's Herplcldo absolutely harmless, free from grease, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allays itching Instantly; makes hair glossy and soft as silk. "Destroy the cause, you re more the effect" Sold by leading druggists. Send lOo. in stamps tor j sample to ina iiorpiciua Co., Detroit, Mich. Reliance Electrical WorRs We are thoroughly prepared for m&kiag estimates and executing orders for II kind of electrical installing and i repairing. BnppHea in stock. We sell the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP. H.W.CYJJS, w.Mger 428 BOND STREET HATvS TRIMMED FREE A big reduction Bale on hats. All kinds of ladies' and childrens' furnishing goods, hair switches and pompadours, i :: MRS. R. ENGLETON, - - Welch Block. Weinhard's Lo&..