PAGE TWO. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1904. -, . 1 11 ' i - .... I ... . . : 1 SAID TO HAVE TAKEN MONEY Serious Charge Preferred Against Petty Officers at Brook lyn Navy Yard. PROMOTIONS ARE FOR SALE Secret Service Man rinds It Not at All Difficult to Be Ad vauced for Small Sum. vorHfom In the distributions have also been charged. Lack of food and proper nourishment among the poor classes who were com pelled to leave their work on account of the strike has caused much illness and at the dispensary of the University of Chicago it is reported that 100 cases, mostly children, had been treated within the last four days. SOME QUEER ACCIDENTS. Strange Happenings to People in Dif ferent Parts of the Nation. New York Sun: While carrying keg of beer Intended for a picnic In Reading, Pa, one day last week, El mer Kercholt stumbled over a wire. The keg slipped so suddenly that the Jar dislocated his neck. Only a short time ago Miss Carrie HuKin of Janesville. wis., was so New Tork. Aug. 2.-A naval board tisWly huggei by her lover that two to investigating reports that certain j f . ,b became Interlocked. After suffering severe pain the young woman etty officers on the receiving ship Hancock, stationed at the Brooklyn aavy yard, have been selling ratings or promotions to sailors for cash. The reports were started by bluejackets, who talked freely of the matter ashore. When the commissioned officers on the ship and in the navy yard heard of these reports they reported it to the navy department and a board was de tailed to Investigate the rumors. A . new bluejacket recently ap peared on the Hancock. It was said that he had been transferred from the Washington navy yard. On the Han cock, it is alleged, he had a talk with a petty officer about his rating and paid 'S 25 for an advancement Not Jons afterward he was Jumped from landsman to second class fireman. He enjoyed his honors only 48 hours, dis appearing suddenly. It now turns out that he was a secret service man who Bad been sent on to get evidence. Three petty officers have been sum moned as witnesses to Washington. The bluejackets at the yard say that grafting has beta going on for a long time unknown to the commissioned of' fleers, however, until recently. GROWERS' ASSOCIATION FAILS. Fresno Raisin Men Unable to Get To gether This Year. Fresno, Cal, Aug. 2. After two months of strenuous effort to get the Raisin Growers' Association through, President R. K. Madsen has abandon ed an efforts to preserve the associa tion and1 announced that all contracts so far signed would be returned. This baa been brought about by the failure ef the association to reach an agree ment with the packers and growers to Join the association. Every grower In the valley must now do the best be can for himself without aid from any organization whatever. It is be lieved that the result will be the fail ure of many raisin growers. The association has been in ex istence for six years and has handled about three million dollars' worth of raisins a year, representing 75,000 acres of grape land. The low price of raisins last year caused the downfall ef the association. At the beginning of the season this year there still remained on hand 2000 cars of last year's crop. This fact, with an outlook for a poor season this year, seemed to cause a loss of faith In the association. But 23,700 acres f the 75,000 acres were signed up this year. The association will remain in existence this year only long enough to dispose of the hold-over crop. An other attempt to revive it will be made aext year. EXTINGUISHER EXPLODED. Jersey City Fireman Killed in Handling Defective Apparatus. Jersey City, Aug. 2. Joseph Camp SeJL a member of the company at tached to No. 3 fire truck, was killed last night by the explosion of a fire extinguisher, which he had taken off the truck to use at a fire. The extinguisher, it Is said, was de fective and in place of having an en tirely new bottom put in the damaged part had been soldered and was thus anfit to stand the strain put on it. The fragments that struck Campbell broke three ribs on his left side, blew away the left side of his face and fractured his skull. He was taken at nee to the hospital where he died. ' MANY ARE WITHOUT FOOD. Butchers' Strike Working Great Hard ship in Windy City. Chicago, Aug. 2. One of the seri ous questions which "confronts the managers of the packing house strike is the separation of the worthy from the unworthy tn the distribution of food supplies. It is claimed that most sf the supplies so far given out have ee secured by persons who have money for their own support, while many families In actual want have fceen unable- to secure anything. Fa- confessed that strenuous love making was the cause fo her distress. Emanuel Beveler of Sterling, 111., cut his throat on his high collar. He was riding a bicycle, and In trying to avoid a Dasslntr horse was thrown. In his fall his collar cut his throat. Margaret Klrchbaum died of eating hot potatoes. She was in a hurry to go out and gulped several hot pota toes. She died in great agony. The autopsy showed that her throat and the lining of her stomach had been so badlv burned that the swelling had acused her to choke to death. Jasper Gomers, while waiting for a car at midnight in St. Louis, sat down on a barrel of tar and fell asleep. When he awoke be found the tar had softened and he had slowly sunk down into the sticky stuff until his feet arms and head only were outside. He was chopped out with an ax. William P. Steele of Princeton, Md., died a few months ago while setting up a monument over his wife's grave. The stone fell, crushing his head and chest Francis J. Birdwell, a Boston or nithologist climbed high up in a tree at Rio Pecos, New Mexico, after a bird's nest The rope he was using caught on a limb and when he slipped and fell a loop caught blm around the neck and he was slowly strangled to death. His bride of a month stood at the foot of the tree, but was unable to help him. A Jersey mosquito caused the death of a barber named Rosho Dorso at Harrison. N. J. The barber was shaving, and a mosquito lit on his nose. The razor was directly under the bar ber's chin, and in making a slap to drive away the mosquito, he cut a deep gash in his throat A physician arrived too late to save blm. A swordfish caused the death of Au guste Sylvia, about 35 miles out at sea. Salvia was one of the crew on the fishing sloop Klondike, from Glou cester. A 2000-pound swordfish had been harpooned, and Sylvia entered a dory to make another line fast to the fish, which was only about two lengths away from the sloop. In Its flurry the fish made a break for the dory and broke its sword by running it through ihe planking. The shock when the fish struck the dory threw Sylvia over board, and as he was in oilskins and rubber boots he was unable to swim and sank before assistance could reach him. Paul Bowles, a 10-year-old son of a Bolivar (N. T.) merchant, lost his hair by fright A runaway horse threw the boy into convulsions, which caused all the hair on his head to fall out. PLENTY OF MONEY Putt an End to It All. A grievous wail oftimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver complaint and Constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to It all. They are gentle, but thorough. Try them. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. You don't close your store for a day every once in a while but that would be at wise as to drop your newspaper dvertiting for a day now and then. Tou have enough to buy a pin no at our store. It does not take much to purchase a piano here. A small payment down and moder ate monthly Installments will secure one. Remember That when you buy here you are purchasing from the greatest low price piano establishment In existence. That our wide reputation and popu larity are founded upon low prices and fair treatment That we are permanently established in Astoria, and merit your patronage. That you make your' payments to our local agent Mr. A. R. Cyrus. That we have a resident tuner in Astoria. Leave orders here. That our pianos are the best money can buy. Read the List. Weber, Kimball, Haddorff, Bailey, Marshall & Wendell, Hobart M. Cable. Jacob Dall all well known, and others. The Pianola. We are the sole northwest agents for this perfect and most wonderful piano player. Do you know that the Pianola makes it possible for you or anyone else to play the piano? Why not get one now! It costs only $250, and adds thou sands of dollars in pleasure to your piano. EILERS PIANO HOUSE, By F. N. Smith. Established in Astoria January, 1901. Special sales rooms, 422-424 Com mercial street, near Ninth. Store open evenings. CRUSHED BY ELEVATOR. New York Woman Meets Horrible Death at Department Store. New Tork. Aug. 2. Mrs. Ella S. Betta of Manhattan was killed by an elevator in a Brooklyn department store yesterday afternoon In full view of many shoppers. She was caught by the floor of the elevator as It as cended, carried to the celling and thrown against it with terriflo force, and her limp body fell to the floor. Doctors who were summoned could not restore her to consciousness and she died within 20 minutes. Br. Lyon's PERFECT TootSi Povdbr AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement tor over a quarter of a century PRtPARIO tv NOTICE FOR BIDS. . Notice is hereby given, that up to the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 8th day of August 1904. the com mittee on Publlo Property of the com mon council of the City of Astoria, at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge therein, will receive sealed bids for the construction of a City Hall for the City of Astoria according to the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge, and ordinance number 2955 of said city providing for the time and manner of constructing said City Hall The bids must be accom- nanled with a certified check of the bidder payable to the Auditor and Po lice Judge or order, tn five per cent of the amount bid, to be forfeited to the City of Astoria in case the bid shall be accepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into contract within three days from notice of said acceptance. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. IL HANSEN, GEO. KABOTII, L. LEBECK. Committee on Publlo Property of the Common Council of the City of As Office C. Q. M, Vancouver Barracks Wash- July 8. 1904. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here un til 11 o'clock, a, in, August 4, 1904, for furnishing forage and bedding at posts In this department for year ending June 30, 1905. Information furnished here or by quartermasters at posts. , s. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposal! or any part thereof. Envelopes containing propo sals should be marked: "Proposals for Foreae and Bedding at " addressed F. O. Hodgson, C.Q.U., Pears' Which would you rath er have, if you could have your choice, transparent skin or perfect features ? All the world would choose one way; and you can have it measurably. If you use Pears' Soap and live wholesomely otherwise, you will have the best complexion Na ture has for you. Sold all over the world. Office Constructing Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore., July 28, 1904: Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m, August 27, 1904, and then opened for the construction and plumbing of an addition to a frame guardhouse at Fort Stevens, Ore. United States re serves the right to reject any or all proposals. Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at this office. Envelopes should be marked ."Pro posals for construction," and address ed. Captain Goodale, Quartermaster, Astoria, Oregon. Do Ya Re:civQ Thoso VircIoss Oisseps? They Are About Your Health. When your health goes the least bit wrong, a wireless message Is sent to your brain. It says something like this ! Lp51 "You are not quite well-take a dote of FW? Fill IIC? at once and It will put you right." Do you attend to these messages when you receive them? You should do so. BEECHAM'S PILLS often prevent a serious illness, and so prove themselves "WORTH a guinea A BOX." . Cold Everywhere In Boxes, lOo. and 25c. i mi l Treasury Department, U. 8. Llfe- Saving Service, Washington, p.vC?Juiy 29, 1904. Sealed proposals Will be re celved at this office until 2:00 o'clock p. m., of Friday, August 26, 1904, and then publicly opened, for the construe tion of a floating boathouse for Grays Harbor (Washington) Life-Saving Station. Specifications and drawings, forms of proposal, etc., can be obtained upon application to the Superintend ents of Construction of Life-Saving Stations, Pacific Coast, Room 35, New Appraisers' Stores, . San Francisco, Cal.: to the Assistant Inspector of Life-Saving Stations, Coasts of Wash ington and Oregon, 13th District, Ta- coma, Washington; or to this Office. Horace L. Piper, Acting General Superintendent. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON Acting Awlstant Surgeon U.S. Marine Hoxpltal Bcrvlee. Office hours: 10 to 12 am. 1 to 4:20 p.m. 477 Commercial Street, 2nd Floor. Dr. PJIODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH 1ST Mansell Bldg. 671 Commercial Bt PHONE BLACK 206. O. W. BARR, DENTIST Mansell Building 573 Commercial'Street, Astoria, Ore TELEPHONE BED 206L First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus - $100,000 ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital I'atd lo 1 100,000. , Barplm sud Undivided rroflts 25.000 Translate a general banking business, Interest paid on time deposits, J. Q. A. BOWLBY. O, I PETEKSON, FRANK PATTON, J. W. OARNER, President Vo President , Cashier. Asst. Cashier 168 TENTH STREET. ASTORIA, ORE. Oto. N, George, Prtilihnt, 1 1 mln, Cashier, Gee. W, Wirrtn, VktPrtildtnt, C K Klgjiru, Aut Caihltr. The Astoria National Bank ASTORIA, OREGON. DIRECTORS GEO. H.OEOROE. OEO. W. WARREN. W. II, BARKER, AUO.SCIIERNECKNAU, L. MANSUil PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Fimt National Bnk. Portland, Orou. CouMQenUtl NuUuiml Bttiik.Cltloaf nnk or Nw York. N. H. A . New York Crookor-Ikoolwortu Nat. tlauk. B. i". Dr. VAUGIIAH, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. T. L. BALL Dr. F. I. Friedricb, DENTISTS 524 Commercial street. Astoria Or. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST ' 578 Commercial St., Shenahan Building C. J. TRENCHARD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Pacific Express Companies, Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND BTS. AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Tale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latest patters I sm prepared to do sll kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 201. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. li I i 1 lie TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phono 1991 PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goods shipped to our care will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. Luscious Flavors From prime ripe fruit only are what make our soda so highly prised by all drinkers. No harmful consequences lurk In the foaming fluid flowing from our fountain. The stream carries Its welcome freight of coolness and mods ture wherever It goes. Results and medical science mark our pure soda as the best antidote for thirst' and dryness yet devised. aeriMi. EASTERN CANDY STORE. 506-508 Commeroial St, , Next Griffin's Book Store. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co, HENRY SHERMAN, Manager, Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and ' Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. If you have rooms for rent daring Regetta fill this out and send to Secretary Regatta Committee. M Hal for rent from to ,,,, Room with Single Bedi. Roomi with Doubft Bcdi. Room with ,, CoU. .190....