PAGE TWO. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1901 CUNNING OF MUSCOVITES Kid Their Guns at Ta Tche Kiao So Chinese Could Not Tell Japs of Their Location. FIGHT AN ARTILLERY DUEL Bursting Shells Presented Mag nificent Spectacle Retreat Order Astonished Kus. gian Troops. St Petersburg, July SO. A special dispatch from Liao Tang giving a ' graphic picture of the fight at Ta Tche Kiao explains that the Russian im munity from damage by the furious Japanese bombardment was idue to the fact that the Russian guns were mostly behind a range of steel hills and were concealed cleverly by high grass and trees and that the Chinese were therefore unable to heliograph the position of the guns, as they for merly had done, to the Japanese ar tillerymen. The Japanese had many large calibre guns and used chiefly shrapnel. They used also high ex plosive shells. The fight was almost wholly an artillery duel and was a! magnificent spectacle. The crest of the hill held by the Russians was con verted Into a raging volcano and earth was thrown up in geysers by the con tinuous rain of bursting shells until sand and dust hung in a cloud over bead, and fire among the trees and grass started by tbe shells added a stifling smoke and heat to the awful glare of the tropical sun. Shrapnel like great white winged birds, sailed overhead. The moan and drone of their coming could be plainly heard and the Russians threw themselves behind rocks and other shelters as the missiles burst The Japanese shifted the position of their guns, both to escape the Rus sian fire and to try and locate the masked batteries of their opponents. i-ate in tne afternoon they got In a position that enabled them to sweep the plain behind the hills occupied by the Russians and came dangerously near locating, though they did not find the Russian batteries. Every one ex cept the commanders was surprised and disgusted at the-order to retreat The Russians burned everything val uable at Ta Tche Kiao before leav ing. ...fhl'U,i ;',",. i. , v. name of the Merthyr Tramway and was in constant use In Wales for many years. Indeed, the old rails remained in place until 1S90, when a thoroughly modern railroad was surveyed through that part of the country. Then the oualnt little cars and the rusty old rails became part of the great Ameri can railroad historical museum. Not Irrevocably Established. (From the Washington Post, Ind.) Judge Parker's assertion in that famous telegram, "I regard the gold standard as firmly and Irrevocably es tablished." Is the subject of some criticism no altogether friendly. Liter- aly construed, It states that which Judge Parker, as well as every other cltlsen, knows to be erroneous, for all men know that no act of congress is "irrevocable." All statutory enact ments are repealable. The power that OLDEST RAILROAD CAR. Displayed on Ralls of the First Track at the World's Fair. , u St Louis, July 30. In the very eett ter of the historic railroad exhibit Iri the palace of transportation at the World's Fair stands the first car that Was drawn over rails by a steam locor motive. More than that it stands on the very rails that were put down In the year 1800 and these are on the stones that formed a part of the orig inal roadbed. The locomotive, which was built by Richard Trevithlck, and was given its trial trip in 1803, the very year of the Louisiana transfer. Is valuable to the antiquary and the man who is inter ested In tracing the evolution of things. It is a clumsy machine with great piston-rods in front These cause the revolutions of a big wheel with deep seated eccentric-crank attachment At the other side of the engine is a small cog-wheel that is connected with the big fly wheel This small cog-wheel works in the cogs of a larger one,' which in turn works in the costs of two of the wheels on which the engine runs. wnen we consider mat tne power developed In the steam chest had to pass through three wheels before it reached the part of the machine to which it had to be applied, we are not surprised that Mr. Trevithlck consld' erea ne was doing well to run five miles an hour. The engine in the exhibit is only a wooden model; but the little flat car with its load of logs is the actual car on which the inventor made his maid en trip, more than a hundred years ago. This time the engine drew 5 tons two miles and back. A few days later the new engine per formed a more wonderful task. It drew five cars, which were called . "tram wagons," a distance of nine miles in four hours. This time it had a real load, for the cars carried ten tona of iron and seventy people. On that trip it consumed 200 pounds of coal and the water in the boiler did not have to be replenished until the end of the journey. The road, 13 miles long, was built from Mortals Castle, South Wifles, Where there was an abundant supply of limestone, to Plymouth, where the ! makes can unmake any statute. In our entire output of laws, including the constitution of the United States and all acts In pursuance thereof, there is only one provision that is unamend able. That irrevocable law Is the guar antee to the states of their equality in the senate, The monetary standard, always subject to the control of the people and the states through the law making department of the government That power could repeal the gold standard act of 1900 and make silver the standard. Indeed, it could do much worse than that Under a decision of the supreme court, It could issue any number of millions of irrdeemable paper and make It legal tender. DO YOUR SELF JUSTICE Where and When to Buy Your Piano, and Why. The Elters Special Sale Well Un der Way-Bids Fair to Be a Hummer. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given, that up to the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 8th day of August 1904, the com mittee on Public Property of the com mon council of the City of Astoria, at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge therein, will receive sealed bids for the construction of a City Hall for the City of Astoria according to the plans and specifications therefor on file In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge, and ordinance number 2955 of said city providing for the time and manner of constructing said City Hall The bids must be accom panied with a certified check of the bidder payable to the Auditor and Po lice Judge or order, in five per cent of the amount bid, to be forfeited to the City of Astoria in case the bid shall be accepted and the bidder shall fail to enter into contract within three days from notice of said acceptance. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. H. HANSEN, GEO. KABOTIL L. LEBECK, Committee on Public Property of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, EtiHYROYAL PILLS vrtftau ana vif ucaaiaa. SAFR. Al-.F. r.lial'l. Ladle. Mk Dntnttl 10 KCO aM Colli aillto U.ia. mU vlthMMriatoa. Takeaaataett MfW-a IHiaccreaa astlMtia aaa J mil, ttoaa. BY of fw 13 rutrut. ar aeM 4a. la Mar aw Partlealata, Taatfawaiala ad "Relief far i.adlea," a MMr, fey ra. ta-a Mall. 1 0.Oue TwtiswBUi.. Sotaaf Dr.i.i. Caleaaatarf'aeailaalCa, Manil" tu.g.1, Edl's Sitil-Fipii Uipsis POSITIVE cube For Infl animation or Catarrh ct th Bladder ud DiM4 Kidney a. 50 care no par. Cora. qntokJT and Perma nently the won! cues of 4onorrhx-a and tticat, DO maUrrof how long stand in. Abiolutelj' harnilata. Bold by druggist. tnUm $1.00, or by mall, postpaid. LOO, t bona, TKE lAiTA'-fmil CO. MlUMQNTaiftS. WHO. Bold by Chaa. Roger. il CnmnvarclsJ The fish have commenced running and so has the rush business commene ed with us. Two pianos, two organs and a pianola already sold, with our special sale less than a week old, is not a poor start. The conclusion is irresistible. Offer good pianos at bargain prices to rea sonable people and they are going to buy. Every piano we are offering in this sale bears the stamp of quality and highest grade. Why buy from an outsider when we are permanently established in your city, and have been ever since Janu ary, 1901. with Mr. A. R. Cyrus as our local agent? If your piano needs tuning, we have a resident tuner who will do the work for you. If anything Is wrong with your piano, or if It Is not satisfactory, we have at all times a local agent here who will be glad to adjust your claim and look out for your interest If a piano la wanted for some enter tainment, we always have a stock on hand here for your use. If you want to rent a piano, here is the only place you can find pianos in stock all the year around. When you buy of us, you save the expense of buying money orders and writing letters, for we have a local agency and will receive all payments here. Think It over. We are permanently established here and deserve your pa tronage. By our manifold advantages in business management we save you money. Why buy from an outsider? Or why pay a big price for a cheap piano, when we will sell you a high-grade piano of old established make for $210? A regular $500 piano, too, at that! "Small margins and Quick sales" Is our motto. Organs! Who wants an organ? We have one brand new for only $35; fully guaranteed. The Pianola. Don't forget that mar velous instrument. Anyone can play it Come and see. Store open every evening during this sale. EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 422-424 Commercial St Established in Astoria ever since January, 1901. Largest most progressive and most responsible piano dealers on the Pa cific coast if;1;tt'r' P. N. SMITH, 1 " Special Salesmen. Office C. Q. M Vancouver Barracks, Wash., July S, 1904. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here un til 11 o'clock, a. m August 4, 1904, for furnishing forage and bedding at posts in this department for year ending June SO, 1905. Information furnished here or by quartermasters at posts. U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing propo sals should be marked: "Proposals for Forage and Bedding at " addressed F. O. Hodgson, C. Q. M. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. V; PHTSICIAN AND SUKQEoV Acting AatlataDt lurgeoa U.S. Mrln Hopltl kfcrvlte. Office hours: 19 to IS am. 1 to 4: SO p.m, 477 Commercial Street Ind Floor. Dr. ItHODA 0. HICKS OSTEOPATIIIST Mansell Bldf . . $71 Commercial ft 1'HONK BLACK 3084. C. W. BARR, DENTIST Hanseil Building 673 Commercial Street, Astoria, Ore TELEPHONE RED WJ. First National Dan!, of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 Dr. VAUGHAH, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. 'Dr. T. L. BALL Dr. F. I. Friedrich, DENTISTS $24 Commercial stmt Astoria Ore. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST 573 Commercial St., Shanalian Building C. J. TRENCH ARD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Welts-Fargo and Northern Paoiflo Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BONO STa Office Constructing Quartermaster. Astoria, Ore., July 28, 1904: Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., August 27, 1904, and then opened for the construction and plumbing of an addition to a frame guardhouse at Fort Stevens, Ore. United States re serves the right to reject any or all proposals. Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at this office. Envelopes should be marked "Pro posals for construction," and address ed. Captain Ooodaie, Quartermaster, Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA (SAVINGS BANK Capital Paid in 1100,000. Surplus, and Undivided Profits $25,000 Traneacta a general banking business. Intern, paid on time deposit J.Q. A, BOWLBY. 0. 1.PETEKSON, FRANK PATTOS?, 3. W. flARNER, President, Vk President Cashier. Asst. Cashier J68 TENTH STREET. ASTORIA, ORE. Ceo. N. Gtorgt, PruidtnL A E. WfSlM, Caihltr, fee. W. WsiTtn,, C K ItlfjlM, Aut Cuhkr. The Astoria National Bank ASTORIA, OREGON. GEO. H. GEORGE, GEO. W.WARREN, W. II, BARKER, AUG. BCHERNECJLNAU. L. XfANSUR, ii" MINCIPM. COmSFONOCNTI.' first Nation! Hank, lorlnd, Oregon. Continent! KaUouai Baok.l!ttloaga. Bank or Maw York. N. B. A.. Nw York Crocker- Koul worth Nat, ltauk. B. It. L. O. RALSTON, President. W.C MORRIS, Cashier Oregon Saving's Bank 321 MORRISON Street, TorUantl, Ore. ..', Wells-Fargo Company Express. Agents, Astoria, Ore., Istbo deposltoty form Tske your banks often to tbe Company and get your money to drawing Interest. Tbey bate the key. AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best Iu The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of tbe latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best of "Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991 PRAEL 8 COOK TRANSFER CO, . , , Telephone 22L and Express...! All goods shipped to our care will receive special attention. 70IM15 Ccnmsefciall Streets Draying Mewteos iiiierpicide " " VACATION TIME. Vacation time should bring rest, recreation and comfort; and comfort of the solid and pleasing variety means no high collar, no stilt hat and no Itching scalp. It Is for this last dis comfort that Nswbro's Hsrpioids becomes a summer necessity, as it stops Itching of the scalp and Prickly Heat almost Instantly. Take Herplclde with you on your vacation. ...SCALP WARNING.. Itching of the scalp Is not so much a punishment for past neglect as it is a warning for the future. It shows, almost conslusive ly, that the vine-like, microblc growth that causes dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair has entered the Sebaceous glands and unless this growth is stopped and kept out of the scalp, baldness will follow. ...IT IS CONTAGIOUS.. It was Prof. TJnna (ask your doctor about him), who first pointed out that the true cause of hair loss is a germ or microbe that lodges in the scalp where it causes dandruff. Being of microblc origin the disease is necessarily contagious but Dr. Sabouraud has recently called attention to the highly contagious nature of dandruff, and the necessity of constant watchfulness to avoid it. Kill the dandruff germ with Herpicide. , UNSTERILIZED PUBLIC HAIR-BRUSHES, says Dr. A. Cartaz, are to blame for most of the baldness that is prevalent today. He further . states that, "baldness begins in the young." By -this he means that the germ that causes the disease is planted in the scalp of young men and that some times years elapse before the de struction is complete. 1! ,i I'f.''' WILL NOT GROW HAIR.. Nswbro's Herpielde is a "Hair-Savers" It will not grow hair nature does this but by destroying the enemies of, hair health, it enables the hair to grow as nature Intended except in chronlo baldness. Save your hair with Herpicide. Wonderful results follow Its use, HOT WEATHER TROUBLES,. During hot weath ed the minute sudatory glands of the scalp are called upon to perform an extra amount of labor. The per spiration that exudes In increased quantities must be handled promptly as it carries out poisonous and re fuse matter that would otherwise clog up the pores of the scalp. Incomplete elimination of refuse matter produces a hot and feverish condition of the scalp, familiarly known as Prickly Heat, for which Herpi cide gives immediate relief. Ladles will find Herpl clde indlspenslble. It contains no grease, will not stain or dye. It Is an exquisite hair dressing that COOL8, COMFORTS and DELIGHTS. . NO COMPLAINT FROM OUR ; CUSTOMERS, "Herpicide is giving , entire satisfaction to our trade. W have never had a single com plaint that it would not cur dandruff and falling hair." (Signed) . . , , WOODWARD, CLARK & CO. Portland, Ore. A HERPICIDE FOLLOWER. "I have tried five or six bottles of your Herpicide and can say' that it is very good, and so I address my neighbors the same." (Signed) MRS. NELLIE HUGHES. Albina, Ore. Aa Unhealthy Hair. T. F. LAURIN. A Healthy IWf. At Dm. Stores 11.00. Scod 10c la Stamps lo THE HERPICIDE Co., Det'eH, Mlchljae., far sample. "Destroy the Cause You Remove the Effect"