The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 30, 1904, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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No Charge for Examining the Eyes
KATHERINE WADE, Graduate Optician
At Owl Dniff Store
Slogan of Astoria Delegations to
State Development League
Adjournment Taken So That the
Program May Be Outlined as
to What Shall Be Done
at Portland.
The Oregon Development League
delegations from Astoria were very
largely represented at the meeting held
last night at the Chamber of Com
merce. President Welch presided, and
throughout the delegates were en
thusiastic In their statements concern
Ing the work which will be cut out for
the state league.
.Judge Bowlby addressed the meet
ing at some length. He said he was
not familiar enough with the arrange
ments made by Tom Richardson to
know Just exactly what the meeting
should do, or, indeed, what would be
done at Portland. However, he sup
posed it would be up to the local del
egations to prepare some plan of ac
tion before leaving for Portland. He
spoke of the needs of this section, one
of the greatest, he said, being immi
gration rates.
Pointing out the necessity for united
action on the part of the people of Or
egon, Judge Bowlby called attention
to the fact that Oregon, not many
years ago, had twice the population of
Washington, but that conditions had
since been reversed. He believed the
friendly action of the railroads bad
nelped build up the state to the north'.
He was of the opinion the delega
tions from Astoria should present this
county's needs to the convention, and
generally assume an active part in the
conduct of the league,
r Dr. C. W. Barr believed the conven
tion should devote most of Its atten
tion to advertising the state. Ore
son, he areued. needs more people. If
the league will have the effect of
bringing new population to Oregon,
Astoria may be depended upon to get
her share. Dr. Barr had recently been
In the east, where the people knew
practically nothing of Oregon farms.
and have a hard time to eke out an
existence. If those people could be
made to realise the opportunities
which Oregon has to offer. It would be
an easy matter to fill the; state with
new people, said Dr. Barr. "It is my
idea that we should advertise our re
sources in those sections of the coun
try, and I hope this will be the aim
of the league." concluded the speaker.
Albert Dunbar explained the aims
of Mr. Richardson, who, he said, had
been engaged by prominent people of
the metropolis to get the city out of
the old Portland rut. The wealthy
men of Portland were not satisnea
with the manner In which affairs were
being conducted, and Mr. Richardson
had been employed to start something
G. C. Fulton expressed the utmost
confidence In Mr. Richardson. He
said he knew the commercial man
would dp what he started out to do.
and he believed the people of the en
tire state should extend to him a help
ing hand. So far as the local dele
gations are concerned, he believed they
should ko to Portland prepared to
whoop It up for Oregon, with full con
fidence In their ability to get for As
toria its share of the benefits which
are sure to accrue from fthe success
ful operations of the purposed state
Mr. Fulton concluded his address
with the suggestion that Judge Bowlby
be named as chairman of the various
delegations from Astoria and Clatsop
county, and that he be authorized to
present Astoria's side of the question
to the convention. The suggestion took
the form of a motion, and Judge Bowl
by was made chairman of the delega
tions. He will outline a program and
present It at an adjourned meeting of
the delegations, to be held at 8 tonight
at the Chamber of Commerce. Judge
Bowlby will compile such data as may
be necessary and arrange a plan of
action. It Is the desire that the local
delegations shall act as a unit, and at
tonight's meeting the plan will be
adopted. In view of the Importance
of the matter, all of the delegates are
urged to be In attendance.
President Welch suggested that the
local delegations go to Portland In a
special car, and It Is probable this will
be done.
Selects CommanderinChitfl Vice Ad
mirals and Surgeons Clubs of
i Portland Will Choose Others.
The Oregonlan: ' Admiral H. C.
Campbell of the Astoria regatta has
appointed his staff to consist of the
following officers: B. C. Ball, com'
mander-ln-chlef of staff; John D. Car
son, vice admiral; Captain Charles
Richardson of the Columbine, rear ad
mlral;' Captain William Gregory of the
Heather, rear admiral; Captain P.
Byrne of the Mansanlta, rear admiral;
Dr. Clarence Nichols, surgeon.
This Is not all the staff by fur, and
merely Includes the commanding offi
cers. Commodores and lieutenant
commodores and other officers are yet
to, be chosen, but the giving of these
officers Is not In the hands of Admiral
Campbell. The Arlington Club, the
Commercial Club, the Portland Rowing
Club and the Multnomah Club have a
voice In that, and help round out the
admiral's staff until It will be big
enough to flit a boat And. for that
matter, that Is what the admiral and
his staff intend doing, the Bailey Gat-
tert being the boat. They have char
tered her for the occasion of the re
gntta, which is August 24, 25 and 26.
and will proceed to Astoria In great
This Is the tenth annual regatta held
at Astoria, and every year the event
grows more popular with Portland peo
ple. There will be a great many en
tries among the yacht-owners, who an
nually try merits of their crafts at this
time, the Astoria regatta being, In fact,
the official regatta for Balling boats,
and the oarsmen will take part as us
ual. The latter will not enter Junior
and senior crews or make any little
distinctions of that kind, but will all
go in on their merits and row their
hearts out. The Victoria oarsmen said
at the time they were here that they
would probably send down one or two
crews, so that the sporting Interest
will not be wanting.
But yachting Is the big thing and
boats with names that look as if they
might have come out of a grab-bng
will be there in fleets. Usually regatta
week at Astoria Is windy and the river
is full of white-caps, so that It Is real
sport racing there, especially when
beading into a high wind, bows under
and the deck awash.
The Best
lO Cent Cig'ar
Is The
.Pride. of A
Giis iSchoenbaechlef
Prominent Natives Will Visit
land About August 24.
The honorary board of Filipino com-
mlsloners to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition will in a short time visit
Portland, says the Oregonlan. August
14 has been set aside at the exposition
as Philippine day and ' the commis
sioners will be in St. Louis at that
time. Shortly afterwards, however,
they will leave for the coast and will
be In Seattle on August 17, remaining
until August 20. They will then come
to Portland where they will remain for
a day or possibly longer.
The commission was created by an
act of the United States, which was
passed on December 22, 1903, and which
set aside $75,000 to defray the expenses
of the commission while in the United
States. The body is composed of 60
of the most prominent men In the Isl
and, who are sent out by the Philip
pine government to. visit the United
States to Investigate the commercial
and industrial conditions here and
make a report to the Insular govern
ment with the purpose in view of lay
ing plans to Introduce some of the
ways of the United States Into the life
of the Philippines.
The commission, which Is In charge
of A. W. Ferguson, the executive sec
retary of 'the Phfffppfne "islands and
Disbursing Officer Thomas Hardeman,
will perhaps be In Portland on August
24. They will go from here to San
Francisco from which place they will
sail for home on August 30.
New Retort Will Be Opened to the
Public in Saturday.
The Mirror Cafe, P. E. Peterson's
resort will be opened to the public this
morning. The Mirror was formerly the
Merchant's and has been ' refitted
throughout. Handsome bar fixtures
have been installed, and the Mirror is
pronounced by everyone to be Astoria's
most attractive saloon. Mr. Peterson
will carry only the very finest grades
of liquors and will continue to dispense
Astoria beer.
tally Invite
P y . -J
Crowning of Queen
Grand Regatta Ball
Sculling Match
Lacrosse Match
Gasoline Boat Races
Fish Boat Races
Rowing Races
Tub Races
Sloop Races
Bands of Music
High Dive
You need a vacation; why not come to Astoria
where the invigorating breeze from the Pacific
Ocean will fill your lungs with pure ozone and
where you can take in the renowned "Regatta" at
the same time. You can also see the salmon can
neries and take a dip in the ocean; several trips
daily to and from the beaclv s
Plenty of Accommodations
And a Royal Good Time
We Invite YOU to Come
Ve want YOUR Company