The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 30, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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tk illorttittd JUtorian
By mail, per vear ........ $G 00
By mail, per month..
By carriers, per month.
By mail, per year, ia advance
$1 00
Quite as important as the engineering problems
and admitting of no solution by trite mathematical
formula is the question that must soon confront the
Panama canal commission whence a continuous sup
ply of labor? If 10 years is the limit set, in the
popular mind at least, for he completion of the great
ditch, 20,000 laborers will have to be in constant
employ according to estimates of the experts. Where
k this army to be marshaled, and how is its number
o be steadily recruited 1
Dr. C. A. Stephens, long familiar with the climatic
conditions of Panama, and formerly a close student
f the medical problems presented to the French
canal company, declares in a recent pamphlet that
no sensible person can spend a day, even an hour,
in the heat of the Culebra cut without coming to the
conclusion that this is not a white man's job. No
K-hite laborer from the United States can or would
ndure it" Dr. Stephens goes on to cite the experi
ence of the French excavators. According to the
estimates the French lost about 50,000 laborers dur
ing their period of construction. Not only did the
common diggers succumb, but the sudden deaths of
men in higher places were continually causing en
forced delays on the part of gangs of diggers.
Many of the expedients that have been advanced
to relieve the difficulties of the labor problem in
Panama, says the Call. Some have advocated the
wholesale importation into the canal zone of negroes
from the southern states, others have declared that
upon the working classes of Jamaica and other
Carib islands, negroes and half breeds all of them,
rest the only hopes of the commission. But to the
first of these propositions it has been strongly ob
jected by the south that taking away a great army
f negroes for work on the canal would so alter
the field labor in the cotton belt that the cotton in
tiuKtry would suffer seriously. Against the Jamaica
suggestion it is maintained that there are not enough
reliable laborers in any of the adjacent islands to fill
the steady demand. '
There remain, then, the Japanese of the coolies.
On the Hawaiian sugar plantatioas, where climatic
conditions very nearly approximate those of Panama,
the bulk of the heavy labor is done by Japanese,
Hardy, inured to excessive heat in conjunction with
eonstant humidity, over-willing to work according
to the work of the overseers, these little brown fel
lows would seem especially fitted to endure the
grilling tasks in the great ditch. The close of the
war will see thousands of them free to take em
ployment. As to the coolie, well, he is at least a
last resource. Prejudice may have to be put aside
i it be that we can find no one else to wield the
shovel in Panama.
consists. It is by conquering his own defects, by
rectifying his own wrong-headodnoss, and by keeping
the reins on his own hot impulse that oue grows
strong in the power of commanding others. ,J
There is nothing so weak as passion, so utterly
helpless as brute impulse. It is reason Clear-eyed,
cool and calm that is strong, and that in its silent
might w ins all the great victories of this world.
"Greater is he that ruleth his spirit than he that
taketh thf city," says the Old Book, and many and
magnificent are the historical instances of the truth
of this ancient saying.
Themistocles, saying to the superior officer who
bad just dealt him a blow, -'Strike! but hear me";
David, holding back his hand, when by a thrust he
might have destroyed his bitterest enemy; Aristides,
beautifully calm under the stinging injustice of his
Correct Clothes for Men
O get good
clothe to get
any good article
you must pay
Sood prices,
hether you pay
$15 or $50 for
& CO. Clothes, you get $15 or $50
value. Find this label
on your coat-hanger, inside coat
ocket, or waistcoat strap and you
fellow-citizens: Washington . natientlv endiirinsr in
vi. i i- i : w . v:: ...... i.,.lr
uumerau c ..urn. nu u . uN rv . . fid Wtfhest firade Vcady-fof
oi uie giory oi sea- oiuro, ana u ne supremacy
utaii vvfmi :a iv iiv ciiv ati m'iiiuv wh i i prOuUCCCl.
For did not Themistocles become the greatest and
most powerful man in Athens; and did not David
rise to the throne; and was not Aristides recalled to
save the state that had ostracized him ; and of Wash
ington is it not said that he was "First in war, first
in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen?"
Primarily these men became strong and victorious
l.y self-control; and the law that held for them
lolds for each one of us. ' ,
Equal to Am Ia all but
pries. Th Buktra' gusrtnUt, and
ours, with tvtry gsrmtnt W art
Excltuivt DUtributon In thli city.
L i ,
I- - I HmtAtlMr ".
That it is the aim of educators in this country to
get the best system possible for the training of the
young to become iuture citizens and bulwarks oi the
Because he could not, or at any rate did not, con
trol his temper, young Michael Preston, a Brooklyn
navy yard marine, must spend the next two years
in prison. In a fit of passion Preston struck and
severely injured an officer of the yard who had in
some way angered him, and that momentary loss
ff self-control cost him the loss of his liberty for
two years, and possibly the loss of his good name for
life, says the Examiner.
, "What did he gain by it ! Such is the question that
very young man who reads this column would do
ell to put to himself.' , .'' ,
What did he gain by itf He gratified his animal
impulse, he succeeded in drawing the blood of the
man who had angered him; and for that miserable
moment of brutal satisfaction, for that brief glimpse
wf the blood that he had drawn, he ruined himself
If he had kept cool, if he had gritted his teeth,
choked down his impulse and maintained his self
control for a second or so he would have been master
of the situation.
It may be said that he was angry, and that it is
extremely difficult for one under such circumstances
to keep cool.
Certainly it is. But it is in the doing of the
tilings that are difficult that the real glory of life
Declins at San Francisco
From Timidity,
vteanesunys Examiner: The aon-
satlon of the local stock murket la the
decline In Alunka Packers" Association
Stock. Since lust Saturiluv thin
nation will be readily conceded and, while our public industrial security has shrunk seven
school system is acknowledged to have many points points, representing a loss on the ug
of superiority, it seems we must take off our hatsTat vn,u ot the compuny'a ,ooo
to that of Denmark, according to statements made bv ,hare8 of "38 0,)0-
. . . ... ., ...... I In the latter part of May the stock
a nartv of Danes nnw visitinff t.nn nrineinal ritiil "
r--rf . o I" 1 1 stood at 1S8V. YestmrAflv It went
oi our land, including fet Louis and the great fair. down M ,ow M ani oJoiwd 8t
Denmark seems to be the teacher's Utopia, where 125. it closed at the latter figure on
long and faithful service is suitably rewarded and Monday. This decline of practically is
no teacher is left in his or her old age to the cold Plnta ",nce May man" bl "hr,nk
1.1 v... : i " u "o"
tJiuimra ui ttu uusj lupijuiciiu nuriu, uut in uuipi 1 .
piucuiur. Henry F. Fortmann la the nrealdent
But this is getting ahead of the story, the condi- of the association. He said yesterday
tion of education in the land of our viking forebears, that it was unreasonable that the
I'literaey is rare, and this fact is due first of all to stock "hou,1 on the down ra!e
the excellent nuhlic whnnl svstem and suennllv tn
1 - I thl. ffrminil thnt ttia ri.tu.rta fit n lihnrl
the laws making education compulsory, which are en- Latcn of .nlmon , the norlh mn ,
forced strictly. The school hours are long, from 8 0n was frightening some people and
to 12 a. m. and from 1 to 5 p. m., and the children that speculators were taking advantage
get only oue month of vacation in the city and two of thl8 ton(,ltlon
; 1 ,i:.: tj., r,i. "The company s salmon catch In the
iu nic iuioi umi Kin. Jut mia at ivctni nart rum ....
I north thin mimmor v.'nt An uv
ut .rrpii.g i.HT uum.i.1 u.i iuc Blrcfc ouu uut . .., be about the averag. WS have
mischief and worse. Juvenile crime, which causes o canneries in British Columbia or on
so much concern in this country, is hardly known in the Columbia river, where the catch
Denmark. The children, from 8 to 13 years old, seem ' Pr- 0ur Pt
uGA fi, 1.. f ,i l..,..Janl n Alaska are In full operation and
ItnA itiihil rvtiiar nm Mtnrmtnii mif Ann
sf r1otr on1 ova rftimiKallir liaolilirr mATa tii it iu I
KiiK.a.v ..v, ....v. m,, .v " dition wlth n,vlduallv owned estab-
claimed, than the average American child, with its hhments whl(h are closed.
short hours of study and long hours for play. Pos- "There Is no dissension In the com-
sibly a difference in ethnical temperament may have p8"' nor are B"y of ,u omcials or lead-
c..,wv,; A with anA th nnM oa o tockholders trying to depress the
, , . , , , , , I stock for their own purposes."
.c Dfcu.UJ vw..mV 1C Tne company waa organised In 1893
are well educated. French, English and German are Ly the merger of a number 0 can
taught in the public schools, but there is more need neries on Puget sound and in Alaska,
of those studies there than in our eonntrv. as is ev- " had t 43.712 shares of stock
ident from its geographical position. The children
Hire's the new double
breasted outing j Var-
isity, one of IIart,
Schaffner & Marx
latest styles. It will
I bo popular lor men ,
& summer resorts,
which is one of the
reasons why it will be
popular for wearing
at home. ; ?
We'd like to see
you in one of these
suits, just to see how
Hart, Sehafluer &
Marx clothes look on
a good looking .man. . eWrr(i.wi.H.M.iU,
Of course, if yougvt the suit on and want to keep it, the price
is low enough :: :: ,:: :: ::
$12.00 to $25.00
Pi Am STOEiES One Price To Everybody
The TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Dest
of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991
1901 a dividend of 9 per cent annually
was paid. Since that date the yearly
In 1897 the total shares Issued amount
a1 tA A Q AHA nrt1 (hov tiava rxnt frA4n
-"v " V" increased since that time. Prior to
favoring English and German and the girls prefer
ring French and English.
Tpnphors' Hnlarw in Tlnnnijirlr fnmnuro fnvnrnlilv dividend has been 12 per cent. Last
" ' .
;!, caloric ihvro cronorolW or.,1 th0 tanrfi , elr lne ca"e 01 "a"Tlon P'WKea num
U,KU7 u,.Ku, ou c.,uuu vu u,w,- Associated with Fortmann in the
paging them to enter thoroughly into the profession, company are Charles Hirsch. D. Drys-
- public school teacher retiring after 15 years' dale, w. B. Bradford. E .u. Pond, o,
faithful service gets a pension equal to one-half the Niebaum. Isaac Liebes, George w,
salary last paid, while retirement after 20 years se- Hume' FrnnclB Cuttlng ani1 c w- Dorr
mitoo a Tiftticirin onn a I tn Tii'n.Tnirrlu fna an mrv
v.v., v., .... ...,. ti.ii2.25g. of which sum 1576.000
arc the widows of pensioners or those who were en- was pald ln dividend since its form
titled to a pension at the time of their death forgot- atlon the company has made $8,409,
ten. Thev tret the nsiia "widow's third." 040 profits and paid out of that sum
Of course, it is not possible for all our teachers to ,5,128'587 ln dlv,len,1)'
o to Denmark, but the Danish system, or a modift
Pf,tJnn nf it miaht lu lmmrrlit here Admitting tnst newtp.p.r sdvert,.
vf ... ... ... n
ing will sell goods and people quit ar
auina that ths Question ef how much
When the democratic orator proposes to have Mwgpa pr advertising you should do
reciprocity in competitive products, ask him which becomes one of how much goods you
American industry he proposes to injure in the want to sell,
process and he will probably reply, a la Hancock,
ihat (rTio turiflp ia a Will iesllP " I ti ll B
bliU f UV fell. J lli - .uv
Secretary Morton demands the strongest navy in
the world for the United States. Hobson has shown
him how to get it, if he has $2,500,000,000 that isn't WW&XySZ.P&ll
, . I them for ion tltna for Inillfc.tioo snd bll
It is a little easier for democratic managers to
make their offensive and defensive plans, now that
Bourke Cockran has agreed to stand hitched.
ioumtia nd m now completely cured, rlecom
nend them to erer,one. Once tried. Too will
Savor b without tbera In the family."
j-uwaro a. Man, jiioanj, a. i.
General Miles has climbed into the Parker band
M 1 1 1 i 1 1
wairon. and exnreases a willingness to write tne
libretto for a part of the campaign music.
Best Tor
if ijj The Bowels
If the beef trust keeps on boosting the prices,
some of the defeated politicians may become recon
ciled to the crow diet.
Pf.a. P.I ... V.1 . T. ... ftnA fkArlAMl
lleTer Hlcken. Weake'n or Qrixm. lite. tT-fi. &6n. Never
old In hulk. The genuine Ublet tmpd OOO.
Guaranteed to ear or four Bon bok.
terllnf Remedy Co., Chicago or If.T. 60S
Telephone 221.
Draying and Expressing
All gooJs shipped toourcare will receive special attention.
709-715 Commercial Street.
Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass forb
Manaacturers of
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings.
General Foundrymen and Patternmakers.
Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest
Phone 2451. Comer Eighteenth end Franklin.
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
Best Of Goods At Prices That Are Right
727 Commercial Street ......... Astoria. Oregon
H imiiimiiimimrrTmnittituiiiiitirf
Staple and Fancy Groceries
8uppl!s. of All Kinds at Lovest Prices for Fishermen, Farmer.
and Loggsrs.
Branch;Uniontown, Phones, 711, - Unionlown, 713
Tenth and Commercial 8trests. ASTORIA. OREGON.
Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Maohine of the
latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds o( work
in that line at reasonable prioe.. Telephone 291.