PAGE SIX. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1904. PAPER BOX SALE See the Red Tags. They tell the tale. Do they intere t you? If you use paper they certainly DO. J. N. GRIFFIN V 8 The smoKe of Peace and Comfort $ Comes from our Havana Leaf Q ' '" WUiCO 1L vU4 VU1 tt&it vu I LA 1FWIAL" (iSliAK Made by clean workmen. A single trial will pal up a good argument lor itself. SOLD BY EVERY DEALER IN TOWN J. V. BURNS, Manufacturer I Jit . - . a a 1 rli . a W & Give them a trial 474 Commercial Street POPULISTS CONFIDENT Joe Parker Says Watson Will Car , ry Alabama and Georgia, and Perhaps Nebraska. DEMOCRATS ARE INSINCERE Ex-National Chairman Says tbe Party Will Poll Two or Thret Million Votes and Beat Judge Parker. MATTRESSES "Wool, Curled Hair, Mohair, Spring. All kinds of Mattresses made to order. Prices the Lowest. L. H. HENNINGSEN $ CO. 504 BOND STREET. ASTORIA, OREGON. PHONE. RED 2305 Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors. Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM GtS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE THE ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA TUa r:4 V. .V 'U& AMI V You won't have to buy paint, shingles, iliC 11131 VUSI 19 lUC UIII4I tar, asphalt, paper or tin to patch it cost of an ELATERITE ROOF laid on jour roof boards the job is done to stay. The price will interest you too. So will onr guarantee. Better write, had'ntyou. 10 Worcester Bldg. Portland, Ore. The Elaferite Roofing Co. 000 TON S BEST LUMP s ws$ Free Delivery. Phone orders to No. 1961. Elmore & CO. The New Wall Tint aicimo c All the colon of the rainbow FISHER BROS. Co. NEW ZEALAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of NEW ZEALAND. W. P. Thomas, Manager, San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast twenty-five years. S. ELMORE 0 CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest v PORTLAND. OREGON. Some days ago a St. Louis dispatch was received which conveyed the in formation that prominent populists and democrats bad conferred with the Idea In view of supporting the populist ticket this fall. The following article from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat casts further light on the subject, and gives an Idea of what the populists ex pect to do to the democrats: We are sure of carrying the states of Alabama and Georgia now," de clared Joe Parker, ex-chairman of the Jefferson hotel Sunday. Mr. Parker has just reached St. Louis from the party, which was held at Springfield last week. Continuing, he said: "Not only will we carry those two states, but we may carry Nebraska, and If we do not get a big vote in Missouri I will be greatly surprised. "The democrats could not have gone back on their promises to the people more completely than they did In this Convention. Wall street forced the party into Its pocket. Democrats have been teaching the principles they have repudiated for eight years. They have educated the farmers to the theory of free silver until It Is grafted Into them good and strong. Now the leaders turn about on their proposition and stand for what they have been fight ing. Do they think for a minute that these thousands of followers of Bryan are going to submit tamely to such dictation? I think not. You can't change the principles In a single day any more than you can raise the sun fat midnight. "Our candidate for president, Thom as Watson, will carry Alabama and Georgia and, I believe, Nebraska. We will cast between 2,000.000 and 3,000, 000 votes at the coming election." "How about Missouri?" was asked. "Missouri will gave Watson at least 40,000 votes, and, to my mind, Roose velt will stand an excellent show of carrying the state. The populists are in better shape today than they have been for eight years. We are beginning to find out the insincerity of the democrats. They are beginning to come out In the light of their true character. The populists have this year adopted a platform that will appeal to every laboring man in the United States. We declare for the cardinal principles that the democrats have contended for these many years. We believe In organizing labor, and we are pledged to support union principles.1 We expect to secure a great vote in the cities." To further show the extent of the feeling, Mr. Parker claims that Clar ence Darrow, the Hearst man from Chicago, who addressed the democratic national convention on Thursday in the interest of his candidate, has open ly announced that he. can not support Parker and that he will vote for Wat son. Darrow was a law partner of the late John P. Altgeld of Chicago. Mr. Parker held several conferences with a number of delegates from Ne braaka and other western states, and if they did not absolutely promise to support the populist candidate for president, they declared they would never vote for Parker, All the popu lists in the city, and there are sev eral who came along with Mr. Parker, are equally as well satisfied with the outlook for their candidate. hla company will act Independently and fight for a shar of the trans pacific traffic of this port if the pres ent tripartite combination la not con tinued, Owing to the war In the Orient, the Japanese company has some of Its steamers running into this port at pres ent. The two Harrlman companies, the Paclflo Mall and Occidental and Oriental, are handling all the business with the Gaelic, Doric and Coptlo of the latter company and the China, Si beria, Korea and Mongolia of the Pa clflo Mall. A new Paclflo Mall steamer, the Manchuria, will soon join the fleet, and with these eight ships the Harrl man people think they can properly attend to all .the business and that they should enjoy It to the exclusion of the foreign line. A sane is to have three new steamers built In England for his San Fran cisco line. This will give him a mod ern fleet and enable htm to keep up his end with Harrlman it the latter finally decides to continue the com bine. In case Aaano la obliged to act Independently, he will have to use four vessels In and out of this port. While tbe war lasta It is admitted that the Asano company can do no business.4! What Harrlman will tell Asano when the war la over Is an Interesting spec ulation In steamship circles. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Twa housekeeping rooms. with sink and running water, Ad dress T. I. Pejser, General Delivery, ' Astoria. WANTED Position by thoroughly competent and experienced bookkeep er with best of references. Address Mrs. M. M. Whltehouse, 389 Alder St, Portland, Ore, FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping! opposite Posteffioe. 127 Seventh street. ESCAPE OF SOLDIERS ENOS DISASTROUSLY. Three Men Try to Get Away From Gov ernor Island, But Bullets of Sentries Stop Them. WILL FIGHT HARRIMAN, JapaneM Steamship Line Will Be Op perated Independantly. The following from the Examiner may throw some light on tbe dispatch appearing in yesterday's Astorian re lative to the new O. R. & N. steam ship merger; It is probable that E. H. Rarrlman will attempt to squeeze the Toyo Klsen Kaisha, or Japanese Steamship Com pany, out of the combine it has enjoyed with the Pacific Mail and Occidental and Oriental Companies in the hand ling of the trans-Pacific business 'of this port during -the past eight or ten years. President Asano of the Japanese company, who is 40 times a millionaire, thinks that is the Harrlman program.j and it is known the latter ha been informed from Toklo by Ansano that' New York, July It Three soldiers Imprisoned on Governor's Island for desertion have tried to escape In a rowboat. One of them, Private Alfred Bostwlck, was shot by a sentry. The bullet passed through Bostwtck's jaw and he will probably die. His two companions, when they saw that Bost wlck was wounded, promptly stopped rowing. They were overhauled, taken back to the Island and put In the guardhouse. Bostwick's companions were Wil liam Rhelner and a man named Cox. They hud been model prisoners and Bostwlck was to have been released August 1. Rhelner would have been freed two months later, but neither was aware of the shortening of their terms. ' The prisoners were at work on an extension of the Island defenses, be ing made by filling in. No particular attention was paid to them and they seized the opportunity to escape by wading Into the bay and seizing a row boat. One seized the oars and headed for Brooklyn. A sentinel ran along the sea wall and called upon them to come back but no attention was paid to him and he fired five shots. Bostwlck, who lay prone In the boat, was hit In the cheek. The bullet passed through bis neck and severed an artery. An army bout by that time had overhauled the rowers and towed them back to the Island. Bostwick's companions were not wounded. FOR SALE At Gaston's Food and Sale Stable, on Colfax Roller Feed MItti on M-horsepower Motor and Starter Bex) 80-foot 4-ply Rubber Belti one pair Butchers' Wall Sealosf tso 800 good Seeks. Night Was Her Terror. A case came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture haa per haps never been equaled. Joe Golo- blck. of Colusa, Calif., writes: "For IS years I endured Insufferable pain from rheumatism and nothing rellev ed me though I tried everything known I came across Electric Bitters and It's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of It complete ly relieved and cured me." Just as good for liver and kidney troubles and general debility. Only 50c. Satisfac tion guaranteed by Chae. Robers, drug' gist Tbe beer that made Milwaukee fam ias Schlltz Is always on draught at The Grotto, Otto Mikkelson, proprie tor. People have no idea how crude and cruel soap can be. , It takes off dirt. So far, so good, but what the does it .do. It cats the skin and frets the tinder-skin; makes red ness and roughness and leads to worse. Not soap, but the alkali in it. Pears' Soap, lias no free, al kali In it. It neither reddens nor roughens the skin. . It re sponds to water instantly; wash-es-and rinses off in a twinkling; is as gentle as strong; nd the after-effect is every way good. Sst abliibed cm too years. FOR SALE Furnished rooming house. Mrs. G. Hansen, eorner Tenth and Bond streets. BEST 1S-CENT MEAL You eon always find the best 18-eent meal in the city at the Rising Sun restaurant, No. 112 Commercial street Lump Coal Large Lumps Ring up 8. Elmore A Co Main 1981, and or der a ton of Ladysmith seat. They deliver it. Select lump eoal. JAPANESE GOODS. New stook of fsnay goods just arrived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. Union made heating stoves, home man ufactured and very stove perfect, at Montgomery's tin and plumbing store, 425 Bond street 'Phono 1031. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest price. Kelly, the transfer man, 'Phone Z211 Black, Bsrn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. First-elass meal for 1Bs nice take, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, So. U. Ik restaurant, 434 Bond street For Sale At Gaston's fsed stable, one ; Colfax roller feed millf one 20 horso power motor and starter box belt Ing, shafting and pulleys, and on Fairbanks floor sealsti alsa m butcher's wall sales, Standard portable and adjustable shower bath, finest made, arte 1S Only two sorowa to put In ptaoa. John A. Montgomery, tinner and plumbery 429 Bond street. Phone 1031. Wanted Several Industrious persona In oaoh state to travel for house established 11 years and with a largo capital, ta eall upon merchants and agents for successful and profit able lino, Permanent engagement Weekly oath salary of 24 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advaneed In cash oaoh week. Em porlenoe not essential. Mention ref renee and Inclose self-addressed envelope. National, Caxto Bidg Chisago. PIANO TUNER. For good, relisblo piano work sea your looal tuner, Th. fredrlekson. 207t Bond street 'Phono Red 2074. Upper Astoria Ta place whora you , ean get a fine glass of beer, as good wines and liquors as you ean flack any plaoe la the city. HARRY JONES, Opposite North Paoiflo Brtwery. Alderbrook Transfer Compsny Bag gsge transferred and wood fur nlshsd. Orders received at Gaston'a stable Phono Main 1671. E. L. Geddes, Mgr. THIS PAPER Ainy, IM iiom Hi ( i, MHit KranHuro, CnlirumlK, whf euntmcM fur sdvertliluK enn b umile for II. Always Open, Day- or Night RUSSIAN, TURKISH or TUB. THE PALACE BATfM? : : : - ASTORIA IRON WORKS . :-' JOHN FOX. Pr.nd8upt A. LFOX, Vice Presldrut F.L.J!IHHols,S:relry AHTUK1A HAVINOH BANK,TrM Designers and Manufacturers of THgfcATKST 1MPK0VED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED CORRESPONDENCE solicited. Foot of Fonrth Street, .... . ASTORIA, OREGON. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, CarriagesBaggage Checked and Transferred Tracks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shippod. ToftL Poillt Dnder flgw Management estaurant BOWERS C BEAULIEU.. Proprietor SPECIAL MERCHNTS LUNCH 25c OYSTERS ANY STYLE HOT TAMALES We Never Close 112 Eleventh St. If it is worth while to do business at all, it is worth while to do a lot of it ' na tiiis meaiis always a proportionate amount ef news paper space. . I