The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 09, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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, On ' w ImI April I h Uklnt l unnu
1 fur ntiilfti". In Ik r of wnk I nM4
! Hi Wo t dlitr n at tha of an
- i lhx 414 B" triiuai ma l. 1'
4nt iUn tytf. I m ."lit. -raj.
I ilat ." Uauri rrir, Jiuvi-o., U
jffijfl Tor
ff Th Dowel
I)cmornii!9 Jlstorian
i. .
"Within the past four years a tide of settlers has
set in this direction, small at first but steadily grow
tog each years as the new comers spread the news
and thus helped to attract their friends and ac
quaintances. The railroads for their part have done
their full duty in this respect not only in scattering
attractive literature but iu reducing, rates so as to
induce the right sort of settlers to come here and ex
amine things for themselves. Other public bodies
have aided in the work but yet it altogether was not
nearly so far-reaehing and systematic as to coin
pletely meet the demand.
It is now proposed to go far beyond anything
heretofore attempted not merely to advertise the
country, but its products and to make them stand
forward as they do in the enterprising state to the
south of us. This is a big undertaking and it re
quires general co-operation to make it a complete
success, it is not tne wort or one section or oi one
class of people for a special interest, but it should
be made the work of all the sections and all the
people for the whole state. It should be appreciated
that anything done for any part of Oregon will
surely help every other part of Oregon and that no
(JAPANESE COURAGE AND "WIIITE COURAGE part can be very prosperous without the other parts
In one of the many thousands of letters which fe
By mail, per year
Dy mail, per month
By carriers, per mouth . . . .
.$6 00
. 50
By mail, per year, in advance .......... f 1 00
come to the editor, a reader praises the courage of
Some time ago we called attention to the fact that
the Japanese soldiers, and wants to know if that th f at ot get the benefit it is entitled to out
courage is not superior to anything displayed among
of the fruit for which some of its sections are pre-
v o o wai An ,01 v m
ha TrmA cava trtA KYflminpiv H thirita tnatl
credit should be given to the Japs, and that white edied and ? remedied when the state organiz-
people should acknowledge their own inferiority, so
far as physical courage goes.
! ation gets in full working order. To this movement
everyone should lend a willing hand. If that is done
The Pan-Amerloan Railway
In th United State they continue
to cherish the scheme of an inter-con-tlnental
railway which will connect the
systems of North and South America
through the Isthmus of Panama, and
ultimately create a continuous line
from New Turk to Buenos Ayrea. The
report of the commissioner appointed
to study the possibilities of the ques
tlon has now been published, and he
points out that certain Important
events have been working; together of
late to give It a more hopeful aspect.
Mexico has been gradually working Its
systems down to the Guatemala bor
der, and has now only ITS miles to
go to reach It It Is still prosecuting
the work In that direction, while the
Central railroad of Guatemala Is com
ing northward to meet It from the cap.
Ital of that republic. Intersecting
this there la to be a route between
the oceans, and an extension to the
boundary of San Salvador la said to
be only a queatlon of time. Negotia
tions are going on for a line through
Nicaragua, and a similar activity Is
beginning to appear In Costa IUca,
.The United Fruit Company has lines
on the Atlantic coast which It proposes
to extend to Boca del Toro, In Panama.
At the same time, says Mr. Pepper,
indications have become more favor
able at the South American end. "The
boundary dispute between Argentina
and Chill has been settled, and the
latter country has concluded an ar
rangement for the construction of a
tunnel through the Andes under the
government guarantee, which will re
sult In connecting Buenoa Ayres and
Paint faaket, Ditfereno.
It was remarked recently that a
larger percentage of the buildings of
Centmlla are being painted and re-j
paired than In any of the adjoining j
cities. Let the food work go on. i ne
finest residence looks cheap If unpoint
ed and uncared for, while the humblest jK
.... , I . .. 1 I n..iiu.a
collage iook othuiiicihw i
cared for and pointed. Contralla
Ne Pity Shewn.
"For years fate was after me eon
tlnuously," writes F. A. Gulledge, Ver
bena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of
Piles, causing 14 tumors. When all
tlulMl fa!alaKI PftaB fa. la AmJ fual
tar klrko. lukn ar U.ltu. itm Ha kla M...J
auia mi, gv'nainv 9Otl IMWH W
fn Ituklnn'e ArnW Snlv ured ,- rr -- ..
me." Kqually good for Burns and all
aches and pain. Only 23c, at Chas.
Rogers' drug store.
The Japs are certainly brave. No one could die " tIiC wc v. ....
wilUnclv tfcan tv rln for a cmnd ,aS. Tn Stat6 lts Van0US CltleS m tt De3tt 10 J'earS
fact, they push bravery almost as far as foolishness, 80 amazin M to attract "PWd attention . Valparaiso. The trouble between Bra
J f nMrra nn ' -f m:-Aa w AnrroA f the whole country. Those who live here know nd Bolivia over the Acre rubber
.when whole crews commit suicide by drowning and ..... . ,.. oU. ,.. m,tiA .
.-.- .1-11 v that all that is required is for the state's resources ,toB hM alM been ,ett,ed- Aren
The beer that mad Uuwauke fam
uas Schllts is always oo draught at
The Grotto, Otto Mlkkelson, proprietor.
Two millions of London'
taut never go to church.
aierllsg Rtmede C., Chle r N.T. tat
Figure recently published In Chris
tianla show that th amount of money
sent horn from th United State by
Immigrant from Norway last year
was $3,780,000.
Lltlta (Pa.) prettel factories turn
out 7,000 pounds of pretwl every
iiiiiiiiriiiiiiixiririxcr trxxxiixixxxiiixiixiiirn
ttna Is extending It northern railroad
lines, not only to the border of Bo
securing further railway credit and
the development of line which would
become link In the lnter-continental
route. Peru is also being; moved by
foreign enterprise to the development
of her mines and the establishment of
nfRrfrs flimrimrf1 themsplvM rather than mrrender, in -Rian and advantages to be known. Once a man comes
Tt ia nt a fant. nowever. that t.h i-nnra RnmJhere to see for 1x11118611 ifc &lm0st a matter f lUvto, but beyond to Tuplaa. Bolivia
by the Japanese in their submarine boat experiments, that he becomes a resident and property owner. The . a),o to receive . indemnity of 2,
in their volunteering for desperate tasks, is in any hole Problem then 18 when are ooo.oooi from Bmii. and President
& j 3 , j av. i ei u Puidtt h&s wommendftd itm urns for
. I niil'Hl III f'l lrilr iiHrrl M I If I i. 1 1 1 a in hi v 1.IIH H'lllK I I i " ----
,way supenor to tne wmte land or courage. . , . . " " . ,
The French boys read the story of the soldier who Pe organizations of the state will be at
tried to detain the enemy's rowboat, although he was Dasis 01 our Iuture wtn auu VP"V
. a XT. i.n .1 i . 1 1 i . . . I 1
unarmea. ne neiu on o me ooai wiin ms ngni
hand until they hacked the hand off; then held on THE PEOPLE'S TRUST.
v: ifi i j ,:i tv.t x tt. j:. j I
ju "V. "c m .'Billions Staked in Gambling with Death" is the better ra,lroa communication. Col-
from loss of blood, naturally he certainly was as 8 ombia t in an unsettled state, but an
brave physically as any Jap. W a New Yorfe P81, Dca3 a "Port of the past event of great promise is the inde-
Durinff our trifline little skirmish called the Span- year's life insurance business of the country. That , Pndenc ' Panama, and the under-
ish war the volunteering of Hobson's crew proves expresses concisely an old delusion that it not en-1. '"5 Lf,, tt!--IH !lnby
that there is no trouble finding men willing to face tirely extinct, says the Saturday Evening Post, est difficulty and uncertainty in the
a nsir, or even a certainty oi death. ,ronv . . t. tn .... t i;ffl inmi.anoa scheme is the long one through the
In fact, courage m action, before the enemy, is so . . . , isthmus and the republic of Colombia;
common, so universal with us. that it is the absence " lucjr l"UU8Ufc " "JUIJi w wt' "u v"'"3 ulbut ' " "wtoi as
f eonnffi. and not conra forif. xrhinh flttrants cause they would not go into a game m Which they .'Practicable to construct Mr. Pep
-J.: iti.A ' a:- : Per declares that at the present time
auwiuuu. i uau uic w m. !,., ABnn ,. 4 ,, . .
I"1' iiBvw w (uinujr .' itujK'
Real courage is that which risks and accepts death But the mere statement of the-magnitude of theing, all th way from Mexico to Ar-
coldly and calmly without the incentive of a fight, insurance business is enouch to show how these ideas gentlntt' t0 make the 'y'tem complex.
una over mis distance rnucn or me
work is going on" within tha different
countries. The entire cost of the con
structlon Is set down at 30,000,0001.,
but It would probably work out at
very much more, and one doubts If It
would ever pay. Engineering,
Staple and Fancy Groceries
8upplle of All Kind at Lewett Price for Fishermen, Farmer
and Leggsr.
Branch Uniontown, Phones, 711, Uniontown, 713
Tenth and Commerelal Street. ASTORIA, OREQON,
Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon.
Dr. T. L. BALL
Dr. F. I. Friedrich,
6H Commercial street, Astoria Or.
yx u u, yiKuuu. ucua uuit uu : uau ,iu.r mtgmnL Thig is not such a nation of
is transferred instantly to a-sort of houchi-couchi u , u ,10Amm(imn
KmWs full sntnmeiae bnnria guiuu.cra luai i inruic Uluu uei, ?1Wuw,vw
How many of us could tell the story of the David on a me of any land. The truth is that the gamb-
II? it xi mi v ji a
-the submarine boat built at Mobile , in 1863 by im8 IS on ine oiner 8iae- ine man WD0 uoes n01 m'
the confederates T She was more of a death trap 8Ure inal ne wm iive- " ne wmg ne MveB a
than -a submarine boat, yet there was no trouble little Premiums ; if he loses he leaves his family
findine crews for her. After she was built it was unprovided for.
I T 1
nocessarv for some men to exDeriment in her to see -insurance nas now Decome a recognized iorm oi
if she could be nsed. On her first trial the entire property. If the holder of a policy dies its value
crew of eight were drowned. At the next attempt. S068 to his heirs5 if e lives he can collect it; him"
Oier dome being open, she was sung by the wash of self- The latest statistics show that in Philadelphia
a passing steamer. Only one man escaped, by climb- alone tne amount oi insurance m force is nearly
ing out of the hatchway as she sank. lie was the con- Ryw,wuw-equivalent l0 me entire Donaea na
federate officer in charge of her. tional debt of the United States- In New York U
He took her out aain. havin? eot another crew. P8' about $2,300,000,000, or nearly four times the
7- ----- - - - - c- , ,
Another accident happened; five of the eight men maricet value 01 tne standard Uil company.
were drowned, the officer in command again escap- ine PeoPJe 01 tne states are carrying me
ing. This same officer organized another crew to insurance policies about equal to the nominal capital
try the boat, for he felt that his cause demanded of a11 the trusts ani al1 the railroads of the country
that she should succeed. She was ballasted defect combined. They represent a sum substantially equiv
ively, so that instead of sinking on a level keel she alen one-fifth of the entire estimated wealth of
dived headforemost into the mud. Every man on the nation, public and private. There are five life
board, including the commanding officer, was dead insurance companies each of which has policies out-
when she was brought to the surface. standing equaling or exceeding the interest-bearing
There was no trouble in finding another crew, and national debt. The old-line companies have, all told
this crew took her out against the Housatonic, a fed- about 18,000,000 policies in force, and there are over
eral vessel, four miles off shore. The little sub- members in the fraternal insurance or-
marine blew up the Housatonic with a torpedo, but ders- " w safe to-say, therefore, that at least 10,.
sank in the operation-and again her entire crew 000,000 heads of families, representing 50,000,000
perished, people, are carrying life insurance 01 some sort. It
As long as the south and the north can produce 18 tne most gantic co-operative enterprise in his-
crews and commanders of that kind this country can tory 14 is a voluntary pension scheme on a scale
recognize the courage of the Japanese without neces- inai awaris anytning attempted Dy any or au 01 tne
sarily admitting their superiority. paternal governments 01 Europe, its scope is ex-
tending so rapidly that there will soon be hardly
I - :i j . i.v, it 1 j a 11. it !ii l
la share in its protection,
There is no movement recently started that de- The American people are now taking out new in-
serves more hearty encouragement than that to sys- surance at the rate of $8,000,000 a day probably
tematically advertise the state through organizations three times the present cost of the Russo-Japanese
for that purpose, says the Portland Journal. In war to both the combatants combined. When we are
this respect Oregon has never put its best foot for- worrying about the concentration of wealth in the
ward. Unless a man actually came to the state hands of the trusts we may console ourselves with
and saw for himself he had no real means of know-1 the contemplation of this tremendous popular savings
ing just what we had here and the, advantages af- agency, whose operations throw all the trusts put
forded as a section in which to settle. For thia J together into the shade
reason chiefly Oregon now presents the best oppor-
tumties of any of the states to those who seek new It remains to be seen what effect it will have on
homes with the certainty that conscientious work will the doings in 1908 if Senator Fairbanks delivers
bring about the best results that could be expected Indiana and Mr. Roosevelt fails to capture New
anywhere. . I York.
Dr. W. 0. LOGAN
678 Commercial St-, Shanabao Building
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern
Paclflo Express Companies.
Acting AUtanl lurieoa
f.B. Msrla Hospital ftervlce.
Offlc hours: 10 to It a.m. X to 4:10 p.BU
47? Commercial street, tnd Floor.
Mansell Bldg. 171 Commercial St.
won int-ac Kama.
Maosell Building
573 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or
"Neglected cold make fat grave
yards." Dr. Wood' Norway Pin
Syrup hslps men and women to a
happy, vigorous nld age.
I've noticed that the man that seem
ed to think he was in the biggest hur
ry was the one that stopped longest
to see which dog licked.
Deekln Pelter conshlenshusly don't
beleeve in prlze-flghtln', but I've no
ticed that he always gits up 'bout
sun-up to git the paper the mornln'
after two pugs has fit.
I've noticed that the woman that
squeels the loudest at a mouse gen'ly
Is the one that catches a burglar when
he mistakenly concludes to visit her
I've noticed that children don't al
ways honor their father and mother,
but when I look at the old folks, dinged
if I always blame the kids.
Wimmln is graceful creechers, but
I've noticed that it's blame hard to
make a man b'leeve it if be watches
one gettln' off a movln' street car.
I've noticed that some fellers take
their releeglon 'bout like they take
their pills sugar-coated an' in small
Anyway, conscience Is a queer crit
ter, fve noticed that them it goads
most is them that needs it least.
I've noticed that I do too dern much
notlcln'. Ef I hadn't set here notlcln'
things for the last half hour I might
o had the taters hoed by now. A. J.
W., in Sunset.
The TROY Laundry
Is the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best
of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phone 1991
Telephone 221.
Draying and Expressing
All goods shipped to our care will receive special attention,
709-715 Commercial Street.
Cspital City la Growing.
A recent census of the city of Olym-
pla gives its population at nearly 8,000.
And yet some people will tell you that
Olympla will never make a large city
in spite of these figures showing that
she has more than doubled in popu
lation during the past four years.
Olympla Chronicle.
We are thoroughly prepared tot making
estimate, and executing ordors for
all kinds of electrical Installing and
repairing. Supplies in stock. We
iell the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP,
Call uprhonellGl.'
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
Having installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of th
latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work
in that line at reasonable prioes. Telephone 291.