f T A flV S!TY . DO ii mm 0m THE MORNING ASTORIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1901. MORE TRAVEL ACROSS SEAS 'm mm See our" Maps, Leathen, Lincrusta, "Wood Imitations, Crown Mouldings, Plate and Picture Rails, Etc B. F. ALLEN 8 SON, 365-367 Commercial Street w tears Itt All Brands and Blasca We have them in stock. The Trade supplied at absolutely bottom prices. We have added a Pipe Repairing Department. Best work in this line. illlLIL llilMPUw 530 Ccirjnefdal Street 114 Eleventh Street PHONE 2175 RED OPEN DAY AST) NIGHT The Astoria Restaurant i A T- V ;; 7 MANHixGTProprietor j", . ; " : ' SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Fine Meals Served tt tU koura, , Oyster Served in any Style. Game in 'Season. We Goarantee the Best Meal in the City. 399 Bond Street, Cor. 9th Astoria, Oregon AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. aattuaaaao aaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao The Best Restaurant - -a RetoUf Meals. 25 Cents jj Sunday Dinners Specialty tt Eterytblsr toe Market Affords ; (.'-,' - u, ' i . a Palace Catering Company S aaaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a - "" " I Palace j'Xafe Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors. Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM GUS BROOKE, Onager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE THE ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA Rate War Among Transatlantic 1 : n. ,..). I- d.i. I m. Da. senger Business. FEW LEAVE TO REMAIN AWAY Nearly All Are Taking Advant. age of the lUtes to Visit Abroad, Amonr Them Many Collet; Men. New York. June 2. New ratea In teerae passage eastward already have resulted In enormous Increase of that class of passenger traffic to Europe. On some lines cheaper tickets have doubled and In some cases trip led the volume of business done at this season of the year. In some cases per sons who wished to sail this week have been told that steamships were filled to the utmost capacity. Steamship agents genet-ally agree that the bulk of those who are taking advantage of the low rates merely de sire to pay a short .visit to their rel atives on the other side and return, and that few are leaving America, per manently. On some of the English steamers It has been remarked that a comparative large number of college men are seising the opportunity of passing the summer In Europe at com paratlvely small cost. New Style Restaurant Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords. Open Day and Night Good Service. BO llth St. next door to Griffin Broi. . qtaDI A fiDPfinU and adjolninj the Office Saloon AoIUKIAj UKCUUll Is Your Roof Sick? SsKsffl r twelve year's ex perieoee curing roofs. Suppose yon write ui for particulars about EL. ATE RITE ROOFING. It will go on over tin, corrugated iron, shingles, or any other roofing material. It makes the best roof you ever saw. It never wears out. Worcester Bldg" Portland, Ore. The Elaterite Roofing Co. COMING TO OREGON PORTS. Merchant Marine Commission to Visit Astoria and Portland. Portland and Astoria are to receive a visit from the Unltett States merchant marine commission some time In Au gust Senator John H. Mitchell has written the Portland chamber of com merce, Inclosing In his communication a letter from the chairman of the com mission which explains that the com mittee will start for the coast the last of July, probably heading first for the sound. ... , Meetings have been arranged for the principal cities on the great lakes, the first session being scheduled for Chi cago July 24 and 25. No direct reply has been had to letters written the commission soliciting specific Infor mation as to the time the body would be In Oregon, and until that point Is decided, the chamber of commerce will do nothing toward preparing for the hearings. Since the first Intimation was had that the commission would come west the Interest aroused has been consid erable, aided largely by reports pub lished of the views on the rehabilita tion of Uncle Sam's merchant marine, as aired by prominent magnates of the Atlantic. Comments on the question are varied, and likewise are the dlscus alius growing out of the Issue, but especially onthis coast Is the matter gauged as important, coming, as It does, on top of the new federal measure compelling the shipment of government goods In American bottoms, and the realization that foreign vessels now al most entirely control the exporting business, the Yankee craft mostly get ting the benefit of their registry In the lumber business. Freaks of Dynamite. Two Interesting exhibits of the force of dynamite are shown In the museum of the Stephens institute of tech nology in Hoboken. They are steel blocks, six Inches in diameter and four inches thick, showing respectively the Impression of an oak leaf and the Im print of a headline of a western news paper. It was during a test of high explo sives that a cartridge of dynamite was placed on a newspaper covering the block of steel, the object being to see how much dynamite would be required to split the metal. The dynamite was fired without injury to the steel; but, to the surprise of the experimenter, the print of the newspaper was deeply pressed onto the metal. The experiment was repeated, with the same result, and then was elabo rated by trying the charge on an oak leaf placed between the block and the What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling ( so baking I add boiling water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. 10 ots. (mm 1 mma 1 .conomy Brand Evaporated Cream ' rota farthest. I because it la most concentrated, j la most nourishing, because richest In cream; most perfect, because most skillfull Dreoared. Its purify (a guaranteed under forfeit of &JMO to anyone able to prove) any adulteration u our product. 3SB5SSSI5S dynamite. This time the stem and the ribs of the leaf were deeply Impressed In the metal. What happens Is this," said the ex pert In charge. "Unlike most other ex plosives, dynamite exerts practically all Its crushing force downward, and not In a general direction. So In conceivably quick and forceful Is the discharge of this powder that the Im print of the ribs of an oak leaf are made before the leaf has had time to be blown to atoms. In the case of the newspaper It appears that where print er's Ink touches the paper the paper Is hardened and more capable of resist ance than in other places, and so It Is that before the paper Is destroyed the printing on It Is forced deep Into the metal." The Northern Pacific Railway Com pany will place round trip tickets from Portland to St. Louis and return on account of the world's fair on sale as follows: Juno 16th, 17th aid 18th. July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. August 8th, 8th and 10th. 8ept 5th, eth and 7th. Ootober 3rd, 4th and 6th. The round trip rate to St Louis and return from Portland will be IJ7.S0. Tickets will be good for return via any direct line. A round trip' rate of 171.(0 will also be made from Portland to Chicago and return. If a passenger desires to take In both Chicago and St Louts the round trip rate will be $75.00. All tickets will be good for 80 days from date of sale. Tickets will be good going ten days from date of sale so that a limited stop-over can be had on the going trip and on the return trip passengers can stop at their pleas ure west of the Missouri river or St PauL These rates apply via direct lines, but If passenger wishes to re turn through California tickets can be sold accordingly, but at an Increased rate of $13.50 added to above. For any additional Information de sired, call or address A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Uorthern Pacific Ry., 255 Morrison street corner of 3rd, Portland, Ore. The World's Pair Route. Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered br the Missuri Pacific Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the northwest take the Missouri Pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleassnt Hill. Two trains daily from Denver and Pueblo to St Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment Including electrlo lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and St. Louis. Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen era! agent, 124 Third street, Portland, for detailed Information and illustrat ed literature. The Grotto handles nothing but straight liquors; no blended goods In the house. i - 1 1133 PArtU PAKE'S Adverting Aeflncjr, VU Kausome Bireei, p au rrancinco, California, where contract for aavertliing can be made for It. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Furnished room, with er without board, with Spsnlsh-tpeak Ing family. Addreti Spanish, As toria. OIRet Lump CoatLarge Lumps Ring up tk Elmore A Co Main 1901, and or. cer ton ef Ladysmlth eoaU They deliver It. Meet lump eoaL JAPANESE GOODS, . New ateek ef fancy goods Just arrived at Yokohama lasaar. Call and see the latest novelties: from Japan. PIANO TUNIH. Per good, reliable plane work see yeur leeal tuner, Th. Predrleksen. 8071 Bend street 'Phone Red 2074. FOR RENT A furnished house ef 6 rooms to rent Apply Jsmes Flnlsy. . sen. FOR RENT Three nleely furnished rooms, single er en sultei prleet moderate. No. 1321 Franklin avenue, WANTED A geed, capable girl lm". mediately wages 2S housework, Mrs. D. K; Warren. Apply at As toria National Bank. J First-elan meal for 15o nlee sake, eeffee, pie, er doughnuts, 6. U. t, restaurant, 434 Bend street. Union made heating tovee.hem man ufactured and very stove perfect, at Montgomery tin and plumbing store, 429 Bend street 'Phone 1031. Upper Asterla a piaoe where yeu can get a fine glass ef beer, at geed wines and liquors as you can find any place lit the city. HARRY JONES, Opposite North Peolfle Brewery. Alderbreok Tranefer Company Bag gage transferred and wood fur nlshsd. Orders received at Oaeton's stsble. Phone Main 1671. E. L Goddes, Mgr. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord weed, mill wood, box wood, any kind ef wood at lowest prloee. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Btaok, Bsrn en Twelfth, opposite opera house. Fer Sale At Oaeton's feed stsble, one Colfax roller feed milt ana 29 hers power meter and starter bexf belt Ing, shafting and pulleys, and) ana Fairbanks fleer seslosj alee ana butcher wall teats. Standard portable anal adjustable thewcr bath, finest made, prist SIS. Only two screws ta put In place. John A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber! i 42S Bend street Phone 1031, Wanted Several Industrious percent In eaoh state tt travel for houee established 11 year and with large capital, tt call upon merehante and agent fer successful and profit able line. Permanent engagement Weekly eeeh salary ef 124 and all traveling expense and hotel bills advanced In each esoh week. Ex perience not'eeeentlal. Mention ref erence and Inclose self-addressed envelope. Notional, Caxton Bldg, Chicago. For nlcTfumiehed rooms and aloe tw houoekeoplng rooms.. Inquire Mrs. Lnhart 211 Bond St Notice to Contractor. Notlc Is hereby given that the County Court of Clatsop County, Ore gon, wilt receive sealed bids, until 3 o'clock p. m. on the 30th day of June. 104, and opened Immediately there after, for the construction of the su-super-structure, Interior finish, etc., and for steam heating of the Clatsop county Court House, to be erected on Block 28, between 7 and I Commercial and Duane streets, In the City of Astoria, Oregon, prepared by Edgar M. Lata rus, architect No. M5 Worcester block, Portland, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of 6 per cent of the amount of the bid, that the bidder will enter Into a contract If his bid Is accepted, and the right to reject any and all bids is hereby re served. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, Jun I, 1904. By order of th County Court J. C. CLINTON. County Clerk. The time for submitting bids accord ing to the above notice Is hereby ex tended to 12 o'clock, noon, July 7th, 1904. J. C. CLINTON, Clerk. Astoria, Or., June 17, 1904. Special Exeurslen te the World' Fair. Th Denver A Rio Grande, In con nection with th Missouri Pacific, will run a aerie of personally conducted excursion ta th world' fair during Jun. These excursions will run through to St Louis without change of car, making short atop at principal point enroute. Th first of these ex cursions will leave Portland Jun 7th, and th second Jun 17th. Th rat from Astoria wlU be l7.60 to Bt Louis and return. Excursionist going via the Denver Rio Grande have the privilege of returning via a different route. This la the most pleasant way, a well th most delightful route, to cross th continent The atop ar ranged give an opportunity to visit the various points of Interest in and) about Salt Lake City, Denver and Kansas City. If you wish to accom pany on of theas excursions write at one to W. C McBrlde, 124 Third street, Portland, for sleeping car reservations. Always Open, Day or Night A RUSSIAN, TURKISH or TUB . .... THE PALACE BATHS Air alL tali nCi'rVir11 aws-SBsesce , ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHN rOX.PrM.and 8upt JM-UIBlioh Secretary A. I,. FOX. Vie Prxetdeut ABIORIA BAVlNUtt BANK, Trees Designers and Manufacturers of THB LATKST IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, ... ASTORIA, OREGON. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and TransferredTrucks and . Furniture "Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. THE LOUVRE A First Class Concert Hall - - Finest tfesort In The City ADMISSION FREE K ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM CHANGE WEEKLY" Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop.