The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 28, 1904, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Committee Has Prepared Excel
lent List of Events for Fourth
of July Exercises.
Parade Takes Place at 1 Sports
Following Band Concert and
Fireworks Display in the
and German minister by the palace
guards at the Haytlen capital. What
form ot expiation the two governments
will demand is not yet known, but
Germany has decided to act harmon
iously with France.
Will Give Him Portrait
New York, June 27. A movement la
on foot to present to Joseph II. Choate
a portrait of himself. In recognition of
the fact that he has served a longer
term as ambassador at the court of St
James than any ot his predecessors
since Charles Francis Adams, says I
Herald dispatch from London. A re
plica ot the portrait will be hung In
the embassy. ., Subscriptions are to be
limited to Americana residing or hav
lng interests in England.
The committee In charge of the
Fourth or July celebration yesterday
announced an outline ot the program
to be followed on the holiday. The
arrangement is not definite, but there
will be little change In It, If any at
si is made. Necessarily details are
lacking aa yet, but In a tew daya the
committee will give out the official
program. .
Th retail houses ot the city are to
be kept open until noon, and the cele
bration Is to be commenced at 1 o'clock,
at -which hour the parade will start
The procession will march through the
streets for a halt or three-quarters
ot an hour, terminating at Eleventh '0(0
and Duane streets, where the exercises
ot the day will be held. The program
for the patriotic feature ot the cele
bration will be as follows:
-Hail, Columbia" Band
Invocation ........ Rev.-Father Waters
"Red. White and Blue". Band
Reading Declaration of Indepen
dence John C McCue
"Star-Spangled Banner" . Band
Oration ...J. Bruce Pol worth
Prayer .......Rev. H. H. Brown
"America" Band
It Is expected the patriotic exercises
will occupy about three-quarters of an
hour, and at the. conclusion of the
program the sports will be held. AU
sorts of races will be run and prises
awarded to the winners. The first of
the events will take place near the
corner of Tenth and Commercial, and
the crowd will go In an easterly dlrec
tlon to Sixteenth street, then west on
Commercial to Fourteenth, north on
Fourteenth, north on Fourteenth to
Bond and west on Bond to Tenth
where the last events will take place.
Between the hours of 6:30 and 8:30
a band concert will be given from the
stand at the corner ot Eleventh and
Duane streets, and at dark the Are
works display will be made.
Liberal prizes have been apportioned
tor floats. The society with the great
est number of members in line over
60 and the most appropriate float will
receive a prize of 330, and a second
prize ot 320 will be awarded; first prize
tor the union with the largest number
of members and best float, $30; second
prize, $20; best decorated business
house and best decorated float, $25; best
other decorated store or building, first
prize, $15; second prize, $10.
Conflagration Which Destroyed Prop
rty Valued at $300,000.
SIsaon, Ca) June 17. A small blase,
which started In a Jewelry store, re
suited In a general conflagration, which
destroyed the main portion of the town.
This is said to be the most destruct
ive conflagration in . the history of
northern California, the loss reaching
$300,000, with very little . insurance.
The heaviest individual losers are
Schuler & Knox $65,000. and the Shasta
Box & Mercantile Company $50,000.
The other losses are from $500 to $8.
Cannot Locate Miles.
New York, June 27. In connection
With dispatches from Indianapolis to
the effect that the leaders of the pro
hibition party, whose national conven
tion meets tomorrow, had been un
able to locate General Nelson A. Miles
(spoken of as a possible nominee of
the party), it is learned that the gen
eral was In this city Sunday and in
tended leaving at once for Washing
ton on his way to the west
Germany to Act With France in Forc
ing ' Reparation.
Berlin June 27. The government has
decided to send a warship to Port-au-Prince,
Haytl, after having agreed with
the French government that a simple
apology was not sufficient reparation
on the part of the government of Haytl
for the recent stoning of the French
Another Fire.
Eureka, Cal, June 27. The plant of
the Eureka Lighting Company was de
stroyed by Are last night The loss is
estimated at from $60,000 to $100,000.
Possible That a Battle May Even Now
Be in Progress.
St Petersburg. June 27. ((11:28 a
m.) Dispatches received from Tatche
klao Indicate that both the Russian
and Japanese armies are moving Into
contact for a great battle which even
now may be in progress.
General Kuropatkln yesterday as
sumed the offensive against General
Oku, while General Kurokl from a posi
tion 14 miles to the eastward was mov
ing against the Russian flank at Hal
Poor Attendance at Meeting o
Chamber of Commerce
Last Night
Seawall Proposition Went Over
to Next Meeting- Report
General Agent of Rock Island Expires
Fort Worth, Tex.. June 27. W. F.
Firth, the general passenger agent of
the Rock Island in Texas, was found
dead In his office today. He was ap
parently in good health when he reach
ed his office this morning. Mr. Firth
came here two years ago from Den
ver, where he had been general agent
of the Rock Island for several years,
Detectives Failed Twice, but Keep Up
the Chase.
New York, June 27. A dragnet has
been spread for J. Morgan Smith and
his wife and their capture Is only a
question of time, according to an
American dispatch . from Philadelphia.
The Smiths disappeared from New
York during the investigation Into the
shooting of Bookmaker Frank T.
Young a few weeks ago, and as they
are considered important witnesses,
detectives have searched constantly for
them. Mrs. Smith is the sister of Nan
Patterson, now under indictment In
connection with the shooting. It is
said the couple were traced to Wash
ington and thence to Philadelphia,
where they escaped through the back
window of a boarding house to the
root of an adjoining building as the de
tectives entered the front door. They
were located In another boarding house
and again fled only a few minutes
ahead of their pursuers. Should they
be arrested it Is not known upon what
charge the couple could be held as
they are wanted only aa witnesses in
the Patterson case.
HE whole nervous system is disturbed when
the eyes are strained. Eyes should be ex
amined frequently as age advances, especially
those of school children. Many children
who are thought dull and stupid suffer from
defective vision and beceme the brightest of
scholars when the defect is corrected.
I Hare the Beit Modera lottrimeati for Detectiar Any Defect la Vliloe.
CATHERINE WADE, Graduate Optician.
Though a large crowd was antlcl
pated. the attendance at the meeting ot
the Chamber of Commerce last even
lng was a great deal smaller than had
been hoped.
The committee on roads made their
report and it was ordered tiled. The
report was aa follows:
Chamber of Commerce, Astoria, Ore.
June 17. Gentlemen: We, your com
mittee on roads, have gone over the
work done lately In the county and are
very glad to report that the work has
been done on a substantial basis, and
the work now under construction Is be
ing done, we consider, aa fast as pos
The Lewis and Clark bridge has been
completed, and the road on the east
side, connecting the Lewis and Clark
road with the new bridge, haa been
completed. But the people of the
west side have failed to comply with
their agreement as the committee un
derstood their agreement was with the
county court.
The county court has Instructed the
road master to build the necessary
bridges for summer travel, but as the
dike is leaking so badly it la Impossi
ble to make even a summer road. This
will be delayed until the necessary re
pairs are made to the dike, and we
hope that will not be long.
In regard to the Smiths point road.
the common council of the city of
Astoria haa passed resolutions to es
tablish the grade on Taylor avenue,
and we understand they intend to make
the Improvements this summer. We
are informed that the county court
will take further steps to Improve from
the end of Taylor avenue to Youngs
bay bridge. We are also pleased with
the substantial way our street work
Is being done in the city of Astoria at
the present time.
The seawall proposition went over
because of the small crowd In atten
dance. The report of the committee
was received and laid on the table.
and if the attendance at the next meet
ing is large enough the proposition will
be taken up and discussed at length.
Railroad Officials and Grain Men at
Last Get Together.
New York, June 27. After a series
of conferences with the local grain
trade extending over a year, a com
mittee of traffic officials representing
all New York trunk lines have agreed
to a modification or a modernizing of
the "grain agreement" It has now
Individually been adopted by the traf
fic departments of the following roads:
The New York Central, West Shore,
Erie, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Lacka
wanna & Western, Lehigh Valley, New
York, Ontorio & Western railway and
Baltimore & Ohio. On behalf of the
grain trade the negotiations have been
carried on by the trade and transpor
tation committee of the produce ex
change, who have forwarded the agree
ment to the board of managers for the
tatter's consideration at its meeting
July 7, The new agreement relates to
the inspections, grading, consolidation
and delivery of grain arriving by rail
at the port of New York. It is very
lengthy but provides In brief that the
railroad companies may put together
in elevators, warehouses, boats or
barges provided by them for the pur
pose, grain of the same kind and grade
without regard to Its ownership after
the same has been inspected and
weighed in accordance with the agree
ments. ,
But nothing therein contained shall
be construed aa depriving receivers
of grain if they shall so elect nor as
depriving shippers of the right of pre
serving the Identity of all rail grain
consigned to this market if they shall
so elect, subject only to such uniform
conditions as may be made by the rail
road companies for that purpose.
recovered, but Is unidentified, Consld
erable damage was caused among small
craft ;
' In East New York one house was
demolished while two were unroofed.
The wrecked building was a three
story brick nearly completed. Seven
teen young men caught in the storm
had taken refuge within. A moment
after they entered lightning struck the
building. A ' gale which followed left
the structure a maa of wreckage. One
youth was caught between heavy tlm
bera and badly crushed. The others.
although much bruised and cut, were
not seriously hurt, and were soon re
leased by firemen.
Appeals for Aid.
Trinidad, Colo June 17. An appeal
for aid waa Issued today by officers
of the United Mine Workers. The his
tory of the struggle lactone over In
the document, which closea In an ap
peal to all organised labor and Ha
sympathiser to contribute their mite
to the end that organised labor may not
be atrangted In Colorado.
Department Thanks France.
Washington. June 17. Secretary Hay
haa Instructed the American ambaaaa
dor at Paris to thank the French gov
ernment for Its services In assisting In
the negotiations for the release of Per-
dlcarla, Raiaulla American captive.
Insurgents and Government Beth Claim
They Won Fight
New York, June 27. According to
the Uruguayan revolutionist junta
says a Herald dispatch from Buenos
Ayres, Argentina, the battle fought
near Tuhamabaao last Friday waa
great victory for the Insurgents. It la
asserted that the revolutionists cap
tured the government's artillery and
that Colonel Gularta, In command of
the government troops, waa seriously
wounded while the government's army
loat several men.
The Uruguayan government em
phatlcally denlea thla report It de
clares that General Saravla, the head
of the revolutionists, was severely
wounded and that Colonel Lamaa and
other high officials of the Insurgents
were killed.
Gotch Wins.
Buffalo, June 27. Frank L. Gotch
champion catch-as-catch-can wrestler
of the United States tonight defeated
James Parr, the British wrestler In
two straight falls. Gotch had the ad
vantage in height and strength.
New York, June 27. A statement has
been Issued by the executive board of
the International Association of Bridge
and Structural Iron Workers condemn
ing lawlessness In the Colorado coal
strike. Persons other than striker's are
responsible, the statement Intimates,
for the dynamite outrage at Indcpend
Fifteen Killed in Explosion,
San Francisco, June 27. The steamer
Mariposa from Tahiti brought the story
of a boiler explosion on the French
cruiser Durance, resulting In the death
of IS men. The explosion occurred
while the warship was on her way to
Noumea from Papeete.
Thirty Three Killed.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 27. Thirty
three laborers were killed by the acci
dental flooding the morning of the
main conduit of the Went Idia Electric
Compay near here, which waa under
glong repairs.
Doings of the Day In Grain and
Stocks. '
Liverpool, June 27. July wheat, 0s
Disaitroua Gala Has 8wept Japanese
New York, June 27. In a aquall
which has swept Jamaica bay, two men
were drowned. One ot the bodies were
New York, June 27. Silver, 66-Sc;
Union Pacific, 88 1-4; preferred, 92.
Chicago, June 27. July wheat open
ed at 8S 1-2085 7-8c; closed 85l-2c.
Barley, 42 52c; flax, $1.01; Northwest
ern, 107.
San Francisco, June 27, Cash wheat,
Portland, June 27. Wheat: Walla
Walla, 69c; bluestem, 77c; valley, 78c.
Cattle unchanged.
Tacoma, June 27. Wheat:
71c; club, 66c.
The Wtathsit,
Portland, June 27. For
Tuesday, fair.
Metcalf to Washington.
Oakland, June 27. Hon, Victor H.
Metcalf left for Washington today to
commence his duties as secretary of
the department of commerce and labor.
Popular Young Lady of Evans
ville, Indiana, Made the Victim
of Dastardly Crime.
Feeling- That lie Will B Lynched
If lie la Caught By Enraged
Citizens of the
Evanavllle, Ind., June 17. The police
force and a poeee which la Increasing
aa the newa becomes known, are scour
Ing the city In search ot an unknown
negro,. who late last night criminally
assaulted Mlsa Clara Welnbach, II
years old, after beating and forcing
her escort, Harry Smith, to retire at
the point of a revolver. The outraged
girl la In a ecrioua condition.
Mlsa Welnbach and her companion
were returning from one of the city
parka and while they were passing the
Chandler avenue school building,
the fashionable portion of the city, a
negro sprang from behind the corner
of a building and pointed a revolver
at Smith's head, muttering: "Run, now,
run for your life,"
Smith ran down the street to the
police station, where he Informed the
officers. The entire police force and
aa many men aa could be found, re
turned to the scene of the assault and
after searching for aome time found
Mlsa Welnbach lying In the school
house yard In an unconscious condi
tion. She waa taken to the hospital.
where ahe la suffering from the effects,
The district surrounding the school-
house was thoroughly searched with
out result.
Posses were sent In all directions and
especially to Baptist town, where the
bloody riots of Inst July occurred. As
the news of the assault spread through
out the city hundreds of people are
joining In the search and the police
are making prepuratlona to protect the
assailant If he Is caught. There la con
siderable apprehension that a riot will
follow the capture of the negro.
Miss Welnbachl after being revived
told the police that as soon as Smith dla
appeared down the street the negro
dragged her In the schoolhouse yard
nd committed the assault. Smith said
that he waa knocked down several
times by the negro and that Miss
Welnbach tried to pull the negro away
from him, but was unsuccessful.
Used Woman's Clothing for Disguise.
La Crosse, Wis., June 27. It Is re
ported here that the slayer of Sheriff
Harris of St. Croix county escaped
through the picket lines In the dark
news. It Is reported that he shot i
woman and a boy near orth Bend. It
s stated that near Trempeleau he com
pelled a woman to give him her outer
lothlng, and in this disguise he went
through unharmed.
Killed by Fireworks.
Philadelphia, June 27. Two men and
one woman were killed, and half a doen
were slightly Injured today aa a re
suit of the explosion of a small bundle
of fireworks In the storeroom of the
Diamond Fireworks Company, 986 Arch
street. The cause of the fireworks ex
plosion Is not known.
Perdioaria la Grateful.
Washington, June 27. Secretary
Hay today received the following ca
blegram from Tangier, dated June 27:
Profoundly grateful to the govern
ment for securing my release."
List of General Sloeum Victims 'Now
New York, June 27. That more than
1000 persons perished in the burning of
the excursion steamer General Sloeum
now practically certain. According
to an exhaustive report made by Po
lice Inspector Schmlttberger on the
number ot dead, missing, Injured and
nlnjured in the disaster, it appears
that 938 bodies have been recovered
and that 93 persons absolutely known
have been aboard the vessel are
still unaccounted for, bringing the total
mortality of the disaster up to 1031.
Those injured numbered 179, and of
the throng of fully 1600 who embarked
the excursion of the St. Mark's
The beer that made Milwaukee fam
ous Schlltz la always on draught at
The Grotto. Otto MlkkeUon, proprie
church, but 236 escaped without Injury.
The report Is the result of a mlnuto
Inquiry made by a corps of 100 pa
trolmen under the direction of the In-spm-tor.
In the course of the Inquiry
much valuube Information waa secured
from the survivors which will be used
In the Investigation by the district at
torney to fix the responsibility for the
A thorough examination toduy of the
hull of the Blucum by Coronere O'Gor-
man and Berry and Inspector Albert
son resulted In he discovery In the
locker In which the fire started of a
number of barrels which had con
tatned kerosene and lubricating oil.
The coroner'a inquest will be continued
today, and on Thursday the hearing
by the federal grand jury will be
On the death today at Watebung,
N. J, of Rev, Dr. Edward Frederick
Moldenke, one of the beat known
Lutheran clergymen In the United
States, another name waa added to the
list of victims ot the Sloeum disaster.
Dr. Moldenke waa pastor of St. Peter's
Lutheran church In thla city.
Grief for 20 membera of hla flock
who went on the excursion and never.
returned, and hla compoaalon for thjl
bereft famlllea of St.Mark'a chuil
V VV I v4 HIIII kllltk IIV UWBHIf lit.
For yeara he hud suffered from heart
disease, and last Sunday he broke down
while holding a memorial service for
the Sloeum dead. Me waa taken to hla
country home, where death occurred.
Dr. Moldenke waa president general
of the rouncll of the Lutheran church
of America from 1895 to 1899.
The Mania for Getting Rich.
Orison S. Marden, in Success,
The mania for getting rich the matt.
false Idea that we must have money
has played worse havoc among am
bitious people than war or peatltence.
member of the Chicago board of
trade aaya that the men and women of
thla country contribute 1100,000.000,000)
a year to the eharpera who promise to
make them rich quick. They work the
same old scheme of a confidential let
ter and shrewd baiting, until the victim
parte with hla money. Thousands are
plodding along In povertyjlnd deprive
tlon, chagrined and humiliated because
they have not been , able to get up In
the world or to realise their ambitions,
for the reason that they succumbed to
the scheme of some smooth promoter,
who hypnotised them Into the bellet
that they could make a great deal very
quickly out of a very little.
The great fever of trying to make II
earn 85 Is growing more and more con
tagious. We see even women secretly
going Into brokers' offices and "bucket
shops," Investing everything they have
In all aorta of schemes, drawing their
deposlta out of the banks, sometime
pawning their Jewelry even their en
gagement rings and borrowing, hop
ing to make a lot of money before their
husbands or families find It out and
then to surprise them with the result;
but, In most cases, what they Invest la
hopelessly lost.
Thousands of young Americana owr"
so tied up by financial or other en
tanglements, even before they get rulr
ly stated In their life-work, that they
can only transmute a tithe ot their real
ability or their splendid energies Into
that which will count In their lives. A.
large part of It Is loat on the way up.
as the energy ot the cool Is nearly alt
lost before It reaches the electric bulb.
Kourepatkln'e Charaoter,
Doctor Morgenstern, one ot the lead
ing Russian specialists in medical
psychology, thus sums up the character
of General Xuropatkin: "Kuropatkln
kin la a man of extraordinary self
possession. Ha haa no scruples about
reversing a partlcuar policy the mo
ment he is-convinced It la Impracti
cable, He selects hla offlcera only
after mature deliberation, but once he
haa aelected them he places entire con
fidence in them. His personal bravery
la phenomenal; he la ambitious, a man
of large Ideas, with the brains to ex
ecute them. He will give a patient
hearing to any suggestion made him,
but acta entirely according to hla own
convictions." .
What to Do If You Desire Practical
If yen contemplate visiting the St
Louis Exposition, to secure reliable In
formation aa to railroad service, the
lowest rates and the best routea Also
as to the local conditions In St. Louis,
hotels, etc., etc.
If you will write the undersigned.
---- ii uu atsawa iuulium vii nsM
f n a tttnai audi V e.t..i.. m e
K wa do not have It on hand, will
secure It tor you If possible, and with.
out any expense to you. Address
Cor-vrriil u2 b,r(, itm.