THE MORNING ASTORIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1901. PAGE FIVE,. jssssszg&i Granite Tinware W hav Just rcalvfl new tin of Van Dyk Porcelain War, fully guaranteed not to poet or crack. w ar selling this lino at a very Interesting price, and vry plec la a crtdit to any kitchen. Wo Mako Antl-Ruit Tinware Speolalty. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. ROSS, HIGGINS CO. GOOD GOODS OUR SPECIALTY. H local Drevltles. Everyeaw participating In th oper etta "Snow White" muat be on hand today at 1 o'clock sharp. Mlaa Oray dslri the girl who are to rid on th liberty car to meet at her horn, corner Seventeenth and Grand avenue, at t o'clock thia after tioon, The work of hauling cruahed rock or the court houee foundation waa A m. I . in I a iimiuiuiitvu, iu mi win i covered with rock to the depth of about two feet, and upon thla the concrete will b laid. 1 The achooner Wllllum Renton la load ing lumber at the Hum mill. During her hut trip to Aitorla a larg sal mon mysteriously jumped from the river Into a small boat moored astern the vessel, and, while the truth of the story .has been doubted, Captain Ilrus atlll Insist that It la correct. Harvey Mowlck and Mlaa Mary Ed ward were married taut evening at th East Aatorla horn of Bernard Han sen, Rev. Laraen officiating. A number of th friend of th contracting par tlea were preeent at th marriage. Th South Bend (Wash.) baaeball team will play In Aatorla ne( Sunday and Monday, It t nld of thla team that It 1 on of the fastest aggrega tlona in aouthweatern Washington. Bome of th local fan ax preparing to back th visitor. There baa been considerable betting on ball garnet thla lummer, and when Multnomah defeat ed Commercial last Saturday a large amount changed hand. Hammond will celebrate the Fourth tbla year. There will b (and aporta of every description wljta. appropriate prltea, also varloua water aporta, A baaeball game between th Cathlamet Sune and Hammond Stars. A goddess of liberty la now being voted upon, and the result will be announced In these column later. Fireworks and a grand ball will wind up th day. There Are Engines X N M H H h N M N H 0.11. Carlson, nnummiimnimim mxmimim.nin Ban well part oftbe time Ran poorly all of the time Won t worK any time STANDARD GAS ENGINE RUNS WELL ALL THE TIME Agents G. M. McBride LADIES' SUITS, SllBElfS and COATS That are stylish and not High Triced. Ladies' Suits from $7.50 to $15.00. Ladies' skirts fro $1.75 to $10.00. Ladies' coa t, in wool or silk, $4.60 to $17.60. Hoy's Suits. Stylish. Good materials at all prices. Men's Suits, latest styles, best materials, excellent values, from $7.50 to $12.50. V W are not offering you SO for $1.00, or something for nothing, but we will glv you th best value In th lty for 100 cents on th Dollar. Remember, "You Can Always Buy Cheaper" at The "Bee mm mm ive :Dtor Style ; There is Nothing So Good As a Well Built & ? & Co Tl. MB, (D la We carry the finest assortment aud varied styles in wardrobe, box and bod couches. Come and let us show you what these couches re Yj are. CHAS. HEILBORN SON V- . : VStOria 9 aeaaia iiOU3C"iui uisti a In constructing cement sidewalks in the residence sections and elsewhere the nnrnes of the streets appear Upon each corner, Th streets running north and south are numbered from First upward,' and In many cases the names appear on the ' corners in figures, Wher they are spelled out they are much plainer, and the suggestion has been made that th council give In tractions In acordance with the. Idea her expressed. Fully 160 persons attended the Swedish-Finnish picnic at McOowan on Sunday, th steamer Mller having made two trlpa to accommodate th crowd. Th day was pleasantly spent at Key stone pork, and the excursionists did not return to th city until lata in the evening. They apeak in the highest term of the courtesy shown them by th Messrs. McOowan and Noonan, who left nothing undone to provide for th convenience of th visitors. A dance waa given during the afternoon. An Innovation Is now under way that rlvea promts of revolutionising the method of constructing downtown side walks. Will Madison la having a ce- ment walk Installed la front of bis Commercial street store, and If the plan prove successful, other mer chants will follow the example. The cement will be laid upon a wooden walk resting upon piling. Some of the contractors say the cement will crack, but others believe the experiment will be successful The Commercial Club baseball team took the Prides of Astoria down the line Sunday to the tune of 13 to 2. The Prides did not score until the ninth, when three hits brought in two runs. Time and again one of the Prides woulJ reach the third stopping place, and there the Commercials would kill him, At critical times Ilk there the club men played good ball, and, despite the superior hy of the Commercials, the game was really interesting. The fea ture of the contest was Harry Gra ham's sensational catch of a difficult foul fly that waa hit near the grand stand. Welch, center fielder for the Prldea, alsoi made a line running catch. Ten of the Prides died on bases, nearly a of them at the third sack. Ferguson batted out a home run and got a three-bagger. Two local slashers were yesterday given penitentiary terms by Judge Mc Bride. Charles Jackson (colored), who slashed Henry Busby with a knife about a week ago, waa arraigned upon a charge of assault with a deadly weapon and pleaded guilty. He was given one year In the penitentiary. Jackson had been involved in several cutting scrapes, and when he attacked Busby was drunk. Fred Llewellen waa given a penitentiary sentence of three years. A few ntghta ago he used a knife, In an attack upon E. L. Lewis, aa the result of a dispute as to the reason for Lewis' dismissal from a saloon at which both men worked. Lewis was badly slashed and caused th arrest of his assailant upon a charge of assault with intent to kill Llewellen pleaded guilty when arraign ed before Judge McBride yesterday and was given a three-year sentence. At a meeting of the Commercial Club last evening- C. R. Morse, George W. Ralston and Joseph Oribler were appointed members of the board of directors to fill some of the existing vacancies. A few of th other direc tor ax to be aounded for the pur pose of determining whether or not It la their deslr to continue to act The age limit question waa discussed at length. The opinion waa expressed that no person under the age of 21 yeara ahould be allowed the privileges of the clubhouse, although a few of the members seemed to entertain a different idea. Finally a committee was appointed, consisting of Charles H. Halderman, Charles H. Abercromble and P. B. Sovey, for the purpose of re vising the constitution and by-laws. This committee will report at a meet ing to be held on the night of Tuesday, July 12. It is the intention of mem bers of the committee to raise the age limit to 21 yeara and offer some few other changes. The membership of the club has fallen oft materially of late, but it Is hoped through renewed activity to restore it to Its former sat Isfactory proportions. safe from the building, and the stair way at the A. O. V. W. hall was also braced up. City Surveyor Tee succeed ed in removing his office yesterday, and is now at home in his new quarters. The auditor will occupy the rear of the building, while the surveyor's office Is on the north side of the floor. The balance of the floor will be used as the council chambers and police court The new jail In the Ferguson A Houston building will be completed In a few days. It will be a much more secure place of detention than the old Jail, the floor of which has rotted away. Ther will be flv cells and on large corridor In th temporary Jail, and an office for the chief of police The steel from the old Jail wilt be used In the temporary bastlie. Within a day or two the old city hall will . have been vacated. Yesterday Auditor Anderson commenced the work of removing his office to A. O. U. W. hall, and by tomorrow will be estab lished at the new location. The work of removing the big safe waa quite difficult The city bought the safe 25 yeara ago, and Its weight, 4500 pounds, caused the stairway at the old hall to collapse when It waa originally In stalled. It waa found necessary to strengthen the stairway to talc the PERSONAL MENTION. A. M. Sylvester of Seattle la In the city. Fred Hiatt of Clatskani Is In the city. A. F. Roger U down from Portland on business. Ky. J. Smith was down from Port land yesterday. p, J, Sullivan of The Dalles waa In the city yesterday. R. F. McComb la her from Portland os a business trip. J. R. Shaw and wife of Kentucky are guest at the Occident Dr. H. H. Hanson and wife of Butte are visiting In Astoria. A. B. McClellan of San Francisco Is registered at the Occident J. IL Johnson of Seaside was In the city yesterday on business. C, M. Celler was absent from the city on business yesterday. W. A. Sherman and bride have ar rived from San Francisco. John C McCue has returned from a week's visit in the Willamette valley, Mrs. t Cohen and eon, Edmund, left yesterday for Portland for a few days' visit , Captain Wlcklund of the Hammond live-saving crew waa In the city yes terday. Charles V. Brown returned yesterday from British Columbia and sound cities after an absence of a month. Mrs. Mary Regan, Miss June Regan and Master Paul Regan of Madison, Wis., are In the city for a month's visit with Dr. John Regan. Mrs. R. Breslauer and daughter, Miss Mamie, of Chico, Cal., who had been visiting relatives In the city, left yes terday for a pleasure trip to Port land and The Dalles. r Visit Your Eastern Friends. Low rates to all Eastern point via th North-western Line C St P. M. As O. Ry. Writ for particular to IL L. Slater. General Agent, 1S2 Third street Portland. Ore. Th Northern Paclflo Railway Com pany will place round trip ticket from Portland to St Louis and return on account of th world' fair on sale as follows: dun 16th, 17th and 18th. July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. August 8th, 9th and 10th. Sept 6th, 6th and 7th. Qotober Srd, 4th and 6th. Th round trip rat to 8t Louis and return from Portland will be 117.80. Tickets will be good for return via any direct line. A round trip rat of S72.H will also b mad from Portland to Chicago and return. If , passenger desire to take In both Chicago and St Louis th round trip rat will be 178.00. All tickets wUl be good tor 10 days from date of sal. Tickets will be goo going ten days from date of sale so that a limited stop-over can be bad on th going trip and on the return trip passenger oan stop at their pleas ure west of the Missouri river or 81 Paul. These rates apply via direct tines, but tf passenger wish to re turn through California tickets can be sold accordingly, but at an Increased fate of 118.50 added to above, For any additional Information de sired, call or address A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, TJorthern Paclflo Ry, 255 Morrison street corner of Ird. Portland, Or. TUB FAIR ROUTE, via Chicago or New Orleans to St Loots, Is on that give you th most for your money, and th fact that th ILLINOIS CENTRAL offer unsurpas sed service via these points to th WORLD'S FAIR, and In this connec tion to all point beyond, make It to your advantage, In case you contem plat a trip to any point east to writ us before making final arrangements W can offer th choice of at least a dosen different routes, R. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 142 Third street Portland, Oregon. 3. C LINDSET, T. F. A P. A. 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. F. B. THOMPSON, F. A P. A. Room 1, Celmaa Bldg, Seattle, Waaa A Rcnrarkbla Offer To the Vcmcn of Astoria and Vicinity Having in our Women's Suit Department and extraordinary took of FINE WALKING. AND DRESS SUITS, valued at from $15,00 to 139.00 a garment, we will offer them this week, take your pick from th lot, at $10.98 the W do this in order t av carrying them ever int th next Mason. Prudent wemen knew a bargain when they tee ft This Is a real en. A. -vDUNBAR M. Astoria's Finest Suit and Cloak Hetss, 4 FOARD a STOKES CO. i 1 We Have Added To our mammoth stocH of reliable goods at sacrifice prices a Dry Goods Department Filled with a complete list of all that is desirable in this line It Will Pay You To investigate our stock be fore purchasing. Where Your : Money Buys Host. H O O We bar tie nicest Us f iae lor ssnmer wear v ertr tuolef. Fit ritH PrSud ri at! vtar rlIL AH kaisers; ail sisea. Let skew yt. wherifvj uibiuii buiiiiJtiiiy THE LEADING, SHOE DEALERS. JH