The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 28, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Deinornino Jlstorinn
Bmail, per year i....... f6 00
By mail, per month... 50
By carriers, per month . . . .60
By mail, per year, in advance .... fl 00
podoes, on the James. The Times-Dispatch assorts
positively that "the confederates were the first to use
torpedoes as an effective enginery of warfare," and
that Maury, who, by the way, forgot his oath of al
legiance to the United States, was one of the most
I conspicuous contributors to their xise.
So it seems the introduction of torpedoes is to be
laid to Americans, after all. But it also seems they
I did not do the original inventors much good.
stance, one cargo of colonists comprised a score of
"gentlemen" and several hundred laboring men and
handicraftsmen. It is true that historians have added
a descriptive word to the selected class and called
them "gentlemen adventurers," but the idea of su
periority still endures; and in this age of genealogical
A publication that finds a logical place in the
library of both the historian and the geographer is
a bulletin (No. 226) entitled" Boundaries of the
United States and of the Several States and Terri
tories, with an Outline of the History of all Import'
. i
ant Changes of Territory," which has just been pub
lished by the United States geological survey for
gratuitous distribution. The author is Mr. Henry
Gannett, who prepared this paper in its first form in
1885, when it was published as bulleting No. 13. A
THE MODERN GENTLEMAN. Isecgnd edition, much enlarged, constituted bulletin
In some of our earliest immigration records the K'o. 171, published in 1900. The present work is
more favored arrivals were designated as "gentle- therefore a third edition, and is its own recora
men," says the Saturday Evening Post For in- mendation.
x Besides giving the present boundaries of the conn
try and of the several states and territories, as de
fined by treaty, charter, or statute, Mr. Gannett pre
sents briefly the history of all important changes of
territory and the laws appertaining to those changes.
IT Rhntffl hcvw th hmindnriM of mir ommtrv hava
research a familiar tragedy is the experience of a . fe provisional treaty of the United
proud son or a haughty dame going back through the U, ... R Britain in 17S2 hv th trwttv with
centuries and striking as a lineal ancestor a plain L . . m . . . fi ... ... fi
j- . i; i.i i i
aanaicraiisuuau msieau vi a uuiy auuit'iiucaieu i n i-oo i t i. imi ...
'gentleman." There is no cover for that kmd of L . n- . . ... . . . . ... n .
disappointment except a coat-of-arms-which need U . . . , v w . . . sWllirtnn tppatv
I V . V- It .-i. V. I J " J
iiuk uc uiswricai il n ue Soue. I . 4 t:. mi.
T-n 4rtAA Hatfa 4hA Intiii'mAriAn "rvAniliMYtnn " tn I
1UJOTu;aulCuralBU.MU1 gCUuciuu fl.,,iit;nna . W5nrv that W m Tn tV,
n j : n : t,..a : t : v I " ' - ,v
xuruiauy ui in urau eu,ui, urn ui America uiere . , . -nnsPnnt oh in hwnA.
lan ItnAM M m . .1 1 J Xri wiVAn vba en i9 tin . n I
ployment The other day the scion of a family that . p, - nn , f. Tpxaa P,in
Md won wealth and kept it was on the witness stand. Mexican Gdgden
He gave his occupation as "gentleman." It was A,aska purehMe find of
imdcrstood, of course, but the attorney for the other porto Gua- thfl rhilippine klmih
iiuc was uu respecter ui terms or 01 persons. ieanj Tutuila
Keu uiuiiuy. yiuiew meant oy genueman. a historical review Is iriven of the ehanna that
Km. i . iI
mere was an aara quaner ox an nour, ana in - th , .
the end the witness, by that time red with discom- Uunt is also presented of the wav in which the nr,
JCm 1 Jl .1 il ft 1 I
mure, aeciareauiat a gemieman was a person oi euu- ent boUlldary iines of the vari()US 8tates aml terri
4wuu nuu uiu uvi nave to w or lor nvmsr. Urt;rta .lLi rru t,
iwuva wan; uciciuucu. 1 ut; uuuciiu, iu anvil
iNoming Kins so swiiuy as riaicuie or absurdity. oontains : convenient form a irreat nnantitv of in
dii: i it. i- .i I c
Aiiia accounui lor me grauuai einnmavon oi genue- fonnation that will be useful to the student, teacher,
man as a aennuion ior uirectonesor omciai cer- legislator, and general reader,
iincates. And shall we can it the sarcasm of fate!
-thfi word that-takf thfl nliipp nf "cmntlomnn" in
r o I ri v c a.i mno .i-
xi,m ,.4.:i t i . i ( I veusus uureau nsrures inuieaie mui iu uus
jcountry produced more than a quarter of a billion
But while we smile let us remember that we have IT f b,ltummous vflued at nearly $:300,000,
not removed the gentleman from our social category,
LiHt of letters rvmalnlny unclulmej
for thirty duyi ot tht Aatorla pout-
oRIre June V, 1904:
AdamM, W. 8.
Beach. A. T.
Keek, Chna. & Co.
Berry, Albert Mr.
Hilling. George Mr,
Bositrth, John Mr.
Brooks, J. O.
Cnnedo, dube Mr.
Ciuitea. 8. L. Mr.
Ccvle, aw.
Copple, Juk Mr.
Cordero, Dorlta
IDowns, Thomas Mr.
Edwards, A. Mrs. ,
Hill. W. Willi
Howard. W. U Mrs.
Howley, D. J. Mr.
Levins, QumI Miss
McMath, Robert Mr.
Kelson, John Mr. .
Parker, George MY.
Randolph, E. j
Rous,. CD,
Thompson, K. B. Mrs.
Foreign Lttteri.
Astoria Packing Co.
Erlkson, Elnur H.
Carl. Teddle Miss
Qustafson, Herman Mr.
Ocean Parking Co.
Occident Packing Co.
Tolvanan, Rarl Sir
Tlltala, Edvard Mr. (!)
000; anthracite coal worth more than $76,000,000,
copper with a valuation above $71,000,000, gold of a
coining value exceeding $67,000,000; iron ore reache
a total of nearly $67,500,000, silver at coining figures
surpassed $70,000,000, and the petroleum total was
more than $71,000,000. Mines and quarries and oil
wells, together with smelters, reducing and refining
works, turned out the almost fabulous total of $884,'
040,869. This wonderful republic will not go into
the hands of a receiver until the stars grow cold
Eather have we given to the word a better signifi
cance. We can even surmise that there were more
real gentlemen among the handicraftsmen than among
the favored 20 who alone bore the appellation. Cer
tainly, history has shown who became the freemen
andrwho did the great work of liberty and nation
After all, there is really no new idea of the gentle
man, It is as ancient as the hills. "Though all the
honors of thy line bedeck thy halls, believe me.vvirtue !?. ";
alone is true nobility," said old Juvenal. "Olyfeive ;f Paring operations of surgeons which would never
me inborn worth ! If .thou really meritfthe character b-en attempted in the last generation now have
of bfameless integrity, of staunch love of iustice hothf,w OTrors ior the foremast experts with the knife
in words and deeds, then I recognize thy right to be Chicago an enterprising hiember tf the profes
tstemed a gentleman," ' " ,; '"' .swn hiWttiken six stitches in the outer edge of the
' " " , . . ' jjearj xf i boy who jiad been wounded by a bullet,
TORPEDOES AN AMERICAN INVENTIONS t is thought the patient may recover. Before
Speaking of the use of torpedoes in warfare,"a the thorough use of antiseptics so bold an experiment
New York morning paper says they were proposed w hardly have been thought of, but in this cen
but not developed in the revolutionary war, and that tury surgery has gone forward with giant strides,
only in two or three instances were they successfully ana in desperate cases in present conditions radical
nsed m the civil war. To this the Richmond Times- measurcs oi me exiremesi type nave proved ire.
Dispatch takes exception, as concerns the last clause, quently to be successful,
and refers to a paper contributed to its columns by
Colonel Richard L. Maury, son of Commodore Maury,
well known as a marine geographer and sometimes al
luded to as "The Pathfinder of the Sea," in imitation
f John Charles Fremont's title, "The Pathfinder,"
Colonel Maury maEes the claim that his father did a
"wonderful work "in developing the torpedo, and
that he "laid the foundations upon which the pres
ent torpedo service of the world has been built." He
claims that more than 40 Federal vessels were de
stroyed by confederate torpedoes, and the Times
Dispatch gives a brief account of the destruction of
ne of these, called "the Commodore Jones," and
what happened as a consequence. Says the Rich
mond paper: y'
"This vessel was sailing up James river unsus
picious of danger, but when near Deep Bottom a
torpedo was exploded under it and it was completely
destroyed. There were other federal vessels near by,
and these landed a force on the shore and captured
the confederates who were in charge of the torpedo
lattery there. All of the men captured were killed ;'
they were run down and bayonetted. " ! ' . ' .
In another instance cited a rebel steamer imitated
the Russian ships by getting hoist of the. rebel, tor-1
It has been figured out by the pension depart
ment at Washington that veterans of the civil war
are dyind at the rate of 90 per day, while soldiers'
widows are being gathered to their fathers 20 each
The Seattle Trade Register reports that the run
of salmon on the Columbia has materially increased
during the past week. Well, there's nothing quite
like going away from home for "news."
Mutual good will and helpfulness accomplishes
more in the active affairs of life than antagonisms
and contention.
Interest yourself in the sea wall proposal by at
tending the meeting of the chamber of commerce to
morrow night.
Five hundred and sixty thousand persons in the
United States are dependent upon the street cars for
supports "
Who's your choice for regatta queen!
Stanley's RtsL Title.
Th laurels that Stanley won were
earned by his own strength and en
deavor. He gave trade and clvlllia
tlon a new Impetus. 1 He did more to
chaneg the may of Africa and to give
the face of the world a new expres
sion than any other man since Wash
ington. In the empty title that he ac
cepted from the British government Is
to be found the only substitution of
shadow for substance In his career.
The hollowness and claptrap of knight
hood, supposed, by worshipers of rank
and privilege, to distinguish the great
from the little, add nothing to honors
won In the most difficult field of en
deavor. The glory that he gained from
the Jungles, fields, and streams of an
unexplored and almost Impenetrable
country was embellished with no new
luster by the "sir" which he permit
ted British aristocracy to place before
his name. He was a member of the
nobility of character and achievement,
and as such he needed no tile. He was
broad-minded and ingenuous. He en
tertained no Illusions regarding the re
lative positions of men. He was suf
ficiently democratic not to hide the
story of his humble origin, and fre
quently visited the poorhouse, where his
Interesting history begins. He knew
from many bitter experiences that It
Is not what a man Is born unto but
what he makes of himself that brings
rank. Posterity will forget Stanley,
the knight, but the future world of
commerce, art. Industry and Independ
ence will never forget Stanley, the ex
The only direct rout to the St
Louis world's fair and th East ts
via th O. It. & K. and Union Pacific
Th folowlng rate apply from As
torla: To et Louis and return.. 1(7.50
To Chicago and return , , 73.50
To Chicago, returning from St.
Lout or vie versa 70.00
To Chicago, returning via St
Louis or vie versa 7150
Returning via California, til.SO ad
ditional. For further particular, call oa or
Jdres O. W. ROBERTS,
Agent a R. 4k N. Co Astoria,
Driven to 0erattn.
Living at on out-of-th-wy pUc.
remote from civilisation, a family 1
often driven to desperation la cat of
accident, resulting In Burn. Cuts,
Wound, Ulcers, eta. Lay In a upply
of Bucln'a Arnica Salv. If th
best on earth; 5o. At Cha. Rostra
Drug Stor.
Th Worlo Pair Rout.
Those anticipating an aaatcrn trip,
or a visit to th Louisiana Purchas
exposition at St Louis, cannot afford
to overlook th advantag offered by
th Mlssurl Fsclflo Railway, which, on
account of It vsrlous route and gate
ways, ha been appropriately nsmtd
Th World' Fair Rout."
Passenger from th northwest take
th Missouri Pactflo train from Den
ver or Pueblo, with th chotc of either
going direct through Kansas City, or
via Wichita, Port Scott and Pleasant
UUI. ,
Two train dally from Dnvr and
Pueblo to it Lout without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, Including lctrIo lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining car. Ten
dally train between Kins City and
St. Lout.
Write or call on W. O. McDrtd. gen
eral agent, ill Third street, Portland,
for detailed Information and Illustrat
ed literature.
Th Orotto handle nothing but
straight liquor; bo blended goods In
th nous.
AsiMioy, U Hftitmmio Htrovt, Haa Knwmiwo,
(Vllforuln. Whore eunlrmou fur advurtliiluK
oan be made for It.
Pytalan Building, Aatoria, Oregon.
Dr. T. L. BALL
Dr. F. I. Friedrich,
Ml Commercial street, Astoria Or.
Dr. W. 0. LOGAN
678 Commercial St., 8banabaa Building
Insurance, Commlssloe and Shipping.
Agent Wella-Fargo and Northern
Pacldo Express Companies,
Aetlng aMUtanl lurgeoa
C.8. Marine Hospital Hervle.
Office hours: 10 to II a.m. 1 to 1:10 p.m.
17? Commercial Street, tnd Floor.
Mansell Bldg. 571 Commercial It
Maoell Building
573 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or
"Neglected cold make fat grave-
yards," Dr. Woods Norway Pin
Syrup belps men and women to a
happy, vigorous old ag.
Garment Workers Winning Out in New
New Tork, June 27. Leaders In the
strike of garment workers declare the
tie-up to be complete and estimate
the number of persons out at 35,000
to 10,000. In a day or "two 10,000 fin
ishers, mostly Italian' women who take
their work home, will be added to the
ranks of the Idle.
In whatever way the trouble may
end, It Is biggest clothing strike New
Tork has seen for at least six years.
Since the last big clothing strike the
population and the business have In
creased enormously, and It Is esti
mated that there are at least 20,000
more clothing workers In the city than
there were six years ago.
No wage demand has been made,
the strke being merely against the
open shop.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Supplies of All Kinds at Lowest Pries for Flshsrnwn, Farmers
and Loggers,
Branch Uniontowo, Phones, 711, t'oioatowrj, 713
Tsnth and Commercial Streets. ASTORIA, OREGON.
The TROY Laundry
la the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Best
of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in everyway worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE ST8. Phono 1991
Telephone 22L
raying and Expressing
All goods shipped to our car will receives pedal attention,
700-715 Ccmmerclal Street.
If It Is worth while to do businsss
at all it is worth while to do a lot of
it and this mesne, always, a propor
tionate amount of newspaper spsoe.
"I htS trouble with Br bowtli wklch u my
Mood Impure. My Im ih oTrd with pimplM
Irhleh do oitarnoi romodr could roiBOTO. 1 trl4
roar C.rarw ond f rl wm By Joy whoa th
Imploo dlioppoorod fwr month's atoody ato,
I hoys rooinmondod Ib.ra to U ny frtoada ana
altaafowJiaTo found rollof."
V run. oi r a.o, mmw ivn vi.y to
Best For
fluotat. PoI.Wblo, Potent, Taata Good, Pa flood,
' BttkoB, Wookoa or Orip. It. Mo. Mmr
Id la hulk. The tannin toblot tompow OCtt
aanatood to ar sr your money back
tarllag Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 80S
t:::'ii.stu.TEii::Lu:j aut;
Wo are thorough! prepared (or making
estimate, and executing order, (or
ail kind, of electrical installing and
repairing. Supplies in stock. W
tell th Celebrated SHELBY LAMP.
Call np Thon 1161.
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
rTTIIirillllllirilTITIIITTTTTTTTTTTrTll!. J,l8.,Tm
Hating Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of th
latest pattern I am prepared to do all kind of work
in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291.