The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 26, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 226.
Beat Hermli by Three Lengths
in World's Fair Handicap
Valued M Forty Thou
sand Dollars.
Track Was Heavy and Hermis Lost
After Last Grand Efforti
v . Moharlb Third.
mm before tne turn for horns wan
made, and wu going rapidly away
The horses pasted the wire with Col
onial Girl three lengths In the lend.
After the race Otto Stlfel presented
Jockey A. W. Booker with $10,000.
Owner of Colonial Girl Presents
Ten Thousand to Hooker,
Who Kode Her to
8t. Louis, June 2S.-olonlal Qlrl, 5
years old, owned by Otto Stlfel of fit,
Louis, running In the name of C. K
Rowe ft Co., won the World's Fair
handicap today In t:0H. The eastern
champion, Hermis, was second, three
lengths behind, and Moharlb third,
Colonial Olrl won the race very eunlly,
The World's Fulr handicap Is at a
mile and a quarter, and Is worth Ml.-
6wu o me winner. The track was
about six seconds slow.
Hermis got away In the lead, fol
lowed closely by Gold Heels, Moharlb
end Colonial Girl. At the three-quarters
pole Hermis seemed to hove the
race at bis mercy, but little Booker,
on Colonial air), noticing that the east
ern horse faltered and was tiring rap
Idly, sent Ms mount after him. Red
fern struck Hermis twice with his
whip as the Ht. Louis horse ran up
alongside of him, and Hermis shot out
Into the lead again, but It was his
dying effort. Colonial Girl overhauled
Ceuple Fell in Love While Employed
t lame Hotel..
Seattle, Wash., June 25. The story
reached Seattle today that Miss Mary
Havens, a white girl, formerly cashier
In the grill of the Hotel Portland, of
Portland, was married last Tuesday at
Spokane to , Eddie 8. Jones, colored,
who a few months ago was a waiter
In Spokane establishment.
According . to the Information re
ceived here, the ceremony was per
formed by Justice Hlnkle. Jones is
at present a waiter In the Spokane
hotel. Miss Havens went there two
weeks ago for the purpose, It Is said,
of wedding her colored sweetheart
The marriage license reads E. 8
Jones, of New York, and Mary Havens,
ef San Francisco. This was done, It
Is said, so friends of Miss Havens
would be thrown off the track. An
eye-witness to the ceremony said to a
newspaper correspondent today that
Miss Havens claimed to have been
queen of the Elks' carnival at Port
land, but here It Is believed that she
was only a contestant for the honor.
Miss Havens said that she learned to
love the colored boy when both of
them were working In the Hotel Port
land. Jones got a better Job at Spo
kane, and Miss Havens followed him
there. After the ceremony she said:
I know people will call me crasy
for marrying a colored man, but I love
him and he loves me. However, to
avoid Imagined disgrace, I hope my
people In Portland will not learn of
it." . I
Vice Presidential Candidate Greeted by
Noted Men and Thousands of
His Neighbors.
Hundreds of Steam Whistles Announced the Coming of His Train'
Struts Were Illuminated Fairbanks' Home Was Deco
rated Senator Beveridge and Others
Spoke at Length.
Indianapolis, June 25. The welcome ties and Including the mayor of the
extended to Senator Fairbanks today c,ty "J the governor of the state.
by the people of Indiana on his return
to his home from the republican na
tional convention at Chicago, where he
was nominated for vice president, was
very flattering and extremely gratify
log to the senator.
Crowds Greet the Train.
Fair-sized crowds were waiting at
all towns where the train was ached
uled to stop, and the vice presidential
candldute was given the closest ntten
tlon while he was speaking.
Fairbanks scarcely referred to politics
In the speeches he made during the
trip, as demonstrations In most In
stances were of a non-partisan nature,
Senator Fairbanks reached his home
Houses Illuminated.
Jiny houses were Illuminated, flags
were displayed and rockets brilliantly
piercing the darkness above, carried
In advance the news of the approach
of Senator Fairbanks at his home.
At the beautiful Fairbanks home fully
10,000 people were awaiting the par
ty. Cheer after cheer arose as Senator
and Mrs. Fairbanks alighted and en
tered their dooryard. In which a large
platform, profusely decorated, had been
erected. Seats had been arranged for
Senator tne Pakers and the guests. Mayor
Holtzmann first expressed to the Sen
ator the pride of his nelsrhbors and
their sln-ere welcome.
Senator Beveridge Spoke.
Senator Berldge was cheered hear
lily as he arose. The senator in his
speech promised Fairbanks the hearty
Two Bad Blue Eyes.
Seattle, Wash., June 25. Blue Eyes,
a bay Ally, won the Seattle derby to
day, defeating both George Berry and
Gatewoy and breaking by four sec
ond the track record for the distance,
one mile and a quarter. Time, 2:08'.
OUTING CLOTHES for Hen and Boys
Hart Schaffner & Marx outing suits are something more than simply thin cool clothes; you may as
well gat style in your outing suits as to buy clothes that are merely "put together." You may as well
have them fit your body and made so they will keep shape through the season, Instead of hanging like
a string In a couple of weeks.
You'll get such outing suits as you ought to have If you come here and ask for Hart Schaffner tc
Marx clothes. We'll show you the label; a small thing to look for, a big thing to find.
Hart Schaffner
fir Marec
Hand Tailored
city at 7:30 oclock tonight, the ap
proach of the special train bearing his support of tne peopie of Indiana, an(J
parly being announced by hundreds expressed the confidence that Fair
or steam wnmues ana uy uie unging oar':s would strive for what he be-
of bells. When the train stopped 10.- I llevesi best for the rermblin.
000 people cheered ana gave mm a in responding to the welcome, Sen
wave of welcome. In the crowd were ator Fairbanks declared he was over
several nuuuicu jiiuiiimeui ywio whelmed at the demonstration. He
the city representing all political par- wag touched keenly at the exDression
of regard, he said, on the part of his
fellow-towsmen. Fairbanks referred at
length to the number of noted men
sent forth by Indianapolis. He closed
his speech by thanking his neighbors
again and again.
At the conclusion of the speeches
for an hour or more people thronged
past shaking hands with the senator
and his party,
0WrriM 1W b, dw i&Oam Km
cording to the original program.
At the same time a cable message
was received from Rear AJmtnd Chad
wlck, suggesting that the squadron
leave Tangier for Gibraltar Monday,
and proposing an Itinerary which con
templates that the Brooklyn go to Ge
noa, the other ships remaining three
days as Gibraltar, six days at Tenne
rlffe, rejoining the flagship Brooklyn
at the Cape Verde Islands, when the
squadron would sail on the 17th for
Cape Town, remaining there two weeks
and reaching Montevideo on the date
proposed by the original itinerary.
It was said by the navy department
that the trip proposed by Admiral
Chadwlck -had been improved. Rear
Admiral Jewett, commanding the Eu
ropean squadron, which has been at
Tangier with Admiral Chadwlck In
command , is under the immediate
command of Rear Admiral Barker, com
manding the North Atlantic squadron,
now en route to Plreaeus, and will go
as he may direct, the original program
being that the two squadrons remain
together throughout the European
cruise of the battleship squadron.
Man Who Threw Himself From High
Building Left Note.
Detroit, June 25. Charles Swayne
evidently Intended to. kill Miss Effle
Aivora wnen he asked her to meet
him at his office here yesterday, and
then kill himself. This is proven by
letter which he left for his wife
Murdered Farm Hand Near Fort
Leavenworth During a Quar
rel Then Terrorized
C the Town.
Followed by Posse lit Barricaidl
Himself in a Private Dwc&tj
and Shot Two Men.
Army Man Finally Effects i
Capture After All Others Fall
Had to Shoot the
Man Said Woman Shot Him
While Jealous.
Butte, Mont, June 25. Richard J.
Flnnegan, a married man, who recently
came to Butte from Chicago, was shot
In a house In a lonely quarter several
miles from the' city In the vicinity of
Mount Morlnh cemetery, yesterday, and
he died from the effects of the wounds
at 1 o'clock this morning. In a state
ment signed by Flnnegan before he
died, he says Mrs. Llzsle Morrison
shot him during a fit of jealous rage.
Neighbors, alarmed by the man's
cries and the sound of the shooting,
rushed Into the house and found Fln
negan lying perfectly nude on ' the
floor, the body bathed In blood. He
had been shot through the lungs and
head. For a number of hours Flnne
gan stubbornly refused to divulge the
name of his assailant, but late last
night, when he realised the approach of
death, weakened and told the story of
the shooting.
Flnnegan said Mrs. Morrison fired
twice at him in the dark as he lay
in bed, but missed him. Thinking to
deceive her Into believing him dead, he
remained perfectly still, but when she
advanced to the bed and placed the
muscle of the revolver against his
body, he grappled with her, and dur
ing the struggle she fired two bullets
Into him.
The police thus tar have been unable
to locate the woman. Flnnegan has a
wife and five children living In Chi
and which was made public today.
This letter Is addressed to "Darling
Wife and Children,' and opens as fol
forgive me for this last terrible
act of my life. God knows I love you
dearly, but our once happy home is
ruined by my own weakness and the
plotting of malicious enemies."
The letter then tells how friends had
failed him, and "turned the cold shoul
der"; says that "she" was only a tool
In the hands of his enemies, and con
eludes with a warning to his wife to
be careful of any money that come to
her, and asks her to try and teach
his little girls to think kindly of their
father. .
Miss Alvord, who was shot by
wayne before be plunged from the
eleventh story window, is in no dan
ger. ' v
Coroner Gets Infection from General
Slocum Victims.
New York, June 25. Coroner
O'Gorman, who has handled most of
the bodies recovered from the Slocum
disaster, has contracted blood poison
ing. He pricked a finger of the right
hand while removing a breastpin from
one of the bodies last Sunday, although
he wore rubber gloves. Within a short
time the finger began to swell and the
poison spread rapidly. The usual treat
ment has thus far failed to check the
spread and antl-toxlne probably will
be Injected Into the coroner's arm to
Leavenworth, Kas., June 23. George
P. Cole, a deserter from the Thirtieth
Infantry, who has been employed, g
a farm near this city, got Into a quar
rel with William Hammond, another
farm hand, and without warning shut
him through the heart Cole, wita the
revolver in his hand, passed through
the main business streets of the ciljr.
which were crowded with womea aid
children shoppers; warning every one
to keep away from him. A posse of
police officers in charge of Chief of
Police Taylor hurried to the scene.
and about forty shots were exchanged
Charles F. Seeley, a newspaper man
of Minneapolis, who happened to be
in the crowd following the man, and
Joseph Besser were shot down wits
bullets through the left groin. Cole
took refuge In a private dwelling, and
when Captain Taylor entered ana
called upon him to surrender he shot
twice at the officer, who returned the
fire, laying Cole low with a bulk
through the right temple.
Admiral Chsdwick to Take His Squad-
ron to South America.
Washington, June 25. As Perdlcarls
and Varley have been returned to their
home In Tangier, the navy department
today cabled orders to Rear Admiral
Chadwlck to proceed on his cruise ac-
Worked Too Hard in College and Is
Boston, June 25. Miss Helen Kel
lar, the gifted deaf and dumb and blind
student at Radcltffe college, has brok
en down and Is reported to be on the
verge of nervous prostration. She be.
gan to fall two months ago and was
ordered by her physician to abstain
from college work. It Is believed she
will get a degree with the class of
1904 In spite of her Inability to fill all
the requirements.
Defeats Fast Field and Wins a
Stake at Sheepshead Bay,
New York, June 25. Driven to the
limit In the last few strides, the fa
vorite, Irish Lad, won the $15,000 ad
vance stakes at Sheepshead Bay to
day, making a new world's record of
2:1? 3-5 for a distance of 13-8 miles,
the previous record by Sabine, at Chi
cago in 1894, being 2:18 3-4. Ort
Wells was second, and Bryn Mawr
Beat Out Princeton in Olympic Con
test at World's Fair.
St Louis, June 25. The Oljmpie
college athletic championship games.
held today under the auspices of the
World's Fair Olympic Games Associa
tion, early developed Into a struggle
for supremacy between Chicago haS
Princeton unlversitiea
Chicago won the championship, ana
Walton B. Stevens the silver trophx
with a total of TO points, defeating
Princeton by 10 points. Other aosrest
Michigan Agricultural college, ;
University of Illinois, 5; Stanford, l
President Receives Panama Mini st re.
Washington, June 25. America an!
the infant republic of Panama formal
ly joined hands today, when President
Roosevelt received Senor D. J. de Obal
dla, the recently appointed minister
of the republic. The exchange tt
greetings, official and formal thougk
they were, were particularly felicitous
and hearty.
Woman Tennis Champion.
Philadelphia, June 25. Miss May
Sutton of Pasadena, Cal., today be
came the national woman tennis cham
pion by defeating Miss Elizabeth Moore
of New York In straight sets.
Pacific Coast.
. At Portland Los Angeles, 0; Port
land, 4.
At Tacoma Oakland, 3; Tacoma, 1.
At Seattle San Francisco. 0; Seat
tle, 5.
Pacifio National.
At Spokane Salt Lake, 3; Spo
kane, 4.
At Boise Butte, I; Boise, L
At Boston New York, 6; Boston,!.
At Detroit Chicago, 3; Detroit, a.
At St Louis Cleveland, t; St
Louis, 5.
At Washington Philadelphia, ft;
Washington, 3.
At New York Philadelphia, i; Sew
York. . .
At Pittsburg Chicago, 3: Pffits-
burg, 0.
At Brooklyn Boston, 9; Brooklyn, I,
At Cincinnati St. Louis, 3; Cincin
nati, 10.
The Weather.
Portland, June 25. For Oregon:
Sunday, partly cloudy and occasional??
threatening; cooler In west and warm
er In east portion.