The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 25, 1904, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAQfe TWO.
Mercantile Reports Show That Country
Trade Is Extensive Except in
the Southwest.
can hope to do, but It doi mean that
tha central point and principal pur
pose of my candidacy haa bwn to crys
tallise thla Issue ao that tt will be
neither overlooked nor neglected."
For free deliberation at the 8t Louli
convention, the adoption of an honest
and progressive, and therefore genu
inely conservative platform, and for
Democratic aucceaa at the polls, Mr.
Hearst will work with Senator Gor
man and all other democrats.
For the Ladles.
To the gtrl attaintne womanhood, the
young woman, and those of maturer
years, during the recurring times ol
depression and discomfort, when Na
ture requires a mue, assistance,
are a special boon. See special instructions.
Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and iSo.
If your ehett measure la 42, a 34
oat would be a little uncomfortable
I and would oauea some eomment among
your friends., Is your advertising ex
penditure out too small for your bust
nets sheet measurement?
'Till you caH at or write to the Chi
cago, Mtlwaukoa A4 Bt Paul Railroad
Office 134 Thlrt street, Portland, Ore.
Low rates to all points east. In cosneo
tlon with all transcontinental.
II. 8. ROWS,
Oeneral Agent
New York. June 24. Reports to the
International Mercantile agency from
commercial centers throughout the
United States Indicate greater activity
In general business, especially In the
southwest. This applies to most
branches of dry goods, at good de-
are also In demand with best qualities
selling well. A large business has
been done in bats, and millinery dur
ing the week.
The labor situation Is decidedly bet
ter. The tlerup on the great lakes,
which has been so long a disastrous
roand for mens' apparel in lightweight J hindrance Is at an end. and from now
mrmonti Wholesale houses in the I on the industries that suffered most
Chicago district report heavy buying i
for fall dellery with clothing, dry
goods and shoes in beat demand. Ad
vices to that center from tributary
points suggest fair Interior trade and
nromlsina- outlook for the future.
These conditions are modified, ol
course, by disturbance in certain cen
ters where jobbers announce a falling
off as compared with last year's or
ders. The volume of business at the
north and northwest to materially be
low 190S. Here, as elsewhere, the ap
proach of a presidential election, with
(he feeing that general trade had
Blackened have been effective In re
stricting operations in various indus
tries. "With the general hopeful feeling
about the crops, distribution of mer
' chandise has been expedited and sen
timent materially Improved. Collec
tions are still slow and in the neigh
borhood of Baltimore show a falling
off for the week- In Pennsylvania
the same tendency has been felt St.
Louis territory shows up well with ac
tive dry goods trade and heavy orders
for fall deliveries. Boots and shoes
! from the blockade are likely to be un
usually active. There is already a
great rush of work at the docks, and
To keep sweet amid a hundred and
one distractions and irritations, not
to go to pieces over trifles, and when
heavy loads and big problems come
still to be serene and sunny this is
the finest of tine arts. Do we gle
half enough attention to Its cultiva
tion? Don't we think that It is a good
deal more Important to moke a lot of
money .to get on in our profession, to
succeed in politics, to acquire social
while it may not be possible to make position, to write a book? All excel-
good the losses sustained, the net re- lent things in their way. but to ae-
suit of the strike may average a complish them at the sacrifice ot one's
a private exhibit of tobacco for the
African and West Indlun trade, aUo
a special display of Montgomery coun
ty fine tobaccos.
The tobacco exhibit Is surrounded
with large columns veneered with to
bacco a nd connected by ropes of
twisted tobacco, decorated with large
tassels of tobacco. Every column Is
surmounted by an urn of tobacco con
taining a tobacco plant On every
column appears the word "Tennes
see, and every one la artistically dec-
! orated with tobacco In twists, plugs
to Chicago and all points east; Louis
ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all
points south.
Hftil varlmia hartAei Tha wnrb xttnm I
smaller falling off in total volume of weemes. or 8P. ; aer an. now fcy , c KtM9 for thJ
business done than was , first feared the best thing in lire.
The striking machinists are still out I Really, now, how can any one do
at Chlcago,but the lockout In the more food than by keeping sweet? Tou
shhoe industry Is still over. Business don't have to cross the ocean or wait
continues dull throughout New Eng- until next week to begin. Tou don't
land witb little change from last week, have to acquire a college education
Shoe manufacturers are receiving first Tou can start this morning to
fair orders for spring goods, but most practice the art Tou are working In
branches of dry goods are very quiet the midst ot people who constantly
Revlal of Investment buying of rue your temper? Well, then. If you can
bonds has been the feature ot chief keep sweet you will be a marked man
significance at New York. Investors a mighty Influential one, too, In
in all parts of the country have sent! that office or in that factory. You,
past 0 years haa been president ot the
Clarksville (Tenn.) Tobacco Board of I
Next to Tennessee's pretty display
of tobacco la the Connecticut exhibit,
consisting of a large glass case filled
with Havana seed leaf, canvas cured
Sumatra leaf, and cigar fillers and
Virginia's tobacco exhibit Is guard
ed by Pocahontas, who In a statue
draped with tobucco leaves stands up
on a high pedestal of tobacco. Her
lee that your ticket reads via the
Illinois Central R, R. Thoroughly mod
era train connect with all transconti
nental Unas at St. Pmut and Omaha.
If your friends are coming west let us
know and we will quote them direct
the specially low rates now la effect
from all eastern points.
in orders for high class securities and! father, are rounding- corner at nl-ht
the demand has been sufficiently broad Uer exceptionally aggravating day ,cftnt c,oth,n u tobftCC0' her moc
to Justify the belief that with the re- ln business, but there looms in sight
lease of the July dividend fund next your home a haven of refuge. How
week a great deal ot surplus capital vnil ta -nrPV vnrnt for the
next 12 or 15 hours there? You may
will be permanently invested. This I
weeks demand for bonds at New York not carry home much money In your
has been chiefly for the four per cent
issue is selling around par.
Military to Be Taken Away From the
Cripple Creek District.
Denver, June 24. The News today
After a lengthy conference, between
Acting General Haggott and Adjutant
General Bell, a reduction of the mill
tary force in the Cripple Creek district
and a change in the disposition of the
remaining forces has been determined
There Is no prospect of martial law
being declared off or that the military
will be wholly withdrawn in the im
mediate future, said the general.
The step we are taking must not
be construed to mean such withdrawal
Martial law and the soldiers are here to
stay indefinitely. We simply have the
situation so in band as to be able to
rearrange the forces to advantage."
Indian Educators.
St Louis, June 24. A congress of
Indian educators will be held at the
exposition from June 27 to July L An
invitation has been extended to all
those interested In Indian education to
be present and a large attendance Is
Among those who have ben invited
t make addresses are Dr. J. T. Doyle
of Washington, D. C; W. S. Jackson,
University of Chicago; Dr. Alvin Pabst
of Leipzig, Germany; G. Stanley Hall,
president of Clark university, Wor
cester, Mass., and Miss Emily S. Cook
of Washington, D. C.
Will Study Russian History.
New York, June 24. In following a
policy adopted during the Boxer
troubles in China, when a department
of Chinese was established, Columbia
university has announced that next fall
a lectureship In Russian history will
be started under the auspices of the
faculty of political science. The first
Incumbent of the new chair will be
Dr. Vladimir Simkhovitch, who has
been the supervisor of the department
of serials in the university library.
pocket, you may be dreading the strain
that awaits you tomorrow with the
opening of a new business day, but
this much you can carry home a
sweet spirit. You can grit your teeth
and say. "Come what will, I will be
kind anil decent to mv own."
Thai frtllmvlno. AiMtnrlfll finm fViA Can I
I Sweetness does not mean absence of
Francisco Examiner will give people an I strength. It is out from the strong
maple that the sugary sap trickles ln
Would Make Anti-Trust Campaign
He Is Nominated.
A Queer Question.
Professor Leopold Barisen Is in
charge of the great X-ray machine in
the Educational building'' at the St
Louis fair, and, naturally, In this po
sition, he Is called upon to answer in
numerable strange questions.
Professor Barisen recounted the
other afternon the odd queries about
X rays that some boys had put to him
ln the morning.
"I was rather In the position," he
said, "of a Harvard instructor who was
lecturing on oxygen.
"'Oxygen,' the Instructor said, 'is
essential to all animal existence; there
could be no life without It; and yet
strange to say, it was discovered only
a century ago.
" What did they do, then,' a student
asked, "before it was discovered,
accurate line on the democratic battle
cry should W. R. Hearst be nominated
at St Louis:
Tne New Torn Tribune, usually a
careful newspaper, takes liberty with
the truth ln asserting that Representa
tive Hearst is a party to the reputed
"Gorman-Guffey-Tammany combina
tlon" In the Interest of Senator Gor
man as a presidential aspirant and
that there are "dally Increasing Indies
tlons that Hearst and Gorman will have
an understanding at St Louis."
Mr. Hearst has the highest res pecs
for Senator Gorman as an able public
man. He recognizes that the Mary
land , statesman enjoys the confidence
and support of an important propor
tlon of the democratic party, especial
ly in the south.
But Mr. Hearst has not entered Into
man of the kind stated or any other
arrangement The Tribune can get
confirmation of this, if it wishes, by
applying to Senator Gorman himself.
Nor has Mr. Hearst made arrange
ments, or combinations, or bargains,
with any of the other gentlemen spoken
of for the presidency.
Mr. Hearst is not playing "practical"
politics. He has gone before the demo
cracy of the United States as a candi
date for the presidential nomination be
cause he believes in eertaln principles
and policies for which he thinks the
democratic party should stand at this
Juncture in the nation's affairs. As
he said ln a recent interview:
I do not regard the presidency as
an end, but as an opportunity. I would
not deem it worth while merely to be
pointed out as the man who is pres
ident, but I would give all I possess to
be pointed out as the man who, when
caslns are of tobacco and tobacco is
found In many gloss caces around her.
The columns of tobacco, connected by
tobacco ropes, extend along the entire
exhibit connecting these three states
with Kentucky, whose tobacco exhibit
consists of many cases of leaf tobacco.
presses full of leaf, stacks of plug In
boxes and models of tobacco ware
houses, drying houses, presses, etc.,
and a field ot tobacco.
The entire display Is both instruc
tive and attractive and shows world's
fair visitors how the seductive weed Is
cultivated, cured and marketed.
Any Information as to rates, routes,
etc, cheerfully given on application.
OB. It. TRUMDUuL, Commercial
Agent 141 Third street Portland, Or.
J. C. LINDSBT, T. F, P. A.. 14
Third street Portland, Or.
P. B. THOMPSON. F. A. P. A.,
That Throbbing Hoadaohe
UTsiiM Mltllr 1u Issva it ami itauut
fTVUVt uivew owe, v w vu sa j wta m-wmif
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
ot sufferers nave proved moir maicn
less merit for Bick and Nervous Head
aches. They make pure blood and
build up your health. Only IS cents;
money back If not cured. Bold by
A..& C. R. R.
H.DOt.m i
Tort land Union
7,00 p.m depot (or Astoria
11.10a. ra
JMO p.m
7 ah -... t i.,ni,
610 p. J
'ortiauii and I Il.80a.ta
wsy points J 10.80 p m
5 Mp.tii
, Arrlva
ur trarrenvuu,
Hammond, Ft
Ntevens, Haasitle
M0.40 a,ta
7.40 ata
0.15 a. mil
IM ftm f Jfor Astoria direot lliio"pj
beabidej Arrive
otevtms. Hem.
9,80 a.m ( mnnd.Astorla J 7.20 p.m
Additional train leave Astoria dally
mm 1 I rt - ,1 m
t ti.av av. hi, tur iu puinia vn cv
Btevena Branch, arriving Ft Stevens
11.10 p. ttl, returning, leaves Ft Stev
ens at 100 p. m arivlnr Astoria 141
p. m.
Sunday only.
Ail trains make close connections at
Ooble with ail Northern Paolfla
trains to and from the East and Sound
General Freight and passenger Agent
spring ' days. Indeed, sweetness is a
component element of all strong na
tures. President Elliot ot Harvard unl
veslty is a shining example of thla
He has had more than his ordinary
share ot fighting to do. He has been
misunderstood and misrepresented, but
his urbanity has been unfailing, his
plain and gentle way of stating unwel
come truths, of championing unpopular
positions, has bad much to do with
converting people to his way of think
ing. Sweetness of spirit does not mean
namby-pamby-ness; It is the velvet
glove under which is the iron hand. It
Is a kind of buffer which strong na
tures interpose between themselves
and the world's hardness.
"Keeping sweet? Why, that is easy
enough," says some one. Just try it on,
then, friend, for half a day.
8now In Montans.
Butte, Mont, June 24. An Inter
mittent snowstorm has been raging in
this city since 8 o'clock last night. The
mountains are covered with a coating
of white, though in the valleys the
snow is melting about as fast as It
falls. The temperature ranged during
the night between 30 and 40 degrees
above zero.
While the storm appears to be gen
eral throughout the state It is not
ight the stock interests will su:
though some damage may result to the I
crops and early fruit
0- . 1
To 8pokana, St Paul. Minnei
Duluth, Chicago, St Louis, and all
points esst and south.
Depart from Arrive
roitri.Asr , .
I'orlUnd Mult Denver. Kl
Hmu Worth, onmlm, Kn- tMpa
fctos.m. nCUj,HlUiul,
vl Hunt- t'nicimoaod Uie Ktt
A Mantle
hipraui Hnlt Uk, Itawvor Pt
8.15p m. Worth, Oirmtm, Ka- lid am
Ington Cl4iM(o and Ue Kant
gt-Psul Walla Walla, fnwl
A hMthUII ton. HpokHim.Mlimo.
f 1 :44 p.m. SIK.1U. HI I'.ul, liuluth s copm
I vlafipo- Milwaukee, Chicago,
kane and Kant '
Uriu the Christisn.
A Boston man, a graduate of An
napolis, recalling his cadet days, says
that among the most Interesting of his
classmates were admiral Uriu and the
late Philo McGlffln the only Christian
In the naval academy. On Uriu's ur
gency McGiffln atended the Young
Yes, we found the baby playing with
a volume of verse."
Indeed? He will probably turn out
to be a poet."
But he tore the verse up and tossed
them out of the window."
"Did, eh? Well, that shows he's go
ing to be an editor." Nashville Amer
Daylight trip across the Cssesds and
Rooky Mountains.
The only direct route to
Louis world's fair and the
the St
East is I
For tickets, rates folders and full In
formation call on or address
City Ticket Agent
122 Third Street, Portland, Or.
S. O. YERKES. G. W. P. A...
612 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Men's Christian Association services I via the O. R. & N. and Union Pacific.
and the odd couple, the little Jap and
the big Yankee, became Inseparable
chums. The destinies of the two were
widely different. McGiffinfought for
China ln the war of ten years ago and
probably against Uriu. McGi n'slife
closed in madness and he died self-
slain. Urln has mounted to the high
est honors of his profession.
Will Meet Cut Rate.
New York, June 24. All the steam-
ghlp lines have announced they will
president stopped the trusts from rob- meet the Cunard cut in steerage rates
bing the people." on steamers bound from this Dlace with
Mr. Hearst hopes that the St, Louis t reduction of $10 for certain steam-
platform will take no backward step, erg ealllng to Mediterranean ports.
but declare with all possible frankness This brings the steerage rate to Naples
and strength for a progressive democ- down to $20.
racy which will make war in behalf
of the whole people upon the special
Interests that own the republican party,
possess the government and use it
for their private profit
Mr. Hearst will appear at the con
vention as a representative of
The folowlng rates apply from As
To St. Louis and return $67.50
To Chicago and return 72.50
To Chicago, returning from St.
Louis or vice versa 70.00
To Chicago, returning via St.
Louis or vice versa 73.501
Returning via California, $13.50 ad
For runner particulars, can on or
address G. W. ROBERTS,
Agent O. R. & N. Co., Astoria.
mm Mm
Tsese tiny Capsules are superior
to Baisam ot topaiDa.
v,uoeui or injections anniyn-,
the tame diseases with
out Inconvenience.
.fWRMseSL s
Shoit LINE
makd UmonPacific
70 hours from Portland to Chicago.
No change of cars.
From Astoria
Ail sailing dates subjsct to change.
For San Francisco every five days,
Dally ex
cept Hun
duy at7am
Columbia River to
I'oruaua aua Way
4 am
Daily ex
cept Mon
Direct Line to St. Louis World's
steamer Mancotta leaves Astoria on
the tide DAILY Fort ii.wArn
connecting there with trains for Lonf
Beach, Tioga and North Beach points.
Returning arrives at Astoria same
Through tickets to and from all prin
cipal European cities.
O. W, ROBERTS, Aarent,
Astoria, Ore.
rlli,T and Unit Onnlm.
Several States Make Artistie Diiplay
of ths Seductive Weed.
St. Louis, June 21. Tobacco plays
the its part at the world's fair, the several
democracy which upholds the rights tobacco exhibits being the most com-
of the American people as against the piete and comprehensive ever seen at
privileges of the few who despoil them any fair. In the center of the Ten-
and debauch the country's politics and Lessee exhibit is a model tobacco barn,
government m tne way of business. fined with leaf tobacco hanelnsr un to
This," as he has already said, "li cure. Surrounding the bam are num-
The World's Pslr Route.
Those anticipating an eastern trip,
or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition at St Louis, cannot afford
to overlook the advantages offered by
the Mlssurl Pacific Railway, which, on
account of its various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately named
"The World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the northwest take
the Missouri Pacific trains from Den
ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either
going direct through Kansas City, or I
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to St Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment Including electric lighted obser-
, In Itl.ll mt Volif boiM, M.M
wltn blu. fllihno. 'J brnothir. RtiftiM
laltfM-OIM NnhltutlMM. mm A llt.
lliH. Bur of rour OrwiMl.l. or md . la
nuiiia Itor I'arUrHlnra, 1'MtlaHnlal
od Hrllaf far lea," fci Mur, .j ra.
I Ma MalL 1 M.0OII ThiIhiibI.. UakA mm
.11 fkv.-Hl.l. J'kl.L . ... l .
Every Woman
, U UMRXUhI and innuin (now .
alxiiil (lie wuiuiarrui
MARVEL Whirling Spray
iThn niiir Varlaal HjHaaa. Jnlm.
nana amium. mm mi.
JNk. aj mt Mnat Cmvanlenr.
V A. .T--yrNJC UtlaaaanlMMIr.
kA ran 4nnlil Ibr It.
If t)A mmtolaminlv 11
HAHWKIj. urant no
olhar. but amid itatiin for
llllutiatixllKiik-w.lfa. ItgtTM
full nartlmilaraarul dlrHTtliinl In-
TaluKlilB to laillm. MSHt'KLl'O.,
l aritaMw, w bvi-m.
not to be taken as meaning that I feel erous glass cases filled with tobacco,
that I am the only candidate who can the three distinctive Tennessee varle-vati0n parlor cafe dinloig cars. Ten
propeny present wis issue. I have no I ties being shown. They are the East dally trains between Kansas City and
qoudi mat mere are tnousands. if Tannaiou lio-M n- fcnmo.fraii tnh.A.
St. Louis.
t . M m At I
uui nunureaa 01 wousanaa or Demo- co; the Middle Tennessee dark, or ex-1 Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen
erate thoughout the country who might port types, and the West . Tennessee oral agent 124 Third street, Portland,
represent this issus and appeal to the brown. There are some cases of fine I for detailed Information and Ulustrat-
people as Us exponent as well as IlBurleys and other choice tobaccos, and 1 ed literature.
(nth MilpitOplia
rsx A rssiTivs CURI
''if' V IorIn(!ammaUnOTO(itrT
A M ? th 1"lder and SlMaaaj
Olj Cora tloUr?oa lora!
IS liantir lb wonl euu ol
4aarri04 and UlMt,
po mat tor of how loot itaad
Inc. Abaolstaly barailM.
Sold bf dratrUta, rrlot
f 1.00, or br mail. Ft'ifniit
1.00, t boia( i3.k
Sold by Chas. Rogers, 4SI Commercial'
" Best
by Test"
A transcontinental trav
eler says: 'Tvo tried them
all and I prefer the
western Limited
It's the best to be found from
coast to coast,"
,.' It's "The Train for Com
fort" every night in tho year
between Minneapolis, St.
Paul and Chicago.
Before starting on etrlp-no matter
wherewrit for Interesting Informa
tion about oomfortable f rivaling.
H. L SISLER, General Agent
132 Third St Portland, Oregon.
General PamienKpr Ajrent
Bt. Paul, Mian. " ... . ,