The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 25, 1904, Image 1

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Resignations of Knox and Cortcl
'you Are Accepted to Date i
i from the First of
Cortelyou Takes Charge of Cam
paign and Knox Goes to the
Senate In Quay's Place.
Jew Men to lie Secretary of
Navy. Secretary of Commerce
aud Labor and Attor
ney General.
Washington, June S4. A tweeplng
change In tbt cabinet of President
Rooeevelt waa announced officially at
the white bouse today. Tha statement
laaued by Secretary Lob follows:
Tha following cabinet appointment
were announced:
William II. Moody. Maesachuaetta,
attorney general.
Paul Morton, Illlnola, secretary of
tba navy.
Victor II. Metcalf, California, aecre
tary of commerce and labor.
The raalgnatlona of Secretary Cor
telyou and Attorney General Knox
have been accepted, to take effect
July X.
aecretary Knoic In hta letter atatea
briefly that he hue been appointed to
represent Pennsylvania, In the United
fttatea aenate. He concludoa with an
expreaalon of admiration for the pres
ident and thiinka him for hla uniform
klndneaa. In accepting Knox'a reslg
nation, Roosevelt expresses peraonnl
regret and mentlona the lone the coun
try BUHtalna. Nevertheleae, the presl
dent realises tha aervlcea of Knox In
the aenate. He concludes by congrat
ulating Knox on hla auccesa aa attor
ney general and upon the deep and
laatlng mark he haa made.
,ort BitttrtoaJ &&t
' 1
Admiral Togo Sinks One Battleship
Badly Damages Two Other Rus
sian Vessels.
NO. 22:
First Class Cruiser of Diana Type Badly Damaged and Battleship of Sevastopol
Type Crippled Engagement Occurred Thursday Port Arthur Squadron
Emerged and Offered Battle, Then Rotired Inside the
Protected Harbor of Port Arthur.
Teklo, June (MS m.) Admi
ral Tag reports an engagement at
Port Arthur Thursday, In which a Rue-
alan battleehlp was sunk and two other
Russian vessels badly crippled.
Toklo. June 26. A report haa been
received at headquarter from Admiral
Togo atatlng that on Thursday the
Ruaalan Port Arthur fleet emerged
from the harbor and offered battle.
It waa thought at Bret that the csur'a
ahlpa were attempting to escape, but
Russians picked up by the Japanese
veaaels refuse to state if such waa the
case. During the engagement one Rua
alan battleablp of the Pereavlet tpye
waa sunk, her crew going down with
her, Borne were rescued by small
boats from the other Ruaslan vessels.
A battleship of the Sevastopol typo
was badly crippled and a first-class
cruiser of the Diana type was so badly
damaged that she required assistance
from other boats of the fleet After
the alnklng of the battleship, the Rus
sian vessels retired into the harbor.
The Japanese did not follow within
range of the guns on the heights. The
Japanese fleet was practically undamaged.
Attack on Port Arthur.
Chicago, June 24. A special to the
Dally Newe from Chef 00 says:
Another demonstration took place oft
Port Arthur yesterday, Firing began
from the forts about 10 a. m. and
continued until 10 p. m.
At 8:20 p. m. the same evening the
fire began heavily from the bluff, with
much activity of the aearchllghta, In
dicating the approach of torpedo-boats,
A little later the Bound of more distant
firing was heard, evidently from the
land side of Port Arthur, continuing
until t:20 this morning.
During that period there was almost
Interrupted thunder as of field guns
and volley firing, punctuated with
crashes of siege guns.
It aeema aa though the Japanese In
tend to wear out the defenders by con
tinuous night activity before making
the final
simultaneous sea and land
Gensrala Join Forces.
, Llao Tang, June 24. It is reported
that Generals Oku and KuroScl have
joined forces and are advancing from
the direction of Vafangow.
There la talk of a serious engagement
shortly. ; '
Warship Will Be Sent to Demand
Redress for Stoning of
French Minister
Decision Was Arrived at by the
Council of Ministers at Paris
Yesterday. ,
Jsps Occupy Kaichau.
lerlln, June 24. General Gaedke,
correspondent of the Tageblatt in the
far east, says that on June 22 the
Japanese occupied Kaichu and a de
cisive battle of the united armies of
Gen. Oku and Gen. Kuroki with the
Russian main army is expected shortly.
Ths Westhsr.
Portland, June 24. For Oregon:
Saturday, fair; warmer except near
St. Petersburg, June 24. A
ferryboat, while crossing the
Khoper river, a tributary of the
Dnelper,' 'near Roeotufu, was
sunk with all on board. Sixty
bodies have been recovered and
over 160 are still numbered
among the missing. An Inquiry
will be made at once by the
Catsini Did Not Complain.
8t. Petersburg, June 24. Count Cas
slnl, Russian ambassador at Washing
ton, has pot reported any complaint
agalnNt Lieutenant Commander Taki
shlta, naval attache of the Japanese
legation, aa a result of his "Banset"
toast at the dinner of the American
Asiatic Association at New York, June
1, when Prince Pu Lun of China was
a guest.
Clothes For Active Men
The harder you are
on your clothes the
more reason for being
sure they're Hart,
Schaffner & Marx
These clothes are not
only made to look well;
but they're made for
wear. And as long as,(
they wear they look
well. You will find
them the most economi
cal clothes you ever
had both for the service
they'll give you and for
the satisfaction in ap
pearances you will get
1 k f ItUnSduJIoo
n,f J , V Mum.
WJ B IHwJTuloftd
'. if-' H
P. A. STOKES, 0n Price To Everybody
House of Hoo Hoo Totally Destroyed
and Oregon Building Endang
ered by Flames.
St Louis, June 24. Fire this morn
ing burned the Hoo Hoo house at the
world's fair grounds, entailing a loss
of $100,000, on which there was an
Insurance of 120,000.
The Union Baking Company conces
sion In the building suffers 18,000.
The Hames spread ao quickly that
for a time It was feared a serious con
flagration was In prospect, and several
occupants of the building had narrow
escapes. The fire is supposed to have
started from an electric light wire.
The Oregon, Texas, German, and Mines
and Metallurgy buildings adjoining
were In great danger for a time.
The alarm was answered by the en
tire fire department and by eight en
gine companies and two ladder trucks
from the city department, also, by
Hales' Are fighters.
Quick runs were made by all the
companies, but the rapid spread of the
flames rendered their attempts to ex
tinguish the fire valueless. But 10
minutes before the alarm from the
"House of Hoo Hoo" the world's fair
fire department had answered a still
alarm from the mysterious Asia con
cession on the Pike, where a fire had
started in the elephant barn. The loss
there, however, was insignificant, as
there waa only a small amount of hay
burning, but the excitement was added
to by a wild stampede of elephants
and camels.
The "House of Hoo Hoo" was di
vided into many rooms and was con
structed of different kinds of fine and
expensive lumber. Aside from this
were specimens of rare woods which
were valued highly.
It has not been decided yet whether
to rebuild it or not.
Thirty Black Cats Burn.
There were 30 black cats In the
building at the time of the fire, and
these are believed to have perished.
Fearing the Texas building would
be destroyed, the women of the stats
exhibit worked heroically to save the
precious relics "of early history.
Sheets were torn from beds in ths
building and used to carry the relics
ta places of greater safety. Nothing
but the fact that the wind was not
blowing toward the Texas building
saved it .
For a time almost a panic reigned
In the Oregon building, which it was
feared would Join in the general blase.
Preparations had been made by the
excellently drilled attendants to re
move the most valuable exhibits on
a moment a notice, but the subjection
of the flames preventing a spread ren
dered this move "unnecessary.
Hoo Hoos Disconsolate.
The great Hoo Hoo organisation Is
disconsolate over tile loss, as the build
ing was one which had been erected
with Infinite pains, requiring time as
well as special effort on the part of
members of the organization to secure
rare woods and timbers.
Its loss takes from the fair one of
the most noticeable attractions and one
which has been patronised In particu
lar by foreign visitors, who were thus
enabled to study in a practical way
American woods and American lum-
The "House of Hoo Hoo" was erect
ed by stock subscribed for by the
Lumbermen's Association and the
members of the Hoo Hoo Society at
a total cost of 100,000. The building
was designed for a clubhouse for lum
bermen and Hoo Hoos visiting the
exposition, and was lavishly furnished
It was the purpose of the society to!
hold a series of concatenations there
during the summer months. The first
of these concatenations was called to
order by Vicegerent Snark T. A. Meore
Saturday night, June 11, 1904, and was
attended by several hundred of the
most prominent lumbermen of the
Tangier, June 25. (12:55 a.
m.) Ion Perdicaris and Crom
well Varley. who were captured
by bandits, have Just arrived.
Perdicaris Is much fatigued
after his long ride, but said he
was glad to get back. He is
greatly pleased with the recep
tion accorded him by the towns
men, who met him In great
New York Papers Do Not Comment on
New York, June 24. Few of the
morning papers comment on the nomi
nation of Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Fair
banks at Chicago, although all of them
print long accounts of the proceedings.
The editorials treat of the result as
a foregone conclusion. The Morning
Post says that if Senator Fairbanks
adds little to the strength of the party
ticket he cannot be said to detract from
it The selection of Mr. Fairbanks, the
paper says, as a running mate of Mr.
Roosevelt who, preferred another, may
be regarded not as a revolt against
Roosevelt, but as a hint of the dele
gates from the state of New York that
the president is not all powerful.
Other newspapers, If they comment
at all upon the result of the conven
tion, make only the most casual men
tion of it
Distressing Accident at Residence Fire
in Pasadena.
Pasadena, Cat., June 14. In a fire
which destroyed the home of Chapel
Salcldo, in the outskirts of the city,
Salcido's infant daughter was burned
to death and'his wife severely injured.
The child was asleep on the second
floor when the dwelling caught fire.
Made frantic by its screams of pain
Filipino Commissioners Having Time
of Their Lives.
Washington, June 24. The Filipino
commissioners to the St Louis expo
sition, who are now touring the coun
try have been so overwhelmed by the
receptions and entertainments accord
ed them wherever they have been in
vited that they have been obliged to
make a request through the bureau of
Insular affairs of the war department
that the cltlxena committee of the
placea yet to be visited, materially
curtail the details of the programs of
entertainment Being accustomed to
enjoy a rest during the middle of the
day, according to the Spanish custom,
the strain Is overtaxing them. The
committees will be requested to ar
range for the mid-day siesta, so that
the visiting Filipinos may secure some
needed rest
and terror, the mother fought her way
through the flames to the child's res- Maher Knocked Out
mio h p driven hnrlc. severely Phlladeluhla, June 24. Peter Maher
burned. Salcldo was away from home : was knocked out in 1 minute and 40
at the time. The child's body was seconds by Jack Williams of Phila
consumed. " jdelphia tonight
Has Not Decided Upon Her
Coarse Toward Ilajtl for
Insult to tier
Paris, June 24. Following a meet
ing of the council of ministers today,
It was officially announced that the
government intended to send a warship
to Hayti to demand redress for the
Insult to Minister Depres, who was
atoned by the palace guards on Wed
nesday. The German ambassador haa not yet
been informed of the intentions of
Germany in regard to the stoning of
the minister of that country.
Friends Say Two Were Witnesses to
the Tragedy.
Portland, June 24. Friends of Frank
Guglielmo declare there waa two eye
witnesses to the murder of Freda Guar-
ascla, and that the absence of one
of them from the city may cause post
ponement of the trial, which has been
set for next Tuesday. Who the eye
witnesses are cannot be ascertained.
A well-known detective, who waa
once a member of the police depart
ment and who has been looking p evi
dence for Guglielmo, asserts that he
has seen the witnesses, but who they
are he will not say. One of them, he
said, might not be able to be present
in court next Tuesday and the case
may have to go over.
Deputy District Attorney Adams says
that bo far as the state knows tfcefe
was only one eyewitness of the trag
edy. This was a carpenter who was
working near the Guarascla home and
who was passing by 1t When the first
shot was fired. Mr. Adams will not'
reveal the man's Identity, nor will he
say how much he saw, further than
that he saw the girl fall. Mr. Adams
does not believe there will be any
postponement of the trial, as all the
state's witnesses will be on hand and
the defendant has bad ample oppor
tunity to subpoena those In his behalf.
Fought to a Draw.
Chicago, June 24. Billy Flnnucane
and Tommy Mowatt fought a six
round draw bere tonight
Pacifio Coast
At Portland Los Angeles, 8; Port
land, 5.
At Taooma Oakland. 1: Tacoma, .
At Seattle San Francisco, 11; Seat
tle. 18.
Pacifio National. '
At Spokane Salt Lake, I; Spo
kane, 4.
At Boise Butte, 0; Boise, 7.
At Washington 'New York. 5; Wash
ington, 3.
At Philadelphia! Boston, 4; Phila
delphia, 8.
At Detroit Chicago, 4; Detroit 0.
Boston New York, 5; Boston, 3.
At Pittsburg St Louis, 1; Pitts
burg, 4.
At Brooklyn Philadelphia, 3; Brook
lyn. 4.