The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 24, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Granite Tinware
Vft havt juitt received a new lint of Van Dykt roreelaln Wart,
fully guaranteed not to peel or crack. We art telling thlt lint at
ft Terr Interesting price, and tvtry plect la a credit to any kltcben."
We Make Anti-Rust Tinware a Specialty,
Local Brevities.
The Chlldren'i Operetta Thursday,
June !0th, and Friday. July lat Don't
forget tht dates.
Everyone participating In tht oper
tta "Snow White" rnuet Won hand
fur rehearsal at Fishers' Optra bouat
today (Friday) at 1 o'clock sharp.
The Rainier baaebalt team wilt crota
bttta with the Wanentoi on tht ntw
Hammond grounda next Sunday. Tht
game bid fair to bt an Inttrtating
Any fisherman who catchea a largo
ttal should not fall to report tht mat
tar at thla offlca, Tht Portland park la
ahort one aeal and f 5 will bt paid for
a large ont.
At an adjourned eeaalon of tht coun
ty court yeaterday tht contract for Im
proving a portion of tht Lewie and
Clark road wo awarded to B. D. Sloop,
whose tender was f 500, and permleeion
waa granted tht Seaside city council
to lay water mains over tht county
road. Tht court adjourned for tht
term. At tht next term Commlaelonei
Young will be succeeded by Commie-loner-elect
Larson. '
Hammond hat organised a baaeball
team, and It ia announced to bt a
crack club, A larg plect of ground
haa been donated by Mr. Frank Cun
ningham and tht baaeball boya art
working overtime to get It In good
abapt. Tht first gamt will bt on the
Fourth. '
Baseball tomorrow afternoon Com
mercial va. Multnomah.
; A marriage license waa granted yea
terday to Anderson Behle and Annie
Lewi of Knappa.
The schooner. Sequoia cleared yes
terday from the Hume milt for San
Francisco, She takes 425,000 feet of
Auditor Anderson is preparing to
All of tht city records art be
ing boxed and each Is labeled. The
label shows tht number of tht records
contained In each box, and when It
comes to unpacking, tht auditor will
havt no difficulty In finding what he
Is looking for. nt expects to leave
tht old city hall on Monday and to be
established In A. O. U. W. ball by
the following day. Tht auditor's office
will bt at A. O. U. W. ball for about
a year.
MTirttiirTTTTTTmtiT imiiinniininiminH
There Are Engines
' Run well part of tbe time
Ran poorly all of the time
Won t work any time
C. II. Carlson, . Agents O. M. McBride
TrttTiitiiiiiiiTiiiiirm rmxnxrimixziixnuxL
WHITE HOUSE" shoes for Men
WHITE HOUSE" shoes for Women
Have you seen them?
"You can get them cheaper at'
If you want to aee a genuinely good
baaeball game, go to A. F. C. park to
morrow afternoon, and make It a point
to. be there before I o'clock.
County Treasurer Heilborn renter
day turned over to County Clerk Clin
ton canceled warrants to tht amount
of f40,S01.S2. ' Other canceled warrants
aggregating almost $50,000 ai to bt
turned over by tht treasurer shortly.
Tht warrants represent those paid un
der tht" last calls made.
Ont of tht pretty features in the
performance of "Snow White or the
Seven Dwarfs," to be given at Fishers'
opera house under tht auspices of the
Woman's Club on Thursday and Fri
day, June SI and July 1, will bt the
flag drill by about 16 children. The
garland dance is another feature that
will not fall to please all those who
witness it Regular rehearsals are now
being held and tht performance prom
ises to bt one of tht best ever given
in the city. The ladies In charge are
working hard to make It to, and already
a large number of people have made
arrangements to attend.
A most polite prisoner appeared in
tht police court dock yesterday after
noon upon a charge of drunkenness.
The man Is named Andrew Antonna.
He pleaded guilty to the charge and
cordially thanked the police officers for
their kindness In taking care of him
while he was In an Irresponsible Con
dition. He expressed a desire to pay
the fine of 15 which Judge Anderson
imposed, and courteously requested
that one of tht officers accompany him
to the place where he kept his money.
His courteous demeanor was something
entirely foreign to police court proced
ure and the cose attracted much at
tention in consequence.
The only direct route to the St
Louis world's fair and the East Is
via the O. R. & N. and Union Pacific.
The folowlng rates apply from As
To St Louis and return $67.60
To Chicago and return 72.50
To Chicago, returning from St
Louis or vice versa 70.00
To Chicago, returning via St
Louis or vice versa 73.50
Returning via California, J13.50 ad
For further particulars, call on or
address Q. W. ROBERTS,
Agent O. R. & N. Co., Astoria.
of the secret societies of the city. It
appears to be tht plan of this company
to give to small towns sums of money
not exceeding f 5000 for town hall pur
poses. However, the sum would not
be great enough to build a city hall
for Astoria, and the company would
not agree to have the money form
part of a building fund. The proposal
did not meet with general favor.
Tom Richardson, manager of the
Portland Commercial Club, has under
taken the organization of the Oregon
Development League. Mr. Richardson
is a hustler recently employed by the
enterprising Portland body to stir up
commercial matters. He outlines bis
plan in a letter to Tht Astorlan, In
which he says: "A convention will be
held in Portland Tuesday and Wednes
day, August 2 and I, under tht auspices
of tbe Portland Commercial Club, for
tht purpose of organizing an Oregon
Development League. Every editor In
Oregon will be a delegate-at-large.
The mayor of tvery city or town, tht
county commissioners, president of
tvery commercial, Industrial, mining,
horticultural, agricultural, stock-grow
ing, Irrigation, dairy or other associa
tion In Oregon, which has for its pur
pose the upbuilding and betterment of
this state, will have the right to name
delegates, and upon the floor tbe small
est locality will have the same vote as
the city of Portland. The official call
of this convention will be Issued Just
as soon aa a few Important details
now under consideration are consum
mated. We want to get to work under
an Oregon banner and make this state
better, known than any other state in
the union, and the plan to accomplish
this result will be decided by this con
vention, In which all interests can par
ticipate." The matter will be brought
before the Astoria commercial bodies
in due season and delegates represent
ing the city will be named. Mr. Rich
ardson Is a noted hustler, and there is
no question of his ability to make the
league a success.
C. B. Clement returned lost night to
H. L. Slsler has returned to Port
land after a brief business visit
Charles H. Abercrombie and Dr.
John Regan are spending the day in
Harrison L. Hamblet was down from
Portland yesterday, returning on the
night train.
Peter Grant came down from Port
land last night to look after his pack
ing Interests here.
Sheriff Llnvllle returned yesterday
from Salem, where he placed three
prisoners in the penitentiary.
P. S. Some New Things in Ladles' Spring JacKets
: hr Style
We carry the finest assortment and varied styles in
wardrobe, box and bed couches. Come and let us
show you what these couches really are.
There is Nothing So Good
As a Well Built 0 0 0
' il
I Astoria's Leading House-furnishers
Whether or not the Commercial Club
baseball team will be able to cope
with the Multnomah aggregation Is a
question that is attracting the atten
tion of the lovers of the national game.
The Commercial team is engaged In
dally practice and will be in butter
shape tomorrow afternoon than at any
other time during the season, although
the absence of Rosy Graham will be
seriously felt. Swep Morton, who us
ually officiates behind the batt, will be
at the second station, and it is said
of him he makes an excellent base
man. Tommy Ross will throw and
Ferguson will catch. Flannlgan will
hold down first, O'Toole will look out
for the short territory and Brother
Harry will be at third. In the left
garden Chop Stockton will be sta
tioned, in the center Charlie Haider
man and in the right Ross Trulllnger.
With this arrangement the locals hope
furnish a first-class character of
support for Tommy Ross and to ad
game will be called promptly at
o'clock, and there promises to be on
hand the greatest crowd of the season,
The committee appointed by Mayor
Surprenant to solicit 3200,000 worth of
life Insurance, thereby earning for the
city 35000, yesterday made Us report
The committee recommended that the
mayor turn over the proposition to
the ways and means committee of the
council, which would be much better
prepared to make an active canvass,
and whose duty it Is to provide funds
for the municipality. Two of the com
mitteemen were left to do the work.
They figured that If they were to go
out and get 3200,000 worth of life In
surance and earn the reward of 35000,
they would each bo donating to the
city the sum of 32500. While both men
are phllanthroplcally inclined, they
deemed this as rather too much of a
sacrifice to make, even for beloved
Astoria, and therefore asked to be
excused. Mr. Clement the man with
the proposal, stated yesterday that the
offer would probably be made to one
Ont of Them for the Company.
A well-known comedian, celebrated
for his eccentricities, boarded a street
car the other day and duly paid his
fore upon demand. After riding a
block or so further he produced another
nickel and tendered the same to the
passing conductor.
The honest conductor refused the
proffered coin, while the actor vehem
ently protested his desire to pay his
"You have given me your fore al
ready," argued the man in uniform.
"I know," responded the comedian,
but this is for the company."
Every one laughed excepting the dis
comfited conductor, who had omitted
to register the first collection.
The Balloon Plant
One of the curious devices of nature
for scattering seeds is seen in the bal
loon plant of California. The fruit
Is yellow, and is a little larger than
an egg. It has the appearance of an
mpty bag, but U contains a watery
substance which evaporates or dries
up when the fruit matures, a sort of
gas taking its place. This gas Is
fighter than air, and the fruit flips
back and forth in the wind until It
finally breaks loose from its slender
stem, rises into the air to a height of
from 75 to 100 feet, and sails away to
fall In some distant spot, and thus ex
tend the growth of its kind.
he Needs of a
Home Are numerous
And sometimes expensive if you havt not found tht right
plaoa to trade. There art many stores where you can secure
low-priced goods, but only a few of them art able to give
quality together with low price.
Bteaust we buy right, tell right and art satisfied with living
profit Such things as Tablt Linen, Towels, Lata Curtains,
Sheetings, tan bt pure hated to a hotter advantage than any
other start In Astoria. ..
the i. mmm go.
Astoria's Loading Dry Goods Merchants.
Anyont wishing box wood may havt
samt fret of charge, provided they
will haul it away promptly.
Visit Your Eastern Friends.
Low rates to all Eastern points via
the North-Western line C. St P. M.
& O. Ry. Write for. particulars to
H. L. Staler, General Agent, 133 Third
street Portland, Ore.
All fraternal organisations, labor
unions and firms Intending to partici
pate in tht Fourth of July parade,
please notify tht grand marshal at
once, bo they may bt given place In
the parade. O. L PETERSON,
Grand Marshall.
r "7
Written guarantee for ten years goes
with each machine. Why pay fancy
prices when you can get a guaranteed
machine for these figures. Machines
sent on trial.
foard & mm
Where Your Money Buys Most.
A shoe for ail sorts ana conauions 01 men mu ?
particularly those who appreciate thorough
conuort lor tne leet , , j-
This is positively best $3.50 and $4.00 -.
Shoe on the Market to-day, for sale by -
Wherity, Ralston & Gompaiv
Snccessora to JOHN 111UN.