PAGE FOUR. CDe morning JUtorian ESTABLISHED 1873 Pt'tSJSMED BY ASTOEIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. J. IL CARTER, CENTRAL MAXAG EE RATES. Br call, per rear ...... - f$ 00 Br taail, per modi SO B oerrim, jw tnoaib 00 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ASTOUL15. By maU, per rear, Sa advance - fl TII15 MOROCCO ASTORIAX, TUESDAY, JUKE 21, VM. tf Pcrtls:u'i Off, held lb am prtfi!io for Dearly four rar ia President (J nut's bia4 duriiif Lk wmttjj tena. Tb are tit ouly cabinet t'Swn thai Lw tt b-a -huw fcvtn the Pacific pwaat, xJ only two uuwtt bare bewa rlid fnta state. tt vf the Mkwuri river, Heary M. Trller of Colorado, who was semlary f the icterkr during President Arthur adruiiaKtaik'n. and J. Sterling: Morton of Nebraska, who was sM-rttsTT agriculture daring Pmalt Clev-t-kada awoad term. PitsJt Hoox velt k xtwJinjriy jiopuiar ki lb we, and the se lection of eabiuet t2kT Into tie Patifie coast would be a just rwjniilkia of this see&n. THE RATIFICATION MEETING- Coctuiwaeic today there will be t jolly good tifftfwCliica?o! Several fcucdred men will at there. They w21 be tailed to order, and they via be told that they fire there to pick ut a taaa to run for tbe o5k of president of tbk country of ours. Then one man -will st&ad to las feet aad make a fm-h. He will launch before tW assembled the name of Theodore Boosevelt. Tk ber men will cheer as though the nam were a good ae and they never happened to thick of it before. Another uusa will also suggest the name of Roosevelt Very serwusJj they will ballot and Kooserelt wl be selected to tarry tbe banner of tbe republican party. A eoiuiaittee will be seeded to tell Mr. Roosevelt of the honor conferred upon hhs. He will draw tira-tw-If cp aad remark: "This is m suddea," Tbea be will make a spli au l go in tbe 1;te House aud sit Ijefore tiie fire awl wocder bw tbcwe mea away bak tLfre ia Chit&go bapjaed to think of Ha 1 le will baa? his trotww that Eight on the pe? wade iffiuwrtai by the pactalooii of C'ract and Liaeb mid 3f-Kinlev. Ilk protls asaiast ra wkl'le wSil ywjp thrm"h tht "Wfeite Hue groud aad iTiftiirjilw! with the vir.v. aad he Mill eo out and. wt-li thfl iid tlu be will retura the bo a-d Everj-,- v 21 arret: -lb Ir. f.u.v tktt 4wti .... t -i:-r. Mrs l-vH i maV-fyliO'j'd le ii':f.n.Tel a'x-'rdiri' Vt nw&r&keik. Tb- the wm'i supply of aaer kra.ut aad tell ber that j Jral 'Iwir oa tbe pert .l :ny w.r v, he Jikea the pkw aad thbk Le will lse it fer aa-rih-Csl baprera bvui l V war ,tW f.'.'-r vi-ars. And if re. livvelt will t.ut UjJb aad I"-y .r.rtJ ret bTt fwr o'd blai'k Kilk acd so dwu town and buv a n-vr tbi tadeaey. Apart fr-xa tbk featwr f Ibe Et'SSU SCOBES AGAIN. Tbe Eunsiaa YUdkxUk fieet ba Kred afaia, iatevrmg at least two more Japaie traasjvorU. It k tbe u3r portkj of tbe Euwaaa nary "bii La bea baodkd witb akill aad latemrem sioee tbe oc.bretk of tbe war, aod it ba been cnder tbe aerer- erf powtUe laadieap. Tber k uM. a reiel in tbe fleet bicb u ft to take it plaoe is tbe !iae of battle. All are anaored enunera, vbkb eoold mt reakt tbe impact cf shell froia tb broadside rajas of aay ia tbe Japanese aiery. Eat, ao far, tbe ladirisU4c fiaet ba a. bea fvroed to eawaater auy beary Cgbliag bip. Tbe skhS tierioas disadraatape aader whki it ba beea i that it baa bat ae possible lase. Oae oat of ladirorik4, ia a daA at tbe Jiae traasport ftrrkie there k m refuge for tbe Swt, re to retara to the fckaj plae. Tbere i othrr jHrt oja to it at wbk-b it wall eure eoal or rapplie. If ia-. tempted, after kaTiag pirt. it least fbrht to the datk Vtt, with tbee disadvaatajr'1. tbe from Mai:rust'.4 has aaatde thm- dab- d. a irto Jaj aatsse waters, wrb time baa duae wmaklmble iajary to tbe Japanese traavport n-ieet tad has evj-l witboat a battle with a Japaxee feet of aay furt. It is H!v!r a caestiua of tiaie nbea it will iat di- aUT, bat fiertaialr tbk ptrtk-ulsr Eadaa Siet has be-n baudlfed with alill aad dai, ia arikiaf -e.clraet with tbe oijeratioas of the Port Arthur fwt. iafs3t-ly jaore f-raiidsWe both ia ofeaMte aikd defeitdve jy.-ivirr, but slat tbe o iUtT FOR INSTANCE. kt UwiJ w Uk twi tf (..)-t ltofly frtr4 it Uiry i m atjj 4wt tn H !t JonrJr vmss wrta !' flrva Ijt kiwi a Tri trkikk wti inr t bwk1 It to . re fcffw-- Tb kuKlJ4 ruth tw jr: ar tMiam err fr Bat br tmnT to tb fcunffT ff U ttrt! Tllif ? M-tsiw it fwernor. took nttk t nrtrt U wrlf tf ki uV An iM to in OJurkdo? 1 Jkui Ot3ora& to la ti fc!'.4 Stfel' vrtka to tb i.t.a f fw; j 1 W know thi t b tru' j .... j Ewti v itv it In tb t- . . . V"ti -b to tb fuiujdlkti f ABvri- eta rinr!i.W .... A3 to J-j' ttm ). JJ'.CCLIXT. Djl VAUGIIAK, DoTtf r rUWt Bunding JjOcria, Orrtfoa. Dr. T. L, BALL lr. F. L Fritdricb, Dr. W. C. LOGAN: DESTIST 78 OoaDSWirctol Ft, Bbaasha EaMc G J. TREXCHARD tsmruKi. Cwmw.1 toe ad fhptlo CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Atmt Wto-rkrp ui Ntara rdl Cayii CSpmptcto. oer. xxsrssra boko rra. JAY UTTLE, 11 D. raiiicua axi vkqeos r .6. Uwj'tuJ iNrrto. Offlt tour: II to IS am t ta 4:tt I7T OoHttmrdtJ 9trt. tod Hear. Dr. IUIODA C. 1IICKS OSTEOPATH 1ST IUbmU BUtf. f?t CtnBtiwrctoi it IHCI SUCK KK, C. W. BARIL DENTIST ST ComMrriit Itrnt, Ariork, Or TELKPBOSE BED ?CKL v rw(U." Dr. Woo4 Korvty Flo Srn ! a4 wna to a The TROY Laundry Is tb oal Wbite Labor Laandry ia th City. Po tha Rest of Work at rerj msoaalle I'ricta, an J U in erery way wortJjy of your patrotia-t. Cor. lOUi acd DUANE STS. Iliom btuuet oa the xtrenjrth of it, and Aii'-e will i.'iJt a.ew islk apron and the glorious tW,a';r?j-y of our country will be preserved! And in a few more days another crown of nei3 will we in -St, Louie They will alw mention came, hut the naaies are nrt known at prevent. They will ,a!w appint a wixiniitte and wmw other man will remark that it i sudden, Knd be w ill mean it. And then the man will a!v think of leasing that old farm tKseupiftd by bVsevelt and he way raise li ante axid then there will be the deue to pay and there will be plenty of good, Arom men t jsy it. This is the way the situation looks t the rural voter the real strength of the country. There will be a ratk eatkn inetinj? in Chicago and there will le a gvxl, bard aerap in fit. Louk, and the ruralite will hjk on and arnile and in NVewfr will vkit the voting bvjtb and do hk darnt but in which direction no man knows. i FILLING THE PORTFOLIOS. Tbe appointment of Attorney General Knox a United filati henator to aucceed the late llatthern Stanley Quay of Pennsylvania, and the retirement of Secretary Cortelyou of the new department of commerce and Mm, in order to accept the chairman ship of the national republican committee, will create two vacancies in the cabinet of President Roosevelt. The only remaining members of President MeKin Icy'a cabinft at the time of bis death in 1901 are Secretary of fitate Hay, Secretary of the Interior Hitobco:k and .Secrrtary of Agriculture Wilaon, fy?c reizr'm fihaw, Taft and ibly and Postinaater Gen eral Payne are appointees of President Roosevelt. It w ri'ixjrifA that the attorney generalship will be filled by Secretary Moody, which will leave a va cancy in the navy portfolio. Tbe name of Con gressman Victor IL Metealf is connected with the annointment of a successor to Secretary Cortelyou. Mr. Metealf has represented the Third district of California in the house of representative since March 4, 19. He resides at Oakland, and is a law yer by profession. He k a native of New York state, born at L'tica in 18-j3, being now 50 years of age. He attended Yale college for two years and graduate from the Yale law school in 1870". He removed to California about 25 years ago. Mr. Metealf is on the ways and means committee of the house and is the most influential member of the California delegation next to Senator Perkins. He is a close personal friend of Secretary Moody, J here is little doubt that Mr. Metealf baa been offered a place in the cabinet. The only Californian who ever held a place in the cabinet was Joseph McKenna, now an associate just ice of the auprettie court, who was attorney general for a few month at the beginning of President Me Kinley'a administration. Mayor George IL Williams Speaking generally, -r- Fairbanks k of opinion that a atatesmaa from Indiana who i!l be pru dential uhm in 1993 would probably djvarage a vice presidential lyia this year if approached on the ubjert. Of course the bride was mobbed and tbe polk had to be called apon, but tbe omksion of one thing at the latest Goelct wedding shows lack of re Let ml NoWly trkyl to crawl into the church through a eoal bole. atka, i.fde are etrtitM W Lat they pay fy. Sme p-op! are fading fait with tbe presi dent 'a Cobka Jetter anuria? our neisi,xri a tb south that they will be treated well m htfjg a tbey behave welb Rut would it Lave been politic V s- sure them that thev are such d'-ar j-t that tbey v:!'. be treatei well m matter bow they ULave? ADVERTISED LETTERS. iith has Wa ertnrpd tai aw!""' "" ' '. tbreak of tie war. j AvJ, Ki':r.5 to I-urk A. T. ' t. A. ii. ; . . 2.'.u "'''. Ji x.- if. OrfiJiet. Wm. Hawfit-. J- M- if- Jvi;.n. fetvta J8f U. A ". Mr, Litn, . Q. 1C Co. LotA-i'J- ar Mr. M'.Kf.fiWtl. O. W. Mr. Oral A Jk'rair. SSanin Otto. B. W. Eq Oaefi, Mv!a Mrm. Fidnier. H. 3U pwj, J. C. Parke. Jvl Mr. Park. KUa Mn. Iwbl, Ix-ult Forue, . A- Mr. FW. Lwito Jf-T. Fvttw, Jiarry jur. IL B. Mr. (t Rich, G. O. aUr, AJtxRrt O. Keiton, Bay Mr. ) 5;itib, Atl-n m. Co. iita, P. f5. J5vrfjan, llaito J. ?it,r, Ctaa. Etrafj, E. I Mr. Vwi Nyl, J. Walaoji, J. W. Mr. Western Teaat . WJnianuwn, !! M. Wo4, 1. M- Mr. T'un, Ao MJ Fort n Latter. Vox, YrA 7. Laravn, Jvhn Mr. Ekbard Mr. (2) PRAE1 D COOK TRANSFER CO. Tlpbot 721. Draying and Expressing Alt fooito aUipfod tooor rart m rccai r xr!a! titcotlon. 709-715 Ccrnmercial Street. o o o o o o o o o Reliance Electrical Works - MnVr V't ar t JitOQttl jrr jfd for tsuJiinf nmta ttJ exoratiof order, tot all kirxtoof e!rtriral itallwf as4 rrpitirmic. Wapflle id Uk. W fit lUC!brtoJ SIIKLDT LAMP. Call opI'bonaUGL 428 BOND STREET Editor RA de approve of tbe women hav ing iockets in their stocking. He k probably afraid the women will fall into tbe mail habit of standing around on tbe corners with tbear bands m tbe;r pocketa. Tbe real a1 vantage of tbe proposed nomination of E. M- Shepard for president k that tbe conven tion need adopt no other platform than: ''Resolved, That tbere are two skies to every question.' Commissioner MeAdoo carefully avoids the simple expedient of going out and aaking the finst man he meets where he can get a couple of dollars down on a good thing. , x H warn B ! rxrriirrTfrrrrrTiTTiixrrtrrirxriixriiia: FRESH AND CURED MEATS H..)!j!t kui Retail Kliis, Logging Caais and Mills supplied on fliort notice. 2 LIVE STOCK ROHiHT AND SOLD 5 WASHINGTON MARKET - CHRISTENSON Q. CO. The dairymen want to 'ke?p their rnilk iMtle from being stolen, and they have formed an associa tion to prevent it. Jus-t at the beginning of the pre serving season, too. Hundred dollar bills of a counterfeit nature are in circulation on the coast. Persons with bills of this denomination should be carefully scrutinized Never a democratic convention but some Jemoerat gets turned down, thrown out or sternly repudiated. The man who wants the Illinois delegate to St, Louk will evidently have to speak tip. High Ball won the American derby, were those Illinois probibitionktsf Where nn y f km Wt Mr CiHiMa tor !'. vltfc vWa i t. H fvr ' f r'. Mm wr nmt I k r I tail Tor Tha Bowai 5 C PI P.!taS1. rtmit. Tuk Sfl, VeUa4, VTr if k, Wm r Or)p, . M. Kt mi4 U mik. lui'iiiHluiMiuanl 0(ia tufuM k r. of rv.r .! hu. j Surlio(Bfla4rC.,Cbica(erN.T. J9T tn:uxuf,aiciu:t9iu MATTRESSES Wool, Curled Hair, Mohair, Spring. All kinds of AIattnt made to order. Prices the Lowest. L. H. HENNINGiSEN S CO. M4 SOKD STRtn. ASTORIA, ORECOX PffONC RtD 150$ , ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Ha ring installed a Rubber Tiring Mtcbit of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kioJi of work - . - ia that line at reaaonbl prioca. Telephooa 29L CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. Y 1,000 TON BEST LUMP Free Delivery. Phone orders to No. 19G1. Elmore & CO. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest Portland; Oregon. Don't Forget the GREEN STRIPE at the Eagle Dance Hall! P. A. PETERSON