THE MORNING ASTORIAN, TTEDNESDAY, JTTNB 15, 1504, PAGE THREE. The Now Wall Tint Galcimo All the colon of tht rainbow FISHER BROS. Co. NEW ZEALAND FIRE INSURANCE COGIPANT Of HEW MALaND. If. P. Thorns, lfaoagar, Sua Francitet. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF BUAREIIOLDERI. Hit beta Undarwrlting cn tbt raclflo Com! twtaty-Bvt ytart. S. ELR10RE 6 CO., Resident Agents, Astcrli, Or. D ELIGHTFUL EOVT AYLIOIIT RIDE IZZY CRAGS EEl CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Uftt Bound Umlttd.7: t P iKtoMi Cltjr-Bt. Looli Spatial 11:11 am fc North CoMt Limited l:M P m TilO lot nature In all ha gtorloua baaaty. aid thtn tht acma of aaan'a kaH work. The flmt la found altnf tbt Hat of tht Dtnvtr 4 Rio Grand Railroad. th latter at tht 6t Loula World'a Fair. Tour trip will b ont of pltaf urt tnakt tht most of It For Infor mation and llluatratad lltaraturt writ W. C McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. rorllaml, Or. NORTHERN PACIFIC GAVE HIM THE SLIP Re&ie Vanderbilt Tumi the Tables on (he Detectives Who Tried to Catch Him. WAS NOT IN NEW YORK Una Car ti Tralai roimAicix Taooma aad Beattla NlgM Exurtaa U:tt pa 1:13 p I Tak Pugtt Bound Limited of Nortk Court Llmiud for Graft Bartte patata Tkt Puet Bound LI ml tad for Otrw pla alrtcU . ' Takt Putt Bound LlmlUd Of tat Clty-BL Lout Spactai for palata on South Bnd branch, Doublt daily train acrrlot cm Oray'i Harbor branch. Kour tralna dallr betwaan PortlaM, Twmi and Bttla GOING EAST : TRAVEL IS GENUINE PLEASURE ON , 0 " Baltimore :& Ohio R. JR. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS v BETWEEN " Chicago and New York la TA81IIOT0X,I.C. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Falntiul Coach 08, Pullman Bullet Parlor and Drawiug Room Cars. The Finest Dining Car Service In the World. Is operated by tho Baltimore A Ohio Railroad. B.RI, AUSTIN, General Pass. Ait- - Chicago. HI. Wbilo Detcctlrca Were Snr- rounding Iloaae He Wat oa Train on III Way to Ilo.ton. Waw ro4c, f vat 14. Aubptona aarrtra from tht aUtriat at torn a a ofllc, who attract ad much attention laying aiea to tht NaUao raaJdobct la Fifth artnut tram Frldar night un til Bandar In tht hopt of aarvln pa para on Raglnald Vandarbllt (at thay hava aought to do for atvaral montha) ordarlng him to appaar aa a wltnaaa In tha Richard Canflald caaa, hart boon vindicated, according to tht Herald. It la now learned that Mr. Vanderbllt did aot hoodwink tht datactlvaa bt cauat ht waa not In tht city much leaa within tht home of bit mother-in-law. Returning from tht Philadelphia horat ahow ht la underatood to have been met at Jeree? Cltjr by a tug which carried him around Manhattan to Greenwich, Conn., where ht took a train for Denton. rears the soap which began its tale in the 18th century, sold all through the 19th and is selling in the 20th. IrfUath j. 1 i ji rtke ADVERTISED LETTERS. r ;i If. 5 1 ' Pearla Still Expensive. Although the pearl fltfhery aaeon In Oylon has bein a re:ord one, the government earning having amounted to over 1,000,000 ($5,000,000), there la no propct uf a full In the price of larl neckluceft. "Ceylon pearln," eald a member' of the Ann of E. Hahn & Co., of Hatten Garden, London, recently, "will not affect the Br!tinh market. Th bulk of the pearla we get c-ome from western Australia. Prices are high, and a 10 graln pearl will continue to bring 200 $1000) for Home time to effme." . Mr. Streeter of the well-known Cond atreet firm remarked that Ceylon pearls are never larger than a pea thre or four grain at the most. "Even a record yield," he aald, "would not bring about a fall In the English market price." TWO GIRLS DROWNED. If it is worth while to do holiness at all, it is worth while to do & lot of it Atid this means always a proportionate amount of news paper spice. Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturer s cf Iron, Steel, Brai and Bromt Castings. General Foundrymen and Fatternmaken. a TV 1 i. Absolutoly nrstcia. worr. i nc www". Phone 2451 . Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. H AT5 TRIMMED FREHL Mri. Ingleton aa. tommtnttd a .losing oat .ale of tiarjtling ipt HITS. It inoludea CoaW, Wrapper., Skirt., f Shirt Wsbta. Stock ytoSrioltoM, snd all Ladle.' d Ohildvol kWhf (.ooda, WELCH BLOCK. Went Fishing Near Pomeroy and Both Lost Their Lives. Pomeroy. Wash., June 14. Bertha Parker and Mabel Dlnklna, two young women, asred about !0 years, were drowned this morning In a backwater slough on tho Schneokloth place, on Snake river, at the mouth of Dead man creek. The glrlfl awe early be fore the Schneokloth family were up and went fishing In a skiff. There waa no eyewitness to the accident. It appeara In attempting to land the boat slid out from under them as they tried to step out. lioth bodies were recovered about two hours afterward by Jack Carmlero and Gus and Jim Sehnwkloth, wh dragged the slough. The two slilw were visiting at the Hohneckloth ranch. Miss Dinkins was soon to have married Emil Schneck loth. She was related to former Sher iff Oilbelt DUiklna. of thla county. MIsa Parker was tho daughter of for mer Representative James Parker, Of Mayvlew, thla county. Misa Dlnklna waa the daughter of C F. Dlnklna, of Chewelnh, Wash., who waa telegraphed of hla daughters doath, and who wlU arrive In Pomeroy tomorrow to tako her body to Chewe-lab. The beer that made Milwaukee fira oua Schllts s always on draught at The Orotto. Otto Mlkkelaoo, proprietor. List of letter, remaining unclaimed for thirty days at tht Aatorta pottoffice o June II, 1104: Aspen, Ola Mr. (tf Aatorta Real Batata Oa. Decider, O. I. Bwg, CM. Carta, Barward Dean, Harry rahrtng. T. Ctalbrtata, U Ur. Gardlnler, Arthar Get, A. , Glover, S. R. Oratawell, Oao. Ura. Halt, Nettlt Hatflald, Charlie M Hasltette, O. " Hawklna, R. A. Henry, Orrln ' Hobeon, Cecil lira. Holt Mr. Holler, Wm. Mr. Hoglund, John Mr. Holen, O. I Rer. Hornback, T. W. Mr. Howell, Lizzie Mrs. Hotchklss, E. T. Mr. ' Ilughbanka, Wllber Mr. Johnson, Loula P. Johnson, Nettle Mr. Joaeph, Joe Mr. Juala, Neku Mr. S Julian, R. C. ' Kallurkl, A. Mr. Lyaona, A. C. Mr. Meade, Jhnmlo Mr. McCornle, Misa Morgan, Oeorgo Mr. Mulr, II. Wm. Nieml, Alex Nolon, a. O. O'Prlen, James OJa, Kalle Mr. Pacific Coast Steamship Co, Purdy. O. II. Mr. (2) Roberta, G. E. S&ndstrora, M. Schlppl, E. B. Sell wood, John J. Williums, Viola Mrs. Foreifln. lialdszus. H. Mr. Boroje, Ivan Durland, L. Mr. Leltlnen, Aluna Mrs. Ijarrson, August Mr. Ia.r.i8on, John Mr. Mavoe, Le Petersen, Chr. Karl Hr. Warhong, M. Stulta.ft Ford, Messrs. Storer, K. V. Mrs. (2) i PLAYING CARB$ ALL KINDS, ALL BACKS, ALL PRICIS. SPECIAL PRICES ON QUANTITIES. SEE THE SHOW WINDOW J. N GRIFFIN ! WHEN YOU ARE WARM . froaa a row aa tht rivtr, tool tc and alakt row tatatt tr drlaklaf a fUaa e tier doUatatM atia wattr. X wtald bt hard to aaata a I aver wt ft att -4 aT probawr wt taa aaait yta aad aoi tatagat tf. EASTERN CANDY STORE, OOS-OOS Commercial 8, Next Qriffln't Bak Stera. I If there was ever anything aoulful, inspiring, enthusing, soothing, exquis ite, delightful, superfine, superlative, and all that rot, it v.v.s that Chinese wedding serenade Sun l'ty evening. The eyes of the audience do not al ways follow the rays of the calcium light. Sometimes there ara glimmers from the back row of the chorus that outshine the stars! GOING TO THE FAIR? What to Do If You Desire Practical Information. If you contemplate visiting the St Loula Exposition, to secure reliable In formation aa to railroad service, the lowest rates and the bast routea. Also aa to the local conditions in St DOula; hotels, etc., etc. If you will write tht undersigned, stating what Information you daalre, tht same B bt promptly furnished. If wt do not have it on aaad, wl aecurt It for you If possible, and with- oat any expense to you. Address a IL TRUMBULL, Commnrclal Agent, 144 Third aireat, Portland. Ore. BEST FRIEND 1 Women suffer all about tis with headache, backache, loss of energy and spirits, Nervous Dyspepsia and many other ailment3 Which make life almost unbearable, Every woman can be im mediately relieved of this suffering' if upon the first sign of derangement she would take a dose of La nn n.nn m Bv following the instructions with each box of pills thousands of women all over tho world have saved their lives. BEECHAM'S PILLS purify the blood, give strength and vigor to the 'digestive organs, give vim and tone to the nerves and put the whole body in a healthy condition. A box of BEECHAM'S PILLS should always be kept in the house as, like a "stitch in time," they will invariably have the most beneficial effect and save much future worry and anxiety. Sold Everywhere In Boxes, 10c end 25o STEAMER SUE H. ELMORE The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Best of Table and State Room Accommo dations. "Will make round trip every five days between Astoria ; AND Tillamook Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. General Agents, Astoria, Or. OR TO it a x. v. u., ruruana, vjr. Pacific Navigation Co., TillatnooR, Or. O. R. Q. N. Co., Portland, Or. fire you going to St. Louis ? If at call for your Tickets via tht ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SYSTEMS ""I ttT'.i fmvirn . r t . $67.50, good for Ninety Day. from date of sale. Choict of 'ii'tl routea going and returning, via ir. U. .f 'ivi.'u'f Iinii . ' 'Thtf oil r vj iiiui St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pucjblo r or Ef xPgso.,,, Stop over permitted in both direc'tiona. ""b" 1 !illi '; "' ' . i ,('!) at Uitx H'M,fiiji,!'f' DATES OF SALEMo ljilt (1 rn,l(t ,,,,. T Jua.7tb, loth, 17th, 18th. July 1st, ZnUnf,, August ?tfc, t kk. -, Stptetnher Sth, ih, 7lh. .'October 3r4tb. 5. ' f',"i:,''( ,tl tut;.'! ia ItlHOlW tf7;. JiiUi .V tf (!: On above dates rate of $T2.50 will be madJ lo!ChikgSo !aiii ,relatt'.i'irbr i farther information and alerptng'eu resenratidnaiitiKut u "u i-i-- ' c:Wn??.Jdre?a: Hlu tlfl!!tt1(i WIUVH A. II. W .DONALD, Gen:Agrat714)thIll6twPOkJ!DiORI; , - 'iVlHll. -J. io!J of -'('fi'iI iiti;-!-M)i'i!',fi niliit li-A' t in r m k r m ii',y;iaJ il,7 7.'),if VhtitL .olul.fti-,') vilBv-fwc,. V sur w m. .u aif.A.-iilaHi oil Beer.