The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 11, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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ing ; Kettles
....For Fruit Canning....
Tho Placo Where You Save Money Bv Spending It.
Nate Anderson, the well-known pio
neer of the Nehalem valley, owner of
one of the beet farm in the district,
wu In Astoria yesterday on a buelneee
trip. ' .
Local Brevities.
The steamer Sequoia arrived ys
terdar to load lumber at the Hume
The schooner Alpha, cleared renter
day from the Hume mill for Ban Fran
cisco with a cargo of 425,000 feet of
Captains Edwards and Fuller were
down 'from Portland yesterday. They
, inspected the steamers Clara, Flor
ence, Melville and Lowena.
Judge McDrtde will be here on the
?th inst. for the purpose of conven
ing the rtfular June term of the cir
cuit court Only equity cases are
to be heard at this session.
Editor Dohn of the Journal wae in
the city yesterday from Ilwaco. He
reports that things are booming in Ta-
clflo county, and that business' oondi
Uons are quite satisfactory.
Suit for divorce was instituted yes
terdsy in the circuit court by Lena
Hanberr against Erlck Hanberg. The
parties to the suit were married at
Hopkins, this county, in 18t, and the
action Is based upon the allegation of
Work on the foundation for the new
court house is to be commenced next
Tuesday. This work will be in charge
of a superintendent of construction,
and it is the Intention to rush the Job
to completion, so there will be no de
lay in starting work upon the build-
your mm
See our Burlaps, Leather, Lincrusta, Wood Imitations,
Crown Moulding, Plate and Picture Kails, Etc.
3C5-367 Commercial Street
from a row on the river, cool off and
slake your thirst by drinking a glass
of our delicious soda water. It would
be bard to name a flavor we do not
have prooaoiy we can name many
you bad not thought of.
608-508 Commerolel St, . ,; , , Neat Griffin's Book Store.
Did you see it advertised in The Astorian toll the Advertiser of it.
tjttttatttt ttttattaottttoo
iri irrxinM day ;
And Every Other Day No Matter If You Are jj
It will pay you to come to us when in need of Brushes, Combs, g
Cnnnnaa Kina Toi At .murds. renumes or anyinina au uu-w
date dro store should have. We make it our business to fill your
prescriptions just as the doctor writes it. Try as. ,
Hart's Drue Store
For Kent Furnished housekeeping
rooms. t1 Tenth street, Mrs. Curran.
The New Grime hotel at Seaside
has been opened for the season and
It has been announced that it will be
kept open throughout the entire year.
.Chairman McErlde of the regatta
crxnmlttee yesterday selected August
22, 21 and 24 as the dates for this
year's carnlvaL Those dates fall on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and
were selected because of the favorable
condition of the tide.
C. A. Stone won the suit of clothes
offered by Herman Wise for the closest
guess on the outcoms of the election.
The Judges were Messrs. Madison,
Itobb and McCue.
Frank PurcelL representing the Her-
rlng-IIaU-Marvin Safe Company, with
beadauarters in Portland, manufactur
ers of the genuine Hall's Safe Lock
Company's safes, will be in the city
for a few days.
At Seaside work has commenced lay
ing the service pipes to connect with
the new water system at that place
It Is expected that by the end of next
week the work will be finished and
service connected.
The commencement exercises of the
grammar schools at the Adair school
passed off very pleasanUy yesterday
afternoon. A number were present to
enjoy the excellent program produced.
Lost Fraternal pin, on Wednesday
afternoon; monogram "A. 0." in Greek
letters, with "A" set in diamonds on
face: on back Initials "Q. E. 8." and
date, Feb. 6, 103. Suitable reward
will be paid for the return of the
same to The Astorian office.
John Nelson is dead at the hospital
from a complication of diseases after
a protracted Illness. He had been a
county charge for several years and
absolutely nothing Is known concern
Ing his history or his relatives by those
who have had him in charge. His
funeral will be provided for by the
county court.
John V. Burns, 6h 6f the successful
democratic candidates for the legisla
ture, yesterday received a letter Of corU
gratulatlon frdrti Governor Chamber
lain. The governor says Irl his letter
"t congratulate you on th friaignlflcent
vote given you by the good peo'ple of
Clatsop county. It is a fitting tribute
to a worthy citizen."
Superintendent Clark of the city
schools has received a notice from
every ' college and university in the
state that the graduates of the Astoria
high 'school will be admitted to those
Institutions without the formality of
an entrance examination. This reflects
great credit on the local high school
and speaks well for the instructors, as
well as showing with what esteem the
local schools are held by the state
palaces of learning.
At the meeting of the school board
to decide upon the selection of teach
ers for the coming school year it was
determined that all teachers should
be retained. After this was deter
mined upon the board was called upon
to act upon the resignation of Profes
sor Eyre, who will be the principal of
the Pendleton high school next year.
The resignation of Professor Eyre was
accepted, and Miss Grace Moore of
Spokane was selected to fill, the chair
of latin and history in his stead. All
current bills were ordered paid and
a petition signed by all the teachers
asking for a raise in salary was read
and ordered placed on file. It is prob
able that the teachers will get their
raise, ,
You Will Need a
During the warm summer days and you should ex
ercise judgment in making the selection .......
We Carry the Best
line in the city and can supply your every want.
Thoro will bo no trouble about securing ice this sum
mer as Malar Bros, have arranged to soli ice to the
family trade. Ice and a good refrigerator is a sum
mor necessity, Call and see what we can give you
i p
for a small amount oi money
Astoria's Leading House-furnishers
Tonight, at A. O. U. W. hall, the la
dles of the Woman's Club will hold a
rose show which promises to be one
of the most attractive entertainments
of the kind ever given in this city.
When the Civic Improvement League
disbanded the funds of that organiza
tion were turned over to the Woman's
Club for its civic Improvement fund,
and tonight's rose show will be given
for the benefit of the fund. There will
be three rose booths. Mrs. F. D. Keutt
ner and Mrs. F. A. Fisher will preside
over the white and yellow rose booth;
Mrs. J. E. Ferguson and Mrs. H. F.
Prael will have charge of the red rose
booth, and Mrs. J. Tuttle and Mrs.
Martin Foard will officiate at the pink
rose booth. A musical program w!" be
rendered, the participants being Miss
Shively, Miss Estes, Mrs. A. A. Finch
and Miss Ada Julian. Miss Larson,
the well-known violinist, will also take
part in the program, and Earl Fisher
will give a phonograhplo entertain
ment. An admission fee of 10 cents
will be charged, and the ladles expect
to realize a neat sum from their entertainment.
Notice to Water Consumers.
Friday, June 10, is the last day on
which to pay water rates to avoid
the penalty charged all delinquents.
Nothing new developed yesterday In
the city hall matter. It now seems as
sured that the council will go ahead
with the construction of the new halt,
although Councilman Nordstrom will
present the Flavel proposal at the ses
sion of Uie council on Monday night
A case of scarlet fever, the only
contagious disease now in the city,
was reported yesterday. The sufferer
is Mabel Monroe of I2 Franklin av-
enne. The residence has been place-
under quarantine and precaution will
be taken against spread of the dls-
The Astoria, hose team is now prac
ticing nightly, and the men are devel
oping considerable speed. They ex
pect to be successful competitors In
the tournaments to be held in the
state during Uie next few months, and
hope to make a good showing for Ore
gon at the world's fair.
It was reported yesterday that
brother of Merrill, who, with Tracer,
was prominently before the public re
cently, came over from Ilwaco yes
terday on the Nahcotta. It was said
the man was being watched by a de
tective, though for what reason he
was being shadowed was not learned
"In the Good
Old Summer Time
Thought lead to lighter and brighter things.
Our Great White Sale,.,
offers the best in seasonable wearing apparel at spec
ially reduced prices. Last week our White Sale proved
a startling attraction to hundreds.
"We have arranged matters so that you can still
secure these bargains all this week. You will be sorry
if yon neglect the opportunity. s ,
The schooner Minnie A. Calne arriv
ed yesterday from HHo, H. L, from
which port she sailed May 20. She
brought a clean bill of health and wa
nassed by Dr. Earle. Tho schooner
is commanded by Captain 3. K. Ol
sen. whose wife accompanies him
on the voyage. The vessel brings three
Japanese passengers.
D. C. Lewis, a Portland architect,
was down yesterday to look over the
city hall building preparatory to out
lining plans for the repairs which! are
to be made to the structure. Mr, Co
hen, the purchaser of the building, is
anxious to open his playhouse there
before regatta week, and the remodel
ing of the" building will be accom
plished as1 soon as possible.
The report of ih4 determination of
some of the councilmeit to pass an or
dlnance requiring saloons to clone at
midnight was the sole topic of con
versation among Uie retail liquor deal
r vesterdav. The new wae a de
elded surprise to them, as there had
been no previous intimation that any
of the members of the council contem
plated any such action. No further
statement concerning the matter was
secured, but it is not improbable that
the ordinance will be presented, if at
all, at the next regular meeting of the
city body.
At a meeting of the Retail Liquor
Dealers' Association held yesterday it
was decided to boycott the Portland
Journal. When members of the asso
elation were questioned about the matf
ter last night they declined to make
any statement, but it was learned the
association bad pronounced the Jour
nal antagonistic to their interests and
had decided to withdraw their sup
oort from the paper. The Journal's
efforts on behalf of the local option
law has given offense to the saloon
men. The local agent of the paper
states that the action of the associa
tion will merely result in his injury,
as the loss of a few subscriptions will
make absolutely no difference to the
owners of the Journal.
C. S. Arnold of Milwaukee, Ore., is
in the city.
Q. F. Wilder of Tacoma is registered
at the Occident.
Mtke.Halstead of Portland was In
Astoria yesterday.
C. M. Celler was In Portland yes
terday on business.
C. F. Lester of Warrenton was in
the city yesterday.
Miles McConnell of Frankfort is reg
istered at the Central.
L. A. Loomls and J. R. Coulter were
over from Ilwaco yesterday.
M. M. High and wife of Salem are
visiting with friends in Astoria.
Captain and Mrs. R. E. Howes have
returned from a visit in Portland.
Dr.' Q. A. Wood returned last night
from Chicago, in which city he has
been studying medicine. He will re
turn to his Bchool In the fall and will
graduate the following spring.
Anyone wishing box wood may have
same free of charge, provided they
wilt haul it away promptly.
Have you seen our new
line of . . . . . . .... . .
The Very latest designs are
heffe, the "Alden," "Warwick"
and "Wayne." . . ..........
Complete sets Door Locks and
Buttsi Sash Locks and Liftsi
Drawer Pulls, Etc., in any
finish. See the stock while its
complete . , ; . . v . . . .
Where Your Money Buys ; Most.
it rrT
r . . . f XA
A shoe for all sorts and conditions of men and
particularly those who appreciate thorough
comiort tor me ieet.
This ia positively the best $3.50 and $4.00 ;
, Shoe on the market to-day, for gale by
herity, Ralston & Gompair
Snccessoralto JOHN II AHN.