The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 10, 1904, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Critical Situation In the Iron and Steel
Trade Has Not Been Allayed During
the Past WeeK.
New York, June 9. From the sta
tistical returns It looks, says the Iron
Age, as though the consumption of pig
Iron had declined very materially since
March, while expanding1 production
has not been checked from last month.
The output for May was 1,633,500 tons
of anthracite and coke pig Iron, as
compared with 1,654,000 tons In April
But the rate of output, which had
reached 366,000 tons a week on Slay
1,. had dropped back to 336,000 tons on
June 1.
The corrective was quietly applied,
but meantime-stocks-which were de
dining steadily during the first quar
ter of the year, were Increasing dur
ing May, there having been an accumu
lation of 100,000 tons during that
month alone. Two-thirds of this ad
dition to the stock must be credited
to the central west and to the north
west. This indicates quite a shrink
age In the demand, which even the cut
ting down In the receipt of production
may not counterbalance. It , was to
be noted, however, that already there
lias been a further reduction In the
output by the blowing out of additional
furnaces since the opening of the
It is not surprising that the pig iron
markets have weakened further, and
Bermingham Is now on the basis of 9
for No. 2 foundry with one transaction
Involving 12,000 tons closed this week.
It Is Interesting to note that some ex
port business in southern Basic pig
has been done.
Valley furnaces are barely getting
S12 for No. 2 foundry, and Bessemer
pig and one exceptionally low sale of
low Phosphorus pig iron has been
made in eastern Pennsylvania. Pool
prices on steel billets are more and
more out of line with present condi
tions, compared with those prevailing
when the schedule was adopted.
The demand is still light in the heav
ier branches of finished trade.
In the structural trade some of the
long delayed Baltimore business has
been coming In, no that expectations of
larger orders from that quarter are
revived. The bar trade is disappoint
ing, and cutting Is going one, notably
In the west
Negotiations are in progress and are
expected to be completed within a
few days, according to the Herald,
whereby control of the Cincinnati,
Hamilton & Dayton railroad, known
as the "Natural Gas Route," will
change hands. The syndicate now In
control of the Pere Marquette system
probably will have a powerful If not
dominating voice in the affairs of the
Cincinnati Hamilton & Dayton.
Eugene Zimmerman of Cincinnati,
who Is one of the largest stockhold
era, has been in the city several days
past completing preliminaries looking
to the passing of the control of his
property. Associated with him is II.
F. Shoemaker of this city, also a large
stockholder. These two men have
been In conference with representatives
of the Per. Marquette line.
Incidentally It became known that
the Pere Marquette had secured con
trol of the Toledo Belt railway, which
was built by S. F. Fordyce. Bankers
have recelxed propositions to buy S3,
500,000 of bonds on this property, the
bonds to be jointly guaranteed by the
Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton and
the Pere Marquette.
At Toledo the two big systems will
connect and the aqulsition of the To
ledo Belt line is considered a valuable
Officials of the Cincinnati, Hamilton
& Dayton, while admitting that a
change in the control of their property
was about to be made, refused to con
firm the report that the Pere Mar
quette would absorb it The deal is
likely to be closed this week.
The Zimmerman road runs through
a rich manufacturing center of Ohio
and Indiana in the natural gas fields
of those states, it operates more than
650 miles of line and has a capital of
$16,000,000 with 315,000,000 of bonded
indebtedness in addition.
would, she could not sink. Her flar
Ing skirts buried her up and her at
tempts to get her head under water
were vain, r Her splashing was heard
by two men who procured a bout and
rescued her, despite her resistance.
After Mls Colloway was taken from
the water she learned that her alarm
clock was two weeks behind time, for
her sweetheart was married a fortnight
President Harper Does a Strenuous
Stunt Again.
Chicago, June 9. In a race against
time with an LL. D. degree as the
prize, President Harper of the Uni
versity of Chicago, will today start
' on a flying trip irom Madison, Wis.,
to Toronto. A special to Chicago and
the holding of a Michigan express at
Buffalo by special arrangement wll
be features of the trip.
President Harper is in Madison atr
tending the jubilee of the Unverslty
of Wisconsin, where he will be given
an LL. D. degree today. This after
noon he will leave on a special train
over the Northwestern, arriving in
Chicago at 4:45 p. m. At 5:20 he will
start over the Michigan Central, reach
ing Buffalo at 6:45,central time. The
hour schedule for the departure of the
departure of the train for Toronto is
exactly the minute of the arrival of
Dr. Harper's train from Chicago.
In Toronto tomorrow Dr. Harper will
deliver a convocation address in the
afternoon at Toronto University and
receive another LL. D. degree and
leave for Chicago In the evening.
Pardon Refused Female Murderer in
New Jersey.
New York, June 9. For the first
time In 40 years, a woman has been
doomed In New Jersey through the
refusal of the court of pardons to
Interfere with her death on the gallows
for murder. Mrs. Anna Valentine, who
killed Mrs. Rosie Salza at Lodi, N. J.:
last March, will be the victim, and she
probably will be executed June 16 at
Hackensack, N. J. At her trial Mrs.
Valentine confessed her crime and said
in open court she was ready to die
She said that the Salza woman called
her vile names and in a frenzy she
stabbed her tormenter 17 times with
a long-bladed carving knife.
Sold for a Fortune.
New York, June 9.--At a sale of the
Gaillard collection, says a Herald dis
patch from Paris, a large plate from
the Faenza factory, decorated with
flowers on a blue and yellow back
ground, which belonged to the king of
Hungary Mathias Corunth, who ruled
prior to 1490, has been sold for $10,200.
It was knocked down to an unknown
Gamblers Toast Decease of One of
Their Number.
New York, June 9. An astonishing
exhibition of Joy has been noticed
among the acquaintances In Harlem of
Miles B. McDonnell over the murder
of the former gambler in Albany.
Along East 125th street, In the saloons!
and resorts where the man was well!
known and feared, his death was toast
ed and it is even reported that some
of the friends of. George Price, who
was killed by McDonnell in 1900, got
up a dinner in celebration of the
event :
aJThe gambler. neves forgave McDon
nell for shooting Price, although be
was acquitted "on the ground of self
defense. He has been mixed up in a
score of fights and In one Instance is
said to have cut an ear from a man
he accused of swindling while employed
In his gaming house. The ear was
nailed up on a wall of the room. His
trial revealed the' inside facts regard
ing gambling in Harlem and caused
the closing of many notorious places,
much to the discomfiture of the pro-i
prietors and hangers-on. They have
lived to see themselves avenged and
his death caused much Joy.
Exciting Contest In New York Before
Large Crowd,
New York, June I. Never perhaps
In the annals of Balk Una billiards
has there been such an exciting scene
aa that witnessed In the match between
M. cure and Jacob Schaefer. says a
dispatch to the Herald from Purls.
The French expert In the second In
nlng Wednesday evening ran 225
points, thus beating by more than a
half century" the record of 200 made
by George Sutton when playing a game
with Vlgnaui In the tournament of
1903. When .after scoring 255 Cure
failed to get out of balk, there whs b
gasp of disappointment frotn hi
friends, followed by cheering which
lasted for some minutes.
Titer should always be found a bottle of
lite famous HoMetters summon imw,
tl ! trruul fnrnvurv m.illllx'r of th fwillllV
and if taken at the start may eouutorsit
a loug iekspeH. No other Is just as good
nor so Mta ami rrllalilft It pull the
utonuu'b in a normal rendition ami ourv
ItlUloujnrM, Constipated iiowcm
Dvsiwosla. ladiireation. Insomnia
Liver trouble and Mahria. IWtur
ami Irnggits recommend it. Try on
Chicago Will Let Inexperienced Grad
uates Teach.
Chicago, June 99. Lack of canldates
for teachers positions has led the Chi
cago board of education to admit gradu
ates of colleges and universities to the
examinations to be held June 27 and
28. "The derth of teachers la Chicago
haa been felt to severely that the
members of the board were practically
Togo Reports Trip of Torpedo Boats
to Port Arthur.
Toklo, Juu 9,-Atlmlral Togo re
ports that on the night of Juno ?th hf
sent eight small torpedo fr,1,n ,h
battleships of his squadron to tuk
recoiinntsauin of Port Arthur harbor.
The boats went far ttinide the hml
and were exposed to the Rums tan fire.
One sailor and one prtty offlcer were
killed In the operaton but the boat
escaped undamaged.
Admiral Kataoka reuorU that on
June 4th he landed men on Hhan Minn
and Tuku Islands In Tallenwsy bay
for the purpose of making a won
iialsasance. They found inont of the
bullJlngs thereon were only partially
destroyed. In the hospital some sup
piles were found. .
Gambling "CloMd" at Seattle.
While gambling has been stopped In
unanimous on the Question of admit- Seattle, Seattle people have not been
ting university graduates. The board stopped from gambling, Since the pool
adopted ft resolution to suspend the rooms have been closed In Seattle they
present rules which prohibits college have been removed to Georgetown
graduates from taking - examinations I where they are apparently doing as
for teachers' certificates unless they much business as ever. Gambling Is
have had two years' experience In wide open In Tacoma, and the In
terurban haa been compelled to put on
another car to accommodut Seattle
Ites who desire to Squander their
money. The Flyer, too, is doing a big
Boats Run Aground on Great Lakes er business than for some time.
and In Chicago River. Everett and Belllngham are getting
Chicago, June 9. In the almost de- Jealous, and are framing up to op
serted Chicago river has sailed & for-1 gambling wide. All of which proves
lorn appearing craft, the Child of Buf- Mna 0M cannot reform people by law,
falo, with a cargo of coal. On the
bridge stood a captain, M. M. Drake, A WOMAN'8 BACK.
the owner, who haa not sailed a vessel Th Aches and Pains Will Dissppsar
for thirty years. At the wheel and In " Thl Advice Is Followed.
the old cabin were officers many A woman's back has many aches
of whom were likewise strangers to ftn(J P1"
the sailor's life. Twice the steamer Mo8t tlm 'u tn9 kidneys' fault
had gone aground, once at the tiols Backache Is really kidney ache.
Ulan iHlnnrt and nno nt T.flk Mii'ma I That S Why Doan S Kidney Plllt
The incident was eloquent of the con-cur ,t
If your eheit mssiurs Is 42, 14 Tltffl FAIR ROUT
eoat would be nis unoomonBir v'i " w vntan ta
and would eauss some comment among Lo jIs, is on that gives you th most
. mJ i wniiP lovariiiinii wm i ivi wi iiranvji uiu biisa art thai a
your inwnu. - -- - uit) y
penditure out too smell for your busN ILLINOIS CENTRAL offers ttnsurpM.
net ehstt measurement! . sd servk via tbes point ,0 h
woRull FAIR, and In this connec.
DON'T CO TO IT. LOUIS uon 19 vmt wyond, makes it to
Till you rail at or writs to th Chi- f vanuf, cas you eoM.
cago, Milwaukee A St. Tsui Railroad irl t to ,U,
tie 134 Thlrt street. Portland, Or. u Mo "rsni.rn.nt.
Low rates to all point, east, In connec c f hotog Last
L with ... trlcontlnonu,.. 'Tl'
II. 8. ROWS, I ihubuwuh commercial Agwnt
General Agent, . " " "Tv"" regoo.
e. v. unveil i, F, A.
S4S Third street, Portland. tW
AniDCrT I IFUE r-a Thompson, r. p, a.
UlltEu 1 LlnE R . Colmaii Old, geatu., Wub
to Chicago and all point test Luls
vllis, Memphis. New Orlean, nd all
point south.
1:00 mi
pi wr Astoria ana
way Pomts
hd l:M
T:4I ml rr Portland and
l is p m way rolot
UN tn
See that your tUket read vU th
Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod-
rn train connect with all transconti
nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha.
1:10 pn
AstorU for Waa. T;Mam
ton, risvel rortj ;oop
8tvna, Hamroondii8::
lani Seaald
If your friend ar coming west let u
know and w wltl quote them direct
th specially low rites now la effect
from all eastsrn point.
1:18 (soti
l:M p m
u)3 tof War
renton, rial,
Hammond. Forti
Steven a Aatortal
Any Information as to rates, routes.
etc, cheerfully given on application.
B. II. TRUUOULU Commercial
Agent, 141 Third street, Portland, Or.
J. C. UND6KT, T. F. A P. A., 10
Third street, Portland, Or.
Sunday only
All train mat clo conntcihm.
Oobl wit all Northarn Pvino trains
v mnv irvm ui9 mbi ana Bound points.
J. C. Kayo,
Qrl Freight ad Pass, Apmt.
Many women know this.
Read what one has to say about It
Mrs. Painter, wife of J. W. Painter,
expressman, living at 310 East Seventh
street, Portland, says: "I have had
more or less kidney trouble alt my
life. When quite a young girl I had
a severe spell of sickness, and all who
knew me thought I was going to die,
I finally recovered, but ever after mu
Ul iuver u...vr.1uJr oenuiur kl(Jneyg bothered me a1(j j have
dition of the lake commerce wrought
by the strike of the masters" and pi
lots' association.
Many Are Honored by the Denver
Denver, June 9. At the graduating
Henry M. Teller received the degree fered , t, t . ,
or aoctor or laws, as am William I
Fraser McDowell, who has recently!
Another Combine.
Kansas City, June 9. The National
Packing company has absorbed the,
Ruddy Brothers Packing company,
whose plant is inArmourdale, Kansa
It is said the consideration was about
$500,000. The Ruddy Brothers com
pany emqloys 180 men and the daily
slaughter capacity is 250 cattle, 500
hogs and 300 sheep.
Girl Tried to Commit Suicide at Mo
ment Her Lover Married Another.
cnicago, June 9. An alarm clock
has given the signal for Nora Collo
way, a zo-year-old working girl to
Jump into the lake in an effort to end
a life of misery.
The girl had set the alarm for the
exact moment which she thought Al
lan Johnson, whom she loved, was to
marry another.
Taking the clock with her she walked
out to the pier and waited, Bhe had
written a farewell note to her sister
and was prepared to die. Finally the
alarm sounded and the young woman
loaped Into the water. But try as she
'-""T.) .. , . .. . ,
I could no
more lie on my left side than I could
fly. and could not stoon to nick nnv
been made bishop ' of the Methodist thIns off tne fl00. Hh
.u.L... cunu,,, prem- mysef up gradually by placing my
dent of the agricultural college, re- hand on my nlD. r .,,,,..- ta ...
ceived the degree of master of arts there were headache. airiness and
ana letters, ana tne degree or master trouble wIth the kl(Jney Becretong for
of arts was conferred upon Judge Ben aU or whlch t doct0red and used more
B. Lindsay of Denver, the originator of tnan one remedy ga,d to be a ure cure
tne juvenile court idea. foP iueh ....,. vihin in..
, ' VI VU( (
me relief compared with that received
rtnoaes rieir pound. from Doan's Kidney Pills. The results
Chicago, June 9. A dispatch to the stamp that remedy as one fully uo to
rriDune irom Asnevme, w. U., says: representations made for U
Mary Virginia Rhodes, one of the Emphatic endorsement can be had
heirs to Cecil Rhodes' estate In South rght here in Astoria, Drop Into Chaa
Africa, has been found In Ashevllle, I Rogers' drug store and ask what cus-
She is now Mrs. Virginia Rhodes Bak- tomers report.
er and a missionary. Mrs. Baker is Sold for 60c per box by all drug
ttuuui. to yeam ui age. ne nas Deenigists. . Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
eii8aBeu m mmmon wor in me BiacK n. T., sole agents for ths United
mountain district for a number of States.
yea- I Remember the name Don n'on,i
take no substitute.
Can Tell Nothing.
Chefoo, June 9. (3 p. m.) A China
man from Port Arthur says that while
the party of Chinese with which he
Speolsl Excursion to ths World's
The Denver & Rio Grande, In con-
arrived today were in Port Arthur nection with the Missouri Pacific, will
during the bombardment which took run a series of personally conducted
place on the night of June 6 they left excursions to. the world's fair durina
ai aayngnt on June 7 for a harbor east June, These excursions will run
of that town, where they boarded through to St. Louis without chanee
junas on me rouowing day. Conse-I of cars, making short stops at principal
quenuy mey naa no opportunity of points enroute. The first of these ex
fl0rta Intnfl tVia I , ... .
w-"" -" ui uainage i cursions win leave .Portland June 7th
done, if any, by the bombardment and the second June 17th. Th. rf.
from Astoria will be 167.50 to St. im.
That Throbbing Headaohs and return. Excursionists a-oln via
Would quickly leave you If you used the Denver & Rio Grande hav fh.
ur. iung-s mwLire Pills. Thousands privilege of returning via a different
or sunerers nave proved their match- route. This is the most pleasant way
less merit ior bick and Nervous Head- as well as the most dellahtful rnf
Aney maae pure blood and cross the continent. The aton.
build up your health. Only 25 cents; ranged give an opportunity to visit
money oac u not cured. Sold by the various points of Interest In and
Chae, Rogers, Druggist about Salt Lake Citv. nn..
' iui caiiu
Kansas City, If you wish tn B..
Ths lesst busy counter In your stors oany one of these exeumion.
- ...1 ,L. ,L!. . ... .. .1 l
wn.r. xnm imngs you aidn't sdvsr- once to W, C. McDrlde. l?4 nhtr
.... -r. WOK suout ths stors street, Portland, for sleeping cor res-
I ervatlons.
yo LSo u Mo
lfl(IMKl P'fa m saaeA.
AND UftlUft l'ACIFir:
TO hour from Portland to Chicago.
No chang of turn,
Duluth, Chiosgo, St Louis, snd all
points sait and south.
Depert fmm Arrive
l'unind H lak. fnvr, Pt
Hpeelal Worth, Ouib, Kn- iJSpsi
;. m cur. m Una.
i Hunt-Cbtcvttd uteKast
M,r"- f,U Uha, leoer ft
' ?.", WUrih.o.h.Kn. IMsm
l llttOU 1ir, Nl Uiula,
Ing ton t 'blwso snd tat Km!
kn ,aad gaal
Dsy light trip aoross the Csicsds and
Rocky Mountain.
From Astoria-
All ssJlftif date subject to chang.
For San Francisco every fly days.
Dally s.
ein Hun
day strum
For tickets, rates folders and full In
formation call on or address
City Ticket AnL
122 Third Street, Portland. Or.
S. O. TERKES. a. W P a
roiumbta Simla
run mud and Way
4 a tn
Daily !
Steamer NahcotU leave Astoria on
connecting thr with train for Long
Beach, Tioga and North Beach points.
612 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Returning arrive at Astoria Same
Through ticket to and from aU prin
cipal European cities.
O. W, ROBERTS, Agent
Astoria, Or.
mm Hug
TheM tiny Capiulei ire superior
iu paiwm oi lopaiDt,
tn tarn disease! with.
out inconvenience.
4 Y aft Prvrrttt
CHICHf T.O- in . , .
'. " ""' f'-Jlto turn. b.J
4 kl'ir k.ildw.
ETlf AVIS Uiawtaii
u imniMti n.l ihnuld know
MARVEL Whirling Spray
Tl new irHw. Jni.
k flwumlMni. ilrvl-hnf.
KVKI Hwl ih
iiiiot, Imi ivnil Uinu for
full imnii.'iilri niui .iui-mi.!;.. ,..
nliii,k i i,i, M n KL coli
1 faFbUon, wluk,
teff s Siltl-Pipsi Capsules
n ruaiTivi CURI
XHJ. !Iiiiom
5nUr th wnnt 15
thi sASTAi-pcPtia ea.
Sold by Chas. Rogers, 4CI Commercial
j 11
by Test"
A transcontinental trav
eler says: 'I've tried them
all and I prefer Die
western -Limited
It's the best to be found from
coast to coast."
It's" The Train for Com
fort" every night in tho year
between Minneapolis, St.
Paul and Chicago.
TWore ataiUn onatrln-no mutter
wliorwrlie ftr InU'rMlns Infurnia
llou about conifurUible irovcting.
H.LSISLER, General AjtnL
132 Third Ek rortland, Oregon.
Uennral rMntfi-r Agent,
HI j'ttul, iilnu.