VOLUME LVIL ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 100 1. NO. 212. ATTACK ON THE PORT BEGINS Correspondent Reports That the Storming of Port Arthur Be gan Yesterday At Day break. , Stated Officially That Turkey Will Not Allow Black Sea Fleet , to Pass Strait CHIEF REGRETS TO REPORT General Kttroimtkln Wire Cznr of Another DlnttHtir to Ills Troop i Which lie Lookc Men. Indianapolis. Juno fc Aaooelal to tht New from Itt ataff war eorrespen. dtnt t Chefoo saysi "Chefoo, Juno "..The lonfl eonUm plated attack by the Japanese on Port Arthur began aarly this morning. Tho Russian foroos around tho boloagusrod city wro roinforeod by tho troops which had garrisoned Oalny and Kin Chou.. Tho Russian vassals in tho harbor with tholr groat guns aidsd tho land foroos In ro polling tho attaok. Tho fighting still gooo on." Including 20 wlc-p In their bunk, es caped to tho row alongside. fl"h Pacific la of 420 tons and valued at 1176,000. fine was built by the North American Dredging Company In Tacoma lust year, and tho company ha bn at work several months on the government contract to clear the har bor. Tug are at work to raise the craft. Kuropatkin Regrets to Report St. Petersburg, June I. General Ku ropatkin telegraphs tho emperor, tinder date of June I: ' "A Japanese brigade attacked the Russian detachment occupying Stamu tesa on June 7. Tho Russians retired slowly, because of the enemy'a great superiority, toward Fen Chulln pas. "Our tosses were two officers wound ed and 100 soldiers killed or wounded." St. Petersburg Rumors. Ht. Petersburg, June 9. Among the rumors that nil tho city tonight la one on bHter authority than the average that General Kuropatkin la hlmaelf moving southward from Mao Yang. It fa not possible to authoritatively con firm the report. Fleet Will Not Pose. St. Petersburg, June I. Tho Asso ciated Press la Informed officially that no negotiations are taking place be tween Russian and . Turkey concerning the passage of tho Waik aco fleet through tho Dardanelles. Tho Turkish government haa affirmed positively Its Intention to maintain neutrality and observe strictly tho obligations of the nerlln treaty. While diplomatic cir cles do not believe In tho existence of danger In tho Balkans, yet It Is thought that Russia will not consider the re duction of the Black sea, fleet at this time. DREDGER BLOCKS CHANNEL. Craft Sinks by Breaking a Sunotion Pipe in Hold. Tacoma, Juno By the breaking of tho auction pip In the hold, th ocean going dredger Pacific wo aunk In 20 feet of water In th city channel at tho foot of Twenty-first street about midnight Jaat night. Tho men In the engine rooms had little time to save themselves. Thirty-five men on board LARGEST MINE IN DISTRICT TEAPLOYING UNION MEN FORCED TO CLOSE DOWN Famous Portland Mine, Which Recog nized the Union Miners, Is Shut by the Military Authorities and Will be Cause of the Federal Courts In vestigating Governor's Rights given them by persons wh have al ready unearthed some startling clews, hope to run the midnight raider to earth. Young Morrison Is dying at the home of Mrs. Moore in Casper, The shooting of MorrUon occurred near the scene of the murder of Ben Mlnnlck, who was shot down while In camp on Thunder mountain a year ago last February, Central Wyoming la greatly stirred up over the foul crime, and If the assassin la caught ho will be summarily dealt with. ALL UNIONISTS MUST NOW LEAVE THE DISTRICT Troops Are Chsnged Washington, June 8.An order has Citizen' Alliance Declares That It Will Mot Tolerate One Union Man or Woman, No Matter to What Union They Belong, to Remain in the Cripple LreeK District-Property Uwners wm be Forced to Leave as Well as Others. been Issued transferring the Fourth emi Sherman ilcll, commands of the and Ninth cavalfy. the Fourth w at Port Rlloy, Fort Leavenworth and Jef ferson barracks, and th Ninth at Fort Walla Walla, the Presidio and Mon terey. The change will, take place on October IS. Tho Tenth Infantry has become, and imw is, a menace to the Wen ordered from San, Franclwo to stations In the department of the Co lumblu. i POSTMASER RESIGNS. Portland Official Requested to .Do .So From Washington. Portland, Jim $. Postmaster Ban croft this evening telrgrophcd bis resig nation to Senator Mitchell at Wash ington. For some lime past there baa been much dissension In tho local pout- office affairs, and several weeks ago It was reported that Bancroft would be asked to resign, A request for hie resignation come today and wa Im mediately eompiled with. Several names have been mentioned for the postmoslershlp. but It I said that John W. Mlnto, deputy collector of Internal revenue, Is the probable successor of Bancroft. Dominican Revolution Ended... Washington. Juno . The, navy de partment today received cablegram from Admiral Slgsbee, dated Monte Chrlate, lost night, saying: "The custom house her will begin th transaction of business June 9. All porta of Banto Domingo now open to commerce. Revolution now ended." FOR ALL WEATHERS! JL f IttMSdufMt f sv - Kip mi 4,C ' 3 The nice thing about a rain coat is, you can wear it in shine as well as rain, and look well. The best fact about our rain coats is, they're made for us by Hart Schaflher & Marx, which is only a short way of saying that there are no better rain coats to be had anywhere ; and that you'll think so yourself if you buy one. We have plenty of other good overcoats to show you ; we'll show you the Hart Schaflher & Marx label in them: a small thing to look for, a big thing to find. Cojplfhl IKM it Hut lokiffaw S But P. A. STOKESj OniPrkeToEwiboay Victor, Colo., June 9. Adjutant Gen-j tie with the operation of the Portland Teller county military district, has or- derrd' the Portland mine, which em ploys union men, closed down. Tho. order says that the mine "has welfare and safety of the good people of aald' county, and a' hindrance to the restoration of" pear and good order," All persons found therein or there abouts -who are considered dangerous to the community will be arrested and held until further orders. The Port land la the only large mine In the dla- trlct that hae continued In operation since th explosion at -Independence xm Monday, which killed or maimed more than So non-union miners. The Port land Cold Mining Company, ; through Its president and manager, James F. Burns, who Is not -member of the Cripple Creek District Mine Owners' Association, conceded the demands of tho unions when the strike wo Inaugu rated last August, and haa steadily given employment to about 500 union men. May Go to Federal Courts. Denver, Colo., June I. Tho closing of the Portland mine at Victor by or der of Adjutant General Sherman M. Belt will probably be the mean of reaching the federal courts with the case to test the power of Governor Pea- body to vest In the military absolute power In the district declared to be under martial law. The Portland Gold Mining Company being a foreign company, Incorporated under the laws of Iowa, It la stated by eminent lawyer that therefore any act affecting It may be reviewed by the United Statea courts. James F. Burns, president of the Portland Mining Company Is in Den ver closeted wtth attorneys, who, it la said, are preparing paper which will probably be filed In the United States circuit court tonight asking for an or der to prevent further Interference on the part of the state military authorl- mlne. Bums, it Is further reported, will alao auk that the military be with drawn from the vicinity of hia prop erty in Victor, and that be be allowed to protect his men when they, go back to work Military authorities are credited with saying that when ihe Burns Injunction Is sued for, an attempt will be made to arrest Burns himself on a criminal charge that he Incited a riot It Is not claimed that there Is ground for the" accusation that Burns personally Incited the riot, the Implication being that he should be held partly responsl ble for tho recent troubles at Cripple Creek because he maintained the unions by giving employment to union miners. All Unionists Must Go. Cripple Creek. Colo., June 9. "Death to jinloniam In the Cripple Creek dis trlct" is the new slogan of the CSti sens' Alliance which ha sent the de ere broadcast, and every person con nected with the union here must either sever his or her connection with such an organisation or leave the district This latest stand of the anti-union ists wa vaguely hinted at. two days ago, but the movement on the part of the alliance seemed so absurd to the 1,000 or 4,000 unionists in the camp and it enforcement fraught with so many difficulties that it was not taken seriously. No person who works for a living will be exempt and absolute annihlla tion of unionism in this county is pre dieted by members of the Citizens' Alliance and the mine owners' asso ciation. Thia is considered the most drastic step yet taken by the alliance since it secured the upper hold in the dis trict and ita enforcement will affect J.000 men and women now affiliated with various unions. Among the un ions that will be affected by the new movement are the clerks, cooks and waiters, bartenders, carpenters, elec tricians, trainmen and stone and brick masons, ONE ROBBER KILLED. Posse of Cowboys Chas Train Robbers and Surround Them. Newcastle, Colo., June '9. A poese of ranchmen and cowboys living In the neighborhood of Garfield, wet of this place, came upon three men sup posed to be the Denver ft Rio Grande train robbers who dynamited the ex press car near Parachute, Colo., Tues day night, and a battle followed, one of the pursued being killed. The other two escaped Into Garfield canyon, and at last accounts were completely sur rounded. It 1 thought their escape Is Impossible. Elmer Chatteman, a cowboy, received a slight flesh wound. The dead man was brought to this! place tonight and Identified aa one of the three men who worked several days last week on the Denver ft. Rio Grande section near Paiachute, under the name of J. H Rows. Nothing Is known of, bis history here.- : .I. i, :KNOX TO BE SENATOR. ATTEMPT TO WRECK FAST TRAIN Southern Pacific Train North bound Almost Wrecked Near Grant's Pass, by Obstruction. Heavy Steel Rail Had Been Placed Across the Track, But Engineer Saw It in Time. APPLIED THE AIR BRAKES Cowcatcher t'aujrlif Obstruction at Critical Moment Sup ported That Tramp r Did Deed, Attorney General Selected to Succeed Late Senator Quay. Philadelphia, June 9. Philander C. Knox, attorney general of the United States, was selected today to fill the seat In the United States senate made vacant by the death of M. S. Quay. He will accept and serve by appoint ment of Governor Pennypacker until March 4, the date of the expiration of the latter' commission. Unless po Portland, June 9. News leaked out ; here this evening that a dastardly at- . tempt was made yesterday afternoon . to wreck the northbound Southern Pacific train at Grants Pass. Round- ing a turn, the engineer noticed an o!) i struction on the track some distance.' engine, but the momentum ; was., so-r great that the cowcatcher struck the v object and carried it some distance be 1 fore the train couid be brought to a standstill. Investigation showed that miscreants had placed a section of heavy steel rail across the track, but' fortunately it stood" so high that the cowcatcher prevented it coming tnt contact with the wheel of the engine. Had such a happening occurred, a frightful catastrophe would have re sulted, a the train was a heavy one, being the regular passenger train from San Francisco, due ta arrive here this Htlcal complication should arise asj morning. Detective are at work o the result of toSay' action, he will be elected for the full term by the legislature, which meets next January. President Pleased. Washington, June 9. The president is greatly pleased that Knox should succeed Quay. Knox will probably not resign a attorney general until con gress convene next December, Wanamakar's Brother Die Suddenly. Philadelphia, June 9. S. M. Wana- maker, a leading merchant of this city, and brother of former Postmaster Gen eral John Wanamaker, died suddenly today of heart disease. the case. It 1 believed that tramp are responsible for the outrage. BASEBALL SCORES. Pacific Coast. At Los Angele Portland, S; Do Angeles, 2. At Seattle Tacoma, 4; Seattle, 7. At San Francisco Oakland, I: San Francisco, 1. National At Boston Cincinnati, 9; Boston, S. American, At Cleveland New York, S; Cleve land, 2. At Detroit Boston, S; Detroit FATHER HAS ARRIVED. W Look Into Case of Son Aeoused of Robbery. Portland, June 9. To ascertain, if possible, the exact facts concerning the alleged holdup of hi son, W. E. Aurellus came to Portland from Chi cago. He ha been here several days, but thus far has not succeeded In ar riving at a conclusion. W. II. Aurellus, cashier of the local office of the Pullman Palace Car Com pany, reported to the police that two negroes entered his office and at re volver points forced him to hand over to them more than 2,500. The police investigated and found no clue to the alleged robbers. Subsequently Detec tive Welner, who handled the case, branded the young man's story as a fake. Aurellus Btltl stick to the hold up atory. His father says If his son took the money he will repay It, but he wants to be fully convinced. This morning the father was inter viewing officers and newspaper men re garding the' cae. Naturally, he be lieves his son was held up, and that the story was genuine. OFFERS BIG REWARD. Sheepman Was Shot From Ambush on Wyoming Range. Butte, Mont, June 9. Mr. Lucy L. Moore, Btepmother of Lincoln Morri son, the young sheepman who was shot from ambush on the night of May 23, on Alkali gulch, Klrby creek, In the Big Horn country, Wyoming, a short distance south from the Montana l'ne, offers a reward of 92504 for the assas sin. She says that she will pay this sum for the arrest and conviction or the dead body of the person who shot the young man. One thousand dollars will be paid for a chain of evidence that will disclose the identity of the assassin, and $500 will be paid for cor roborative evidence sworn to and used on behalf of the state In the trial of the guilty party. In addition to these rewards, the Luther C. Morrison estate will pay the sum of $1000 for the dead body of the assassin, and the Woolgrowers Association of Central Wyoming will also pay flOOO for the corpse. It Is said that a number of famous man-hunter will take the field at once and, armed with evidence that, will be ff5l fcT"3 SJlijIll Special Prices on SUITS and SKIRTS This Week! Better get our prices before buying. "You can Buv Them CHEAPER" P. S. Beautiful line of Wash Silks at 25 cents per yard. MOST CELEBRATED NOVEL PUBLISHED FIRST TIME IN PAPER, 25 CENTS EACH SEE THE SHOW WINDOW J. N GRIFFIN