The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 09, 1904, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Absolutely Pure
Captain Have! Will Sell Fine
Brick Building to City for City
Hall Purposes.
Agrees to Sell for $23,000, Half
of the Amount to Be Paid
Down and Balance Within
Reasonable Time.
Something entirely new and unex
pected developed yesterday In the city
hall negotiations. Captain George C.
ITavel offered the city his fine brick
building at the corner of Tenth and
Bond streets tor $25,000, and agreed to
accept half the amount in cash and
the balance at such time as the coun
cil may see Its way clear to pay it
The council has divided on this offer,
about half ot the members favoring
It and the others insisting that the
new hall be erected.
Dr. Alfred Kinney yesterday called
upon Councilman Nordstrom to ex
press his idea of the city hall propo
sition. The doctor called the atten
tion of the councilman to the fact that
Mr. BTavel had once offered to put his
brick building into a sawmill company
for 130,000, and he thought perhaps
the captain might sell to the city. Mr.
Nordstrom saw Captain Flavel, and
during the course of the day received
the following proposal:
Captain Flavel agrees to' sell to the
city the building, which cost origin
ally between 135,000 and $40,000, and
the property upon which It stands, for
$25,000. He is willing to accept $12,
600 as a cash payment and to wait for
the balance of the money a reasonable
length of time, exacting no interest.
There is $15,000 in the city hall fund,
but Captain Flavel asks a first pay
ment of only $12,500 so that the coun
cil may have $2500 to fit up the build
ing. Favor the Purchase.
Said Councilman Nordstrom: "1 be
lieve we should accept this offer of
Captain Flavel. The council can not
put more than $25,000 into a city hall,
because it has no greater amount
available. The expenditure of so small
a sum would provide us at best a tem
porary building, which would have to
be replaced at some future time. We
could not erect a brick or stone build
ing for this amount, and therefore
could not make a permanent improve
ment "If we buy the Flavel building for
$25,000, we will know Just what we
are getting. The ground and third
floods would be sufficient for the pur
poses of the city, and we could rent
the second floor and receive from this
rental Interest on our investment We
would have a brick structure large
enough for our requirements for 20
years or more, and secure a building
more substantial than any we could
build tor the amount available. I be
lieve the offer to be the best one we
have ever had. andvI will favor Its
Said Mr. Burns: "Well, that is cer
tainly a fine proposition. It looks good
to me, and I believe we should accept
it before Captain Flavel undergoes a
change ot opinion. If we can get the
Flavel brick for $25,000, we ought to
Jump at the offer. I shall favor pur
chase of the property."
Mr, Belland is quoted by Mr. Nord
strom as tavoring the proposal ot Cap
tain Flavel.
Do Not Favor It.
Councilman Hansen is said to be
opposed to accepting the proposition.
He seems to feel the city should go
ahead with the new city hall, and that
the brick is not suitable for city hall
purposes. Mayor Surprenant is also
ot this opinion, and the view is shared
by City Attorney Smith. Mayor Sur
prenant and Mr. Smith yesterday ex
amined the building, and Mr. Smith
said he thought the brick hardly suit
able for the purposes of the city. He
admitted that the offer was an ex
cellent one, but opposed it merely on
the ground stated. He added that it
would cost $10,000 to fit it up prop
erly, which would bring the cost up
to $35,000.
Council to Consider Matter.
Mr. Nordstrom stated yesterday that
the proposal would be brought before
the council at the special session next
Monday night He said he believed
the public property committee should
not incur any expense in preparing
preliminary plans until such time as
the council took action on Captain
Flavel's offer.
Yesterday the water commission
filed with Auditor Anderson a request
that the council make provision for an
office for the water commission in the
new city hall building. The commis
sion wants an office for the clerk and
desires space for a workshop. As it
is the intention to separate workshops
from the city hall, one feature of the
commission's request will probably be
Mr. Nordstrom is anxious to secure
expressions from taxpayers on the
proposal submitted yesterday, and has
requested Astorlans to give him their
views on the matter.
Dowie in Berlin.
Berlin, June 8. John Alexander
Dowie has arrived here. He has taken
the rooms lately occupied by one of
the Vanderbilts, costing $40 per day.
He addressed a crowded meeting de
picting glowing Zlon City, near Chicago.
Mrs. Francis Stelpend of Seattle is
In the city for a visit with relatives
and friends.
IS the most common cause of those nervous headaches that your doctor
does not reaoh. Dizziness, darting pains in the eye-balls or temples,
smarting or burning sensation, the eyes become red and lids inflamed,
quivering of lids and jerking of muscles in and around the eyes.
Do you ever have dark spots float
ing before your eyes? Does the sun
and wind hurt them? Do you have a
sleepy feeling and desire to close the
eyes when reading? Blurring of vision
or lines and letters running together?
If you feel any of these distressing symptoms, have your eyes examined and
ee what comfort and relief you will find when properly fitted with glasses.
CATHERINE WADE, Graduate Optician.
B. F. Allen Declares That Civil
War Was not Contest Between
Political Parties.
Writer Declares Hint Senator Is
iu Error In Charging Dis
ciples of JeAersou
With Infidelity.
Benjamin F. Allen, civil war veteran
and prominent democrat, insists that
United States Senator Fulton Is In
error in stating that the democrats
fought against the flag In the civil
war. Mr. Allen takes exception to
the speech of Senator Fulton deliver
ed at Fisher's opera house on Satur
day night last at the rally of the re
publicans. The senator's remarks were
published in The Astorlan, although,
however, merely the substance of his
statement appeared, no effort having
been made to give an exact quotation.
Senator Fulton stated that democrats
were true patriots as good cltltens as
republicans and that they had but
once failed to rally to the support of
the flag. He charged that they lined
up against the Union In the civil war,
and later on In his address, describing
the principles which the two great par
ties had stood tor, asserted that the
first Inscription which he saw on the
democratic banner wan one to the ef
fect that there was no power to up
hold the constitution. To this state
ment Mr. Allen objects. His letter Is
as follows:
Astoria, June 8. Editor of The As
torlan: As a democrat, having served
my country for the full term of en
listment, with an honorable discharge
and a vote of thanks signed by the
president Abraham Lincoln, and the
secretary of war, for service rendered
our government I ask the privilege
of replying to a statement of Senator
Fulton, aa quoted in Sunday's Asto
rlan, made during his address on Sat
urday evening. I was not at the meet
ing, therefore I can not say whether
the statement as it appeared in The
Astorlan was a correct quotation or
not I will quote The Astorlan, as
"The only time the democrats neg
lected to gather 'round the flag was
at the time of the war of the rebellion.
Mr. Fulton did not wish It
understood that he was scoring indi
vidual democrats."
Well, if he was scoring democrats
as a party, then the Douglas democrats
must come in for the greatest con
demnation, as they were the main
body. It is history that the Douglas
wing was by all odds the largest
First came the Douglas wing, then the
Bell; third the Breckinridge. The
Douglas branch, being larger than both
the Bell and the Breckinridge com
bined, was the main opponent of the
republican party in the campaign of
When it became evident that war
between the north and the south must
take place, Stephen A. Douglas ap
pealed to his party mind you, the
democratic party to stand by the
Union. Now, did they stand by the
flag or not? I ask you, Mr. Fulton,
to look up the Douglas democratic par
ty record and see, if you have not al
ready done so, before accusing us again
of being traitors to our flag. At least
two-thirds of our leading democrats
went into the service of the Union as
democrats, among them, and the great
est of all, Grant. New York before the
war was democratic; during the war
republican, and directly after the war,
when the soldiers had returned home,
Another fact I will mention. t In my
own state, Illinois, every county giv
ing a majority to 'Douglas filled her
full quota of volunteers and was ex
empt from draft The counties giving
a republican majority failed to do so,
and the draft took place in those
counties. I lived in a county, Dekalb,
that gave a handsome majority to Lin
coln. We had the draft there, and 1
had the honor to act as one of the
guards, with fixed bayonets, to march
some of my republican friends substi
tutes through the streets of Chicago
to the train, on which they were placed
and guarded to the front, while hun
dreds of people were asking us all
along the way if they were prisoners.
I went to the front a volunteer as
a democrat with many other demo
crats as companions, and now I must
hear the cry again, as in the days of
the bloody shirt, "Traitors!" without
drawing the line of distinction between
the true and the false the old familiar
republican cry for republican votes
The veterans ot the civil war are
W Dress
Particular Men
rGold and Silver Shirts"
There's not another shirt made )'
whereto equal it. No mutter on
what point. Wo carry a complete
assortment of all wanted styles, in
neat stripes, figures, dots or plain
white, plain or pleated fronts, cuffs
to match, $1.25, $1.50 and $1,75
The Famous "KNOX" Hats
Aro "Winnera" in every sense of the word more sightly and shapely
hats can't bo found. Wo have all tho now, shapes in all sites.
R j
fast disappearing. It will not be many
years before the last ot us are laid
away beyond the hearing of those who,
for political Influence, would divide
the democrats from the republican
soldiers and declare that the one was
loyal and the other a traitor. Aa 1
understand, the war woa not between
the republican and democratlo parties.
The republican party was not an anti
slavery party at that time, and all It
advocated on those lines was that con
gress had the right to prohibit slavery
In the territories. The war was strict
ly between the slave states, save Ken
tucky, Missouri and a portion of Vir
ginia (the latter some time after be
ing divided and becoming separate
states, East and West), and the states
that were not, except the states men
tionedKentucky, Missouri and West
Virginia. All the parties were pledged
to slavery in the states that were
slave states, and with nearly all the
leading generals, who were democrats,
the democrats, with the republicans of
the north, were Jed to victory, and, al
though the republican party may now
claim to have that Influence that It can
call to Its assistance at will the power
of heaven to bestow prosperity upon
the people of this earth, It Is now too
late to change tbe history ot the past,
even by the will of the republican
party. B. F. ALLEN.
Hlttorio Typewriter Exhibited at the
World's Fair.
."St Louis. June 8. The typewriter
upon which the articles of the treaty
of peace, which closed the war between
the United States and Spain, Is ex
hibited in the palace of liberal arts at
the world's fair. Several other ma
chines which are of historic value be
cause ot their connection with other
wars and International Incidents are
also shown.
Physician of Butts Arrested on 8rlous
Butte, Mont, June 8. Details of a
horrible Btory of the burning of the
body of a small baby were told to the
police last night and a serious charge
will be preferred against a prominent
physician of this city as soon as he
can be located by the police.
According to the story told by the
officers, the physician entered the
kitchen of the Delmonlco restaurant,
on Park street, one of the best-known
eating-houses in the city, last evening,
carrying a bundle which he wanted to
put in the fire. As the doctor, upon
several occasions before, had put bun
dles Into the fire, the cook thought
nothing of the request and granted it.
Several minutes later the cook, un
able to get the stove lid down, removed
the Iron and was horrified to find on
the top of the mass of flaming couls
the body of a baby.
Mast Have Lnxarlamt and Glossy Ililr,
No Matter What Color.
The finest contour of a female face, the
sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses
something if the head is crowned with
scant hair. Scant and falling hair, It Is
now known, is caused by a parasite that
burrows into the scalp to the root of the
balr, where it saps the vitality. The lit
tle white scales the germ throws up in
burrowing are called dandruff. To cure
dandruff permanently, then, and to stop
falling hair, that germ must be killed,
Xewbro's Herplcide, an entirely new re
sult of tbe chemical laboratory, destroys
the dandruff germ, and, of course, stops
the failing hair, and prevents baldness.
Sold by leading druggists. Band lOo, in
stamps for sample to The Eerpiclde Co
Detroit, Mich.
Bagle Drug Store Owl Drug Store
JB1-H3 Bond St M Com. Bt
' Astoria, Oregon.
T. F. LAURIN, Proprietor.
Special Agent
Statement Showing Pluralities of the
Various Candidates.
The complete unofficial vote ot all
the precincts of Clatsop county shows
the following:
For Congressman
J. N. Williamson (R) ...U07
J. E. Simmons (D)..... S5
George It Cook (8) 247
II. V. Stone (P) S3
Williamson's plurality, 652.
For Supreme Judge
F. A. Moore (It) 1.S2
Thomas O'Day (D) 647
C. C. Mlkkelsen (8) 221
C. J. Bright (P) 5
Moore's plurality, (82.
For Food Commissioner
J. W. Bailey (R) 1,210
S. M. Douglas (D) 848
N. Rasmussen (S) 219
I. W. Berry (P) 104
Bailey's plurality, 882.
For Circuit Judge
Thomas A. McBrlde 1,777
For District Attorney
Harrison Allen 1,841
For Representatives
J. V. Burns (D) 1.H2
J. N. Laws (D) 1,006
C. Q. Palmberg (R) 818
C. F. Lester (R) 114
Thomas Kelson (S) 284
C. F. Wlllcutt (8) 116
Burns' plurality, 244.
Law's plurality, 88.
For Sheriff
Thomas Linvllle (R) 1.132
Oeorge W. Morton (D) 1.110
J. F. Welch (8) 114
Llnvllle's plurality, 122.
For County Clerk
J. C. Clinton (R) 1.882
D. D. Sloop (8) 2(8
Clinton's majority, 1714.
For Treasurer
Charles A. Htsllborn (R) l.!t
Isaac Bergman (D) 8IS
Thomas Bush (8) 21T
Ilellborn's plurality, 406.
For Assessor
T. R. Cornelius (R) , 1.704
C. 8. Dow (8) 241
Cornelius minority, 1388.
For School Superintendent
IL & Lyman (D-R).... 1.817
For Surveyor
It. C. F. Astburg (R) 1.79S
For Coroner
W. C. A. Pohl (D-R) ..1.888
For Commissioner
William Larson (R) ..1,082
B. F. Allen (D) 186
W. Z. O. Steel (8)... 20S
Larson's plurality, 86.
The total vote against local option
was 1242; for, 718; majority against,
Trofessor O. W. Eyre, one of the high
school Instructors, leaves tonight for
his home In Dayton, Wash. He will
stop at Eugene to attend the state
normal alumni banquet Next year
Professor Eyre will take charge ot the
Pendleton public schools.
P. E. Peterson returned last night
from Portland.
Lace Curtain Stretchers
Ne. N 20 the simplest and most substantial stretcher on
the market. Will not sag whether aaed laying flat or stand
ing because of tbe center piece. Has slanting pins with ,
clinched pins that never tarn nor pull out Only $1X0 pair.
Ne. H 21. Made of extra heavy, wide slides that Insure
strength and durability : have center support to prevent sag.
Sng; special malleable iron hinges to permit of oomnaot folu
g; nlokel-plated brass pins made with barbs which cannot
work loose. Our special price only 82,25.
There are no flies on us, BUT we have a full line of
35c and 50cperdoz. FISHER BROS. COMPANY
W. P. Thomas, Manager, Ban Francisco.
Has been Underwriting on the Pacific
Coast twenty-five yean,
S. EUiORE 0 CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Or.
When You Want a Roof, I
most durable roofing material known. It la not affected by heat, cold, exposure to
WKB. as secures ior your Duiiuings the same insurance) A
' tr dfvar" 0,conBton ""ice have proven iu efli-
Tli A "Rlnffin't.ft "Rnnflntr f!n w Worcester Binr.
.w vw-.vV wv. PORTLAND. MrcaZ
any climate, acids or salt
rate aa metal and tile will
ciency Write for prices. We can interest you.