The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 09, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    - -r --''- nrr v-ffffcT jl..-it, --ffWif
Oio, It. George, Prtiident,-
J. E, lUffM Uihler,
0o. W. Wtfrtn. Vks-Prtitdtnt,
C it flfjlni, Art. Cuhtr, , v
The Astoria National Bank
' n.nk. Portland. Orwmn. Bnfc f New Tort, 5. B. .. nw 1 w
f coDUMniftl SViluiml ton. Cut CwcMm- iKxiiwotvu mi. m. . .
Continent! K
! First National Banli of Astoria
1 Capital and Surplus SIOO.OOO
Casltall'ald la 100,00a Surplus and Undivided Profits p.000
TrBMtiolbMklnbubM. loUrwt pId tim depwita.
j Frealdsot Vk) President ' Cwhler. AmUCmHw
G. W, Morton and John Fubrman, Proprietors.
543 Commercial St. Phone Main 321.
.... . M A I - -1
What to Do If You Desire rracwosi
If you contompUU vMtinf the Bt
.til VvMill
LAfUtI a. -
formation as to railroad servles. the
lowest rates and the beat routes. Also
M to the local condltlona In Bt Louis;
hotels, tie ate
If yon wtU wriU the undersigned,
stating what Information you deslrt.
ths aaroo wlU bo prompUy furnished.
If wo do not havo It on band, will
ecure It for you If possible, and with'
out any expense to you. Addrese
Commercial Agent 141 Third mreet
Portland. Or.
rresh testimony In great Quantity
If constantly coming- In, declaring Dr.
King's N9W Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds to be unequal
d. A recent eipresslon from T. J.
MeFarland, Bentorvllle, Va., serves as
example. He writes: i naa r
chttls for three years and doctored all
the time without being benefited. Then
I began taking Dr, King's New Discov
ery, and a few bottles wholly cured
me." Equally effective In curing all
Lung and Throat troubles, Consump
tlon, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaran
teed by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. Trial
bottles free; regular sixes, 60o and
Ths Northern Pactflo Railway Com
pany will place round trip ticket from
Portland to 8t Louis and return on
account of the world's fair on sale
June 16th, 17th and 18th.
July let, 2nd and Srd.
August 8th, 8th and 10th.
Sept. 6th, 6th and 7th.
October Srd, 4th and 6th.
Ths round trip rata to St. Louis and
return from Portland will be IS7.80,
Tickets will be good for return via any
direct line. .
A round trip rata of $71.50 will also
bs made from Portland to Chicago and
If a passenger desires to take In both
Chicago and St Louis the round trip
rate will be 175.00.
All tickets will be good for 80 days
from date of sale. Tickets will be
good going ten days from date of sale
o that a limited stop-over can be had
on the going trip and on the return
trip passengers can atop at their pleas
ure west of the Missouri river or St
Paul. These rates apply via direct
lines, but If passenger wishes to re
turn through California tickets can be
old accordingly, but at an Increased
rate of $18.60 added to above.
For any additional Information de
sired, call or address A. D. Charlton,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Uorthern Pactflo By 855 Morrison
street corner of Ird. Portland, Ore.
Trying to Solve the Myjtery of
the Revolver That Killed Cae
sar Young in New York. S
! Thought lie Can Tel! Some-
thing to the Grand Jury
About the Ownership
of the Weapon.
New York, June i, After a second
effort within 84 hours to secure from
J. Morgan Smith, brother-in-law of
Mrs. Nan Patterson, any Information
ha may possess as to the ownership of
the revolver which killed Bookmaker
Prank T. Toung, a subpoena has been
served directing Smith to appear before
the grand Jury today.
Detective have been at work con
stantly since the tragedy, which oc
curred Saturday morning In a cab, to
trace the ownership of the revolver,
whereby tbey expect to unravel the
mystery surrounding the affair. It was
at first stated that the weapon had
probably been shipped by a local firm
to San Francisco. This was found.
however, to be incorrect and now It
is definitely said that It was sold over
the counter here. This occurred in
1893, when Toung was In San Fran
cluco and another person connected
with the affair is understood to have
been In New York. 4
Mrs. Patterson's brother-in-law, who
was called to the district attorney's
office yesterday and examined at
length, was visited several hours later
by detectives and upon refusing to
answer their questions, he was served
with a subpoena.
A well known young pugilist .from
the west who has Just returned from
Europe, Is understood to have promised
to meet the expense of defending Mrs.
Patterson and has made arrangements
to furnish ball for her should the court
decide upon accepting bond.
holding company, and that as its hold
ings are in Kentucky it must pay taxes
here on Its holdings everywhere, in
cluding steamboat, steamship and rail
way lines over the world at large. '
As to the compromise effected by
Weller, Mr. Blxot says:. The court of
appeals decided In the case of the city
vs. the Louisville Railway Company
that a compromise of a tax suit ope
rates only as a credit, and that no taxes
can be compromised as to settle the
claim except partially, to the extent
that the amount paid sets off the
amount due."
The Floods In Missouri
Kansas City, Mo., June I-All the
Kansas rivers, except the Walnut and
the Terdlgrls, in the southern part of
the state, continue to fall today. The
streams named are rising slowly and
are driving families from the lowlands
around Kansas City and Coffey vllle,
but It Is not believed that they can go
mucn higher. But little rain Is re
ported for this part of the southwest
As the waters subside the great
amount of damage wrought becomes
apparent The continuous sweep of
waer over the farms In the past month
has practically ruined many of them,
much of the soil being washed away.
The water has been over the wheat
corn and alfalfa fields so long that the
farmers believe that crops are com
pletely njlned. The loss to stock will
be heavier than at first expected, and
as most of the farmers on the bottoms
lout their cribs of corn, the stock that
escaped drowning is suffering for food.
Train service is still demoralized in the
southern port of the state, although it
la gradually improving.
it t
If it is wortii wHiie
business at all, it is worm wn
to do
a lot of it
to do
Aiidiisitiieatis ;
always a proportionate amount of news-
paper space. - ; -;;;;;;;
Baltimore & Ohio R. R.
Chicago and New York
Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. ' Palatial Coach
cs, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawiug Room Cars. '
The Finest Dining Car Service in the World. ,
Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, i I ,
B, lh AUSTIN, General.Pass. A$tv - Chlcaio, III.
Authorities Ssy They Are Sorry He
Was Killed.
Ntuchwang, June 8. -(7 a. m.) The
burial of Lewis Etzel, correspondent of
the London Dally-Telegraph, will take
place here this afternoon. He was
killed 10 miles out at sea by some Chi
nese soldiers who were searching for
pirates. Immediately after realizing
the mistake they had made, these men
put out to sea and have not been seen
since. United States Consul General
Miller held an inquest at Bhawantaltze
yesterday, at which the consul general
Lu acknowledged that Etxel was
killed by his soldiers.
Ernest Brindle of the London Daily
Mall, who was along with Etxel when
he was shot testified that their junk
was unchallenged by the soldiers and
was fired upon in spite of the fact that
two foreigners were plainly visible at
a distance of less than 100 yards. At
least 150 shots were fired at the junk,
which did not reply. , , , .
Consul General Miller will forward
his report to United States Minister
Conger at Pekln, showing gross care
lessness upon the part of the soldiers
to say the least
While Brindle Is uncommunicative
regarding the plans which took him
self and Etzel on the sea voyage, the
Associated Press correspondent learned
that they were attempting to reach
Port Arthur. The Russian authorities
are doing all in their power to asalst
the American officials in the matter.
General Kondratovlch placed a steam
launch with 25 soldiers under the or
ders of Consul General Miller and oth
erwise rendered great aid in recover
ing the body of Etxel. Consul General
Miller has replied to General Kondrato
vlch thanking him heartily for his kind
ness on behalf of the United States
Chicago's 8ubwSys.
Seven million dollars has already
been spent in the construction of the
tunnel and the establishment of the
freight railway system In Chicago. It
has been an easy matter to obtain all
the cash required for the construction
work and for the successful floatlon
by the Illinois Tunnel Company of a
$50,000,000 corporation, half In stock
and half In bonds. At present three
electric locomotives and 84 freight
cars are running. The Illinois Tun
nel Company, the owner of the project
has let the contract for 3000 steel cars
and 100 electric locomotives. The cars
will be employed In hauling every kind
of freight Including coal and general
merchandise. The electric locomotives
have a capacity of 50 tons each on the
level and 100 tons on the inclines,
which are to be used In connecting the
railroad yards and buildings with the
tunnels. The cars will each hold 25
barrels of sugar, flour or general mer
chandise, or seven tons of coal.
One of the most valued services of
the underground freight railway will
be In relieving the cramped condition
of the Chicago railway terminals.
Forty per cent of the total railway
mileage of the United States has ter
minals in downtown Chicago. Thirty
eight railroads and railroad systems
have terminals here and these thirty-
eight are compelled to receive and de
liver frtight from a mere half-dozen
freight depots. More than $50,000,000
annually is now spent in trucking
freight across Chicago from freight
terminals to warehouses and stores.
The World Today.
Southern Pacifio Sued.
' Louisville, Ky June 8. Revenue
Agent August W. Blzot todny renewed,
by filing another suit, the proceedings
inaugurated by William Weller, Jr.,
during his term as revenue agent,
against the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company for back taxes on property
worth $90,000,000. The actual amount
In litigation Is $3,000,000, being taxes
at an average rate of 70 cents on the
hundred upon a $90,000,000 property
for five years.
The suit Instituted by Agent Weller
resulted In a compromise, the company
agreeing to. pay taxes to the extent of
$312,00. Weller prayed the recovery
of only $1,000,00, while Mr. Blzot asks
for $3,050,000. This difference arises
out of the difference of conception of
the defendant's liability. Mr. Blzot con
tends that the Southern Pacing la a
The Aches and Pains Will Disappear
If This Advice Is Followed.
A woman's back has many aches
and pains.
Most times 'tis the kidneys' fault
Backache ia really kidney ache.
That's why Doan's Kidney Pills
cure it
Many women know this.
Read what one has to say about it:
Mrs. Painter, wife of J. W. Painter,
expressman, living at 810 East Seventh
street Portland, says: "I have had
more or less kidney trouble all my
life. When quite a young girl I had
a severe spell of sickness, and all who
knew me thought I was going to die.
I finally recovered, but ever after my
kidneys bothered me and I have suf
fered at times terribly. I could no
more lie on myleft side than I could
fly, and could not stoop to pick any
thing oft the floor without working
hands on my hips. In addition to this
myself up gradually by placing my
there were headaches, dizziness and
trouble with the kidney secretions, for
all of which I doctored and used more
than one remedy said to be a sure cure
for such annoyances. Nothing brought
me relief compared with that received
from Doan's Kidney Pills. The results,
stamp that remedy as one fully up to
representations made for It"
Emphatic endorsement ' can be had
right here in Astoria. Drop into Chas.
Rogers' drug store and ask what cus
tomers report
Sold for 60c per box by all drug
gists. Foster - Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no substitute.
Cash Register,
For Sole Good as new will
sell cheap for cash Apply
to C, care of ASTORIAN.
: fit, '
Famous Trains
The Southwest Limited Kansas City to
Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago -via
Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St Paul
to Chscago, run via . ,
Chicaeo. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Each route offers numerous attractions.
The principal thing to insure a quick,
comfortable trip east is to see that your
tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St Paul Railway. t
General Agent
134 Third Street, Portland
The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel
ever on this route. Best of Table and State Room Accommo
dations. Will make round trip every five days between
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation If
Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San
Francisco and all points East For freight and passenger
rates apply to 7 7
General Agents, Astoria, Or.
rA. (EL C. R. R. Co., Portland, Or.
Pacific Navigation Co., Tillamook, Or.
O. R. Q. N. Co., Portland, Or.