The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 09, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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In All Brands and Sizes
-We haTethem in stock. The licl
supplied at absolutely bottom prices.
We have added a ripe Repairing
Department Best work m this line.
w n ill kmdisqn
.530.Ccsinefcl3l Street -j4 Eleventh Street.
, , Pale Bohemian Beer
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
a ' "
I Palace j
I Cafe
The Best Restaurant jj
RefBUr Meals. 25 Cents jj
Sunday Dinners I Specialty n
Eurytnin toe Market Affords jj
Palace Catering Company I
Flour, Feed, Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars.
. Supplies of all kinds at lowest prices tor
Fishermen, Farmers and Loggers.
EKANCII UNIONTOWN, . . Phones, 711, . . Uniontown, 713
Tutb nl Commtrciil iitrea ASTORIA, OREGON
A First Class Concert Hall - ' Finest Resort In The City
Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop.
Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors.
Phone No. 831
i GIS BROOKE Manager
Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast
Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars
Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA
1 Wl
Cancer ous Ulcers
After the age of 45 or 50, when the vital powers are
naturally weaker, it is noting that a hnr nt inv v,a
heals slowly, and often a very insignificant scratch or ?
viuuk ucuuuica a uau uicer or sore. At mis time 01 liie
warty growths, moles and pimples that have been on the
body almost from birth begin to inflame and fester, and
before very long are large eating, sloughing ulcers.
whenever a sore or nicer IS - . .
lowin healing thenyou may pi?
be Sure Something IS radical- Left temple for several years. It would itch and
lv wrone with vour hcv r?rn.i?d ibIS?..d wo?rd orer, but would
v wrong wuu your Diooa. never heal. The doctors pronounced It Cancer.
Some old taint or poison that Afte taking- S. 8. 8. awhile the sore began to die-
hasbeenslumberingtherefor p2Rfi&?ti& J'o'raXt'hlr
years IS beginning to assert bottles, taking- It for come time after It had en
itself, and breaks out and be- S7eh...nno of kbinct.Un yea" 0' nd
comes a bad ulcer and per- Gant, Audrain County, Mo. J0SEPHU8 B.ZTD.
haps the beginning of Cancer. These old sores are rooted in the blood, and
wmle wasnes, soaps, salves, etc., keep the surface
clean, they are not healing. A blood medicine to
purify and strengthen the polluted blood, and a tonic
to build up the general system is what is needed, and
erful and no germ so deadly that this great vegetable blood remedy cannot
reach it, and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative
Eroperties. Medical advice or any information you may desire will be given
y our physician without charge.
Has Been Identified as Prominent
j Attorney of the Pacific Coast
Well Known In Clubs, ,
Was About to lie Hurled by the
City When Ilia Wife Appeared
and Said It Was ller
-; .. Husband,
j New York. June 8. It has Just been
learned that W.. Parker of Ban fron
ctsco, who was found dead In a Broad
way hotel Sunday morning, waa Wal
ter Basil Packer, a graduate of Har
vard university, and said to be a mem-
They Make a Conspiouous Exhibit at
the World's Fair.
St. Louis, June I. It Is now con
reded that the part Canada takes at
the universal exposition surpasses
everything which has been heretofore
undertaken by the Dominion. There
la not the slightest doubt that she will
be to the front In the matter of nat
ural resources agriculture, horticul
ture. mines, forestry, fisheries and puld
Industries when the matter of awarda
and prilaea la discussed by the jury
of awards.
Canada for years has been plodding
along quietly developing Its strength
and seemed rather small In the eyes
Of her neighbors to the south. . Within
the past three or four years, however,
there Is a change of aspect In the
eyes of the public men and a change
of tone In the American press. Cana
da's resources and possibilities are now
being realised, even to the extent of
being a factor In competition with
those of the United States. For years
ber of the Bohemian and Pacific clubs
of San Francisco, two of the most ex- j the United States have prided them-
elusive organisations on the coast, j elves on their great sources of wheat
He was prominent In legal circles be- and meat supplies, and or me ad van
fore coming to New York a little more
than a year ugo What business
brought hltn east la not known but un
til a few days ago, his acquaintances
say he has appeared to be well sup
plied with funds.
A coroner's physician who examined
the body found that death was caused
by acute gnstrlcta produced by some
agency with which he waa unfamiliar.
The stomach Is being analysed. Or
ders have been given a burial company
to cremate the body when a woman,
said to be Mrs. Packer, appeared and
directed that it should be made ready
for regular burial
Four Policemen Fight to Save Driver
Who Injures Boy.
New York. June 8. George Cannon
of No. 68 Erie street, Jersey City,
driver employed by the Wells-Fargo
Express Company, was saved from
rough treatment by an enraged crowd
at Seventh avenue and Thirty-sixth
street last evening by four policemen
after his truck had passed over Camp
bell Rosmussen, 4 years old, In front
of No. 345 Seventh avenue. The boy
came here from Boston two days ago
to visit the family of Thomas Callahan,
at that address. The boy Is now at
the New York hospital with serious In
ternal Injuries and contusions.
Gannon was greatly concerned over
the boy's Injury, and did everything he
could to help the lad, but the crowd,
disregarding this and crying. "Lynch
him!" tore at his clothing until driven
off by the police. Even then Gannon
had to be guarded by three policemen
on his way to the station. He was
later balled out by his employers. He
Is charged with assault, pending the
result of the boy's Injuries.
lOal .-sl- OS tf'rC Lager
VU U1U1 4 Zt Beer.
Fresh and Bright and full of news from fa
and near are the pages of THE MORNING ASTOMAN. Its num
ber of readers is rapidly increasing, and it is acknowledged to be th
bestnewspaper Astoria has eyer had. Do you ADYERTISE in it
Logger Cut to Pieoes by Train Near
Cottage Grove.
Cottage Grove, Ore., June 8. A man
by the name of Wyatt, who has been
in the employ of the Booth-Kelly Lum
ber Company at Saginaw, three miles
north of this city, was run over by the
northbound overland and Instantly
killed yesterday morning. He had been
in this city and started for Saginaw
about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, and
was supposed to have been under the
influence of liquor and went to sleep
on the track.
The engineer did not see him until
too late and the train ran over him,
severing his head, one arm and one
limb from his body. The train was
stopped and the Coroner of this city
Immediately notified.
Driven to Desperation.
Living at on out-of-the-way place,
remote from civilization, a family Is
often driven to desperation In case of
accident, resulting In Burns, Cuts,
Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the
best on earth; 25c. At Chas. Rogers'
Drug Store.
' Worst of All Experiences.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last?
Sueh was the experience of Mrs. S. II.
Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three
years," she writes, "I endured lnsuffer
able pain from indigestion, stomach
and bowel trouble. Death seemed In
evitable when doctors and all remedies
failed. At length I was induced to try
Electric Bitters, and the result was
miraculous. I Improved at once, and
now I'm completely recovered." For
Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel
troubles Electric Bitters Is the only
medicine. Only SOc. It's guaranteed
by Chas. Rogers, Druggist.
The Grotto bandies nothing but
straight liquors; no blended goods in
the bflnse.
tages of their settlers' lands. The
growth of Canada's northwest and the
Immense wheat crops of that country
In the lost Ave o rslx years, with the
millions of acres carrying rich and
fertile soli, still unbroken, have shown
the possibility of a grain producing
country that would sown outrival the
United States.
And while Americans have been al
most dased at this development, the
great grain fields of millons of acres
In the northwest territories' have been
opened and the Influx of settler's, not
only from the United States, but also
from Oreat Britain and the continent,
has come In earnestly only to raise
to a greater estimation the Dominion
resources and possibilities.
There Is more. The great advan
tages of cattle raising In the western
part of the territories has led a great
number of Americans to cast their lot
and future welfare In these parts for
the purpose of producing meat, which
Is now admitted can be done as well
as In any country in the world, If hot
The Canadian exhibits In agrlcul
ture, forestry, fish and game, horticul
ture and mines and metallurgy are
among the most conspicuous at St
Louis and can give a fair Idea of what
possibilities are In store for the neigh
bors to the north.
, I I 5
i f 01
FOR RENT Three nloely furnished
' rooms,' slngls or f rt suite if bHms
i moderate. v.No. 1S2t Franklin vsnui
Yeu can always find the best 1Ssent
meal In the stty at the Rising Sua
restaurant. No. 612 Commsrtat street
Lump CoalLarge Lumps Ring up
S. Elmore Co., Mala 1961, and or
der a ton of Ladysmlth seal. They
deliver It. Seleot lump seat.
New stock of fancy goods Just arrived
at Yokohama Bciaac Call and te
the latest novelties frem Japan,
For good, reliable plana wcrk sea ysur
local tuner, Th. Fredrloksem 2S71
Band street Then Red 2074.
Union made heating stoves, hems man
ufaotured and very stove perfect, at
Montgomery's tin and plumbing
store, 428 Bond street 'Phone 1031.
Upper Astoria bet a plaoe where yeu
can get a fine glass of beer, as good
wines and liquors as you can find
any plaea In tht city.
Opposite North Paoifla Brewery.
Aldtrbrook Transfer Company Bag
gage transferred and wood fur
niched. Orders received at Gaston's
stsbls. Phone Msln 1671. K. L
Geddes, Mgr.
Cord wood, mill weed, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly,
the trsnsfer man. 'Phone 2211 Blsek,
Bsrn on Twelfth, opposite opera
WANTED Bey to make himself wis 4
ful around our office. Addre Man
fM..-.l... l. .L-
rull'Vllll mf vvr l niw van,
eeffes, pie, or doughnuts, 6s, U. 8.
rtitsursnt 434 Bend 'wCpM2L'L
For 8ile-At Gettcn's feed stable, ens
ColfsV roller ftcd million 20 horse
power meter and starter boa belt
Ing, shafting and pulleys, and ene
Fairbanks fleer scales also an
butcher's wall scales. , ,
Standsrd portable and adjustable
shower bsth, finest msde, price f IS.
Only twe screws to put In plaea. John
A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber,
423 Bend street Phone 1031.
Wanted Several Industrious persona
In each state to travel far housa
established 11 years and with a
large capital, to call upon merchants
and agents for successful and profit
able lino. Permanent engagement
Weekly each aalary of 124 and all
traveling expenses snd hotel bills
advanced In each each week, Em
perlcnce not essential. Mention ref
erence and Inclose self-addressed
envelope. National, Canton Bldg
Notloe to Contractors.
Proposals will be received by the
Astoria Water Commission tmtll t p.
m. on June I, 1904. for the construction
of a Stone Retaining Wall at Sis
teenth street and Irving aveaae, Asto
ria, Oregon. Plana and speoUlcatlona
can be seen at the office of the Water
Commission, 601 Duane street. Tba
right Is reeorved to reject any and all ;
bids. J. IL MANS ELL, Clerk.
v . . SSJ
Ruling Giving Property to Heirs
Mentioned in Document.
Eugene, Ore., June 8. Suit to break
the will of the late George W. Pickett
has ended in failure, so decides County
Judge IL R. Klncald in a recent rul
The contestants of the will were
Kate White, E. M. McGlnnls, James
McGlnnls, Julia A. Vaughan, George
Fullerton, Mqry Woods, John Trout and
wife. Their allegations were that the
testator was cajoled and coerced Into
making bequests to the defendants;
that he was not, owing to bodily In
flrmltles, mentally competent to dis
pose of his property.
The will gives to Kate White, niece
of the testator, $1000; to W. H. Hoff
man and Helen Hoffman, each $500; to
each of the brothers and sisters of the
testator, If living, $250, or If they are
dear, to their surviving children, the
same amount, to be divided among
them; provides for a monument for
the testator; appropriates $100 to keep
his grave in repair, and gives the re
mainder of the estate to Agnes Joyce,
sister of the testator.
The estate is valued at about $30,-
000. The contestants are nieces and
nephews of the testator.
The World's Fair Route.
Those anticipating an eastern trip,
or a visit to tne Louisiana rurcnase
exposition at SL Louis, cannot afford
to overlook the advantages offered by
the Mlssurl Pacific Railway, which, on
account of Its various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately named
"The World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the northwest take
the Missouri pacific trains from Den
ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either
going dlreet through Kansas City, or
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to St Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment including electric lighted obser-l
vatlon parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
dally trains between Kansas City and
St. Louis.
Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen
eral agent, 124 Third street Portland,
for detailed Information and Illustrat
ed Utferatvre,
Russisn Troops Will, Not Risk an
Pekln, June 8. (Morning.) -Viceroy
A lex left recently Issued a proclamation
stating that he had Instructed the
troops not to engage the Japanese
forces but to retire lulum!. Manchuria
being thereby kept free of actual war
tare, tne cninese inhabitants are,
therefore, Instructed to continue their
usual avocations. Those caught help
ing the Japanese or acting against
Russia are threatened with extermina
tlon and also that they will be held
responsible for the preservation of the
railways, the responsibility, resting
upon villages located within 20 mites
from the point where there has been
any dlstructlon of this class of prop
erty. For the first offense the people
of such villages will be fined, for the
second offense the villages will be de
stroyed, and the villagers will be put
to the sword, not a soul being spared.)
Not only will the common people be
held responsible in this matter, but also
the manchu and local officers. The
proclamation also charges the Inhabl
tants to make a strict search for all
suspicious characters.
The beer that made Milwaukee fam
ous Schllts Is always on draught at
The Grotto. Otto Mlkkelson, propria
Dr. Lyon's
Used by people of refinement
for orer a Quarter or a contur
JOHN FOX.Prea.and BupU A. I. FOX, Vlre Pwwldetit.
F.L BISHOP, Secretary . . ABTOK1A BAV'INUli BANK, Treat -
Designers and Manufacturers of
Foot of Fourth Street, . ASTORIA, OREGON.
433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Chocked and Transferred Trucks and
Furniture WagonsPianos Movod, Boxed and Shipped.
Terrible plagues, those itching, pest
ering diseases of the skin. Put an end
to misery. Boon's Ointment cures. At
any drug store.
Mrs. Ingleton has commenced a closing
out sale of everything exoopt HATS.
It includes Coats? Wrappers, Skirts, Underwear, Shirt Waists, Stock
ings, Notions, and all Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goods.
New Style Restaurant
Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords.
I Open Day and Night' Good Service.
120 lith SL next door to Griffin tosT
snd adjolniftf; the Office Saloon