The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 09, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Illinois Man Who Murdered His
Family Had to Be Protected
by the Police.
ill wlf u thn shot to death as she
held her baby, floblnson then shot
On learning that he was not dead
a mob formed ft rid mad an attack on
the pise wher Iloblnson li bring
cared for. He closed boih eyes and
begs th sheriff to let the mob have Hi
All He Will May Ik Unit People
Don't Kill Other I'eopl for
Nothing Hut Will 'ot
Tell Jteasou,
Chicago, June .-A diMpatch to th
Tribune from Carml, Ills., aaya:
"A mob eurrounded th bous of
John Robinson at N mince early today
clamoring for hie life. Sheriff Conroy
and thlrty-sla armed deputtea were
keeping back the riotous crowd. It
wu thought the mob would not suc
ceed In t mission a the officer were
determined to do their duty. Robin
eon, who killed hia wife and brother-in-law
and then attempted do take hie
own life, on Monday, haa eumclently
recovered to discus the crime. He
ahowa no emotion, and aaya "People
don't kill oneanothw for nothing." lie
Invited Arterbury, hie brother-in-law,
borne with him. .They quarreled and
Robinson ehot and killed Arterbury.
New Irish Potato,
The French National Hoclety of Ag
riculture hs recently had its attention
called to a new potato, which some
French Journal ear will not only play
an Important role In agriculture, but
will supplant the Irish potato. The
technical name of the new vegetable
i Bolanum commersonll, but It ia
now beginning to be called the Uru
guay IrlKh potato, ae it cornea from
the bank of the Mercedes river, in
Uruguay. The yield ie said to be
enormous, and It appear to be Im
mune from any disease. Thla potato
le cultivated like the common vege
table of thla name, or, at leant, haa
been ao cultivated In the trials made
In t France since 1901. Thorn well
Haynea, Consul, ' Rouen, France.
Will Marry an Actress.
New York, June I. Formal an
nouncement tht a marriage boa been
arranged between Kdward Ferclval
Clarke, son of Kir Edward Clarke, K.
C and Mtaa Nora. Waliey, the act
res who recently received a divorce
In New York, saya a Herald dispatch
from London. She Is a native of Aus
HE least busy counter in
your store is where the
things you did not ad
vertise are sold. Look
about the store and see.
Sea nature In all he glorious beauty,
and then the acme of man's" handi
work. Th first la found along th line
of th Denver e Rio Grande Railroad,
th latter at th St Louis World'
Fair. Your trip will be on of pleas
uremake th moot of It For lnfor
matlon and illustrated llteratur writ
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. AgU
Tortland, Or
Time Card oi Train
Leaves Antra
ruget Sound Llmited.MS am i:tl pr
Kansas Clty-Bt Louis)
Special 11:10 am 1:48 pn
North Coast limited l:M p m T:9aa
Tacoma and Seattle Night
Express .......... .11:45 pm 1:06 pn
Taka Puget Bound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor point
Take Puget Bound Limited tor Otym
pla direct
Take Puget Sound Limited or' Kan
sas Clty-St Louis Special tor poimts
on South Bend branoh.
Double dally train servie oa Q ray's
Harbor broach.
Four trains dally between Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle.
icow lay Iron 8 Irass Wcrlis
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings.
General Foundryinen and Patternmakers.
Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest
P&c S3 2451 1 Cor osr El&tccath mi Frsnilla.
The Boston Encampment
The annual encampment to be held
In Boston the week commencing Aug
ust IS now promises to be one of the
most largely attended gathering of
civil war veterans since the close of
the war. The old soldiers begin to
realise that they will not be able to
attend national encampment many
years longer, This makes many of
them the more anxious to meet their
comrades while they may.
The old commonwealth of Massachu-
setts, and especially the city of Bos
ton, feel that this is the last opportun
ity they will ever have to entertain
this representative class of American
citizens. They are therefor making
a great effort to have this one of the
memorable encampment the Grand
Army has ever held. Th department
of Massachusetts 1 bending every ef
fort to make the occasion unique and
thoroughly enjoyable by at! of those
who participate.
The entertainment for th week Is
to be elaborate. The committee hav
Ing the matter In charge have broken
away from the established customs and
will present some new features for
the edification of the gu&ts. There
will be the usual receptions and camp
fires and parades, but In addition there
will be some other feature that will
well repay the comrades who come to
see and enjoy. Automobile parades,
river carnivals, fish dinner on the
shores of Massachusetts bay, surf bath
Ing for those from th Interior who
have little or no opportunity for such
sport, excursions to Lexington, Con
cord, riymouth Rock and other places
of historic Interest make up an out
line of entertainment that will tax the
time of those who wish to see all. ,
The reception of the Woman's Re
lief corps wilt doubtless take place on
Monday evening, the day of the ar
rival of the greater part of the veter
an. On Monday also will be the
parade of the Naval Veterans and Ex-
Prisoners of War Association. On
Tuesday the grand parade of the
Grand Army will take place. In the
evening there will be a monster camp
Are in Mechanics building.
Wednesday the work of the encamp
ment will begin. That evening the
visitors will be Invited to take trains
and go to Waltham to witness one of
the most novel spectacles to be seen
In this country. On the Charles river
at Waltham there are aome 4000 ca
noes. These will be combined In a
grand river' carnival. Thla Is a form
of evening entertainment The Watch
city will be brilliantly illuminated and
there will be ample room for the hun
dreds of thousands of spectator along
the banks of the river, while the unique
and handsome decorations of the num
erous craft will present a falryllke
On Thursday, the 18th, the business
session will continue. That afternoon
the delegate will be taken on an auto
mobile ride. From Boston they will
go out through Cambridge, Arlington,
Lexington and Concord, and the ter
ritory made famous by our revolu
tionary sires and along the British
line of retreat which followed those
early victories of the American arms.
The termination of th route will be
at Concord
"By the rude bridge that arched .the
Their flag to Aprtl'e breeae unfurled;
Here once the embattled fanners stood
And fired the hot heard round the
returning by way of Sudbury and
r One of the most interesting features
of the week will be the evolutions of
the "White squadron." Those who
come from the inland cities and states
will have an opportunity to see some
thing of Uncle Sam' navy, aa the sec
retary of the navy has promised to
detail a squadron to come to Boston
during the encampment. Arrange
ments will be made for those who so
desire to go out on board these dogs
of war and at close range Bee some
thing of the sea fighting power of the
United States.
Boston, with its historic interest,
seems to be a. fitting place for the
greatest encampment In the history
of tho Grand Army of the Republic,
and no one who comes to Boston in
August will have cause to regret It.
Ample provisions are being made for
the accommodation of all The state
has appropriated S 50,000; the city of
Boston, 125.000, and the patriotic cltl
sena are constantly contributing to
swell thla fund to the end that every
emergency may be met Free quarters
will be provided for those who wish
them. Those who wish to stay at ho
tels will not find any advance in rate,
aa the proprietors have already guar
anteed to maintain their regular prices.
The parade Is to be very short only
two miles, over the best asphalt pave
ment through the most beautiful sec
tion of Boston. The Hub will be pre
pared to receive and entertain such
an Influx of visitors a ha hitherto
been unknown in th annal of her
history, Boston people feel proud that
this great event is to be In honor of
the veterans of the civil war. They
will do their best to show, this by the
welcome they will extend in August.
Fear Another Outbreak In Colorado
'' Camps.
Tellurlde, Col., June i. The recent
outbreak in the Cripple Creek district
ha Inspired the military here to re
newed activity. Crowds have been
gathering before the bulletin boards
containing news from Cripple Creek,
and some feelings was displayed. Lest
trouble should result from a too free
discussion of the Incident occurring at
Cripple Creek, Captain Wells, In com
mand of this district began rounding
up the men until he had marched be
tween 60 and 70 to the district court
room. Each man arrested was com
pelled to give an account of himself.
Th majority of them made a satis
factory showing to the captain and
were released with a few words of
admonition as to their future conduct
Those men who are not employed at
th present time were told plainly that
they must either go to work at once
or leave San Miguel county. Captain
Wells advised the men of the necessity
of conducting themselves In an or
derly manner and they were especially
forbidden to Indulge In discussion or
talk that would create excitement in the
camp or tend to prompt parties to law
less acts.
hlblt In the palace of forestry, fish and
game at the world's fair. In the cen
ter stands a huge buffalo, the once
proud monarch of the plains, with head
In the air as If scanning the horizon
for some approaching foe. At one
side are a black and crimson bear en
gaged in a death struggle. A Wg
black bear stands near, and perched
high up on a crag of rocks are two
beautiful specimens of the Rocky
mountain goat, the rarest of all Ameri
can animals. A herd of deer and elk
occupy another part of this attractive
exhibit, and at one side Is a skulking
coyote with her cub and a big black
timber wolf. r ,
The walla are covered with many
fine specimens of mounted animal
heads, while perched upon the top are
owls, hawks and eagles. The entire
display is distinguished for the ex
cellence of the mounting and the nat
ural positions given the animals, mak
ing it a feature of unusual Interest
Trimmings for Fall Trade.
Trade is very quiet in the trimmings
market at present, says the N. T. Com
merciaL Some of the importers re
turned from the other side yesterday
and more are expected within the next
week, when It will be possible to ascer
tain what will be the fashionable trim
ming for the coming season and what
the outlook it The spring season in
trimmings was not satisfactory, but
trimmings are always better in the fall
than In the spring.
A few samples have been received
from the other side and judging from
the number of braids shown they are
I to be In vogue. Many colored braids
are shown. Brown, blue and black are
the most popular colors. Two-tone
effects are very well thought of.
Crochet and Hercules braids In black
and colors are being freely ordered.
Soutaches t were very popular this
spring and are to be seen on garments
of silk, mohair and cotton. They will
no doubt be used extensively during
the coming season. Oriental embroid
eries still continue In favor. Persian
bands have been excellent for the last
few seasons and they will be shown
again In new effects.
Foremost among trimmings In Paris
stand galloons, silk, velvet canvas and
gause; galloons embroidered, printed,
embossed and painted, In all widths
and color and In the latter frequently
presenting a total contract to the ma
terial they trim.
Spangles will be in vogue again tor
tho coming season and from what one
of the Importers wrote colored spangled
trimming will be very fashionable.
Th Yearbook for 1903.
The Yearbook of the IT. S. depart
ment of agriculture is in press and
will be Issued this week. It is a vol
ume of 72S pages, which Is about 200
pages less than the Yearbook for 1902.
The annual report of the secretary of
agriculture covers 100 pages, the mis
cellaneous articles 398, and the ap
pendlx. Index and table of contents
about 225 pages. It Is illustrated with
17 lithographs, 48 half-tones and 54
text figures.
The editor of the Yearbook is 600,-
000, of which 470,000 are reserved for
the use of senators, representatives
and delegates In congress, or about
1000 copies to each member of con
The quota of the department Is only
30,000, which confines Its distribution
by the department to. regular active
correspondents and others co-operat
ing in the department work or rend
erlng it some direct service. The num
ber of these Is in fact far more num
erous than the number of Yearbooks
at Its disposal.
Missing Cup Found.
. New York. Juno I. The Cape May
challenge cup, which King Edward,
when prince of Wales, won wlth his
cutter Brittanla, has been found, says
a Herald dispatch from London. The
trophy which was reported missing,
is being returned to the New York
Yacht , club because it cannt, be de
fended under the existing condition
Millet Resigns.
St. Loula June 8. The resignation
of Louis J. Millet, chief of the depart
ment of mural decoration of the world's
fair, haa been submitted to Director of
Works Taylor, and will take effect
June 15. Mr. Millet's resignation Is the
result of the completion of his labors
at the exposition.
Sharkey Married.
New York, June 8. Thomas Shark
ey, the pugilist has been married in
thla city to Miss Calvtne Mcintosh of
Michigan, a professional nurse who at
tended him during a recent illness.
Display of Mounted Wild Animals of
th Rookies at the World'a Fair.
St Louis, June 8. A display of
mounted wild animals that would do
credit to a museum and menagerie
can be seen in Montana's great ex-
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the tacr&j
very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
'r-9 I I
a delicious and healthful dessert Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
baking! add boiliujf water and set to
ooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp,
harry and StrawWry. Get a paobage
at your grooovs fc-4kw, to sig.
t - -
Correct Clothes for Mas
Pto30 years tg?
good dressers
shunned ready-,
made clothes,
shoes, shirts,
gloves and ihs
rest To-day ths
ctarrMiMs.a.aao. only men who
have these made to order are
those with whom money is w
consideration. This label
for 30 years has Identified ths
world's standard ready-for-servic
apparel i the mark equal to "15
K on gold and "STERLING
en silver.
Causl to fiat cuttssvoud la all M
prks. Th mktn" gusrsntt. sd4
em, with every garment V art
Exclusive Distributors la this city.
What to Do If You Deeir Practical
If you contemplate visiting th Rt
Louis Exposition, to secure reliable In
formation as to railroad service, the
lowest rates and the best routes. Ala
as to the local conditions In St Loots, k
hotels, stew' etc
If you will write the undersigned,
stating what Information you desire,
the same will be promptly furnished.
If we do not have It on hand, wilt
secure it for you If possible, and with
out any expense to you. Address
Commercial Agent 14! Third street
Portland, Ore.
Are you going to St. Louis ?
If so call for your Ticket via the
The line having Terminal at entrance Fair Ground. Bound trip rate
$67.50, good tor Ninety Day from date of sale. Choice of
routes going and returning, via
Si Paal, Denver, Colorado Spriggs, Poctfo or El Pasa.
Stop over permitted in both directions. .
JtM Tla, 16th, ma, ISta, Jaly 1st Ia4r4 AsfstStB,MI0th.
SrpteakerSfi.iia.Jta. 9ctebward.4ti.ta.
Ob above date rate of $72.50 will .be made to Chicago and return. For
i further information and Bleeping ear reservations
call upon or address t
' A. H. MeDONALD, Geol Agent, UQ Third etreet, POSTLAND, ORE.
Giv us your order for any kind of
printing; plain or artistic, business'
or personal. We guarantee satisfac
tion. ...
Best workmanship. t
Host reasonable prices.
Two linotype machines enable us to
print briefs and other book work on
short notice.
Newspaper composition a specialty.
Write for Terms.