PAGE TltO. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1904. ; J"; MISSING AMERICAN GIRLS HAVE BEEN LOCATED Are in Vienna Hospital Under Treatment for Nervous Trouble and Hysterics From Unknown Cause. New Tork, June S. Friends of the Misses Bondy of New York have re ceived from Vienna news that the young women are In a medical insti tute in that city, having been taken there for observation and treatment while laboring under great excitement or hysteria, says a Herald dispatch from Paris, The story of their afflic tion is a strange one. ; Six months ago three young sisters, who are between the ages of 20 and SO. left New Tork for Europe, unattended5 for a trip to the Mediterranean and Egypt. They were well Supplied with money and proficient in European languages. After visiting the holy land they visi ted Egypt, saw thepyramids and went some distance' up the Nile, . A month ago they reached Constan tinople. Thare they met a party of Americans who obtained for the young ladies a reliable courier to escort them to Havre where they proposed embark ing on their return voyage. Th,ey were evidently in a nervous condition and told stories of An attempt made to kidnap them near the pyramids and of their having been pursued across Galilee by a bandit Sheik. They gave the Impression to all who came in contact with them that their nerves had teen considerably shaken by their adventures, fancied or real. On the arrival of the sisters in Vienna their nervousness became more marked They evaded the courier and moved from hotel to hot?l, declaring their lives were in danger. Finally they called upon the police for protection and were turned over to the United States consul who is having them cared for pending the arrival of rela tlves. The real cause of the nervous breakdown is unknown. -OCTOROON IS ARRESTED Doors of Her House Battered Down With Axes In the Hands of Detectives of New York. FIXED UP TO GO TO JAIL Took Two Hours to Mtike IIt Toilet Heforc (ioltiir to Spend Nljrkt in ' theBnMile. New York, June 8. Hannah Ellas the octoroon, charged by John Piatt RARE SCIENTIFIC EXHIBIT. Manufacture of Liquid Air and Liquid Hydrogen at World's Fair. St Louis, June 8. Liquid air and the still more rare product, liquid hy drogen, are being manufactured at the low temperature research exhibit of the British royal commission at the world's fair. The exhibit, which is in stalled in a separate building erected for the purpose in the northwest cor ner of the exposition grounds, is i reproduction of the plant employed by Professor James Dewar, the well known scientist, in his low temperature research at the Royal Institute, Lon don. The plant was constructed ac cording to Professor De war's lnstruc tions and represents the advance made to low temperature work since the discovery of liquid hydrogen In 1898. The world's fair is the only place in the world, outside of London, where the process of making liquid hydrogen can be observed this year. In connec tion with the low temperature exhibit. J. E. PetaveV late of Owen's college, Manchester, England, will deliver a number of lectures upon the work which has been accomplished in Eng land in obtaining extremely low temperature. t Boat Was Hit , Tokio, June 8. (10:30 a. m.) Four Japanese gunboats, which made a close reconnaissance of Port Arthur harbor at midnight on June 6 for the pur pose of examining the entrance, were exposed to afsevere cannonade. Gun- . boat number 4 was hit eight times and sustained some! damage. One of her sailors was killed and two others were wounded."' 1 " ' ' ' ' DIAMONDS IN A SLIPPER. Jewels Thrown Away by Daughter of the House. Chicago, June 7. Diamond rings valued at $6330 have been found In the toe of a slipper that had ben thrown with other discarded footwear on a garbage dump. The jewels were the property of Mrs. George Frank, who had hidden them In the slipper. Her daughter, ignorant of its valuable con tents, gave the slipper, with its mate, to the elevator boy of their apartment building to throw away. The police were notified when the loss was dis covered. The elevator boy said he remembered taking old shoes from Mrs. Frank's apartments Saturday and throwing them in the garbage can. The driver of the wagon was found and sent at once to Sharpshooters park. where he collected all the old shoes he could find. In the 15th shoe examined, the diamonds were found. by armed members of the citlsens' at llance and their federation cards taken from them. They were told that they were wanted In Cripple Creek, but that they must take out cards in the cltl tens alliance to stay. If they did not consent to do this they were to be departed, After eating a hearty meal the first that some of them had enjoyed, so the fugitives state, in 24 hours, secured beds when they could get accommoda tions. One of the deported miners said: "I don't know why I was deported, I have violated no law, destroyed no property, Injured no man. So tar as Iknow every one of the men driven with me from home are equally Inno cent with myself.1 The guards who accompanied the men from Cripple Creek returned to the district on the next train which left about an hour later. jteporcs mat an armea mob was gathering at the union depot took the) with having secured from him by train bearing the deported unionists hiuckmalllng methods nearly $700,000 caused Chief of Police Delaney to order the nU-ht in the Mercer street a detail of police to the station. On their arrival they peaceful and quiet. found everything police station. , She was taken from her palatini resi dence In Central Park west (where the doors were knocked down with axes), ARRIVED IN DENVER. Paid the Bail. j New Tork, June 8. Mrs. Cornelius I Storrs has paid 820,046.76 to Assistant District Attorney Miner, the amount, 3 with- Interest, of the forfeited bail for 1 Dr. Richard Cv Flower, who Is said o I have obtained some $300,000 of the I woman's money r through ; mining schemes. He has disappeared. Mrs. Storrs declares that Dr. Flower" saved her from death; that she was greatful and had faith In him. Deported Men Well Treated by Union Members. Denver, June 8. The 24 deported union miners from the Cripple Creek district, since the serious Hots in that section, returned to Denver about mid night on a special train over the Den ver & Rio Grande. In the rear of the car stood nine guards armed with shot guns and army rifles, who had been deputized to accompany them to Den ver from the gold camp. The miners were unarmed. Nearly all were pen niless. ' The men were met by about 40 delegates to the convention of the Western Federation of miners and were taken to a restaurant. The miners declare that the Cripple Creek district is no longer safe for union men. f; "Any one who has an enemy," laid one, "Had better get out, because ft Is i lmpos8ibleforwhiDi to -be protected there now." -. -: ; ! , The miners assert that when they were searched by guards of the mili tary and citizens alliance and their moriey'and valuables taken. s They also declare that before they were placed on the train they were lined up The Only 5 c Cigar upon Which million tastes agree a i ff fnnfoico)) , , MILLION GOLD I BUY. . 21 Sand is tht Smoker" $ , WAS A UNION MAN. Sheriff Declares Man Who Blew Up ,0 rilk ,n a crrln. r Depot Belonged to Union. She delayed so long at home arranging Denver, June 8. A Victor (Col.) spe- her toilet that the latter place was not clal says the Newman today prints an reined until nearly 3 o'clock. After Interview with Sheriff Edward Bell of nftv,ng lven her lmme' "' . . . was taken to Mercer street for the ifiicr county, concerning me inae-1 , .. I night. venue. .u irageuy. u. is creau- EfforU to Berve a warrnnt on Mrll, ea with saying: E1u8 n a cjvn BUt had kept a crowd I will get the murderer"sure. The about her house for a week and when the detectives attacked the doors with nrf vino 11 in .... t axes In order to serve a warrant In a have a number of clews that are valu- cr,n,,nal acllon whkh Mr' rintt final able, but will not divulge them at this had been P11 Pn time. I don't believe the murderer Is ther was a lure auJlt"nc' In the state at this time. But I can A" Mr- E,la" loft th nou"e- ' and will get him. I have no doubt but neavlly uP.n the ormB of the de,ect what he la a member of the miners' ,v" Bhe nad t0 P1" betwten solid union." I rows or curious persons, wnne street At 2:30 o'clock this morning General lcar8' carriages and automobiles were Bell and the mine operators, led by ,lned u ,n order that thc,r P"nf Charles M. M. MacNeiii and r r might view the outcome of the strange Hlralln. were preparing to take a sec- "e wmcn naa Detn no l0T ev,,nu ret trip down the Short Line railway, H""- Mrs- E,la" prMd " concern their destination being unknown, every Pver ner orrMt' memw nt tha rortv vin The specific charge on which the est pains to conceal the purpose 0f warrant waa hande1 ,a tha alled ex the trip. No sooner had General Bell torlUon 'rom Mr- p,att of 17500 ,n arrived than th trln was iiifMiliwl I last If your ehest measure Is 42, M ooat would be little unoomfortablt and would cause some comment among your frlendi.. It your advertising c penditure cut toe small for your butl nets chest measurement? don't oo to rr. LOUIS 'Till you call at or write to the Chi cago, Milwaukee ft St. Taul Railroad OlTlcc 1J4 Thlrt street, Portland, Or Low rates to all points tost. In conned tlon with all transcontinental. II. 8. HOWE, General Agent, A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all points Mat; Loula- vllie, Memphis. Mew Orleans, and all points south. See that your ticket reads via the Illinois Central R. ft. Thoroughly mod ern trains connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha. If your friends are coming west let us know and ws will quote them direct the specially low rnte now In effect from all eastern points. MARTIAL LAW DECLARED. CHANGE IN TARIFF. Cripple Creek District Is Now Under Military Control. Denver, Colo., June 8. A special to the News from Victor, Colo., says that martial law was declared In the Crip ple Creek district at 2 o'clock this morning by the posting by Acting Governor Haggott of a proclamation at a number of places In the camp. The posting was done under the direc. tlon of Adjutant General Bell who ar rived at Victor from Denver at an early hour this morning with the proe- Canada Will Make It in Favor of 8ome Woolen Goods. Ottawa, Ont., June 8. Hon. 8. Field Ing, minister of finance, In a statement In the house has announced that there Is not to be a general revision of the tariff until the next session of parlia ment. In the meantime, he said, a few changes had been made. The BrltlHh preference on woolens has bwn diminished by about 7 per cent, which gives that much additional protection to the Cunadlan manufacturer. Im portations of stallions and mares ure prohibited when valued under $50; lamatlon. Conditions In the camo are coal oil previosly S cents per gallon quiet according to all accounts. Gen eral Bell has assumed command of thel military and control of the district I and has called a council of the local- military company officers. He has also ordered Col. Verdeckberg, who! had charge of affairs In the district I when martial law ended there several months ago, to the district. TRAIN HELD UP. has been reduced V 2!4 cents a gallon and a bounty of 1 cents a gallon given on crude oil manuafctured In Canada and crude oil Imported free. A provision Is to be Inserted In the Canadian tariff to Impose a special duty on "dumped" goods equal to the difference between the price et which tjiese goods are held for delivery In Canada, and a' fair market value in i the country of protection. Brakeman Seriously Wounded by Twof ANOTHER CANDIDATE. Masked Men. Salt Lake, June 8. Denver & Rio Delaware Democrats Bring Out New Grande nassenirer train No. S. west I Piaea of Timhar. i bound was held up near Palisade, Col., I Dover, Del., June 8. Contrary to a station Just east of Grand Junction, the expressed wish of Judge George at an early hour this morning. Gray, the Delaware democratic state Brakeman Shellenberger Is seriously convention by a unanimous vote ye wounded, the result of a bullet from the terday Instructed Its delegates to the gun of one of the two holdups, and St. Louis convention to present the the conductor had his lantern shot name of Judge Gray to the convention from his hand. for president and to work for his noml- The robbers flagged the train about nation. two miles from the station and when the trainmen went forward to learn 8pecial Excursion to the World's the trouble, were confronted with re-1 Fair. voivers by two masked men. The Denver & Rio Grande, in con After marching the conductor back nectlon with the Missouri Pacific, will to the train they detached the engine run a series of personally conducted and express, car from the coaches and excursions to the world's fair during blew open the safe, after running the june. These excursions will run locomotive and car some distance up through to St. Louis without change the tr3.Ck rarm mnlrlna hAit mtnnm of nrlnrvlnal xne express omciais at this hour are points enroute. The first of these ex unable to say what amount was ob- cursions will leave Portland June 7th, lanieu, out ciaim u was small. and the second June 17th. Tha rate from Astoria will be $67.50 to St. Louis That Throbbing Headache and return. Excursionists going via Would quickly leave you If you used the Denver & Rio Grando have the Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands privilege of returning via a different of sufferers have proved their match- route. This is the most pleasant way, less merit for Sick and Nervous Head- as well as the most delightful route, to aches. They make pure blood and cross the continent. The stops ar build up your health. Only 25 cents; ranged give an opportunity to visit money back if not cured. Sold by the various points of Interest in and Chas. Rogers, Druggist. about Salt Lake City, Denver and Kansas City. If you wish to accom- The least busy counter in your store pany one of these excursions write at is where the things you. didn't adver once to W. C. McBrlde, 124 Third tise are sold. Look about the store street, Portland, for sleeping car res and see. . ervatlons. Any Information at to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application. 03. H. TRUMBUuL, Commercial Agent, 141 Third street, Portland, Or. J. C. LIND8ET. T. F. ft P. A., ltt Third street, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, F. A. P. ft., ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKET5 VIA To Spcksne, 8L Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chioago, 8t Louis, and all points east and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer afldl he Fast Mail Z 8PLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Dsylight trip across ths Cstesds and Rocky Mountains. For tickets, rates folders and full in formation call on or address H. DICKSON. City Ticket Agent. 122 Third Street,. Portland. Or. S. O. YEBKES, O. W. P. A.. 612 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. these tiny Capsules art superior to Daisam or lopsiDa, Cubebs or Iniectioni andumtf CURE IN 48 HOURS WT ths same di teases with. out Inconvenience. THIS FAIR ROUTE. via Chicago of New Orleans to It, Louis, IS ons mat give yu u for your money, and ths fact that the ILLINOIS ItntlMU wimra iiiwv ted tervlut via these points to tb WORLD'S FAIR, and In this conntcj tlon to all points beyond, makes it t. your advantage, In cast you content! I - 1. ana, iwllrtt Ull A wWtcl pine vriu v wm-t " " us before making final arrangements. Ws can offer tht chotct of at least a dosen different routes, B., II, TRUMDULU Commsrclal Agent 141 Third street, Portland, Oregon. 3. C LINDSET, T. F. ft P. A, 141 Third street, Portland, Ore, F. & TltOVfl'HON. F. ft P. ft. Room L Cottnan Bids. Seattle, Wash ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD LEAVS PORTLAND ftJUUYS :b6a T Portland Union Do T ; oo p ml pot for Astoria and way Points 11:19 an :Mn ASTORIA 7:4 a ml For Portland and 1:10 pmj Way Point 11 .Mam 10:p SBASIDB DIVISION l:ltam 11:14 am! :Mpm Astoria for waren ton, Flavtl Fort Stevens. Hammond, and Seaside T:Wam 4:00 pm 10: am :llam 1:10 am l:J0pm Seaside for War-! ronton, Flavtl, Hammond, Fort Stevena ft Astoria! U:Mpm T:20p 1:2 am Sunday only All trains makt close connection at Ooblt with all Northern Pacldo trains to and from ths East and Sound point. J. C. Mayo, Oneral Freight and Pas. Agent VjfA J t.Cl J VI 1 V OREGON Shout Line akd Union Pacific. TO hours from Portland to Chicago, No change of cars. Depart Chicago roriutift Hiolai . ni. via Huulr: inston Atlantic Kxurmu S. IS p. Ill, rla II un l- Ingtou TIME WIIRDl'LRH rmin POKTLAXD Mnlt Uke. lrnvor. ft Worth. Onnl. Kan. m City. Ht Iua. (.oiraiio aua tlie Coat Ht. Paul Faat Mull 1Mp. at. vta8o. kane full Uk, Ixtnver fi wcinii.uitiKlia. Kan. un City, Ht Utiiln, t lilcmgo sod UioKMt Walla Walla. rwl. ton.HMkane,Mlnii arKiii MIIWi and iwl lla. Hi 'ul. Dulutlil usee, cuicago, Arrive 38 p m I tOOam 1:00 p m OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco every Ave day. Dally ei c-li Hun day a ram Columbia River to i-uruana ana way Uudliigs 4 am Daily ex cept Mon Steamer Nahootta. leavoa a tht tide DAILY FOR TT.wArn connecting there with trains for Long anavu, iiumdi kiiu nnrin ifain vA(f"i Returning arrives at Astoria svenlng; rx" ! Through tickets to and from all prln- " clpal European cities, i O. W. ROBERTS, As;ent, j Astoria, Or. 3MICMtTCR'SJ rNC.LI.-,f. HVOOYALPILLS -a..NsArr"i;:.; fcf rilU-lhVI KKM KNiiLIHIl lo Ki ll 4 iol4 ..'Jlla Iim mM Hh mwHbiMa. I nk ther. iUruM II fZT " 7" ITWMIH, w MRU 4. ! I Z. n "I'J...'. ftrtlnaUM, T.I.I.U VV fc "l"llrllf for 'llra,"MI,iir, bm. (- Mull. I 't.OliK 1..UbisI. Rol4bf u-T.r '"','- 'klli.lrl'lilUiw Wanna lAHytio, iiadW I IIIL4. ? ivory Woman U mlraMd ftnfi inoiiiri Know MARVEL Whirling Spray The IMW (! Hrrhf. Injw liunanit HitrHim. ItMt N. it-Moat i:otivAmrtit. iiiiuHmii Rllf. lit nar tnnM Ikr M. ii im fftmtoiBiiiitiiy ina MAIiWKI,. ai'iwut no iiLlwr. (nil wiiil iLhiiiii for UlanliHtKNKK.k-w.l.a. itkiTfl full uHrttniiar,Riiil ilireHImm ln VHliialilx lo liulloa M tHVlllO,, 41 rarkllaw, Hew torn. SoelFs Santal-Pepsla Capsules a rosmvs cues sf ForlnflaromatlDtieTOataJTli ( jd ' tb Bladdar and Vitui " m, v ,ui. in ymji Can qnlokly and Pcnaa. nnUy tha wont euti of iionrrba and UImi, bo maltvrof bow loni ttasd, . in. Abaolnulf bannlai,V Horn Df aniKfUta. fhoa St .00, or brnnll, poftpald, THI lAITAl-PEPttl CD, SBULSFONTamo. OHKk Bold by Chas. Rogers, 4CI Commercial "Best i by Test" A transcontinental trav eler says: 44 I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast." It's The Train for Com- I . tl a . . . iorc every night in the year ueiwecn Minneapolis, et. Paul and Chicago. Before tnitln&on a trlp-no mutter whore-wrlto for lntoi-entlng Inrornm. tlon about comfortable traveling, H. L S1SLER, General Ajtnt. 132 Third. 6L Portland, Oregon. T. W. TBASDALE, General paancnKcr Aifent. Ht. Paul, Minn. h