The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 08, 1904, Image 1

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'- HtFTTI ll ii ; -i -
Reported That Detachment
Brownlef Are Pursued by
Cossacks Near Chuchla
' Tun Village.
Russian Goveroment Has No
News Concerning Reported
Sortie of Russian Fleet.
8Ut4 That Turkey Will Allow
' IltiNKlan Hhlp to Vm the
Dunllnclls When They
Are Heady.
St. Petersburg. Jun 7. Tht general
staff today received tht following tils
patch from General Haksroff:
"No chsnge In the situation In Feng
wangcheng , Tht Japanese detachment
has evacuated tht position which It oc
tuiM south of Vafarigow, near tht
village of Chuchla Tun. ami him son
southward pursued by our cavalry.
Firlna Ntar Port Arthur.
Chefo, Junt 7. A flwt of junks
which hu arrived from Diilny for tht
purpose of buying etorea tor th Jap.
net report having heard continuous
firing between Dolny and Port Arthur
for several days. Japanese warahlpa
art making Dnlny their headquarters
and art coming and going eontlnuoua
ly. They take turn guarding tht en
trance to Port Arthur. The Junke re
port that tht Cblneat art no longtr
allowed to leave Port Arthur and that
tht Japanese art punlahlng the bandlta'
who raided Dalny and Tallenwan.
to tht Influence of spirits, tried to ex-
plain tht action at being tht reault
of the nervoua condition In which he
found himself becsut of hit feeling
of personal dlallkt toward hla former who did not find It possible to
live him an appointment he desired.
Otherwlat ht expressed alncere regret
for hit behavior.
"fly a aupremt order Trlnct Dolgo-
ruky waa aaalgned to medical surveil
lance, after which approprlatt meat-
uret will bt taken,"
Government Hat Nt Newt.
Bt. Petersburg, June 7. Tht govern
ment, It la authoritatively aald to-
Twenty-four Men Deported and Other
Officials Forced to Resign Through j
Threats of Violence.
night, hat no more information than Over Two Hundred in the "Bull Pen" and More Arrests are Being
it houn.
tht public of tht happenlnga In the
neighborhood of Port Arthur. Lack of
official newt from tht southern Llao
Tung penlnaula waa reaponalble for
tht utual number of rumort through
out yesterday, among them tht reports
from Chefoo and elsewhere that the
. ... - - I. v. - - m .i. t -
Russian squadron had made a sortie cnaer
from Port Arthur and the Japanese regime of hundreds of deputy sheriffs
had begun a land attack upon the for- and about 150 militiamen, receiving
tress. The general staff could neither thelr orderi, f EdWftrd
w....i. ... uv.j nv wiwriPw " I wealthy mint owner, who succeeded
than tht similar ones during the past Mr Robertson when ht resigned under
threats of lynching yexterday, tht gold
mining district pasned a comparatively
Will Pits Dsrdlnelles. peaceable day. Throughout tht day
St. Petersburg, June 7. flrand Duke Uoldlers secured the hills for union
Alexis, commander In chief of the miners and the sum total of the day's
navy, according to an apparently rell- arrests were 19. ThU swelled the num
rnon, " ouiuinea me permis- oer of the men confined In the bull
slon of the emperor to create a third wn to considerably over 200. and to
ratine squadron rrom tht ahipa or the ftght 24 of them were placed aboard a
Black Bea fleet, and permission hat apei-lnl train and deported from the
already been obtained from Turkey to district. A guard of deputies rode out
take the ships through tht Dardlnelles of the dUUrK.t wlth tn(?m The men
on condition that they will not return. were 6u unionists and served as lead
ing suauron win iuii lor me tar east er ln the strike now pending. Three
simultaneously with the Itoltlc squad- additional city officials were forced to
ron. Tht Associated Pres Is unable rw.ign their offices today, namely. Chief
to obtain any confirmation of tht re- 0f p,f0 wiMam Graham, Night Mar-
P' , shat Fred Hardy and Justice of the
Peace Charles Harrington. Their rep-
British Will Advsnee. luted sympathy for unionism led to this
London, June 7-The correspondent con. In each case a committee from
of tht Dolly Mall at eimU say the th cltlsens-alilanct waited upon them
British advance on LTIasta hat been
ordered for Junt Si.
Made Hourly Mineowners Association Severely Censured
for TroubleIndependence Assassins Not
Yet Discovered.
gun concealed behind a large let box.
Subsequently they went to the union
headquarters and overturned every
thing In an effort to find the union
record. Their efforts wert unavail
ing. All thost injured In the accident
at Independence and at tht rioting In
Victor are rapidly recovering. No def
pany settled down to business, took t
piece well In band and proceeded
dole out a reel of the, Jolliest laugh,
that has tickled tht microbes on the
opera houe walls for many a long
season. As Abraham Muffin, Mr. Aid
ridge was the acme of perfection. He
has a good knowledge of the part and
puts his whole soul In the action of
the play. Mr. Wheeler, as Jack Butler,
made a very pleasant impression. Mr.
wneeier read his lines with a natural
grace that well fits him for juvenile
parts and his lovemaklng scenes lead
one to think that he knew whereof he
acted, so to speak. Ont of the strong
part of the bill was tht Gerald Buzfuz
as conceived by Mr. Robert McKensle.
This part was rendered In a manner
that did much to keep the house in
laughter, and Mr. McKenzlt won his
place In tht hearts of the Astoria pub
lic as ont of tht favorites of the com
pany. Miss Ellie Palmer, as Hannah,
tht maid, was very good In the part.
Mlas Palmer moves not In a listless
manner; she goes deep into her part
and gets out of it all there is there.
She plays with an excellent snap and
has presence of mind in great volume.
As Aunt Melinda, Miss Elsie Frank did
Are As Yet
a Republ,
About "h
The Several Votes L
parisons With the Vote t
Congressional Race.
well, and although this talented lady
1511 tint anrtAaa. an f .k. t - .
Int.. I. I. i.-- .--!-"" .11 MIS ui aci, viw, it ui.ucriuuu, nam oeen ua . ' 4.
obtained throuah the bloodhound. ""v mw "uw:"le uul
... . . iL iine O'ner t'o by contributing her
....... nsiv Bviitru vii ine 1ru.11 ui mei. 4 ... . ,
r,r.n h .v.. , .v. i"' " w " sier-maKing scenes or
.... . . . , , .this foxiest of farces. No outline
under tht station at Independence. thm ,, v .
hi- At.,rl . fc . I iA . .v ig0 u erve" rou rlnt for no' knowing
whole district has taken sides ln the ... . , ,t 8
niiiuiiig nuuui me snow people are
bitter feeling existing between the mine
owners' asHoclutlon and the unionists
It is thought that a clash will be avert
ed for the reason that most all of the
union leaders are In durance vile.
New York June 7. John A. Benson,
a "...! ... . . ....
s V.0111U1 ma millionaire lananoiaer, was
held today on a warrant of removal by
Martial Law Agsin. United States Commissioner Shields,
Denver, June 7. Adjutant General I The indictment charges that Benson
Sherman M. Bell, accompanied by a ana Frederick A. Hyde, the latter also
detail of staff officers, is on his way to! Wl -Y conpirea irauauienuy
iio oouun me uiie 10 certain reserve
lands in California and Oregon.
talking about today.
Cripple Creek beating Acting Governor
Haggott's proclamation of martial law
for that district. He has Instructions
and compelled them to act Immediate
ly under threats of violence. Sixteen.'0 U8e bl owa Judgment as to the
That Lamsdorff Attsek.
Washington, Junt 7. An official
statement was received at the Russian
embnaay today concerning the recent
attack on Count Lamsdorff and has
been given to tht Associated Press by
Count Casslnl, tht Russian ambasna
"May it, In tht evening, while at
tht house of Prince Obolensky, Assist
ant Minister of Foreign Affairs Count
Lamsdorff narrowly escaped becoming
tht victim of a bast attack on tht
part of Prince Dolgoruky. Not having
succeeded In his plan, tht culprit made
an attempt to escape by flight, but was
ultimately captured. Dolgoruky, who
showed signs of great excitement due
V Mm
w WW
' j
Polltlelsnt Art Getting Ready to Piok
Him Out
Harrlsburg, Pa., Junt 7. A confer
ence to determine whether tht sena
torial vacancy created by Senator
Quay's death shall be filled by appoint
ment of by an extra session of the
legislature was held tonight at the
executive mansion between Governor
Pennypacker, United States Senator
Penrose and Insurance Commissioner
Durham, who control the situation.
The governor spent several hours today
examining tht law on tht subject
Tht opinion still prevails here that
an extra session of the legislature will
bt held next December for tht election
of a senator.
deputies armed with sawed -oft guns
visited a union store and made a thor
ough search for weapone. They were
rewarded by finding a rifle and a shot-
needs for Issuing the proclamation and
If he decides the conditions warrant it
he has orders to place the gold camp
under a regiment of militia.
S; Los
Government Will Insist on Gold Stan
dsrd Bsing Adoptsd.
Washington, June 7. In answer to
a summons by the state department.
John Barrett, the minister to Panama,
came to Washington today and had
long conference with tht Panama
canal commissioners with reference to
tht settlement of the pending Panama
currency proposition. A final action
by the Panama legislature is expected
today. If the decision is adverse to
gold standard some action will bt re
quired immediately by our government
The nice thing about a rain
coat is, you can wear it in shine
as well as rain, and look well.
The best fact about our rain
coats is, they're made for us by
Hart Schaffner & Marx, which
is only a short way of saying
that there are no better rain
coats to be had anywhere ; and
that you'll think so yourself if
you buy one. We have plenty
of other good overcoats to show
you; we'll show you the Hart
Schaffner & Marx label in
them: a small thing to look for,
a big thing to find.
OvrrffM tm tr gut fciuSMr a Bm
P. At STOKES, One Price To Everybody
Bonds Havt Been Deposited in Impor
ts nt Marint Litigation.
I Victoria, B. C, June 7. -Bonds to
the amount of flOO.000 have been de
posited by an agent of tht Boston Tow
boat Company on behalf of a probable
claim to bt made by tht owners of
the Nlcomedla, which towed the Fie'
lades a distance of 800 miles and
brought her here. The Pleiades will
be towed to Tacoma, there to discharge
passengers and freight and undergo
New York Plsns to Prtvtnt 8eriout
Thtstor Accidents.
New Tork, June 7. An ordinance
declaring the construction of new
theaters has been signed by Mayor Mc
Clellan. Its formulation was result
ant from the Iroquois theater horror
.nd under the new conditions erect
ing new play houses here will be an
expensive operation. No changes are
provided for theaters already ln exist
ance but hereafter It will be practi
cally necessary to have a fourteen foot
court at both sides and in the rear of
buildings with a seating capacity of
more than 1800. Managers declare
this requirement practically is prohibition.
Govtrnor of Colorsdo Slammed by the
Dsmoerstio Convention.
Pueblo. Colo., June 7. The
crats today named delegates to the
national convention at St Louis, The
delegation goes unlnstructed. The
Hearst people captured the caucus
held by the Second district delegates,
but when they attempted to pass a
resolution instructing for Hearst
through the convention it was turned
The platform endorses the Kansas
City platform and Instructs the dele
gates to use all honorable means to
secure a platform In harmony there
with; demands enforcement of the
anti-trust laws, revision of the tariff;
It demands that tht people of the
Philippines be Insured their indepen
dence at the earliest possible moment;
it demands swift and sure punishment
to the perpetrators of the Cripple Creek
outrage: it declares for law and order,
but condemns Governor Peabody for
deporting men from their homes. A
strong resolution commending Bryan
waa adopted. Charles J. Hughes of
Denver was chairman.
Paoifio Cos it
At Los - Angeles Portland,
Angeles, (.
At Seattle Tacoma, 4; Seattle, 3.
At Oakland San Francisco, 8; Oak
land, 0. .
." Amsrfean. - -
At St Louis Washington, 8; St
Louis, I.
At Chicago Philadelphia, 1; Chi
cago, 8.
At Detroit Boston, 4; Detroit 8.
At Boston Cincinnati, 0; Boston, 2.
At Philadelphia St Louis, 8; Phila
delphia, 8.
At Brooklyn Chicago, 2; Brook
lyn. 1. 1
At New Tork Pittsburg. 2; New
jYork, 0. I
Editor Attempts to Blake Mm
self Solid With Administra
tion by Spreading the
. Salve for Oregon.
Portland, June 7. The count of tha
vote cast yesterday is proceeding very
slowly, and it will be two or three days
before the exact result can be known.
At midnight tonight not a single com
plet count had been received from any
one of the 33 counties In the state.
In the congressional race, at that
hour. Incomplete returns from nine
counties out of 18 in the First district
gave Hermann (Rep.) 13,365; Veatch
(Dem.), 10,188. These counties ln 1903
gave Tongue (Rep.), 15,228; Weather
ford (Dem.), 10,709. In the Second dis
trict Incomplete returns from five coun
ties out of the 17 in the district gave
Williamson (Rep.), 7278; Simmons
(Dem.), 4079. The same counties la
1902 gave Williamson (Rep.), 8.938;
Butcher (Dem.), 6.257. For supreme
judge incomplete returns from 13 coun
ties give Moore (Rep.), 19,435; Oday
(Dem.), 11.109. The same counties la
1902 gave Bean (Rep.), 21,834, and Bon-
ham (Dem.). 15,760, . Practically the
complete returns from Multnomah
county are: Congressman, William
son (Rep.), 10,493; Simmons (Dem.),
525. This county in 1902 gave Wil
liamson (Rep.), 9377; Butcher, 507
Supreme judge, Moore (Rep.), 11,221;
Oday (Dem.), 4043. This county In
1902 gave Bean (Rep.), 10,501; Bow-
ham (Dem.), 4862.
The Weather
Portland, June 7. For Oregon:
Wednesday, fair and warmer.
Englishwoman Compelled to Givt Up
Guns of Husbsnd.
Tangier, June 7. Armed Anjera Mo-
ros Invaded tht residence of an Eng
lishman here today and compelled his
wife to give up the rifles of her hus
band, who was absent The outrage
took place in broad daylight. The
British consul demands the arrest of
the tribesmen, but the Moorish author
ltles hesitate because the perpetrators
are Influential.
St the Grttn Grsss Grow.
Washington, Junt 7. President
Roosevelt today received the following
telegram from H. W. Scott, proprietor
of tht Oregonlan, dated Portland, June
"It Is 20,000; not less, perhaps more.
Oregon's trlbutt to you."
"Married by Mistske."
Of all the farces. "Married by Mis
take" is the foxiest. As presented at
Fisher's opera house by the Empire
Stock Company last night it was a
side-splitter. From the time the cur
tain rose on the setting of the first
act until It fell on the scene of con
fusion at tht close, there was one
long laugh for tht crowded houst that
greeted this company's second night.
Miss Snell was accorded enthusiastic
applause at her first appearance, as
was also Mr. Aldrldge. Then tht com-
i r
u 11 tl U
Special Prices on
This Week!
Better get our prices before buying.
You can Buy Them CHEAPER "
P. S.Beautiful line of "Wash Silks at 25 cents per yard.
'When Wilderness Was King." -Little Shepherd cf
Kingdom Come," "Kulers cf Kings,- "Cordon
Elopement,"-"Memoirs of a Baby."