- Turn rnpxrrMa ARTnuTAV tttttshav .tttxtf. 7 ioai. PAGE FOUR. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1904. )e morning JFlstorian ' ESTABLISHED 1873 ' PUBLISHED BY i ASTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. J. II. CARTER GENERAL MANAGER. RATES. By mail, per year . . ...... , By" mail, per month .... ... . Bj carriers, per month ..... $6 00 50 60 THE. SEMI-WEEKLY ASTOKIAN. and severe winter, Mr. Dunn anrues that as annual mean temperature remains about the same, it is not I unreasonable to expect, as a means of averaging up the weather, "a very sudden -and abnormally hot I summer. . But. fortunately, Mr. Dunn does not leave us without hope, for he says the abnormal warmth wil I endure for short periods, and that the heat will be extended more into the fall and winter months, lie i . ..... also promises relief from the hot sixlls "at inter . - vals," and that they will come "more in thunder storms than m heavy rams." . Well, there's nothing like knowing what to ex pect, for then one can prepare. The coining season should prove a blessing for the summer resorts, at lnjf run ur rail's. Bj nail, per year, in advance $1 00 DECREASE OP CONSUMPTION Aftr nil tli a vnr nf vnir!mAtit with u!Im a find a cure for consumption, it certainly will be grati fying to the public to learn from eminent medical authority that it is shown by carefully prepared sta tistics that the disease is tending toward extinction. TV.,. T... tT,.-l.l . . i v.. A LAW THAT IS ISEBDLD. . -ln; w nut' et, t: Anniiil 4v t rV tsm final Arttinn will Htt tllA Kill tCTIl. I x l l . nn . i 1 1 1 n . i li in ik fiii ana -Lhjaa ni nui uws wmc uw viku i nuTT nnir nnnrninf --ta wt a MnntAHiA ...... ...i.. J o i f.ii vvuiui; wiu uiau aauaiuiia uuw pcupu'U . Biting the- use of explosives on the Fourth of July, ky consumptives may possibly be filial by those who Aicrewiuic iuc .numiui una uku wmo. . are sunering wim cancer, since cancer appears to be mend this measnse. and to sav that it is a matter of , r - - pjnauuj "iv,i v-uoiuj fi til A3 13 i3 IVUUUJg lUn tttU small concern that objection should have been raised extinction." The Herald quotes from Dr., Abbott's to n Because, pernaps, it may resmi 10 me commercial tables and comments as follows: ilisadvantasre of some one. "WTiiU tim ,Wh There are numerous reasons why the use of ex- sumntirm rwr mini nt .o i moo nor. m w I -."-f vvm Jv 4Umavu V. LWLav II Oil IU aft V M XJJK. ifv piasives snouia oe Dromouea. oiaiisucs suuw mat vmra nan nr n irm thAflMtli ma mintA. tvu icre saciuurcu iii, jcai miuuBu jrivmiu- inis cause was 4,L'i', ttius mdieatmg a decline in til oos use oi explosives on tne jourtn 01 juiy. ui tne hntprvnl nf mith tin r,n nf total number 406 persons succumbed to lockjaw. Be- similar nnfi;t:nna in rointiva orr,,a ,ik - i - wvu x v v vv iu- uu 111 i an des tne large number of persons tilled, dUM were from consumption in Massachusetts for the decade seriously injured, and so many less seriously hurt isr,i.'fio for nuh mnnn nf 5t rnr,lo .no 100 I v,vv v o J'V. VM 11 0 W.ij 11 1 that no record was made of the number. It will m the interval of a half-centurv our state has enor. thus be seen that there were almost 5000 persons monslv inoronewl in th rn,ku p u aucu ur u.jureu vii mV r vuxiu vx ia&i ,ou. actual case3 of death from thi, m The proposed law is not in any way calculated to Uater than they were at that distant time. FBI a aamper on Patriotism reople may celebrate Another fact b ht b Dr toMbott.Mtdtml&oI.ofthem. Abbott's statistical tables is that, while half IL ' nd7ermthVT 0he7iennd tury ago the death rate from c nsumption anion" ehndren who throng the streets. The death of one feffiaies was m 30 or 40 per cent greater than 2 Ufa chUd would not be excused on all the commer- death rate frora this ca,seP J eial grounds which might be urged agaiast the law years past the reverse has been he Jh now pendmg, and the council will fail in its duty dividin the ih nnmZ, t I Ai, ,. J U1'ing me sexes tne number of women who now if it neglects to enact the ordinance. A man may just . .- , . V . . . .s weD run morally amuck with firecracker, as with thaa thTn rTe T S e that he may be held legally accountable for hi where deaths by consumption are on. the decreat' . ana wnere excessive female mortality from this at. (cruo CaUS? T Place to a corresponding female "au.mu ujiruAiAi-. immunity. The differences in England have been The president has decided to send a personal rep- less marked than they have been in Massachusetts a lesentative, m whose fairness and sound judgment circumstance due, perhaps, to the fact that the rate c ima luv uuiiusi connaence, to Alaska to investigate ot mortality by consumption in England was lower the various charges and countercharges which have 50 years ago than in Massachusetts, while now the UKU ami against a numoer ot tederal office- conditions of relative immunity are gradually ap holders, with a view to determining on the ground proaching each other. tne real merits of controversies which have been "The death rate ly consumption anion- f.-males nging for years in the district, says the Post-Intelli- appears to be disproportionately lar-e from the aire " ' ... 01 o me age 01 a. Between the ages of 10 and iue conuiuon seems to be chronicle, and there years the death rate of females fmn, th , Mems no other manner of settling it. A change of is fully twice that of nW n.i in . .VU....IU m-giw JUST FOR INSTANCE. For DfUd Candidattt. 'Of all mid words of tongue or pen. The imdileat r thene it might huv been!" After looking at the flection returna we ft re more than ever convinced of the chances for vice president of MIS- TKR Hnrdesty! Was It coincidence that one of the greater dlatlllerles In the country should be doatruyed ol, day prior to the vote on local option? It Is now up to some Innocent to suiKKcst that the longshoremen be treated to a boat rldct The country Is saved again! Civil war has been averted! Clutsup county will not secede! , .. If Kuropatkln doesn't look out, the Japs will make a pot pie out of those carrier pigeons. ,. Chomp Clark says that there Is many man In department life In Washing. ton who would have made a great author or lawyer. We always sus pected that some of those postofflce employes would make great lawyers! For Successful Candidstet. Q-reat K-ecelpts A-fter F-lndlng T-hls. t Get out the crepe! Now that the election Is over, June brides and the sweet gurl grad will come Into the public eye again. Togo has been promoted. That's right he ought Te-go to the top! ess How much did you" loae? ill For Multonomah the Word is the luw! Heard on Commereial 8trt, "Have you voted yet?" "Not In this precinct!" Dr. VAUpIIAN, Dentist. fytblao Building, Aitoris, Oregon. Dr. T. 'L. DAM Dr, P, I. Friedrich, DENTISTS 531 Commercial street Astoria Ore, JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PIII8ICIAN ANU 8UKOEON Acting AMlntant lurgiiou t - " ' l',8. Maria Iloapltal Hervlee. Office, hours: 10 to II a.m. l to 4:10 p.m. ' 477 Commercial Street. Ind Floor. ' Dr. W. O. LOGAN DENTIST " . 678'OoiumeaJal Bt Bbtnshta BoUJiog C. J. TRENCIIARD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOMS HOUSf ROKIR. Agent Wella-Fmrgo and Northern Paclflo Exprtaa CompanJaa, Con ELEVENTH and BONn its Dr. IUIODA 0. HICKS - ' OSTEOttATJlIiiT Mansell Dldg. t t? Commercial St FI10NK BLACK Wi, 0. W. BARlCDtNTIST 673 Commercial smidtr Astoria, Ore , TELEpaoy D goal. "Neglected ; coldaka fat . grav 1 . yard.- Dr. Wood's 'Korwar Plas ' jnmu Syrup helps men' and women ta a " 1 'i l' ' ' tppy. vigorous fitdisa. The TROY Launiry Is tho only White Labor Laundry in the City. ' Does the Dest of Work at very reasonable Trices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th arid DUANE STS. Phone 1991 o o o o o o o o o personnel does not put a stop to the quarrels, for as fast as a new man arrives he gets into the thick of the controversy as deeply as his predecessor and takes His hand m nlmg charges and in defending himself against charges which have been filed against him. iucic iiiuM, a rigui ana wrong side to all 0 these qnarrels, but which side is right "and which is wrong cannot be determined at Washington on the written testimony which has been sent there, for there m about as much of it filed on one side as on the other, A man from the outside, a trained and exneri nced lawyer, holding a high federal position, know ing none of the parties, and having no purpose to aerve save to honestly aid the president in determin ing' clearly the merits of the quarrels, can probably geiai me real truth of the matter. Assistant Attor ney General Young appears to have these qualifica tions, lie will leave tor Alaska in about three wwb and will spend the greater part of the summer in the tlisagreeable duty to which he has been assigned. He is quite likely to come away profoundly imnrpl with the soundness of the tradition that there is wmethmg about the atmosphere of the far nnrtWn territory which is unfavorable to the cultivation of veracity. But be that as it may, it is to be hoped that he is a man of capacity adequate to suggest at least a partial remedy, if not a complete cure, for Alaska's enronic complaint. ANT ICE CREAM YEAR. , "Farmer " Dunn, or, more correctly and tech ically, Sergeant Dunn, is undoubtedly the safest and rarest weather prophets the United States eovpm mart ever had in its employ, one who superseded . uia rrodabilities7 'with something like certainties When, therefore, Mr. Dunn declares himself. "Wi. ficd in saying we may expect an unusually hot and dry summer," it is the part of wisdom to give heed to his words and make our plans accordingly. Lay ing aside for the nonce the- theory that "weather trsnrels in cycles," and that these cycles are 28 years in duration, which would give us a repetition of the lot and arid days of the summer of the "centennial jaar,"'1876, which' followed an unusually cold, long the same holds true of the experience of the k tween the ages of 13 and 2.). But after that age the relative immunity of women makes itself evident. Thus, while 40 years ago many more women died in Massachusetts from comaimption between tho nf 20 and 50 years, at the prcent time many more men than women die in Massachusetts from thi .... ing these three-age decades. "The chief point in Dr. Abbott's think will be of interest to all, and perhaps of sur- IHj 10 many, is his confident belief, bawl mw. tality tables, that what has been-certainly for iw in .ew jngiana-the most murderous of all human uiW(,.-,Cr, js, rapidiy approaching its end. We are eitner becoming immune to it through evolutionary processes or better hygienic conditions .r,. 1.,.;; about their logical results." For lonlng bettors "Yon hath a lean and hungry look. too much!" McCULLEY Ctutftlus lie bets PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing AllyomliiI1Ipllooijrrinlllrec.lT.t)(l.l.u.iioq, V00-9I3 Ccomerchl Street. Reliance Electrical Works H.W.CYUCNf, Manager VearMhoroiiy7p,P,)afea fot nMag wtiuislci and executing orders for all kinds 0 electrical installing and roPilrinjr. Moppllcs In stock. Wa sell UieCelobrated SHELBY LAMP. Cull op Phone 1101. 428 BONO STREET irrxirrxiiiTxmiixtixxrizixxrimziTixixxxira FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Lodging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. LIVE STOCK D0UGI1T AND SOtD DRAMATIC. Before a packed house, the Empire Stock Company lust night prcnentcd "Capital Vs. Labor," a modernized ver sion of "The Lost Paradise." The nlnv Itself Is a thrllllmr portrayal of con- M WASHINfiTON MADb'PT ritDfCTrueAu . . ,, IU vmmmtmtr MVtfVil ((VVl , uumgxxrxrii hit TTTTTTTT The trouble about a hall of fame IS flint OAmo rxf the iieople who seem all right as renrcntnt;, f the greatness of one generation look like misfits to me next. It is said that laborers receive onlv fin ui x auama, out 11 is sate to predict that they will ..vC a union mat gets more m a very little while. Judging from past experiences. som nf no ... ' iun- sians are inclined to think it advisable to put off a utxiive oauie as long as possible. Mr. Cleveland still thinks what. th need is a candidate who possesses both ennital nA 1 vt 'tllCCiS. Mr. Hearst doubtless realizes that. T. ; , enough to wait till 1916 if it is absolutely eceSsary The Japs deny that the blowing vm f ' torpedo boats is a new form of the hara-kiri habit. Santos Dumont is at work on o.Vct,; t should give Sir Thomas Lipton courage. This conflicting powers ln the heart and cocnfllctlng powers In the heart and soul of man. It calls for that greatest of all efforts on the part ! the actor or actressthe portrayal In an Inter esting manner of roles that are simple and void of strength save In their slm pllclty, In roles where the m tor must furnish the life and spirit, roles that might be called dull on paper. There was nothing dull about the bill as pre sented last night. Miss Corlnne 8ne the beautiful and talented leading lady, charmed her audience from her first appearance on the stage. She handled her role of Margaret Crompton with the proper spirit not overdoing nor underdoing, but wandering In the gold en mean. Alfred Aldridge was accorded an en thusiastic reception and played the part of, George Weston to the satisfaction of all In the house. The work of Miss Snell and Mr. Aldridge In connection Is harmonious and well measured. The supporting company Is a strong one and the specialties nre excellent. Taken altogether, there is no reason why the Empire people should not play to crowded house every night during their stay In Astoria. The Illness of an actress has made It necessary for the bill advertised for tonight to be changed. Instead of I Faust," "Married by Mistake" will be presented, and "Faust" will come to- morrow evening. The bill for tonight Is a furiously funny farce that brings the tears of laughter to the eyes of all. MATTRESSES Wool, Curled Hair, Mohair, Spring. All kinds of Mattresses made to order. Prices the Lowest L. H. HENNINGSEN CO, 504 BOND STREET. ASTORIA, OREGON. PRONE, RED 2303 ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine ot the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of Work in tbat line at reasonable prices. Telephoue.201. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. 1 1,000 TONS BEST LUMP mmmw Free Delivery. Phono orders to No. 1001. Elmore & CO. "Tat ttn nn ytn I tiitersd with ehronla sen. upioa ua anrinc ini Mm I But to MX of warm wator ooco STarrMhonra bofori ... mn Win. An m m h.. U. 1 1 mi. wwimj mm a wou nan. Bnrlnf th nlu Mara befora I nied Cucama 1 to jroB 1 am fra from all that thla morning. lorn aa at tlila lu btbalf of tuffaring humanltr." B. t. fithti, Uvanok. IlL Beat For Th Dowels CAWDV C ATfUimO uriaaani, raiaaoi. roni, Taita onoa, no 0004, Sarar BieKan, waaaan or uripa, 10c, lie, He, Never mIA I t. .. I. fPK. 1.1 1., i f, n Quarantaad to cur or roar luonej back. Starling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y, Aoj tnmsiu, its K'wa eoxes HOTEL POR TLA N D The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. Don't Forget the GREEN STRIPE I at the Eagle Dance HaU-Ip.i.mER80N