The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 05, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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American, J gallon lizo, 25 cent.
URGE QUEEN, BEST, Vat Wot 25 centa.
Pin Money Pickles!!
Very Fine and Nice, Per Pint 25 cent.
. . Good Oood our; Speciality, r , ; ; .;
LcccJ OrcYltlcs.
i tnornlaf t Mr. and Mrt. IL It Hotflcr.
Tktr win b. Swedish ervlcM at
tht rtrat Lutheran church at 1:11 thle
vtnlnf. ''
,t .y.Tbt object,, ot JIM, nJn .atrmon
At the rrtflbfttrUa church will U, "It
Jllgt Tim to Awke Out of Sleep."
The ateamar bnpatdi arrived' yee
l terday from cot porta. She brought
tnenhandlM for Aatorla and' Portland.
' ;.; Uivnat to wed WM yeeterday grant
! tut, to ICmll 1 Kuiilr of OIney and
M MJT And'rwn of ChadwelL The
narrtag will be aoUmnUed tomorrow.
' Voto afalnat the direct primary law
tomorrow. It la bad for republican
bad for democrats, bad for oclalista,
bad for profelWUonlita, and decidedly
bad tot taipayera.';f.1, 4
A force of men have boon put to
work VaaWng awa the dirt that haa
fallen wt(th aldewalk along Bond
treat In WeW Alrl The work U
being done by aid of a sluice bos and
ft hose,
x ,n
, Mr. and Mrs. Whipple, who recently
returned from their wedding tour, are
to leave Astoria this evening. Mr.
Whlple lias business Interests In other
localities and Is obliged to rnovs from
Astoria In order to be near bis business.
1 Ba.
d it "mm
Y01R I mm$ !
See our Burlaps, Leathert, Lincrusta, Wood Imitations,
Crown Moulding, Plate and Picture Kails, Etc.
3G5-3G7 Commercial Street
Houses for Rent George W Barker,
Astoria National Bank.
i 1.
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday to Emll B. Xunsler and Mary
Anderson, both of Clatsop county.
James Lovell, Jr, who was seriously
Injured a short time ago at his fath
er's foundry, the Scow Bay iron works,
Is Improving nicety. A 'v'.n
A large whale has washed ashore on
the 'Washington coast near Seaview.
The carcass of the monster of the
deep will give evidence of its presence
within a few days, and wlU probably
be burned. , ,
8oda water, as made out of
pure fruit Juices, delightful
flavors, pure carbonated water,
milk and lee cream when desired,
and served as we serve It is in
great demand. Ladles and gen
tlemen, Urge and small, clamor
for It, and we can hardly satisfy
the numerous calls for it But
wo try to have a glass for you
every time you call
604-508 Commercial St,
Next Griffin's Book 8tore.
Did you seo it advertised in The Astorian tell the Advertiser of it.
iri irrTinM day
And Every Other Day No Matter If You Are
9 ttttOttoaaotttt BattaBna
aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
cjiLlWr?, Hart's limp Stnra
OUU VVlUUl VI kuvvi iimisw Q w K w
It will pay yon to come to us when in need of Brushes, Combs,
fcpontros, Fine Toilet Soaps, Perfumes or anything an up to
date droK store should have. We make It oar business to fill your .,
prescriptions Just as the doctor writes it. Try us. , . , , :
2 :l -J i
The Commercial Club baseball team
will play the Seaside team at the sum
mer resort this afternoon. The team
will go down on the early train, but
the crowd will go over on tht after
noon express.
Frank Purest!, representing the Ber-
ring-Hall-Marvin lafs Company, with
heada Barters la Portland, manufaetur
ers of the genuine Hall's Safe A Lock
Company's safes, will be in the city
for a few days.
Dr. Vernon has moved her residence
to the Cohen flat on Exchange be
tween Tenth and Eleventh, where she
will reside with her family in the fu
ture. Her office will be as before, in
the Keraey block.
Senator Fulton yesterday consented
to deliver the address to the graduat
Ing clasa of the high school. The ex
erclses will be held at Fisher's opera
house next Friday night The high
school baccalaureate sermon will be
delivered at the First Presbyterian
church thla evnl:ig by the pastor,
Uev. 1 H, Brown.
The seawall proposition I hung tip
pending reply to the committee's let
ter from the A. A C. The committee
forwarded the letter to Mr. Hammond,
who referred the matter to T. H. Cur
tis. Mr. Curtis' reply will close up the
business of the committee and make
It possible for that body to report to
a mass meeting of citizens.
Tomorrow night the Empire Stock
Company will open Us four nights'
engagement at Fisher's opera house In
the great comedy-drama and eastern
success, entitled "Capital Vs. Labor.'
The company comes well recommend
ed by press and public wherever they
have appeared, and no doubt they will
play to crowded houses. Prices are
only 26 and 3S cents. Seats on sale at
Griffin's book store.
E. O. Dickinson and A. V. Allen, jr.,
have opened a tailoring establishment
at 430 Commercial street, and are pre
pared to furnish the very best of
clothing to the gentlemen of Astoria,
ft will be the aim of Messrs. Dickinson
ft ' Allen to carry constantly In stock
samples of the very latest creations
In the way of fine clothing and to give
satisfaction at ail times.
The four-masted schooner David
Evans arrived Friday evening from
Honolulu, after a passage of 22 days.
She met with varying weather and her
master reports that she covered two
thirds of the distance In the last seven
days. The Evans brings four stow
aways, who were discovered shortly
after the vessel departed from Hono
lulu. The men were sailors who haa
grown tired of the Islands and who
wanted to get back to the mainland.
Captain White put thera to work. The
Evans brings a clean health bill and
was passed by Dr. Earle.
On next Saturday evening the Wom
an's Club will give a rose show at the
A. 0. U. W. hall.
The regular meeting of the city
council will be held Tuesday evening,
Instead of Monday, that day being a
holiday In the state of Oregon,
This evening at the Methodist Epis
copal church, Mr. i. A. Bomford of
Portland will address the various
young people's societies on local option.
Mjss Josephln Hanson of this city
and Mr. J. H. Bell of Svenson were
married yesterday in the parlors of
the Oriel by tht Rev William Seymour
Short rector of Grace Episcopal
Lost Frstern! pin, on Wednesday
afternoon; monogram "A. O." la Greek
letters, with "A" set In diamonds en
face; on back initials E. 8." and
date, Feb. I, ltOI. Suitable reward
will be paid for the return of the
same to The Astorian office.
The funeral of the late Charles A.
Johnson will bo held this afternoon,
the funeral cortege leaving Pohl's un
dertaking parlors at 11:10 in the morn
ing. The remains will be taken to
Deep River, where the funeral services
will be held. Interment will be at
Deep River cemetery.
Dr. J. A. Fulton yesterday filed with
Auditor Anderson a mild protest
against the manner in which the im
provement of Franklin avenue between
Ninth and Twelfth streets was made.
Dr. Fulton says that the street is not
up to grade In places, and that the
specifications have not been llyed tP
to by the contractor Ify several ret
spects. The ?Ubtrde was never prop
erly raised, Dr. Fulton says, and the
Improvement Is not such as should
be accepted by the council. The doc
tor declares he does hot want the
council to gather the impression that
he Is an obstructionist but that be be
lieves the improvement should be at
least Substantial. The letter will be
presented to the council Tuesday
night It seems there has been more
or less complaint because of the man
ner in which the improvement was
made, and the contractor has been
"Jumped" by wratby property owners.
He Insisted, however, that he had
made the Improvement in accordance
with the plans, and In support of his
statement displayed papers from which
certain sections had been obliterated.
He explained that these sections had
been stricken out by agreement with
the city officials, but some of the prop
erty owners say Auditor Anderson de
clares there has never been any such
legal agreement It is plainly the in
tention of the property owners to in
sist upon an Improvement in accord
ance with the plans, and if the council
does not heed Dr. Fulton's protest
more vigorous action will be taken.
For Complete Comfort
, "1 'You Would have ono of our new and stylish
n'i:''J 'COUCHES',;
l"h,liA lyourHoti;;.V:,.
We have just received a new consignment and they
; are the handsomest j ever brought to the city. All
' are richly upholstered in, Velour and .figured Den- ,
ime. .These couches come iii raany different styles
to suit the conditions of your homo, ;. : Box Couches,
Bed Couches and Wardrobe Couches ; . . f' )
Astoria's Leading ; Hojse-furnlshers
Charles H. Hall, one of the promi
nent members of the Astoria Rod &
Gun Club, expresses the opinion that
some of the west side lakes ought to
be stocked with black bass. Several
of the 20 or 25 lakes there, have no
outlets, Mr. Hall says, and he believes
they would make excellent ponds for
black bass. This fish Is regarded as
the "gamiest" of all from the view
point of the sportsman, and Mr. Hall
Is satisfied If proper effort were made
the lakes could be stocked. It is
highly probable some action in line
with the suggestion will be taken, and
that the lakes of the west side will
be made attractive for fishermen.
A treat is In store for all lovers of
Shakespeare In this city, as a lecture
on that most Interesting play, "King
Lear,"' is to be delivered by the Rev.
H. H. Gower, rector of Trinity church,
Seatlc, next. Tuesday evening, June 7,
In the Sunday school room of Grace
church. The lecture Is to be given
under the auspices of the Toung Men's
Brotherhood of the church, and the
well-known ability of the lecurer In
sures a good attendance. Tickets at
50 cents mayt be procured from any
member of the brotherhood. Seldom
If ever has such a high-grade lecture
been delivered In this city at such a
modest figure, but Mr. Gower Is in
terested in brotherhood work and mani
fests it in this practical and instruc
tive way. ' i .i. .
D. J. Moore was in the city yester
N. P. Sorenson is in Portland on
Captain Tabell was over from Dwaco
C. C. Mast en of Svenson was in the
city yesterday.
Chop Stockton came down from Bug
by last night
Charles A. Payne was over from
Chinook yesterday.
Arthur Madden of Portland was in
the city yesterday.
W. W. Sweeny of Portland was in
the city yesterday.
M. J. Colquln of San Francisco was
In Astoria yesterday.
Mrs. Hardy Hllliard of BHng Slough
Is visiting In Astoria.
Nicholas Clinton and wife were up
from easlde yesterday.
F. A. Kenny of San Francisco is a
guest at the Occident.
J. H. Thatcher and wife were down
from Portland yesterday.
G. D. Croker and wife of Portland
are in Astoria on a visit.
Charles Elliott of Charleston was in
the city on business yesterday.
D. C. Pelton of Portland was regis
tered at the Occident yesterday.
Robert Campbell and Mrs, Camp
bell went to Portland yesterday.
P. H. Schuldermann and wife of
Portland are in the city on a visit
E. C. Blackford and Miss Blackford
of Clatskanle were In Astoria yesterday.
Mrs. Hattie Elder of Seattle arrived
In the cHy yesterday for a visit with
friends. ,
Nace Grant came down from Port
land last night He will be in the
city for a few days. .
W. I. Clark, secretary of the Cali
fornia Fruit Canners' Association, is
expected to arrive In Astoria today.
Just to Please
Our Friends
Our great White Sale hag been such a success
that we will continue it daring this week. We
beKeve thif is the, best way to show our appre
ciation f the patronage received .........
This Means
That any woman can call this week and secure
those matchless bargains in White Goods not
equaled at any other store in tht city . . ... .
rues vnws nn wrjti coess aie se j , 3 r
All election guesses must be handed
in before 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday,
June 6, 1904,'
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Have you ever tried
our own brand ... .
It Not a real treat awaits you
whenever you decide to make
the test ... . ... . . .
Cupons given with each pacKage
good on any purchase in our
Where Your Money Buys Most.
There's a lot of U (y
satisfaction in a
shoe which, after months'
wear, needs only polish to
f "look I ke new"
a a.
IlJ ?
This ia positively the best $3.50 and $4.00
' :, Shoe on the market to-day, for sale by
lenty, Ralston & -Company
Bncceasors to JOHN II All N.