The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 05, 1904, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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- ' ' 1
cce - Cigars
In Alt Brands etict Sizes
We have them in stock. The Trade
supplied at absolutely bottom prices.
We have added a Pipe Repairing
Department. Best work in this line.
530 Ccmmefclal Street 114. Eleventh Street
I Italian Mother Almost Crazed by
Loss or Her 13-Year-Old Daugh
ter in Italian Quarter.
r. Pale Bohemian Beer
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
The Best Restaurant s
Rtfular Meals, 25 Cents
Sunday Dinners a Specialty
Eterytnlag tne Market Affords
Palace Catering Company S
Floor, Feed, Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars.
Supplies of all kinds at lowest prices tor
Fishermen, Farmers and Loggers.
Tenth and Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON
A First Class Concert Hall - Finest Resort In The City
Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES YVIRKKALA, Prop.
Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors.
Phone No. 831
Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast
Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars ,
Eighth and Astor Sts. " ASTORIA
In S. S, S. Nature has
to every requirement of the system when in a debilitated.
j , . , n111"1111 condition. It contains no stronz minerals or
drugs but is a pleasant vegetable preparation. You can find no better rem,
dy for toning up the nerves and bringing refreshing, restful sleep.
S. S. S. improves the ap- r
petite end digestion, and its , IAa,T8 ?,ed s-s-s nd 'on so he an excel,
eood effects are -een almost b ood ttria" nd tonio. My system beoama
gooucnecw a.e -een almost very much run down and debilitated. I lost
lrom the trst dose. It acts twenty or mors pounds in weight, bad noappe
promptly in cases of chronic titeaadwaain a bad ahapo. Seeing- S. B. 8. ad
vsrw-nai'" inriinvctinti onrl ver1;id I aeg-anits use,aad am wall pleaaed witn
dspepsi.., indigestion and the results after usinr it for some little while,
all Stomach troubles, ajnd From 139 pounds to 185 is pretty e-ood evidence
does awav with the uncom- ' merit on the part of S.fl. 8. H. MABTIN.
fortable fullness, shortness Second St., Warren, Ohio,
of breath, drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after eating. S. S. S.
is not only the best tonic, but possesses alterative or purifying properties,
and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood, it searches it out and
removes it. Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condition ol
the blood and can only be remedied by such a remedy as S. S. S.
If yeu suffer from debility, weakness, insomnia, nervousness, loss of ap
petite, bad digestion, or any of the miserable symptoms of a disordered
Mood, nothing will so soon put your blood in good condition, invigorate
and tone up the system and rtstore the health as S. S. S.
Weinharefs -s
Threatened With Death if She
Made the Abdtictlou Public
the Mother Braves Her
New York, June 4, After five days'
Hence out of fear of kidnaper, Mrs.
Fellpo Basso, an Italian woman living
In First avenue near One Hundred and
Twenty-sixth street has reported to the
police that her daughter, a pretty child
of IS years, was stolen lost Sunday. It
la said to be the fifth case of the kind
within a fortnight.
Two men snatched the girl from her;
playmates In the street threw here into
a closed carriage and drove away.
Every effort was made by the Basso
family to trace the kidnapers but with
out success. They were In constant
fear of death and did not feport the
matter to the police until the arrival
of a letter apparently from the men.
It stated that there was no help for the
child, that she could not be recovered
and threatened the Bassos with ter
rible vengeance If they made the mat
ter public. They hesitated no longer,
and a house-to-house search was at
once Instituted throughout "Little
Italy." No clew to the kidnapers has
yet been obtained.
Bernard Swenker, Who Is Blind Con
ducts School for Dog.
Among the many careers that a dog
that has to work for a living may fol
low is that of leading the blind, says
the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Of course, the work Is one that re
quires some training, and there are, In
fact, a number of what may be called
preparatory schools for this sort of
One of these schools, and probably
the only one In this country. Is con
ducted In Queen City avenue, near the
old woolen mills, by a blind man named
Bernard Swenker. Swenker formerly
lived In East Seventh street, near Vine,
but for the last two years he has kept
aloof from the public and attended
strictly to his business of training
dogs to lead the sightless.
He has found that spaniels make the
best guides, and conducts a kennel of
this breed of dogs.
As the dog which Is destined to act
in the place of a pair of eyes has no
easy task before it, only the most In
tellgent puppies are chosen to be
trained for the purpose,
whose Hfework It will be to lead the
blind, Swenker leaves It with Its moth
er until it Is at least some four months
old. Its playful babyhood at an end,
the puppy begins to go to school, tak
ing as a first lesson the art of walk
ing In a straight line and at a steady
The schoolroom, to begin with, is the
kennel yard; later It is the neighboring
lanes, and by and by the city's streets.
It takes time for a lively young ani
mal to learn that sudden dashes here
and there must not be indulged in
while some one has hold of the chain
attached to the collar. But after about
two months of dally practice the les
son Is driven home.
By making excursions In all direc
tions, leaving the dog to do all the
piloting home, the blind expert tests
and develops Its sense of locality. He
further accustoms It to traffic, and by
kindly Insistence Impresses on It the
necessity for not only withdrawing it
self from danger, but Its charge as
After from four to five months' train
ing the dog is ready for work. It Is
then, perhaps, nine months old, and Is
kept in constant practice until a pur
chaser Is found. Swenker does not ad
vertise, but he Is known to the officials
of the various charitable organizations
which assist the blind.
When a blind man Is anxious to get
about and has no child who can lead
him, a dog is ordered from the breeder,
who receives between $25 and $50 for
each animal supplied.
Swenker has found his greatest mar
ket in New Tork and Boston, only hav
ing sold one dog in Cincinnati.
When it comes to changing hands
the clever little animal makes a long
Journey by rail, and after it has come
to know Us new master It settles down
without complaint to a life of quiet,
faithful self-sacrlflce. -
Fresh and Bright and full of news from far
and near are the pages of THE MORNING ASTORIAN. Its num
ber of readers is rapidly increasing, and it is acknowledged to be th
best newspaper Astoria has ever had. Do you ADVERTISE in it
"Neglected colds make fat grave
yards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup helps men and women to a
happy, vigorous old age. -
Sun, Moon and Earth.
The alteration now occurring In the
distribution In the solar aystem have
led Professor George Darwin tu pre
dict that the moon will ultimately re
turn to the earth which gave her sud
den birth so many ages before; and
It may further be prophesied that the
planets and their satellites must ultl
mately yield to the gravitational In
fluence of our dying sun and must re
turn to the bosom of their parent
We must conceive of the aolar sys
tem of today, then, as gathered into
one central mass, closely aggregated
around that point which from the be
ginning ha constituted Its center of
gravity. And what wll be. the stage of
this shrunken object? It will be a
dark star, dead un. There are my
rlads of usch In the heavens. Sir Rob
ert Ball has said that to count all the
bright star that we can see and aay
"these are all there are" would be like
counting the red-hot horseshoes in
England and saying, "this Is th total
number." This dark to-be will, there
fore, be just such another as millions
There will be no life upon it. W
can not conceive th terror of its cold,
for the nebula has been dissipating
energy, In the form of light and heat,
Into the chilly depths of lnterlsdereol
space ever since the first hour of its
longaeval shrinkage.
What Is the destiny of this dead sun
among whose constituent atom, re
member, will be those In the printer'
Ink before your eyes and those in the
eyes themselves? Are they forever
"stable In desolation." as Stevenson
has it to be borne onward through
Infinite snace? No; the shriveled
globe, the common tomb of un and
earth and Mars and of the bodies of
the great that once breathed thereon,
may live again. Olve It but the con-
Mining embrace of such another voy-
axe and in a moment a new nebula
will be born.
The force of their Impact will suf
fice to evaporate their substance Into
another cloud which will repent the
history of the old. The path of the
two dead suns will determine the post
Hon of the "orlnclpal plane" which
will form the ground plan of the new
Alleged to Hav Shot Japan Woman
New York, June 4. Alexander Chan
dler, a police sergennt, has been ar
rested on an accusation of having shot
and seriously founded a Japanese
woman who was employed as a helper
In his house. He was Immediately
stripped of his badge and suspended
by the commissioner of. police.
No one saw the shooting. Chandler'
arrest followed several hours after a
story had been spread to the effect
that the woman attempted suicide be
cause a Japanese sailor who boarded
at the house had charged her with
stealing $75. It was said she tried to
end her life rather than appear in
court. When the police examined the
woman, she denied having shot her
self. As Chandler was the only other
Derson about : and the wound were
alleged to have been made by his re
volver, he was Immediately arrested.
The prisoner denies that he was in
the house at the time.
Liv Lot and Property Laid Wait
in Oklahoma.
Lawton, O. T, June 4. A tornado in
the Kiowa and Comanche Nations ha
demolished a great number of resi
dences and business houses at numer
ous small town and laid wast dozens
of farms. One person Is known to
are believed to have been Injured, one
fatally. It Is reported that the towns
of Chattanooga and Faxons, both small
places, have been entirely wiped out.
They, are known to have been in the
track of the storm. Wires are down
and details are lacking. The town of
Hulen also is reported to have been
completely destroyed.
Th World's Pair Rout.
Those anticipating an eastern trip,
or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition at St. Louis, cannot afford
to overlook th advantage offered by
the Mlssurl Pacific Railway, which, on
account of its various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately named
Th World's Fair Rout.'
Passengers from th northwest take
the Missouri Pacific- trains from Den
ver or Pueblo, with th choice of either
going direct through Kansas City, or
la Wichita, Fort Scott and pleasant
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to St. Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
dally trains between Kansas City and
St. Louis.
Write or eall on W. C. McBrlde, gen
eral agent, 124 Third street, Portland,
for detailed information and illustrat
ed literature.
FOR RENT Thr nlooly furnUhd
room, lngl or n ult prloes
moderate. Ne. 1328 Franklin vnu.
Yeu en always find th bt 15-eenl
mal In th elty at th Rising tun
restaurant, No. 612 Cmmrlal strt
Lump Coal Larg Lump Ring up
S. Elmore 4 C., Main 1981, and of
dr ton of Ladysmlth ooal. They
deliver It.. Select lump ooal.
Nw (took of fancy goods Just arrived
at Yokohama Baiaar. Call and so
th latt novottlos from Japan.
For good, rollablo piano work your
loeal tunr, Th. Predrlokoon. 2071
Bond street 'Phono Rd 2074.
Union mad heating stoves, home man
ufaotured and vary itov perfect, at
Montgomery' tin and plumbing
tore, 428 Bond trt 'Phono 1031.
Upper Astoria tie a place whore yeu
can gat a An glass of beer, as good
win and liquors as you esn find
any ptaoo In th elty.
Oppotlt North Paolflo Brewery.
Alderbrook Tranfr Company Bag
gag transferred and wood fur
nlhd. Order received at Oaiton't
stable. Phono Main 1671. E. L
Gedd.s, Mgr.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowt prices. Kelly,
th transfer man. 'Phono 2211 Blaok,
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera
Notice to Contractor.
Proposals will be received by thi
Astoria Water Commission until 1 p.
m. on June 1. 1904, for th construction
of a Stone Retaining Wall at Six
teenth atreet and Irving avenue, Asto
ria, Oregon. Plan and specifications
can be seen at the office of th Water
Commission, 501 Duan atreet. The
right ia reserved to reject any and all
bids. J. H. MANS ELL. Clerk.
LOST Ladles' brown alligator leather
handbag, aontalnlng io or u ami
pair of speotaol. Return to 468
Exohange street.
WANTED A girl for general house
work, to go to By Cntr god
wag. Apply to S. Damlgar 4 Co.
Mr. Sohwari, Praotleal Mldwlfo, 287
Band St. Reasonable oharg aatla
faotlon guaranteed.
WANTED Boy to make himself use
ful around our fflee.. Address Man
ager Morning Aatorlan. k
Flrat-olats mal for 1Bo nlo oak,
ooffee, pit, or doughnut, So. U. S.
restaurant 434 Bond street.
For Sato At Gaston's food (table, on
Colfax rcllsr food mi III on 20 hor
power motor and startar boat bolt
ing, ahaftlng and pulley, ad on
Fairbanks floor sealesj also on
butohor wall scales. V
Standard portable and adjustable
howar bath, finest mad, pries 19
Only two aorowa to put In plaoot John
A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber,
423 Bond street. Phono 1031.
Driven to Dsprtion.
Living at on out-of-the-way place,
remote from civilisation, family Is
often driven to desperation in cm of
accident resulting in Burns, Cuts,
Wounds, Ulcer, etc. Lay in a supply
of Bucklcn' Arnica Salv. It'a th
best on earth; S5c. At Cha. Itogoraf
Drug Store.
Wanted Sevsrsl Industrlou person
in eh tat to travel for houa
itabllhd 11 yra and with
larg capital, to oall upon merchant
and agnt for ueoeiful and profit
able Una. Prmannt ngagmnt.
Weekly eash aalary of 124 and all
traveling expense and hotel bill
advanced In cash oh week. Ex
perience not ntlal. Mention ref
erence and Inolos Mtf-addrtsMo)
envelop. National, Caxton Bldg
8ir Modrsl Dead.
Sacramento, Cal., June 3. Sir Mod-
rel, a noted statesman, died from old
age at Hunt ho del Paso today, aged $7
yeurs. He was the owner of many
winning racers.
When the leap-year girl achieves a
husband she seldom achieve anything
great. Beware of the man who freely give
advice, lie probably wants to get rlJ
of It
JOHN FOX, Pros, and Bupt
r. L. VUlior, tk-ereiary
A.LFOX, VlrePrealdeiil.
Designers and Manufacturers of V
tiik latest imphoved
Foot of Fourth Street, .... ASTORIA, OREGON.
433 Commercial Street
Phone Main 121
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked "and Transferred Trucks anil
Furniture Wagons Fianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
Mrs. IngliitoD has commenced a closing
out sals of everything except HATS.
It inolades Coats," Wrappers, Skirts, Underwear, Shirt Waists, Stock
ings, Notions, and all Ladies' and Children's FuruishiDg Goods.
New Style Restaurant
Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords.
Open Day and Night Good Service.
120 Nth St. next door to Griffin Brat.
and adjoining th Offlc Saloon
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
Don't Forget the GREEN STRIPfe
at the Eagle Dance Hall I p. a . PETERSON